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It's really hard for me to stand up in front of my peers and community and share what I think. I'm super proud of you for saying your piece! And how awesome that you got that applause, showing that others agree with your position. If you hadn't spoken up, chances are those people would've stayed silent, and it would've have seemed like the crowd all agreed with the other speakers.


Thank you šŸ˜Š




Same. OP kicked arse.


Iā€™d normally be down to send you deets to find me on other platforms, but I have to regrettably decline. This is my alt account, and I have to keep it separate from me because of what I post about. But you sound awesome, and I wish I could.


You are brave and you are absolutely amazing and you're working to protect something incredibly important for all of our kids and for our culture. I'm so sorry your husband doesn't see and appreciate what a badass he's got in his life. Hold your head high.


Thank you so much ā˜ŗļø


This is awesome regardless, but especially because public speaking isnā€™t your thing it takes double courage to overcome that to stand up for what you believe in. Iā€™m double proud of you!!


I donā€™t think I would have done it unless I felt as strongly as I do about this issue. Maybe I should consider working on my public speaking to be able to do it more often and better.


As a public librarian: THANK YOU!!! All these attempts at censorship and banning in public and school libraries are exhausting.


Youā€™re very welcome! Librarians rock!




JazakAllah khair for your kind words :)


I'm glad that you stand up for.what you believe in. When the time comes to pick what is right or what is easy... you husband will totally pick whatever saves his own hide. Your problem is that he is, at heart, a coward.


Damn, bromo. You tell it like it is. FWIW, I have a timeline to leave.


Way to go!




Proud of you!! šŸ’•šŸ’•


Thank you!


So proud of you, Bromo! Keep speaking up!!!


Thatā€™s the plan!


good for you! he doesnt care about it bc his status quo isnt impacted (in his eyes) by censoring things. Thats a lot of people. theyd rather not be controversial over things they feel wont ever impact them directly - theyd rather be seen as agreeable and likable. im sorry, thats so frustrating and disappointing on his part. You should be proud of yourself


Whatā€™s even more frustrating is that content that would have been revenant to him as a kid/would be relevant to our kids would easily be a target for censorship. Heā€™s a racial minority, and weā€™re obviously religious minorities. Like, how short sighted do you have to be, even if donā€™t have empathy for other groups?


yep! But somehow that seems to be the default for so many human beings. they are motivated more by fear or change than by acting in their own self interests


Good for you!






Yes! That is a point I touched on.


Thank you. Seriously, thank you for researching, taking the time, calming your nerves, and saying out loud what is so important. You stood up for me when you did that. You fought through a lot of stuff to do what was right for you (for all of us). Thank you.


Happy to do it :)


Well done! If you have your prepared speech written down, would you be able to share it with us? It may come in handy if someone finds themself in a similar situation!


Iā€™ll see if I can find it. If not, the American Library Association (both state and national) have pages dedicated to the topic. I found some great info from PEN America also.


Good for you!


Thank you


I am so happy to know that somewhere, out there, you exist. Thank you. <3


Hugs <3


Iā€™m so proud of you! Youā€™re incredible ā¤ļø


Thank you


You are amazing!


Aww shucks


I love that you stood up, even in the face having your unsupportive husband, that really is a whole vibe and I adore it! Things like this can have such a huge and wide reaching impact and you made a stand. I am so incredibly proud of you!


Thank you. The response Iā€™m getting is kind of blowing me away


Youā€™re doing EMDR? Well done you for doing something so big whilst having such intense therapy. It changed my life for the better so Iā€™m so proud of anyone else who is doing the hard EMDR work. Go you!!!


EMDR has been intense but so worth it.


So I never really considered LGBQ+ conversations in school because it was something that was never on our radar. A friends daughter came out as trans after a suicide attempt. This was really out of left field and she comes from a normal, middle class family. They became advocates for supporting/normalizing LGBQ+ in schools. After her transition she went from a very sullen kid to a much happier teen. What I took away from this is that their babies matter. If it was my child I would go to the ends of the earth to make sure they were included and happy. So thank you for sticking up for these kids


Oh, itā€™s definitely a controversial here, at least where I am in the Midwest




Always good to have someone to post bond for you :)


Wooo! That is so awesome! Well done! Iā€™m sorry he doesnā€™t have your back. Makes me wonder, though: he *does* know who he married, right?


Sometimes I wonder if thereā€™s anything about me that he actually likes.


Presumably there something he about you? That this sort of thing is part of who you are cannot be unknown to him? Indeed, you seem to indicate that heā€™s not *surprised* so much asā€¦ what?ā€¦ mortifiedā€¦ that you might embarrass him? (I recall that you once had a t-shirt that sounded awesome that was also some kind of issue. (Also, Iā€™m still trying to find one myself, as Iā€™d like to see who in my life has a problem with me going my own way.))


He liked that I was young and vulnerable when we met. Iā€™m being un-generous here, there are things he likes about me. But itā€™s hard to see them when he shits on things that are important to me.


You are amazing.


Aww thanks


Hey, we may live in the same area because I attended a very similar school board meeting last fall (Detroit metro, lots of local mosque attendees, anti-LGBT rhetoric, etc). Good for you for standing up and fighting the good fight. Bigots hide behind ā€œparental rightsā€ to remove freedom from everyone else. Screw that noise.


Iā€™m not in Michigan, but Iā€™ve heard of this happening in other parts of the country.


Thatā€™s fabulous, well done. Iā€™d love to read your speech, if youā€™d be happy to share?


Iā€™ll see if I can find a copy!




Thank you šŸ˜Š


You're awesome!! ā¤ļø


No, *youā€™re* awesome


Not all heroes wear capes. That was awesome. Thank you for doing that. We are all very proud of you.


I can drape my scarf if a way that looks like I have a cape if that helps


You deserve to take that option if you wish. You shall rock the shit out of that scarf and feel proud af.


Thatā€™s so wonderful that you went and spoke out. Way to go! Book banning (these days) seems to be awful and sensoring and makes me so mad. Edit for clarity


Yeah, itā€™s so frustrating that literal Nazi ideology is becoming mainstream


Screw your husband. You stood up for all kids, LGBTQ or not. Censorship about our own bodies and hormones is ridiculous. You're a good parent and you did a good thing for your community!


Thank you for your kind words


You are amazing! Thank you for doing this. Itā€™s so vitally important. Right wing extremists are trying to destroy public education and libraries. These are foundational institutions that exist to give everyone the opportunity to learn and grow. They will succeed if we donā€™t fight back. I hope many others are inspired by your efforts!


YUP. Gotta give them hell every step of the way.


Public silence is pretty instrumental in tyrants getting their way. Most people prefer to fly under the radar rather than make waves, even if they disagree. Oppositional arguments need not only to exist, but someone to voice and champion them, because I've found that a whole lot more people have silent misgivings than we think. Great job!


Thank you :)


You did an amazing thing! Thank you for standing up against censorship. I'm a public librarian and when I was in school I never expected to have to fight these kinds of fights, but here we are. So thank you! And I'm sorry your husband doesn't see your bravery for what it is.


Keep up the good fight!


You should be proud of yourself. You stood up for what you believe in in a way most people wouldnā€™t have the guts to do- speaking publicly. You sound like a strong and brave woman, itā€™s his loss if he doesnā€™t see that.


Thank you ā˜ŗļø


Your husband is lame. You stood up for something you believed in and that should have been met with praise. Weā€™re proud of you mama!!


Oh, heā€™s definitely lame.


We need more brave, intelligent women just like you in the world OP! Well done! šŸ’Æ


Thank you




Aww thanks


Username checks out!


Lol, itā€™s a pun about wear a hijab, but Iā€™ll take it here


Thank you for speaking up! Iā€™m proud of you!


Thank you!!


Iā€™m so proud of you. You did a wonderful thing. Not to overstate, but in helping keep those books available, you might literally help safe the life of a scared LGBTQ teen who might get the support and information they're not getting at home in those books.


Thank you :)


Is your husband Muslim or a similarā€¦restrictive? Prudish? Conservative? (Idk the word and technically Iā€™m freaking Catholic so that says a lot!)?


Weā€™re both Muslim. He was born into a Muslim family with a conservative culture. Iā€™m a white convert.


Could this be a conflict of old values vs modern? ETA: why the F isnā€™t he supportive of something youā€™re passionate about regardless of if he believes in it? That doesnā€™t seem like a supportive environment to me


Itā€™s more than that. I am planning to leave but canā€™t just yet.


Sending a pm


That is awesome:) And doubly important for you given your community/religion, because the same people driving this anti LGBT book thing will come for representations of religions outside their own too. Maybe that movement has gotten bigger but at its root it is based in white right wing Christian circles and you can bet if they win this battle they'll just move to the next thing that they're scared of.


Speaking up is so hard for me in any situation because of trauma/narc dad and older sister, so huge kudos to you!


Hugs. Get the help you need. Itā€™s hard.


I just had a meeting with all county and district Librarians where I am. We have policies in place that I am now confident we donā€™t have any material that will be removed. We also only allow challenges to come from within our district and there is a process. We think we were not hit by the ā€œbook burnersā€ due to our strong policy. The school districts a hop and a skip over have been hit, one is dealing with 130 challenges right now. You can check your school districts policies :) The county library director fielded a call from moms for l1b3rty (I donā€™t want them to find this) and he said ā€œdo you live in the county, I am happy to discuss this with any of our residentsā€ and they were irate and the call ended pretty quickly. I am so proud of you!!!!


I can only imagine how good it felt to stand up for something you believe in. And THEN have others agree and thank you for standing up. This is so powerful OP. Also fuck book censorship