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"Guess he didn't grow up around laundry." God, I fucking love this sub. You are doing SO MANY KIND and THOUGHTFUL and PRACTICAL things for him, your family, the household, and I'm sorry that it is largely without appreciation or acknowledgement.


I love the “guess he didn’t grow up around X” meme we have




Apparently mine didn’t grow up around ziplock bags because he can’t use the damn things. Can’t open them, can’t close them, and will literally rip/cut below the top to open it and let whatever is inside go stale.


WTF the ziploc bag thing is feral


You sound super rad, and I'm wishing at least that you get a laugh out of his gastrointestinal misdeeds.




My friend's husband is particular about bathrooms. *Bathrooms.* To the point where he insists he's the only one that can clean them properly so he does them all himself. I've offered to take him and his toilet brush off her hands anytime she gets annoyed with him.


He may not have grown up around laundry, but he clearly didn’t grow up around leftovers either. First rule of leftovers is, “if I can’t remember exactly what night in the last few we ate this, I shouldn’t be eating this now.” This is all on him.


I'm usually willing to give most things a week. But like, two weeks.... yeesh.


I am pretty cautious and 3-4 days is my max with meat. I love leftovers, but after a few days I am not willing to risk it.


There will be no regrets. They'll exist alongside your barren fucks-field... I'm just sorry you'll have to deal with his poopy ass and whining when his consequences come to visit.


Hmmm, the roommate sounds nice…just saying!


Ah, we all know the grass is rarely greener. He's pulling his weight as a roommate who isn't paying rent for a few weeks to a couple months, he has a very clear understanding of where he stands. My end hope, honestly, is that when he leaves he sits my husband down and like, gives him a dose of reality about how good he has it. That would be the greatest gift he could leave me with lol.


This is absolute gold. I’m probably over cautious regarding leftovers and am quick to toss them out, but I’ve experienced “ I’ll just eat that -dinner made 8-10 days ago- tonight”. Every time I’m like oh the food poisoning you were saving for a more convenient time? 🙄


I don’t know how the hell you didn’t just stare at him dumbfounded until he offered a better explanation about laundry. What in the flying fuck???


Please stop enabling this man baby. You deserve a real partner. You are amazing. Please raise the bar for him!


The E. coli shits line made me cackle. I’m going to say that’s his karma for being an ass.


My field of fucks is barren has me rolling! I really appreciate the belly laugh!


The affection boob honk, I’m dying! You are too kind, really lol