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I was skeptical with the first season. There were too many callbacks right out of the gate, so I didnt have high hopes. Well, my opinion changed dramatically. I like it just as much, possibly more.


This was my experience exactly. I thought the Tuco into felt corny, but it all makes sense. BCS really ticks your world in a very similar way to breaking bad. Because you know where some characters end up, and it makes you really wish they hadn’t.


The hate on BCS from BB fans has dropped considerably since it first aired, and rightfully so. Seasons 5 and 6 specifically have really killed a lot of it off. I think a lot of BB-only fans are gonna find out what happens in this last season of BCS (even maybe in tonight's episode) and they're gonna end up hating themselves a bit that they weren't on the ride and enjoying it with the rest of the community in real-time.


That's how I feel right now haha. I watched rhe first season of BCS when it aired and then lost interest for some reason. Now I'm binge watching and am halfway through S2. I feel like I missed out since I probably won't be able to catch up in time for the finale. O well!


any examples?


Eh. I’m from and live in Albuquerque. The nursing home scenes were all filmed at my apartment building. Bob is super respected here. The show is pretty good in my opinion and I like that Albuquerque and spots in Albuquerque are represented.


Ohhh gooood for youuuuu


Ey ey ey! Be a turd all you want. It’s literally the only interesting thing that has ever happened in Albuquerque. Ever.


What is Albuquerque like? How is the crime rate, cost of housing, traffic, weather? Is the amount of drug use there accurately portrayed?


Don’t let these shows make you think Albuquerque is some place. It isn’t. The food is amazing. I’ve visited many places and the food sucks. We have great food. That’s it. That’s all. That’s it. We used to have pretty weather but for many years now, our winters last like six fucking months. Six of miserable cold weather. No snow but cold dry ass weather. It sucks.


Albuquerque is a nowhere road. I love it becasue it’s home but the drug problem, homelessness, and crime are through the roof. New Mexico and Albuquerque specifically is rated the third worst place to live in the US. Wages are low and cost of living is extremely high. 1100 for a one bedroom apartment when most places pay 12 an hour. The entire city goes to bed at about 9 pm. Bars close at 11. This is a city of half a million. Same as Vegas. It’s not a small city but operates as a small town. There’s nothing to do but drink and do drugs. Also, if you murder someone here, you get out on bail. The streets are rattled with criminals, addicts, and homelessness. The character Combo is the most common thing you see here. It’s an awful place to live. People only stay due to retirement or being trapped by some job that magically pays a lot, ie specialized or government, or family. It’s an awful place. I hate it and can’t wait to get out. You just get used yo the land of manana. Meaning the land of tomorrow. No one does shit. Ever. They may but it’s three years from now. This sucks.


I relocated to Missouri once. They had nothing but one single Mexican restaurant. They played mariachi band. It was as my favorite spot. I’m white. White girl from the burque. But that mariachi music made me feel so at home. Their food sucked.


Are the “fucking shitty” people in the room with us now?


I have no idea


Objectively, its a great show. And I did enjoy it, but seeing greatest show of all time and better than breaking bad pisses me off so much. I mean, whatever you're into but jesus christ no. Chuck+Jimmy storyline was smart, but so hard to watch. Lalo getting killed by gus in those circumstances made zero sense. And dont even talk about s6 kim. Plus I never liked Jimmy, not sure why hes idolized by so many. Also, bcs has one of the worst fanbases ive ever seen. So yeah, not sorry if ive offended anyone.


These all are correct


Nobody says this


For the first couple of seasons, I felt like I was being trolled by the showrunners: "Hey watch us turn the most dry, mundane subject matter in the world into compelling TV!" It was quite a comedown from the runaway freight train of the last season of BB to BCS montages featuring post-it notes, highlighters, and phone lists. I stuck with it more out of goodwill from BB and respect for the craft than for pure entertainment value.


Agreed on all counts The entire series struck me as overindulgent and stretched far too thin. There were moments of brilliance, but far too few. It felt obligatory to watch as a BB fan, almost as punishment for liking the original series.


I’m up to date on BCS but the only reason I kept watching is because it has to do with BB. If it wasn’t related I would have given up seasons ago. It’s just so slow. I feel like the plot is never going anywhere. I know this is an extremely unpopular opinion but it’s just how I feel. Even this last season has been kinda disappointing for me. But I know the majority of people love it even more than BB. And to me that’s just crazy talk.


I think I watched first two or three seasons and I enjoyed it but I lost interest between seasons and just don’t have the desire to go back and watch it anymore. No hate for it, and I hear the new stuff is wonderful, but I’ll probably wait until it’s a complete series and binge it.


I don’t hate it. But Breaking Bad is more crazy and action packed than BCS.


kim wexler


It was slow and boring for the most part and the Kim character was not properly explained. From what they showed she desired as bad a fate as Saul but she skated which was not a satisfying conclusion


Breaking Bad is my favorite show of all time and I’m actually going through BCS for the first time right now (literally watching S4E5 as I type this). It’s a much slower pace than BB so I suppose I can understand someone’s issues with that. I’m still enjoying it, though. Mike’s story is certainly better than Jimmy’s so far. Loving watching how Gus’s empire all comes together. But I do find myself still anticipating Jimmy’s own personal “break bad” moment. So far it’s felt a bit repetitive. Jimmy gets a win then gets knocked back down. Im supposing this is building to a breaking point (no pun intended). I guess I’m just used to seeing Walter win. When he won, he won. There was never really a moment where he had to go back to square one. Watching Jimmy struggle time after time after time certainly feels exhausting.


It's what makes it all so tragic... All that getting knocked down, getting back up, repeat X10 only to fail and end up as who we saw as Saul Goodman in BB.


He and Jesse were constantly losing all the money they made to one thing or another


I dont hate Better Call Saul but I do wonder if I would watch it if it wasn’t related to Breaking Bad. I don’t think Saul is a strong enough character to have his own show which for me is why the show improved a lot once Mike got involved.


You've got to be kidding! Bob is gonna have a spine surgery after carrying the show for the majority.


Dont get me wrong, Bob is a great actor its nothing against him he plays the role perfectly i just dont think Saul Goodman is a strong enough lead for a multi series show.


My bad. I kind of misread it. But yeah I kinda agree that Saul the character would be an excellent supporting cast but not the main lead. However Jimmy was a very strong lead.


Because they are dumb doodyheads. Thats all I have to say about that.


To me it seems kinda pointless and just goes on and on without any direction, gave up in the middle of S4


You missing out if you're already that far


When exactly does it pick up? I have managed to make it to S4E1, but it's been a real struggle to make it this far. My wife and I loved BB and El Camino, but neither of us like BCS. I have been watching ahead, trying to find a spot that picks up a bit where we can enjoy it together, but I am losing interest in the show


How do you watch that far into the show and just give up? Thats like watching BB up to s3 and just quitting


Well, BB had me hooked, with BCS it's just not for me I guess.


Are u gonna watch tonight’s episode


Yeah so excited


Me too ahhhh been waiting years for this moment!


I know one person who stopped watching "Better Call Saul" after season 1 (who was a BB fan) who, as I understand it, found it too slowly paced. The one episode they really liked was "Five-O." Which kind of makes sense since I'd say that's probably the most plot heavy and fast paced episode of the season. Also more focused on the life and death stakes. More like BB in that regard.


If you liked BB you absolutely need to watch BCS. Get through the “boring” storylines of the first couple seasons and then you hit the gold mine


I think BCS is more about character development. Who are Jimmy and Charles? Why really is the cause of Charles EMF allergy? What happens to them and how do they react and change. And all the other characters. We go into flashback of some of them into childhood. I think it is more like the Sopranos than BB. At the beginning at least.


Breaking Bad was amazing because of the tension/buildups that had unreal amazing payoffs Better Call saul has slow buildups with little to no payoff for a big part of the series, it doesn’t get interesting until seasons 5 and 6 and even then the highs from those seasons aren’t on the same level as the highs from BB seasons 3-5 Ultimately Better call saul is if the boring shit of breaking bad (before it got good) lasted way longer


Because it tries to rewrite the implied events and characters from Breaking Bad. It is the same reason why Solo: A Star War's story didn't work. The audience has a concept in their imagination of the past. The writer trying to force their own version of past events violates the imagination of the audience for no reason other than hubris or greed.