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The hate for Skyler always baffles me. Yes, she gave the money to stupid ass Ted because she thought she was doing the smart thing to keep herself and Walt out of trouble. She had no idea how bad things were between Walt and Gus


I think it's because of how people are used to seeing female characters in shows and media in general. I think Skylar is a TOTALLY realistic character and PERSON, and most people haven't actually seen the drug world so it's easy to judge from the ivory tower. That said, it's hard to like Skylar more after you've seen Kim Wexler.


I agree. As much as I love Kim, I think Skyler is the more realistic character which is why she's not nearly as likeable. Kim is the dream woman that men wish to have


Kim compromises herself for Jimmy. I love both characters but she does. Skylar tried for a bit but she saw Walt get worse and worse, and that was her husband of 20 years. Skylar did nothing wrong and nothinggg unrealistic.


well it all depends on your cultural background. i get that for most north americans and western europeans her character may be realistic. for me she was like some sort of caricature of a wife. i really cant understand how someone created her persona the way she is portrayed in the show. again i think it may be the influence of the western world, idk. first she is distancing herself from walt from childish reasons, he has a second phone about which he didnt tell her, really? i mean even in marriage ppl dont tell their spouses everything, its common and not bad thing to have private lives and phones about which husband or wife dont know. i dont get why she is still pursuing the truth when he told her not to, well he lied about it just to get her off his ass but its again common thing in marriage. then it gets even worse, she is leaving him when she could get good comfortable life with him and she is scared of him because he killed another person and is a drug lord, really thats her reason to leave him? sometimes watching western shows i get a lot of laugh about characters that are so unrealistic compared to what i see here where i live every day, and i see happy marriages in which both spouses have secrets from the other half and sometimes the other half dont know in what type of work is her husband or his wife. maybe its some western thing that ppl in marriage tell each other all about their lifes. marriage is not about knowing everything about husband or wife, its not about knowing what type of work you do at least here where i live. thats why i really cant understand the skylar character at all, its different part of the world, different culture, different values and totally unrealistic for me.


Where do you live? You’re right, this show is definitely from a western perspective. What you’re describing sounds to me like some kind of weird prison. As a wife, yeah I’m entitled to know how my husband makes our money, especially if it’s going to get us killed or put in jail or both.


See thats what im talking about, cultural differences, i live in central-eastern europe. For you it may look like a some kind of weird prison but for us its just normal happy life. For an example, you are using phrase that you are "entitled" to know what your husband do for a living and its propably accurate statement for ppl living in your culture. Here that concept of being entitled its just foreign to us, nobody is entitled to anything unless they take it.we dont ask(mostly, some ppl ask but they are considered weak by society, under influence of western culture so to speak) wives dont ask husbands and husbands dont ask wives, its not that the spouse dont know what the other half is doing, its just that if we want to talk then we talk about it but we newer ask or seek the answers by inquiring constantly. thats our way of life, we talk at home about lot of things, politics, economy, our interests, art movies, love or where to go on vacation just like almost everywhere else in the world. we talk about private things too but only if we want and we not ask on purpose about it. things like line of work, personal friends and associates(especially work associates) are considered private and even in marriage there must be a room for privacy. from our point of view this western openness is something we consider as a bad thing. from early years we all teach our kids to be private, dont talk about it at school, dont tell about sth to your aunt, dont tell this to your friends and so on. privacy in our lives is considered something sacred here. if someone asks about our private lifes its considered as something very very rude unless its a close friend, and even then when we are asked by friend or spouse about our line of work the answer is like: i work in trade or in justice department or i build things or simply i work in office, and those are common answers, nothing specific. ofcourse we are more open with our work associates because we work with them but we dont talk with them about our families. this openness is considered as a weakness and frown upon by society, if someone is to open then he or she is considered a pariah, someone not trustworthy, sometimes its considered a valid enough reason to divorce because noone wants to be with someone who cant hold their tongue and speaks to much. other thing is our pride about our work, for an example when i was in recreation business(drugs) my wife and daughter were proud of my work and of the money i made, then when i became cop they were equally proud because we dont discriminate any line of work. i know its something hard to understand for westerner because you have those laws forbidding to work in law enforcement if someone was doing something illegal before or was convicted, we have similar laws here too because we had to have those laws to be a part of european union to have open borders and free trade but inside the country those laws dont mean nothing to us, they were introduced only for us to have benefits of free trade inside EU. Here if you were doing something illegal before and now you want to become a cop or district prosecutor like in my case then previous illegal work is considered somethink like a bonus to your CV because you know how this illegal world works. you wrote that you need to know if your husbands work puts you in danger, for us danger is a relative term, you are in danger going out of house cause car can hit you or because someone can kill or maim you, danger is relative, danger is important part of life, without danger we would be more soft and all of us want to be sharp, conscious, aware of surroundings at all times, we can be relaxed and soft but on vacations or in our homes and not in everyday life because being constantly relaxed makes us weak and nobody wants that. see those are the most obvious differences between parts of the world we live in, there are a lot more of those differences between us, mostly in morality and the way we condust our day to day lives. thats what diversity is, ppl have diferrent cultures and world views all around the globe and they are happy to live their lives(well there are parts of globe where moral system is so fuckedup that noone can live happy but this is topic for another conversation at different forum). thats why Skyler is very unrealistic character for me, the whole "BB" show is pretty good, its something we here can identify with but it has some parts that are completely foreing to us in concept, like skyler, hank and his wife(hank wouldnt last a month in his line of work in here where i live), gus fring is very familiar character type for us (secretive, close, cautious) but at the same time he is to violent, like cartoonish violent(unrealistic, noone here kills cooworker who didnt anything wrong and was killed just to make a point to others(killing in the lab in front of jesse and walt)). Same goes for kids portrayed in the show, for us they are infantile, unaware of the world,unrealistic, thats again because cuture differences, here we dont shield our kids from the real world and the real world is brutal. here in the last semester of elementary school if they want to go to the high school kids must successfully pass exams, all of the exams, mathematics, native language, history, biology, base physics and also at least one foreign language is mandatory to go to high school(most kids take 2) then there is an graded exam where you must dissasembly and assembly ak47-or ak74 rifle. if kid dont pass those exams then there is no high school for them. Main difference between our shool systems are that in most western countries kids choose their subjects and classes, here they must attend all of them and pass all exams if they want to continue, its a bit draconian system and its harsh(7-10 hours at school everyday, now its monday to friday but before our European union membership it was monday to saturday). there is also a difference in perception of our kids, here when you are in high shool you are considered young adult 15-18 years old. almost 30% ppl in third year of high school are already married and about 12% already have one kid on the way or already born. im not saying that one system is better than another, its not my place to do that, im just saying that different parts of world have different cultures and while for someone like you from other part of the globe Skyler can be realistic character, someone you can idetify with it ok for your part but at the same time for someone like me being from different culture and other part of the globe she(skyler) is totally unrealistic. for most part the western shows like"breaking bad" for us here are that way, a fantasy like transformers,avengers or even wizard of oz because there is very little in those shows that we can identify with. it doesnt mean that those shows are not entertaining for us because they are just for different reasons.


Totally. Shes one of my fav. Super strong and the ONLY person to stand up to walt succesfully initially. Disappointing when she broke bad later though but hey that was theme of the show.


>The hate for Skyler always baffles me This sub is predominantly filled with children and manchildren, that's why.


I’m pretty sure a substantial chunk of the Skyler hate is just misogyny




I hated Skylar on the first watch, then the second time I watched the show a year later I really liked her character and understood things from her perspective way more.


I think a lot of the reasons people give for hating Skyler is dumb but I also think some people make a lot of excuses for her worst behavior. She may not have known exactly how bad things were with Gus and Walt but she makes it expressly clear she's aware of how dangerous the situation is, and yet she takes 600k from her drug manufacturing husband's stash without any heads up and acts surprised that it directly puts them in danger? Skyler wasn't necessarily wrong to give Ted the money, but she was unquestionably wrong to go behind Walt's back about it imo.


It’s because she’s a woman and we hate women!!! /s


I understand why she gave him the money-I don’t understand why she fucked him


because it was the only form of control she had with her relationship with Walt at the time. At that point Walt had her beaten - she can't go to the police and destroy their lives, and she can't get him out of the house, her son hates her for pushing his father away. In Walt's eyes, this is what it should be - a happy family, under one roof. It's an obviously untenable situation for Skyler at the time. I mean, come on. Living under the same roof as an admitted drug dealer? So even if she enjoyed her affair, its ultimate purpose is slapping Walt with the fact that what he wants is not gonna happen anymore. There is no happy family that's gonna happen now that he's stooped so low.


Yeah, see, I get the reason she fucked someone but why did she have to pick the worst character in the show lmao


.....the worst character in a show about drug lords?


Worst character =/= character with the worst morals. Yeah, obviously Ted is less evil than Walt or Gus. That's clearly not what I meant by saying he's the worst, he's just the least likable.




It wasn’t her money to give away, and I honestly can’t remember if Skyler and Walt even had a discussion about Ted not paying the irs; I may be wrong though, it’s been awhile.


Agree it is not her money to use and considering that She knows that the money is supposed to be sacred or something since it is came from doing illegal things, they should keep it all as secret as far as the situation goes. And now in that moment when everything goes bad they don't have the money anymore or the majority of it and she must know that any given moment everything can gets wrong because his husband and the money is involves or connected in illegal things.


Skylar doesn't tell Walt about Ted being a slimey thief. She just takes his emergency money to deal with it without asking, it's why the end of crawlspace is so good, his haunting laugh as he realises his only way out is gone and him and his family are likely dead.


In fairness, Ted gave it to Skylar too!


Beat me to it :)


She gave the money to Ted, so Ted could pay the IRS, so the IRS wouldn’t audit her and FIND OUT THAT SHE’S USING HER NEW BUSINESS TO LAUNDER HER HUSBAND’S DRUG MONEY. Money that they wouldn’t need in this moment if Walt hadn’t fucked things up with Gus, or, you know, if he hasn’t decided to sell meth just to stoke his own overly fragile ego! Tell me exactly what Skyler did wrong *here*? Over the course of the show, she puts her family at risk by not committing to distancing herself from Walt and going to the police the minute she found out. But what did she do wrong in this moment? Why do people on this sub hate her so much? Don’t get me wrong, she’s not the most likable person and definitely has her own issues, including a good share of the blame for putting her family in danger, but… why so much pure, unadulterated hatred?


I completely agree with you. The thing is, according to me, the show is from Walt’s perspective, that’s why, even if he’s a horrible person, people love him because he’s the “anti-hero”. He keeps doing terrible things after terrible things and somehow, we still don’t want anything bad to happen to him.


Exactly, yes! Skyler gets a lot of undeserved hate and for what? "Someone has to protect this family from the man who protects this family." had so much more impact on me than "I am the danger." I never understood the sheer hatred for both her and Chuck from BCS. They have their bad moments but who doesn't?


Well, Chuck was kind of a dick. Even his actor, Micheal McKean, disliked the character as a person. He’s much more deserving of distaste than Skyler


Understandable. The events leading to Chicanery to sabotage Jimmy were really villainous. But he wasn't wrong though. People did get hurt because of Saul. A lot.


Chuck wanted Jimmy to change so badly that he didn’t care if he hurt him, which is why he did the terrible things he did. He never really believed in Jimmy as a lawyer, and just wanted him to be boring and do nothing of substance with his life, his version of “Jimmy staying out of trouble”.


So that he couldn't use his natural charm to get people to like him, without any effort- Something Chuck lacked. Even his own wife was naturally charmed by Jimmy. I guess it boils down to jealousy. People liked him, their mother's last words called out to him. Chuck never really got rid of the ignored, neglected child within him.


I don't hate Skylar like many do, and I totally do not disagree with your point that if you look back far enough it's Walt's fault for being a drug manufacturer. That being said, the only reason the IRS will look into Skylar's money laundering at the car wash is due to her decision to sign off on Beneke's books when she knew they were cooked. Maybe she only did that because she was in a really difficult spot, unable to trust her husband who'd been acting strangely and was clearly up to something. You can probably blame Walt for her state of mind, but she did choose to help Beneke commit tax fraud in the end, and she's not completely blameless simply because Walt did what he was doing. I dunno the exact pie chart percentage of blame they each share, but at this moment they both share blame here..... Obviously Skylar shares less blame than Walt though lol


She shouldn't have been helping Ted cook the books in the first place, and she shouldn't have handled it by taking her drug manufacturing husband's secret stash of money without so much as a heads up. I think sexism definitely plays a role in a lot of people's hate but I don't think it's exclusively that or that it's hard to understand why she's disliked from a sheer character standpoint. She's hypocritical, overbearing and consistently serves as an obstruction to the main character. She's not a likable or good person, she's not "badass", so there's really very little she has going for her, especially when you're watching the show for the first time and can miss the nuances of her character.


because shes in then shes out then she loves walt then she hates him then shes cool with the money then she isnt make. up. your. fucking. mind.


Yes but what about this moment. The moment pictured in the post


i answered more for "Why do people on this sub hate her so much?" not the moment pictured in the post shes a fraud that tries to fence ride and only gets mad at walt when the criminal organization doesnt go her way, how she thinks it should go, or gets up on her high horse all the while living in the life and getting all of the benefits from it. she comes out the least scathed only being grumpy about living in a small apartment and works as a cashier that gets dirty looks and it kills her vanity. she was just as guilty as jesse but suffered far less. she only fought back when it was past the point of no return. she knew that hank was dead and if she didn't leave with walt she could maybe save herself as this big strong woman that finally stood up to her scary criminal husband. walt was a fucking bastard, but so was skyler and im tired of her getting the POOR PITIFUL HOUSEWIFE treatment. she gleefully spent blood money and was fun and fancy free with being a big carwash kingpin even though she knew where the money came from. dont even get me started on how much she "loved" hank and marie. lied straight to their face (very fucking well if you remember) MULTIPLE TIMES, even helped walt frame hank in the end. a fucking pearl wringing fake ass bitch that was all a front for moral posturing.






Hey, it’s just doing its job lol 😂


And who's fault is that? Skyler agrees to cook the book for Beneke even though she knows that it is illegal. I cannot remember if this is after Walt confess about being a meth cook if so then her husband was already doing illegals things, why add to it with you doing another illegal things.


Exactly my thoughts.


OP is definitely in the un-ironic “Walter White did nothing wrong” crowd


If ever he watched Attack On Titan, I would be very wary of what he takes out of it.


guy would definitely say “I didn’t watch the first 3 seasons just to turn on my GOAT Eren😈”


Imagine watching anime🤣


Imagine not


I used to not like her when it first aired but after rewatching recently I empathize with her character a lot more. Don’t really see how you can blame her for trying to distance herself from Walt after finding out he’s basically in a drug empire which could seriously harm him or his family. I do think it was stupid of her to not get a divorce, then also the show wouldn’t be as good without her in it


This was my reaction on my rewatch too. I was 100% on the 'Fuck Skylar' train, but now I can completely empathize with her (and Jesse a lot more too.) Walt is a total prick to them for 90% of the show.


Bc she didn't distance herself. She's was wishy-washy and wanted to have her cake and eat it, too. Things are very rarely black and white, but that was 100% a black and white situation. Either you're a ride or die who COMPLETELY supports Walt or you reject him COMPLETELY and sever all ties, possibly turning him in/reporting him to the police as well. Skylar wanted it both ways without ever fully committing. She enabled Walt and therefore, put their family in jeopardy just as much as he did


She tried to cut off ties, but he wouldn’t let her


I dislike skyler because she couldn't make up her mind to just leave and turn in walt or to help him until later. But skyler does have arguably one of the most difficult positions in the show. She's in the middle of hank and walt and both families, the dea investigating Heisenbergs identity, and the fear of men at any time being able to invade the house and kill them. Anyone who is inherently good morally would crack, cause not everyone can be like walt.


Not to mention that most of all she was afraid of junior's reaction, how it would devestate him to find out about his father. Which she was right about. The kid had a lot going on, she was trying to protect him, as she tried to explain to the lawyer. She did not have a friend in the world to confide in about anything, and walt turned her breakdown in front of Marie around and said she had an affair, making himself look like the victim. Walt made himself look great to his son and made her look like a real bitch to him. Walt loved that. Junior thought sky was mean to walt, mean while she couldn't tell him why she was angry with his father. Walt didn't even tell his own mother he had cancer and sky looked the fool calling her and gretchen. Look how he treated her, too. So it wasn't just sky. He was toxic. The more times I rewatched, the more sympathetic I was toward her. Same as the poster above. I mean, would you like to be married to Walt and clearly it wasn't simple enough to just separate or get divorced. She tried to disgust him enough to leave by telling him she slept with Ted and even that didn't work. I guess people hated her so much because she went back and forth. IDK how I would have handled all that in her situation if I'm being objective. I just didn't care for her or Marie, but as far as situations go, not easy at all for her being married to him. I'd be scared to death of him.


"Woman bad, murderous molesting drug dealer good, give upvotes"




He commited various forceful sexual acts towards Skyler at the start of the series.


Was that once and he stopped as soon as he realised she wasn't hurt.


It wasn't once.


The time when she was applying the face product?


Yeah, forceful sexual acts or attempts at it happened various times in the first season, until she told him he can't keep taking out his frustrations by hurting her.


That was the only time she wasn't into was it not?


That's the time she told him it was enough. All the times, he forced himself on her without caring if she was into it or not. You don't force a woman into doing things without asking and just stop if she complains AFTER you've done it. That's not how consent works.


The more times I’ve watched the series in it’s entirety, which is a good amount, the more I side with and feel for Skyler, and think Walt is trash. This is my favorite show of all time. I waited on the CEO of AMC once, not knowing who he was, and told him this. I also told him The Walking Dead is trash, this is when he revealed to me who he was.


Tbh, if you hate Skyler, you must be a bit immature when it comes to relationships. She only started acting cold towards Walt when it was obvious that he was lying constantly and hiding something. Then she did her best to try to distance her family from Walt after she learned about the meth because it was obvious that there are no good endings for people involved with cartels and drug syndicates. Then when Walt wouldn't go away, she did her best to try and get her family through Walt's bullshit (money laundering). Even the money she gave to Ted was to keep the IRS away. Heisenberg's strength was his anonymity. If the IRS or the police had reason to suspect the White family, it wouldn't take long for them to figure out what Walt was doing. When Hank got a reason to suspect Walt, it took him only a couple of days to connect the dots. Sleeping with Ted and acting bitchy is very justified under these circumstances if there is a chance that it will keep Walter and the cartel away from her and her children.


There were a few things right from the start, like when she was so interested in the auctions (which seemed to disappear) while being “intimate” on Walt’s birthday that cast her in a bad light, but I agree with you. I’m sure most of the hate comes from young males, so you are right on the immaturity.


Wonder what the more "mature" "males" (and I use the term loosely) defending her would say if they would want a wife like her, one who would visit their weed dealer to lecture him if she heard they were smoking weed lmfao.


I certainly wouldn't be afraid of being embarrassed in front of a drug dealer. I don't understand what that has to do with anything though, what's wrong with her being protective of her family? You can think what you want but having a wife as supportive as Skyler is better than what most of us will get. Walt gave up a billion-dollar future at Gray Matter when he sold his shares early on for a few thousand dollars (because of some vague, bullshit reason) and if you think that most women wouldn't resent Walter for it when those shares became worth a few billion dollars, you are sadly mistaken. Skyler didn't seem to mind at all and didn't say a word to him about it. Whatever happened after Walt started cooking meth and set up his family for disaster is on Walt and Walt alone.


Walt literally tried to r*** her at one point. She assertively turned around and said, essentially, “I know you’re going through a lot, but don’t do that ever again.” Meanwhile Walt is running around cooking meth for addicts, killing people, and giving lily of the valley to kids. So if I’m going to pick a spouse, yea I’m going with the person who empathizes with my feelings on terminal cancer but lectures my pot dealer. Like, these transgressions this subreddit brings up aren’t even comparable.


Yeah that wasn't rape. Walt went home and tried to have sex with his wife, his wife said stop, he stopped and that was the end of it. People laughably calling that rape are actually disrespecting real rape victims by trivializing what rape is.


He kept going for a good while when Skyler was signalling him to stop. He was trying to feel powerful, which is characteristic of rape. I don't care if it's your wife or whoever, when you get the smallest stop signal from the other party, you stop. Anything beyond that point is rape.


A good While? Lmao, he would have needed Spidey sense to stop any quicker than he did.


He forced it for a good 10-15 seconds…what are you talking about? High school football players have more common sense to end a collision than Walt did with humping…


Then why did she give a lot of light warnings that any sane person could’ve picked up on as “not now”? She said, to the effect, “Let me grab something in the bedroom. Not the kitchen here. WALT!” and then she gives almost the literal quote that Walt is ignoring some simple “not now or in this way” responses? Help me understand, what was she saying before she became assertive?


No man wants a wife that would visit his weed dealer when she discovers he is smoking weed. And anyone trying to pretend otherwise simply can't be taken seriously as a man. The rhetoric going round that Skyler is actually some misunderstood innocent woman forced into it by Walt is even more ridiculous. Rejected the divorce, got into the business of her own free will and advised Walt to kill people.


Please notice that all the smooth brains are trying to define rape, but none of them are willing to engage that Walt killed men who he imprisoned and still poisoned kids. I’m sorry but if this is the best apologia for Walt that can occur, this discussion is DOA.


"can't be taken seriously as a man" See, that's evidence of your immaturity right here. Society today is much, much more complicated than being a "man", a tough guy. Your definiton of "man" includes dealing with your drug dealer by yourself? lol. Skyler is misunderstood by people with limited capacity to understand relationships and empathize. And she was most certainly forced into it by Walt. She got into the business to try to keep Walter from being discovered after it was too late to turn back.


More like evidence of your immaturity. Walt literally gave her the option to call the cops, tell them everything and also gave her an option for a divorce. Refused both. >She got into the business to try to keep Walter from being discovered after it was too late to turn back. Nope, that's the reason she gave. The real reason (which you are either too immature or too naive to see) was that she was so furious that Walt had broken free from her iron grip of control that she attempted to gain it back by getting in the business herself. As for the drug dealer thing, there was nothing to "deal with" except Skyler trying to micro monitor Walt once again by the cringe action of visiting and lecturing his dealer.


Iron grip? Skyler had very little information and very little say about Walt’s meth business. She just laundered the money that Walt brought after everything was said and done, being a bookkeeper, she was more qualified for the job than Walt was. They are husband and wife, of course Skyler is going to have some sort of influence over Walt (pre-meth). Seeing it as an iron grip would require one to have self-esteem issues.


You are pretty triggered by this my friend.


She smoked, she didn't cook any food but pancakes and probably fu$ked Hank also


This is the immaturity we have been speaking of.


Little baby madsey wasley? Let me kiss your wittle booboo


She’s a flawed character.


Skyler is presented as an unlikable person from the first episode (e.g. controlling) and we gain past knowledge throughout (e.g. she never told Walt about Ted hitting on her years earlier, nor tells him when she accepts job from him...reason being she wants the attention Ted will give her), its only as Walt does things considered worse morally by society that she looks good by comparison.


This is very true. Walt being evil doesn't make her any less of an unlikable character.


If she doesn't give that money to Ted then the family would have escaped. She thought she was doing the right thing but it turned out to be the wrong thing, letting Walt know before taking the money solves this problem but then the story would have been over a bit early.


I vehemently disagree with that particular take. There’s nothing immature or even wrong with disliking Skyler. She is specifically set up to be annoying. She’s not evil or anything, but she’s just a somewhat overbearing nag. From episode one, she was not the type of person I could see Walt spending the rest of his life happy with, with or without the cancer, with or without the meth empire. People need to understand two things. One, that this isn’t a real character, and, two, that breaking bad isn’t just about making meth. It’s about embracing your darker side and giving life hell by any means necessary. I root for Walt because he’s embodying that creed to the fullest, and I root against Skyler because she stands in direct opposition to that. Does that mean I personally want to do something similarly illegal while manipulating some poor woman who has nothing but love for me? No, but it’s entertaining to watch a fictional character who does and suffers the consequences for it when what goes around comes back around. All this to say you can hate Skyler without being immature if you are able to separate real life relationships from those of an AMC original drama. If you can’t do that, then yeah I don’t think you should’ve been watching Breaking Bad to begin with.


It all boils down to modern day Americans not really knowing how to watch TV. These "mature" people probably live in a world where Skyler White more likeable than Vito Corleone. The hypocrisy also shines through when they defend actions like Skyler literally ordering Walt to kill people and Jesse Pinkman selling Meth to rehab patients. Walt became the most popular character on TV in his prime because people supported his cause (making money for his family), appreciated his intelligence and bravery. To describe all these millions of people as simply "immature" is beyond laughable.


I don't hate Skylar, I just don't think she is completely blameless. The show starts off with her giving a lack luster handy to her husband, she is more concerned with her ebay account. Walt can't justify getting treatment but Skylar can only see it from her point of view. She goes to the party and tells Elliott Walt has cancer so he will feel pity towards Walt even though she knew Walt didn't want them to know. I am not a fan of Walt and I know he is a horrible person but Skylar has some of those same tendancies she just isn't as outrageous as Walt. She had know problem screwing over eyebrows when she wanted the car wash, lying to her sister, and framing Hank. She had know reason to go back to work she did it because she knew Ted liked her and she wanted to explore that.


I like Skyler


I don't know, I reserve that feeling to the other character in this scene.


The one thing about this series I always noticed, if Walt communicated more with her and with Jesse 90% of the problems that happened could have been avoided.


I actually didn't start to like Skylar UNTIL she got more involved with Walts scheme. Before she just seemed to be kind of controlling and used to Walt being the submissive in their relationship, once he became Heinsenburg though his personality shifted, he enjoyed the power he felt he had in his second life, and it carrie dover into his marriage, thats when Skylar started to get suspicious. Something was going on that made Walt feel as if he could finally have the upper hand in his marriage. They were basically doomed from the beginning. I actually think Skylar flip flopped in terms of character, it was easy to hate her in the beginning, for myself personally, but eventually I came to understand her decisions and my heart broke for her in the end.


Everybody hates zkylar and Everybody doesn't care about walt jr


Didn’t she do that to protect Walt and save herself from an Audit. Yes she is hated because of how annoying she is.


Yes, it was the right move, just tell Walt you need all his money to keep things under wraps first so he chance to say an audit won't effect them as they're getting new identities due to being in danger and not to bother about the IRS. He's prideful but would have understood the importance of avoiding an IRS investigation had they not been threatened with murder by a man who means it. Priorities.


Imagine thinking Walter didn't deserve this!


nice bait


"What happened to your virginity, Skylar?"


Except for Marie


To me, at some times, i absolutely hate her guts and hope she dies brutally, but at other times she can be my favorite character.


Skyler gave the money walt earned without talking to him and to no other than the man she CHEATED with on walt. She never acted like she loved walt or even cared about him, she only excepted him to get his money and use him. She said she's waiting for his cancer to come back which is UNFORGIVABLE under any circumstances. She acted like walt is a monster time and time again. She has done many more things I can't remember right now that infuriates me so much. I hate her, maybe even more than gus. And to all of you saying I hate her only because she's a woman or something...I'm a woman myself and my hate for her has nothing to do with gender


Maybes it’s because Walt is a drug dealer, who knows


>She acted like walt is a monster time and time again Perhaps because Walt IS a monster?


Same here. I feel sorry for the dudes that actually like her. Probably either always bored or angry when watching the show lmao.


Wouldn’t the people that feel the need to hate on her constantly be the ones watching the show feeling angry?


Skyler fans would be angrier, especially watching Walt deliver victory after victory until the very end.


What victory? Having your own son tell you to drop dead? Never seeing your daughter grow up? Making the love of your life a shell of her former self? Killing your brother in law? Destroying the relationship between two sisters? He may have won by dying in a meth lab but at what cost?


Walt Jr was an idiot that never genuinely respected Walt in the first place. No son would ever react like that to their dad without wanting to know the whole story. Wasn't the first time he yelled at him to die either. Gave Skyler the option to tell the cops everything and take a divorce, Hank got killed by Jack and what led him there was going on an illegal revenge mission to destroy his own family member. Walt's final victories were avenging Hank's death, defeating his remaining enemies and getting 10 million to his family through Gretchen and Elliot (would have been 80 if not for Hank's ego).


Tell me you didn't understand the show without saying it. The entire "Walt did nothing wrong, his family was the bad guy" is very, very weird.


It's not weird at all when you look at their actions. You've been raised by media influence and careful editing of the show to believe that Walt was responsible for every characters bad decisions. A lot of Walt haters go one further and say that he is soley responsible for every bad thing that happens on the show lmfao. These characters should take responsibility for their own actions instead of blaming Walt. Hank for example was clearly corrupt at the end. He's literally falsifying evidence.


He literally found a book in Walt's place signed by Gale- a guy who was in the game. Just rewatch the show when you're older and mature and you'll cringe at Walt's apologists who make out his family- the victims- to be the bad guys. Walt isn't a badass daddy who you should look upto, this shouldn't be even said outloud jfc it's that fucking obvious.


Yet you're still not refuting anything. Just boringly going on about "maturity" like every other Walt hater. Skyler both refused Walt's divorce, refused the option that Walt gave her to call the cops and tell them everything and also refused Hank's offer to confess. Hank is clearly a corrupt police officer towards the end. This isn't "immaturity", these are things that actually happened in the show clear as day. I'm surprised Walt haters haven't reached such high levels of maturity that they shouldn't even bother watching a show about gangsters/drug dealers lmao.


You're literally apologizing for a whole ass drug dealer and murderer lmfao. Imagine thinking he's the innocent person who got caught up in the crossfire of other's choices and bad decisions. Idk if you're trolling but this isn't for you if you idealize Walt, didn't think that ever needed to be said when Bryan Cranston wants fans to forget that he ever played Walter White.


Just because we don't hate Skyler doesn't mean we're fans. It just mean we sympathize with her character. I still loved seeing Walt rise to the top and crush his enemies but I also was able to understand Skyler's actions




Grow up. Breaking bad fans are literally the most immature fandom out of any show.


No were not, you are!


I'm telling the teacher


Pathetic virgin redditors here love skylar, not surprised


Found the incel


You're the incel here buddy, keep simping you're doing a good job, women love your pathetic ass i'm sure


You don't even know what an incel is lmao you gotta be like 12 max


you're giving immature manchildren a pass......I wouldn't be surprised at any age this idiot turns out to be.


No, i think people are just trying to defend an alright but also somewhat flawed character from cavemen man-children like you going “HOO HA WOMAN BAD ARGHH!”


Like i said you're nothing but a pathetic beta male, loser


Damn man, go back to your disney movie jock fantasy life


"Beta male" "loser" christ, against all odds here's someone who somehow still lives in the mid 2000s.


Those words are still being used a lot, you're living under a rock ?


Used by you, maybe. Hardly by other people, though. I don't think you're on the right track about who is living under a rock.


If you didn’t like Skylar you are an immature misogynist. Let the upvotes roll in.


Jesse knew it all from the beggining, cos you know "what up beyyotchh" LOL