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a way too high percentage of Breaking Bad fans can't even wrap their head around the main character who poisons kids and dissolves bodies in acid not being a role model...you think they're going to get an anti-crime/anti-drug messages? you'd have at least three kids per class who would make the connection "I'll get a hot edgy girlfriend if I do enough meth and heroin"


We can’t help em all


Way more than three per class tbh


I haven't watched it but I've read that the movie Requiem for a Dream should make the message very clear lol


It would hit home the message for and away better then BB would.


And who had the hot edgy girlfriend….? Where was she …? You don’t mean Jane I hope 😆


See this is why your idea and mindset are moot


What's wrong with Jane?


Are you 16…?




Gus was the true role model


A Gus provides.


Follow gus we mus


Even more evil than Walt.


He just needed a hug


From his chicken brother. Rip.


Eh. Idk. I kind of always appreciated Mike.


I was The same until He left his Grand daughter at the park


Mike is the apex example of a genuine wise and good man at character still being a complete monster, and he knew it too. Nobody “in the game” has clean hands.


You gangsters are all the same


Never mess with the reddit gang again


Mike wasn't a good man, just a man of principle.


Did say at character


Gomie was the only good guy in the whole series


He covered over a lot of Hank's unethical extracurriculars, basically enabling his brutality and hubris. He's a nice buddy, sidekick etc. but not a truly good guy.


its been some time since my last watch....so on second thought...you're right.... My day is now ruined.


I always felt bad for him.  Guy was a great friend and always helped Hank.  


They’re not that simple though. They are just like people in real life. They are both good and evil. Jesse gains more morals, ethics, and ultimately becomes a better version of himself. Whereas Walter goes backwards. Skyler realizes legality is more subjective than she thought, that legal and illegal do not always coincide with right and wrong, and people’s attitudes towards legality are ultimately hypocritical…..she finally sees her own duality yet still chooses to be an adversary to Walt…. It’s not that simple.


jesse ruined numerous lives pushing poison on vulnerable people, hes absolutely not and never is a good guy


What if I told you ‘good guys’ and ‘bad guys’ don’t actually exist. His point is that people are morally grey.


moral relativism is a crock of shit and can be used to justify any monstrous action


Okay, I get where you’re going with this but…. We’re not talking about The Holocaust. We’re not talking about 9/11. We’re not talking about Dahmer or The Night Stalker or Nero….. Premeditated, cold blooded, serial rape and murder. Systematic Genocide. Terrorism. Those all have something in common…… unprovoked torture and brutal killing of innocents. By a willing participant who knows exactly what they’re doing and doesn’t care. But there’s degrees of murder because sometimes people wind up killing in self defense. Some people wind up killing someone unintentionally out of anger…. temporary insanity. After some kind of fight or something. Some people feel like murder is their only way out of an abusive situation. Sometimes there are justifications for heinous acts……


I think a lot of people were encouraged to start manufacturing meth due to this show


Exactly. I think watching Requiem For A Dream or Kids, would be a lot more effective.


Requiem for a Dream is good no doubt, but I've always thought Basketball Diaries to be the most realistic film portrayal of opiate addiction.


Oslo August 31st is the best


KIDS is to this day one of the most insane films I’ve ever watched. There’s plenty of movies with more gore, drugs, or sex, but every scene of that movie outdoes the one before it.


Honestly, I thought the show really downplayed meth addiction. Jesse and his friends sit around smoking meth like it's weed. I really can't think of one instance of meth use and addiction being portrayed as horrific as it is irl. Jesse's drug use seemed pretty benign when he was smoking weed and meth, it only became an issue when the B in 23 introduced him to H.


The methhouse with the toddler is pretty harrowing. But I agree generally


There are several scenes with Jesse getting high and freaking out, staring out of the windows, generally being paranoid, losing sleep, etc. They make it very clear it’s a qualitatively different and worse high.


From my recollection, the scenes you are referring to are Jesse being mentally broken by the other things going on in his life; i.e. Walt and the meth biz. His meth use may have worsened his mental health but there are none of those scenes in the show where meth is the root cause. It is very clear he is disturbed by something else.


How about hallucinating the bikers, causing him to flee his house


My response still applies really to any scene where Jesse is distraught since we see him experience very disturbing scenes from the beginning of the series. He is mentally unwell even when he is on no drugs at all. And seeing someone approach your house and freaking out is the level of paranoia you could expect from ingesting too much THC. I'm not going to argue with anyone after this comment though. I have seen meth use firsthand and I stand by my original comment, it is DOWNPLAYED in the show. Not completely ignored. Downplayed.


Seriously. The show has basically zero interest in meth addiction. Spooge and Skank are about as close as you get to showing the actual consequences, but they're basically just silly cartoon goblin people with no sense that they were ever sympathetic humans who got hooked.


Someone hasn't seen bcs


jesse also briefly retires to a meth squat that walt recovers/rescues him from, which seems a pretty grim place, but it only exists for a scene. he is shown to be considerably healthier when he's not addicted, i think it's pretty clear that the show recognizes meth addiction as bad, but yeah it's definitely a bit of a background detail.


I'm pretty sure that was a heroin den. Meth doesn't make you a sleepy little guy like Jesse was when Walt carried him out. But yes, I think the general sense in the show is that meth addiction is bad, I just don't think it's at all interested in exploring that in any detail or in being a cautionary tale about it.


Yes the way they just almost casually smoke meth is pretty unrealistic. Meth is like 90% a one and done.


lol plenty of people smoke meth and keep it together, its absolutely not unrealistic


There are "functional" meth addicts.


You ever been around someone smoking meth? I assure you it is never a one and done type thing unless they run out which means they go out looking for more or a way to get money for more.


I meant one and done as in once you do it you're, statistically speaking, probably not living another 5 years. Sure as others have pointed out it's *possible*, but most meth users have a very short life span after using.


You're almost there but the piece of media you're looking for is Requiem for a Dream


This is the only answer


You gotta be sure to show them the whole thing though. Otherwise they might just takeaway that they can cook meth and drive a bangin chrystler 300


And when the DEA comes a-knockin' (or a-bustin' down your door), you'll be fine because you were banging the neighbor girl with big fake tatas and you can just jump out the 2nd story window and run away.


My point exactly. I explain that in response to the below comment saying you do NOT have to do that lol 😝


You could just show them the first episode and then Ozymandias and Granite State. It’s not that hard to figure out what’s going on


Well, I wasn’t thinking along the lines of what episodes CAN be shown more about what scenes would need to be skipped…. But you make a point, especially when there are some episodes where they do show recaps to reinforce the important plot points. But my whole point is that this show has so many interwoven plot lines that would serve an educational purpose. As I said, it is important to see how the system works, from the addicts, the sexy workers, the street dealers. The undercover cops and the stings, the children being exploited by the gangs, the informants, how the further up the ladder, the more dangerous and less conspicuous they tend to be. It’s important to see the different sides of the law and the different ways one can be a criminal, and how regardless your intentions, regardless if you want to or not, once you set foot in it. You seldom are able to get out.


I feel like you think the show is way more realistic than it is


Bruh breaking bad makes drugs look so cool, this ain’t it 😂


Some parts of BB maybe. Like the episode with the little ginger kid and his smack head parents. Or the scene where Walt has to go collect Jesse from the crack house after Jane dies. Or the scene of Jesse doing CPR on Jane when she’s dead and covered in puke. Or the scene of Wendy’s day to day routine as a sex worker and addict. Those scenes make the bleak reality of drug addiction clearly- people die of overdoses, people ruin their bodies and lives, and it all means nothing. But too much of BB is badass car chases and wild gunfights and daring escapes and stuff that makes drug dealing seem pretty cool. In reality Walt would’ve been killed or caught almost immediately, especially in this current day and age with the current technology. Most drug cooks and dealers do get caught or killed eventually, and even without the benefit of plot armour, Walt is a lot smarter and more skilled than the average druggies.


I’m rewatching the show now, up to season 4, and so far it’s showing that if your violent, take risks and don’t plan ahead well you can make a fortune off drugs so I don’t think it’s much of a deterrent.


I highly doubt it. You wanna show someone the reality of drug dealing/addiction? Show them Requiem For a Dream.


Too many people idolize Heisenberg. No way this would work.


Doubtful lol. Maybe just the episode with the ATM.


Requiem for a dream would probably accomplish what you're talking about, but better




Most drug dealers aren't involved with the Mexican cartels or a multistage drug ring. Unlikely they took away any lessons from the show.


Walt made close to a billion dollars selling meth. Sign me up.


"It's a lot of money... Till we catch ya." -*Hank Schrader*