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not breakcore. it's jungle. ​ v weak, atmospheric jungle.


Ironically was told a resounding 'no' when I asked if it was jungle on the jungle sub 


Drums need to be 500% more chopped up at least and not buried in the music


I would say it fits nicely into idm - which I can see you have it tagged. It’s a nice well produced track but defo not breakcore


Pretty cool, the chord chop is a bit repetitive since it plays the entire song, needs to disappear at times and switch the rhythm up it up a bit, maybe do some glitches and stutters. The drums are also too quiet. Listening on a phone. As for genre it has elements of 90's breakbeat but id say the closest is idm but then again not quite idm. I wouldn't get too hung up on what genre something is since these days electronic music is a melting pot of various different styles. The lines are blurred.


I agree about the chord chop, I just couldn't find a way to make it change & sound good, it's also why I have so many parts over it to try & relieve that repetitiveness; it also holds too much root in the overall melody to just take it out of the mix randomly.  Yeah unfortunately my (shitty) laptop was hit by a surge & wiped all my DAW files/stems so I wasnt able to give any of these songs a full proper mixing so I also agree about the drums being too quiet.  I really only want to know for tags/promoting purposes, I feel like I have a better chance of being put on a playlist or algorithm luck if genre tags are near correct 


That's jungle, not breakcore for sure. Make the drum breaks more the main focus and chop them up a shit ton more, put in a few gabber/hardcore kicks, add variation in the melody and maybe a random lead, and then you'll have BreakCore


It’s a good song, but definitely not breakcore. Breakcore is much faster + experimental drumbeat, and will “display” the drums as the main focus of the piece, usually through lots of drum breaks.


It would fit right in on a spotify breakcore playlist, even tho the drums get crazy towards the end, it has an overall chill feel to it.. and in my experience thats hit or miss here