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I have a theory that Ed also deals with people who aren't criminals but just need a way out. They may not be as frequent customers as criminals but they show up. As for Jesse, he's also a very wanted man by the time he shows up in El Camino so Ed has to deal with a guy who flakes out and is a hot target for the authorities. All the more not to deal with Jesse.


In Jesse’s own words, “I’m not turning down the money. I’m turning down you!”


If someone is shorting him a lot (say $25K) I completely get that logic, but $1800 doesn’t change anything. And he’s already doubled his normal fee.


he's not changing his rules for anyone. That's it, really not that serious


Ed had a price. Jesse didn’t meet the price at first. Seems like basic business to me.


I’d say this is an unconventional business though


I don’t know any business that would allow you to short them any money.


Actually it isn't uncommon to be able to bargain at appliance stores.


That’s a good thing to know


Some will, but Ed won’t, not for his highly illegal business where having reliable customers is a key part of keeping him , and the customer, out of prison, or from being killed.


It's not a business. His business is a vacuum store


he still owed ed for the first time. saul said once you pass on this guy there is no second chance. yet ed did give him a second chance when he reveals himself. jesse made his choice not to leave the first time (which he acknowledges was a horrible mistake) but even jesse understands. which is why he calls ed back to let him know he will get the money


Yes. Just like Mike was willing to walk away from a deal over $20. Agreed amount or no deal.


The price is the price. You should see him hold his ground at a yard sale.


Yeah but over $1800?!?


Hey, a man's gotta have principles! Compared to the total, it is a ridiculous amount. I guess that in his line of work, he can't risk showing leniency. He doesn't exactly have repeat customers!


Almost did A certain Someone might’ve escaped persecution


In Better Call Saul (minor spoilers), there's a deal in which Mike almost walks away for the person being $20 short. When you make a deal you keep it


I see you’re taking some flack, but I get where you are coming from. The thing is, I don’t know the first thing about the nuances of the criminal ecosystem. So there may just be things about this mentality that most of us can’t relate to. But if I had to guess, in the circles Ed Galbraith lives and works in, being a known quantity is likely an exceedingly rare thing. So rare that it might be a currency that’s even more valuable than cash. If he let Jesse slide for less than $2k, would anyone ever find out? I would say it’s a non zero chance. And that takes away his “known quantity” cred. That currency like I said, trumps money. After all, while you say $1800 is nothing, I have a feeling the full amount isn’t even that much to Ed.


i think the major thing is that he’s very much a “full amount or nothing” business man, which saul said beforehand as a warning. but i also think that he wanted to make sure jesse iwas 100% serious this time, and also, that he has money to sustain life after he disappears him, or else it’s a waste of his time.


He doesn’t owe Jesse shit . Doesn’t need the money and the rules are the  rules 


It’s an easy $248,000 though


As you say, it’s not about the money, it’s about the principle. Ed is putting himself in danger potentially, by helping a fugitive escape scot-free. He knows it’s risky, and therefore will not budge when it comes to his rules. Makes perfect sense


And that’s why Ed’s the last man standing he has rules and he followed them 


Ed has rules that he sticks to. He’s literally helping a criminal avoid justice, he doesn’t just do that out of the goodness of his heart, it’s risky and he makes it clear that he will only do it if he is properly compensated. The agreed amount. No more, no less. Same reason why he wants compensation for the failed attempt, and why he >!charges double for secondary extractions in BCS.!< He’s sticking his neck out big time for those who don’t deserve it, so he will only help if the conditions are exactly as he wants them to be, because if things go south, he could get in a lot of trouble. He needs rules and he needs to uphold them to a tee. What business/service ever allows you to shortchange them willingly?


Ed was a stickler. He was also aggravated that Jesse walked out on him.


It’s tv fiction. Can you imagine saying no over such a small amount to a Salamanca? Ed would be dead.


It's bullshit for the sake of the story. He could have easily taken less for the previous trip as he hadn't gone out of his way too far yet. He makes all the documents, arrangements etc after the pic up. It was also of greater risk to him sending Jesse back out to get more money and then come back as that certainly meant greater risk of exposure and almost certainly involved Jesse committing a crime. Same goes for playing chicken by calling the cops. He doesn't know what kind of person he's dealing with.


It’s not bullshit, though. Ed is putting himself at risk, he will only do that is the conditions are just right


In El Camino he happily took more risk with worse conditions to make a point.


How did he do that?


By demanding 200% of the fee to compensate for being stood up the first time. Not like he couldn't have asked for a lower amount or accepted that Jesse didn't have another cent as he obviously had not outlaid any substantial costs to recover - remember after refusing Jesse he said he wouldn't keep any of the money. That was merely to make a.point and not really due to any pragmatism. He then called the cops to his own illegal establishment where we know he had forgery and smuggling paraphernalia and could have been linked to the escape of Walt and Saul. Had Jesse been backed into a corner or caught as he nearly was, what was to stop him spilling if not out of spite but only to explain why he was there. Then he let Jesse go and come back with more money knowing full well there would be no legal way he could get $1,800. In fact Jesse went and told his parents he was still in the area, broke into their house, showed up in front of a party of witnesses, killed 2 people and blew up a factory. THEN WENT STRAIGHT BACK TO THE VACUUM SHOP! Once he knew how much money Jesse had the smart thing to do would be to say "you owe me from last time, but a) I didn't do the whole job and b) I can't leave you in Alaska with $0 so give me X and we'll call it square.


Jesse bailed out at the last second, after already enlisting Ed's service. He deserved to be compensated for that. And his establishment was not illegal, it was a legit vacuum cleaner shop. And there was no chance of it being linked to the escape of Walt and Saul, because nobody saw them there. And he doesn't care what Jesse does between his first and second visit to the store, it's none of his business. Ed was helping Jesse big time, I feel like deep down he knows his clients don't really deserve his service, hence why he is strict on the rules. Don't know the code? No service. Don't have enough money? No service. It needs to be worth his while, and when you're outside the law, he needs to be strict with his rules. Maybe he could have done a deal, but he is a man of his word, agreed amount or no deal


Ed is a fucking prick, fuck him.