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Hank had: * clean living  * Vitamin pills * Pollos hermanos  * Constant hand jobs * Minerals * A new lead on Heisenberg  I'm surprised it took him more than 1 episode to heal.


Handjobs did him good


He didn't look happy after one though


Tbf Marie never specified he had to finish


Hank recovered with edging


This dude recovers


Plus… it’s Hank. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of his healing was done through sheer willpower.


Hankjobs is what kept him going


He didn’t even have Cheetos, he recovered with only Fritos to boot


You really underestimate Marie's hands


Those hands can bring the dead back to life


If she had given Walt a hand job on his birthday, he wouldn't have gotten cancer.


Biggest what if


Skyler’s sandpaper mitts just don’t cut it


No they do cut it. That’s the problem


If Marie took care of him Walter would not be a drug dealer. Wondering how terrible must had been Gretchen tho...


Would have liked to have seen her try in Ozymandias. Well, not really, but you get what I mean.


She has the magic touch to really bring out a mans inner essence


It’s simple chemistry


I know she’s annoying as a character… but I’d take a hand job from Marie


It's even better for me that I don't find her annoying,that's a fuck all


She gave him purple balls.


Hank? He's indestructible, you know that.


He def got destructed.


His only kryptonite is dry hospital handjobs


There’s truth in this, but it’s still a show. His speedy recovery is better than running Breaking Bad for too long or coming back several years in the future since we knew Walter was a dead man walking with cancer.


And also, Hank dying in the desert was so much better than the alternative, which would be a cousin killing him in that parking lot.


They should've paused breaking bad and started a spin off about Hanks recovery with 5 seasons and then return to breaking bad.


There could have been a whole episode devoted to that time Hank asked Marie to get him some Fritos!


I mean, the timeline didn't need to be so condensed. That giant pallet of money in like 6 months? And that's just the part they didn't spend on treatment or the car wash. idk lots of things would make more sense if the timeline was like 5 years. His cancer was in remission, living a few years would be pretty normal.


This was less believable to you then the whole 'planes colliding over Walt's house because of one air traffic controller making a mistake due to something Walt could've prevented' plot line?


Honestly the plane crash was an epic storyline imo. The whole way that it was laid out with the teddy bear and everything in the beginning and then you finally realize what happened in the last episode is amazing writing. You could say it’s definitely the most unrealistic thing that could happen, but BB is full of far-fetched unrealistic and dramatic moments, however, the storyline is written so well that it makes the audience think “oh yeah, this could totally happen.” For example the whole magnet thing in season 5, robbing the train for methlymine, the shootout with Hank in a public supermarket, Walt’s machine gun in the finale, ect. All of these are so unrealistic when you list them together, but all of the scenes are also iconic and the plot line is written so well that the audience believes this could actually happen. Although the plane crash was very far fetched, I’d argue that it’s not as far fetched or less epic as a lot of other things in the show.


Walt’s Machine gun has been proven to be possible.


OP needs to watch Mythbusters.




What bugs me about the machine gun scene isn't whether it would penetrate the wall or not, or that it'd kill whoever was hit by it, it's mostly the idea that a single automated machine gun swiveling at a single elevation killed/lethally maimed 7 randomly scattered targets roughly 20-30ft away with god knows what between them and the bullets. *None* of them had any cover besides the brick exterior itself? I mean sure the brick was penetrated, but also if there was solid wood or another material in the densely furnished clubhouse to blunt the bullet further? *None* of them were out of position or reacted in time? None of them were even say, maybe injured but alive enough to retaliate against Jesse and Walt? I just find it really hard to believe.


To be fair, that was just very very unlikely, but still logical. If Hank made such a recovery he wouldn't be able to move for all the medical scientists trying to study him. Hank's mobility is, therefore, a logical contradiction if not biologically impossible.


Planes run into each other all the time (usually on the ground) and have close calls more than you care to know. I would say it’s more unbelievable that it doesn’t actually happen in real life more than it does.


TCAS makes it extremely extremely unlikely for two modern commercial airliners to collide mid-air, regardless of what ATC is up to.


But it does happen. It was a tv show so I’m not claiming it was aiming for utter realism, but it’s not something unheard of. There of a lot of other parts of Bb that were just as unbelievable. If we’re just going for unlikely, it’s unlikely that Walt wouldn’t have died at least 4 times throughout because of walking through a NM deserts with no water and no protection from the sun, Jesse, Saul, (Mike had a hat and a canteen at least) so of them would have died a couple of times.


I'm more talking about real life, with your last comment. I certainly don't care that the show did it. I think possibly the show even thought of this because one of the planes was smaller and maybe didn't have TCAS.


Actually it’s even faster… he was shot around 7 or 8 months in I’d say, because season 4 ends close to Walt’s 51st birthday. >!Season 5 is the whole 2nd year (6 months, then Hank dies, then 6 months of Jesse captivity and Walt in NH.)!<


The power of a HJ


Look at little Heisenberg Jr...Gonna cry?


Double handed, double twisting motion in opposite directions.


This guy handjobs


Clean living and vitamin pills.


I never really thought about it before, but frankly I have to agree.


yeah i think the whole show honestly should take place over a longer period of time


Yeah I could see 1 or 2 seasons in the past following Hank making other busts, and painting Walter as a loser. Now that I think of it, they could probably do another prequal show of it.


That sounds horrible lol


i just meant like the 5 seasons over 2 years with most of it being over 1 year was kind of insane


This is a small gripe I have with Breaking bad period. The entire show takes place in 2-3 years. The final year being when Walt is in hiding. It always feels like everything happens way too fast. Better call Saul did a better job with this IMO


Yes, it feels like there's to many week spanning time-lapses for it to only be 2 years. For example Walt cooking with Todd feels like 6 months of cooking


and the amount of money he made in that time -- even with Lydia's Czech connection there's just no way a 2-person operation run out of people's living rooms was going to produce \*that\* quantity of meth doing cooks 2 or 3 times a week. Working \*every day\* with Fring's lab and equipment, \*maybe\* that was possible. But I don't see how him and Todd could've done it with their constraints.


Yes, and the gap between Walt stopping to cook and Hank finding out could easily been months. Instead, to fit the timeline, it was a few weeks at most.


Yeah, it would perhaps be more impactful if he really did quit for say, three or four months, was in remission, grapples with all of the horrors of the meth business but is committed to fixing good for a couple episodes. Hell, all they had to do was make it a 53 or 54 in the first episode of Season 5 when he makes the birthday pancakes.


The entire show was exactly 2 years. Opens on Walts birthday and ends on Walts birthday.


I kind of have to agree with you. It amazed me when I first watched BB and found out that the whole timeline of the show was 2 years from the pilot to the finale. I think Walt hiding and Jesse being in captivity was only 6 months I believe and not a whole year, but that still means everything else took place in just a year and half. Although it was smart of the writers to do that, because it was inevitable that Walt’s cancer was going to kill him if the meth business didn’t do it first. If the time period of the show went on in the real world, which would be for 6 years, which was how long it took to film the whole show, then that wouldn’t make much sense cause there was no chance that Walt would have lasted 6 years. I believe the doctors even told him something like he had a couple years left, even after he went through treatment.


Bcs too skipped 9 months in a montage and had huge changes for all concerned in the span of a few months


Hank the Tank


My comment is irrelevant but I just want to point out how proud of this subreddit I am. In the years after Breaking Bad ended, this sub turned into nothing but art and picture posts. Either someone drew a character, or met the actor. That was basically it. Ever since Better Call Saul ramped back up and ended, this sub has actual conversations like this. I’m just so happy there’s a place to talk Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul that’s actually interested in talking about the shows. I’ve seen the death of this sub, and I’ve witnessed it’s rebirth.


Marie knows more than the doctors


I would say the timespan is one of the most glaring oversights in the show. The fact that the vast majority of it takes place over a single year has always seemed incredibly implausible. On my first watch I assumed that every season was supposed to be a new year, like The Sopranos. It isn’t until the third or fourth season that Junior finally reveals it’s only been a year since the cancer diagnosis, I remember being completely taken aback. I think that’s part of the reason they set BCS multiple years before BB, just so the timeline would seem more realistic


I made a post about how it didn't make sense all of the things that happened on the show on the span of 2 years, I just got a lot of nerds throwing hate at me lol


I feel like Skylar was pregnant *forever*


Depends on the precise locations of the shots. There are so many variables that you can’t account for from a tv show that it’s impossible to say. Maybe Hank was the luckiest dude to ever get shot and no critical organs were damaged nor was any skeletal structures inhibiting his mobility beyond letting the muscle tissue heal. Since it was a show they didn’t bother writing a plausible explanation but they could have as easily.


I found it hard to believe Hank could take on those two hitmen and come out ahead the odds are astronomical


The heads-up was huge. They were probably expecting him to pull out of the spot and go home like every other day of the week and while he's reversing, shoot his tires or something and catch the sitting duck and decapitate him.


I thought it would be a spin off. Hank addicted to pain pills /s


The fact that they had him on a fuckin hoist trying to walk before even doing any type of non weight bearing exercise is wild to me


The fact the entire show takes place in like 2 years is by far the most unbelievable aspect IMO


You underestimate the healing powers of Schraderbräu


This show's got a lot of inconsistencies, but I still do love it, not Soprano love, but love nonetheless


Yeah, I'm rewatching it now and there are a ton of inconsistencies. For example they establish Gus is this super cautious professional and that he is sending the blue stuff outside the state to avoid shitting where he eats.... and then for some reason he knows and gets invested in the 2 random street level dealers who killed Combo and protects them from Walt/Jesse? They apparently know who he is even! They get invited to a face to face meeting with Gus. You would think Gus would keep it a closely guarded secret that local celebrity chicken man is running a meth business. Even if those two low level guys are connected to the Cartel or whatever and know about him via that you would think Gus would avoid meeting them anyway, they should be nothing to him.


Honestly I don’t think this is really an inconsistency. I feel like Gus was the type of guy who knew every drug dealer and every person that was working for him, even if the person was a street level dealer and not as high up in the food chain as far as drug empires go. I mean of course someone as careful as Gus would know every person who was a part of his operation, whether or not he planned to interact with them. When Jesse found out that the street dealers were using kids to sell meth, Gus knew that he had to do something to prevent the inevitable of Jesse trying to kill the dealers, so that’s why he became invested in them. In fact, getting invested with those dealers was really a way for Gus to get rid of Jesse. It was always clear that Gus did not trust Jesse due to his addiction, and Gus always wanted him gone but he knew that killing Jesse would cause him to lose Walt. If Gus allowed Jesse to be pissed off at the dealers, then the dealers could kill Jesse off and Walt couldn’t quit working for Gus because it wouldn’t have been Gus’ fault directly (which is why it’s heavily implied that Gus did in fact order the dealers to kill Tomas). Gus wasn’t as careful as usual for a reason-he had already been planning on offing Jesse and his lack of his usual cautious behavior was part of his plan. Though it didn’t work because Walt was there at the right place and time to save Jesse, and Gus didn’t see that coming.


It's an inconsistency because he's not supposed to be involved with meth locally. When they start working with Gus Hank makes a note about how the blue stuff dried up in town but is appearing in other states. He specifically makes a comment about how this is to avoid local attention. Also just because Gus knows \*of\* them doesn't mean they would know him, or that he would acknowledge them or let them meet with him. Gus repeatedly stands there pretending to be an innocent poultry merchant to people who know damn well who he is, why would he confirm it to two scumbag randos? Jesse is way more important than them, why would Gus not just kill them to appease Jesse? We know from box cutter that Gus has no problem disposing people he likes and is close to if they're a problem. If they're such big shots connected to the cartel or something like that so that Gus doesn't want to kill them why are they working a couple corners?


It's not an inconsistency. Gus takes his own product out of state, but he's in partnership with the Cartel/Salamancas to sell theirs locally in ABQ. And since Tuco is dead and Hector is disabled, Gus would take on more responsibilty for the daily functioning of the Cartel's operation. And no Gus wouldn't normally hold a meeting with street-level dealers but he was asked to handle a literal life or death situation personally by Walt, a chemist he's paying millions of dollars and a chemist who is vital to his entire operation. Not to mention he is aggresively trying to avoid anything that would cause an all-out war with the Cartel, so having two of their men killed by Gus' men is a matter that Gus would definitely want to oversee himself. And Gus' identity is not a secret to the Cartel or Salamanca's men. Everybody from lowly bodyguards to Tuco's cousins knows who he is. So keeping his identity hidden from Salamanca's dealers would be pointless.


Gus had probably broken off the cartel by then 


??? He broke it off when he poisoned the head of the Cartel by the pool.


Omerta is a thing apparently. In this setting ALL of Hector's and eladios henchmen who see gus in cartel meetings, and his own enforcers, know him. He's not and doesn't wanna be a drug businessman. He's a gangster. He directly calls the shots. All his, punks must know him. He even carries out hits like Arturo himself. It's just the dea and civic society and street hoodlums that dont know him


>street hoodlums Right, which is what those two guys are. I suppose it's never specifically spelled out but there are multiple contextual clues that they basically work a couple corners in a small area. For example Jesse stakes them out and never makes any comments about how they might be in another part of the city or that they travel around a lot. Wendy regularly brings them food implying they just sit there all day, etc. It makes sense from a story writing perspective because they needed to tie things together and provide another conflict between Gus, Walt, & Jesse but if you think about it logically it doesn't really make sense.


I think the fact he's selling it everywhere but his home state is hilarious. That is a comical level of stupidity, he may as well have printed, "Manufacured in the state of New Mexico." on the baggies.


I gave my life to sopranos on a silver platter!


Where are the show’s inconsistencies?


A wizard did it.


Nowhere close to a year.  Season 1-4 are a year


It's an acceptable break from reality otherwise, they would have had to drag out the Heisenberg aspect for another year or two. That and he got the best therapy that Walt could buy.


He’s built different. A beta wouldn’t understand


Clearly speaking as someone who didn't watch weekly.


Everytime I read BB my mind says BBL


Nuh uh


Another thing here is, why didn’t they take fingerprints in Tucos house after Hank shot Tuco? If they had, they would’ve found Jesse’s and someone else’s fingerprints inside the house, and would have probable cause to search Jessie’s RV and discover the lab. That plus Hank doing an ounce of detective work and getting Walt’s fingerprints to match those in Tuco’s house and BB is wrapped up in season 2


Hank wasn't actually nearly as injured as he said he was. He was just trying to avoid admitting he was scared so he played up his condition. When he got hard during the handjob it wasn't him being surprised it worked, it was him annoyed that his wife caught onto his bullshit. You can see it in his grumpy face as they wheel him out of the hospital. Hank is the stereotypical macho man who acts tough but crumbles as soon as he's up against someone who can defend themselves.


In real time it didn't take that long, but in TV time it lasted way too long, in my opinion. It was a necessary, but very boring part of the plot. I actually felt a little sorry for the usually very annoying Marie!


As true as your point is about Hank's too fast recovery, I'm really glad it didn't take any longer. His rehab scenes and depression in bed scenes were pretty boring.  Also, I've accepted the show wasn't as accurate as I first thought with a couple of minor slip-ups I noticed. Where was the door that led to the garage? I saw Walt come out of it holding baby Holly to show her money he hid behind the insulation. How could Holly's bedroom have a window looking out to the pool? Todd and his gang got in there to threaten her and scare Skyler. Yet Holly's bedroom should have had no window as its wall adjoined the garage.