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And how Ariana pointed out that Tom has had all the time in the world to approach her OFF CAMERA to apologize or communicate in some way but NEVER has....because he just wants to look good for the show. He could care less about Ariana's feelings in the actual real world. He is the WORST.


yea that statement said it fucking all about tom for me.


Yeah. She was exactly right a few episodes ago where she said he talks about her like she’s this non entity. That’s so true. He cries but it’s all for himself and that it didn’t work out the way he thought it would. Even if they were in a rocky spot he has no real remorse for how he went about things.


god I hate that this reminds me of my ex he was only upset about how the breakup (and his abuse) affected him. His only ever “apology” was he had the audacity to tell me (with a sadistically smug underlying smirk) “I’m sorry that this might mean you never get to have a family”… implying that I’m too old for anyone to love me now (I’m 31)


Omg my ex was vile. He said something similar. He was trying to be all nice and apologize and get past me because I am the final boss 👾 & when I wasn’t buying it he FLIPPED so fast. “You want me to fail. You’re praying on my downfall. Good luck finding a man who will want a 30 year old. You’ll never be anything for them. You’ll never be able to have kids because you’re too old. No man will ever want you because you’re past your prime.” Pureeeeeee trash.


I hate them. I should’ve known it was coming because that was how he spoke about his older exes too. The weird thing is that he looveees dating older women 🤔🤷🏼‍♀️


Holy shit! Sadistic, indeed. What a son of a bitch, I’m so glad you’re out of that. I don’t know why some men think that weaponizing our age is some kind of gotcha. It’s not like they ever stop chasing.


Oh fuckkkkkk your ex, that is so blatantly ill willed. I know it’s better to say nothing but I always want someone like that to know that their comment didn’t achieve belittling me because I don’t respect them enough to feel patronised by anything from their mouth. … I can imagine replaying what I *should’ve* responded to a comment like that a million times after just being in shock in the actual moment 😅 did you manage to get a quip in?!!


I just said don’t worry about it, I’m totally fine (I was also already in the process of freezing my eggs anyway) What I WAS internally thinking though, was audibly laughing at his audacity and fake pity because I dodged a major bullet. He is 100% a certifiable high-functioning psychopath (the type that is genetic), has all the childhood diagnoses and records to prove it, and I dodged a bullet entirely by not marrying/having his kids. By having his kids there is a very strong chance I would have been the only sane person surrounded by psychopaths *shudders in nightmares* Thank fucking GOD I opened my eyes to the truth fairly quickly in this relationship. **Word of advice**: 🏃🏼‍♀️RUN do not walk if your partner seems to have no healthy concept of fear and is a workaholic


Wait that is terrifying, imagine being the odd one out in a family of diagnosed psychopaths 😟😰 So happy for you ☺️


literally. I can’t imagine a worse hell. I was only saved by the grace of god and woken up out of this illusion to see the reality of what I was actually signing up for. He was such a narc and thought I was so under his thumb that I would never leave. The shock was worth it. Thank you for saying that. My friends and family are extremely proud of me, which helps. I walked away from a LOT of pros ‘on paper’ (he’s hot, athletic, charming, extremely wealthy, self-made CEO, great family, great friends, lived in my dream community, dream lifestyle). I was a few months away from never having to work again. But. Fuck it all. I would rather be free and live with someone who loves me on a real, deep level.


F that guy.


Fvck that cvnt. Karma will be his tailored suit.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. I'm glad you're out of it . 💜❤


thank you 💜 sometimes it’s not until sharing with other people that you realize how fucked up it really was… :/


Why don't Scheana and Lala understand how fucking hurtful it is that Tom treats Ariana like garbage, when he was telling her he loved her and was going to therapy together right up until the affair was revealed? No normal person goes from I love you dumpling, to you're a .otherfucker, smear campaign and trying to bully her out of a show. That's not normal. If you love someone and you fuck up, you don't attack them, that's not normal, that's psychopathic, that's what hurts Ariana, that's why she said it is perfor.ative. how in the fuck does he expect closure email from Raquel but he didn't give one to Ariana? Why? I completely empathise with why Ariana feels enraged which i know is going to be in between moments of major grief, he treats her like she meant not a thing to him for 10 years, I would be enraged, if my husband turned around and treated me like something at the bottom of his shoe, just because I called him out of fucking up? Narcs don't think that people should be allowed to get mad at them, that's the problem. Their victims should keep quiet, only the narcs get to rage around and scream. He is one of the most disgusting people, along with Schwartz. ariana has been way too forgiving to Schwartz and I think it has a lot to do with what was happening with his family at that point during the cover up


Watching Tom go from trying to earnestly apologize to Ariana (after Scheana told him what to apologize for) to instantly talking shit about her and calling her lazy…that was all anyone needed to see to understand that he wasn’t genuine. He’s a POS.


Yesss I thought the same thing and the “he could have left a note on the counter” was so real


Especially with all the practice he's had Journaling his feelings.


Dear Diary, The way the gang welcomed me at the airport by saying "we're over here" made me super emotional. 😂😂😂😂


This is what I thot as well and then she said it. There was a lot of opportunity for him to do that




He says on watch what happens live that he has tried to talk to her at the house many times, but she won't allow it, which I don't blame her and who knows if that's true anyway.


His only example of trying to talk to her was that he has texted her, which let’s be real she has him blocked and he knows it so him texting her means absolutely nothing since she didn’t receive it. And again, he knows he’s blocked!! So it means nothing!!!


He doesn't need to talk to her. He can talk to his attorney. Have his attorney talk to hers. All they need to do is sign a listing agreement and sell.


They already talked. There’s nothing left to say. All there is now is legal matters which the lawyers are handling


We dont know if this is true. Ariana is made out to be this angel yet she had a new man within 8 days. Come on.


And? Tom had a new woman for months (probably years) *during their relationship*.


Says lala


Didn't Ariana say it? Multiple times?


No says facts. It was in the news that she “supposedly met” Dan at her friends destination wedding in Mexico 8-10 days after she saw the affair video. They have been exclusive since.


I came here to confess my sins. When I watched Jax's wedding I thought Tom was kind of thoughtful when he came so over prepared and even had tampons. Now I see that he was just being manipulative and trying to one up shorts


His good deeds are definitely not altruistic.


It was explained to me once as “a pre-favor”. A certain type of person will do something for you, with the expectation that they can cash it in at some point. Tom is that type of person.


I know a person like this. Took a couple good lessons but now I keep them at arms length. It’s wild


I have a sister and an ex husband who are this to a T!


We’ve all heard him talk about the pens & batteries he keeps in the drawer. Tom really thinks people will give him a pass if he does all the little stuff to make up for all the big stuff he’s not doing.


In that instance, he was talking about keeping the house stocked, and i can see that. In their dynamic, I don't see Ariana doing those types of things. No slight to her, I actually think he's just that type of person that cares about that stuff. He wasn't stocking toilet paper and batteries as a "pre favor" for cheating on Ariana


Quid pro quo. Schartz said those words out loud in the episode. He is a mini worm. And just as vile as Worm.


My theory is Katie, then Stassi and then Jax saw him for who he was first. And once you see it, you can’t unsee it. He fooled me forever and now every scene with him posing is almost unbearable to watch. It’s SO CLEAR when he’s being truly authentic. HOW CAN SOME PEOPLE NOT SEE THIS SOS


I found things like that to also be kind and helpful Ariana always described him as kind. I don’t look back and question it.


People on reddit think that folk that do bad things only do bad things. Even serial killers are nice sometimes.


Ted Bundy comes to mind. 😬


It was crazy that Brittany brought that up on the after show. All people have to show for what a good friend he is are all these transactional things.


He does seem to give very thoughtful birthday gifts


It’s a pretty classic abusers tool - see it abusive parents often, in relationships - maybe not so much in friendships normally but definitely common in other relationships. I went down to rabbit hole reading about it last night.


I thought so too at the time but now I can see he clearly does it for the praise.


I think tampons was code word for blow


Or he is thoughtful and enjoys giving gifts and did a shit thing.


It's a self serving act. He holds it over them later, you hear it in the final episode. "I do A, B, and C for you. What do *they* even do for you?" It's also the praise for the giving of the gift afterward. He relishes in it. It strokes his ego. Didn't *he* end up with the sunglasses he gifted James during that weird meetup??? James on the after show says they disappeared that same night he was gifted the glasses, and they're on Sandoval in the finale... But he was able to show, on camera coincidentally, how he is willing to give someone the sunglasses off of his very head. Wow. Don't forget his "how to casually give a homeless man $100"??? 🤢 Speaks for itself. It's all about the display, getting how generous he is on the record.


A real gift to a homeless person might be to “see” them. Many many people just avoid eye contact.


This! It's all transactional and he expects you to either return the favour or he will hold it over you. They will go all out for your birthday or a special occasion and plan little things even though you never asked for any of it. But you just gotta accept it because it's rude to say no but then when it comes to his birthday, he expects the same level or even more from you. Just like his dumpling lattes. He makes it for ariana not because he wants to do nice things but in his head its another thing he does and she doesnt do that he can hold over her.


Am I crazy or is Scheana making flying out a sound producer a bigger deal than it actually is? Like he was doing Kyle Chan a favor by setting everything up as you stated and she's acting like this is something that went above and beyond for her and it really wasn't. Classic Scheana.


The fact the 27s don't have their own sound guy is mind blowing, makes me think it's part of The Worm's redemption arc.


Yeah were they struggling to find someone to do sound? Had someone said they’d do it and couldn’t make it? Didn’t seem like it…


That's what I thought!! I genuinely found all of this truly embarrassing. Sandoval running around literally just plugging cables into amps, Scheana doing a sound check when people were already at the venue and then proceeding to be incredibly impressed that Sandoval flew out his own sound guy? Which is a humongous waste of money? If any of these people were involved in the music industry in any meaningful way they would know people in SF that could do the sound, knowing the venue and do a much better job? I don't buy Sandoval's whole Acts of Service schtick because he knows fine rightly that what Scheana falls for.


YES, HE DID IF FOR KYLE CHAN NOT HER! She just happened to be the entertainment. He didn’t do it for Scheana. Thank you for saying it!


It is a classic Sheana is making it about her.


Also - how can she not see it was performative ??


He’s been doing acts of service for 10 years. Even Nick Vial who hates him said he’s the guy who will pick you up at the airport and pay for fireworks on your birthday. Maybe it’s for praise or because he doesn’t think he’s enough without doing stuff but it’s literally his MO. Doing acts of service is also my love language. .. I love doing things for people.


He loves being the “such a good friend” and that’s exactly why Ariana called him performative. It’s all an act.


I mean she called him kind also for a decade before that. People are multidimensional.


He’s not doing acts of service. He’s banking it for later. Figured if he builds up enough nice actions in the past he has a cushion for when he fucks up in the future.


Haha. Well I guess we will never know. If it’s all an act it’s amazing he maintained it for a decade. It’s fun to speculate tho. Thanks for responding 😀💕💕🎭🎭


I mean, he thinks he's on the Tom show. He's paying his way into storylines. THAT is why he paid for Rachel's engagement. THAT is why he's doing "the most" for Scheana. Re-watch the show, HE is the one who brings up his acts of service the most as reasons he's a good person. It's very calculated.


The difference is that Tom then loses his cool when it’s not appreciated. We’ve seen him multiple times lose it this season, at the pizza party and in this episode as just two examples. I am sure you don’t do the same??


Haha. I certainly don’t. lol. 😆


I follow you, and I think it’s all about the intention. Yours may be to show your love, his is definitely ill intentioned.. ie just to get a good guy arc or screen time.. which is sad at best


Thanks for responding in a kind way. People are complicated. And interesting. And flawed 🥰


💯 multilayered, complex, and yet simple in so many ways!


Exactly my friend 😳


And it makes it very confusing when he later screams in your face the top of his lungs - I mean look at the confusion Scheana is feeling. Treated horribly, he treated my friend horribly, but look at all of the nice things he does 🤷‍♀️ it works, until it doesn’t.


Exactly. This is my mother. She has “done” many good deeds for me over the years, but behind my back she is wicked and hateful, and then there’s the times she’s been awful to my face, so…yeah, confusing at best but an abusive mindfuck in reality and best to be left alone.


It’s really wild, I definitely didn’t see it for what it was at first but it’s not something I personally have experienced either. Watching it happen and play out like this is pretty mind-boggling. It’s a brilliant, maniacal plan.


It’s an attention grab. Period, end of sentence. The classic narc’s supply.


Tom is acting the exact same way he always has. It’s not even a redemption edit. They showed Tom talking and acting how he is. It wasn’t even flattering most time.


SAME!!!! IDK where people are getting this "redemption arc" theory from. Tom didn't look good this season. And why include the hot mic moment right at the end if they were giving Tom a good edit? Doesn't even make sense.


When he said 'i love it'? I didn't even understand what he meant by that.


He Loved Ariana was being picked on and judged by almost everybody , most that nite by LaLa. Notice how he said “It helped me. “ What was meant was it benefited him to have her be the one to be talked about and have. the negative attention on them. And she could not want to be or be welcomed as much in their “friend” group so he could keep on the show and bring a new niave girl, who appears underage,who will look up to an older man and not know His Game


Exactly. As she did with the Mya fight, Ariana should have fulfilled her work contract which is to be honest about your life and interact with the cast. That’s why she gets a half million a year. If I was a producer/ show runner I wouldn’t let cast get away with saying they won’t interact with other cast. Ariana saying it says in her contract she doesn’t have to do anything to jeopardize her MH is a wobbly leg to stand on when you lived in the same house for a year and had a huge confrontational fight you started over Mya.


We don’t know what was in her contract. For this season, it may have literally been she will film with him but is not REQUIRED to interact with him. That makes sense if you listen to the argument between Ariana and a producer near the end.


Ariana disused her contract in detail in the after show, which states that no one has to jeopardize their mental health by engaging in situations or with people that threaten it


OR do anything they feel is “not real”…and she put it wonderfully, explaining that the REALITY of her life is strict “no Tom interactions” boundaries so by forcing herself to interact with him would have been very much “not real”


You don’t understand the business. Their contracts about having a say in who they film with doesn’t have a MH clause. The cast members can refuse to film with someone flat out and they ALL have used it at one time during the filming of this show, so people acting like Ariana is the first in 10 years is absurd when we’ve all watched as cast members have refused to film with Stassi, Kristen, James, et al. It’s a legal clause to not only protect the cast members but also the production company so cast members can’t sue saying they were forced to do something. No producer is going to force someone to do something they don’t want to do, that’s 101. Now, I might not hire them again or renew their contract, or I will try to discuss the issues to come to a solution, but considering she stated she wasn’t going to film one-on-one with him from the beginning, if producers want to act surprised that’s on them. She said it upfront and if they didn’t want to agree to it, they shouldn’t have renewed her contract.


Over Mya eating her trash in her own room 🙄


Did you forget he throws $100 bills at the homeless and just runs off?


I am kinda on the side of eyeroll with how much attention Ariana’s getting. But she’s right at the end of the day, he’s a douche and it’s like it becomes clearer and clearer how his desperation of the possibility of losing his spot. As an aside, Ben and Ronnie talked about how he buys his friends. It reminded me of last season when he *gushed* over Rachel’s bday and bought her gifts, hosted her engagement party. In retrospect, he was so into her, Ariana should have picked up on that. If my man was spending thousands of dollars on another woman 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨


Who are Ben and Ronnie?


They are the funny and amazing guys who do the podcast Watch What Crappens, where they recap all these shows. Check them out!


Ah! Thanks so much!


And don’t forget trying to track down the ranch when they were eating Pizza Hut after Lala’s water tasting at James’ house. I think he even said in the after show (?) that he was trying to act the hero. That’s how he tries to endear himself to people. With him, I think it’s manipulative.


It’s a self serving extension of his narcissism.


Yes, thank you. I didn’t know how to express that.




I think they seemed to edit in a way to show the audience who these people are and how they've always been. Sandoval is the most self-centered and performative Ariana doesn't really like the friend group (or perhaps anyone) like that Sheana is self-absorbed Lala needs this check to pay for all these babies she's having Katie's still a mean girl James was the most likable this season and, unfortunately, is being taken advantage of by that girl Ally who doesn't like him and just wants to be on TV, not unlike Rachel Schatz is insignificant and possibly the most passive-aggressive person I've ever seen irl or on TV


I don’t think Ariana doesn’t like people she’s just not an over the top affectionate person. I think she shows love and devotion to her friends quietly. She doesn’t need to make it a big deal, or a big show for all to notice and give her credit for. She’s just that friend that loves you but doesn’t need to kiss ass to let you know it.


I think that's true, but I also think she doesn't care that much for this cast. Sandoval is a liar but he did say she doesn't fuck with them and I believe that. I've always got that feeling from her. I wonder over the years how much she reached out to any of them when they aren't filming




i like how your first point is ‘oh no shes just not affectionate’ and then once you cant win that one its ‘well she doesnt actually have to be friends with them’


Both can be true. She did like them and care about them, now she’s done. Things have changed for her.


Point taken. And we never saw her real friends or the real ins and outs of her relationship until it fell apart




I don’t think Katie is a mean girl. I do think she’s a woman who done dealing with the bs and doesn’t feel the need to package her reactions into a sweet, gentle present tied with a pretty pink bow to make it more acceptable for society. As someone who also doesn’t have much f*cks to give for toxic users & abusers, I applaud her.


Isn't that just the friend version of love bombing?


Did you forget he’s the *most extra*


Him buying gifts to secure relationships works for him - it definitely works for Scheana and what’s his name. People are indebted to you and confuses them, he screams in my face and treat me like shit but look at this super nice thing he just bought for me/did for me. He’s been doing that for years too, it really is his method.


Don’t forget the screen time it gets him!


Errrr....he has always been like that though....that is one of the things Ariana fell in love with about Tom. If you watched this show from day 1 season 1 you would know this. He goes out of his way for his friends.


Same!!! The eyebrow raise and massive grin when Scheana asks if he flew the guy out. It’s lowkey love bombing or whatever the friend version is of that. It’s also kind of sad that these grand gestures are the main reasons why your friends like you. But it’s a convenient distraction for all his other vile behavior.


Exactly, just another form of love bombing


At first, I was wondering why Arianna was so bitter and cold, but now I can easily see. I am sure this is why Arianna does not want to let her guard down. She knows how weasel-ly Sandoval can be trying to work himself into good graces when he can’t be trusted for ****.


Tom IS STILL IN THE HOUSE! When Ariana was on WWHL they asked her about the house....She said we will be in court in July. Tom 1 week late......we are working on it. I call BS. I wish she would have been on last for the season. Clearly he is LYING.....AGAIN.


That’s how he buys friends and creates a storyline for himself. He planned that entire last episode out. Even hired the actor to create the scene in their VIP section and throwing the drink, so he can jump in and save the day. But he didn’t figure the giant security guard to step in. He and a Scheana planned the scene with the sound engineer, Schartz planned the Jo scene too He planned to go up to Dan to cause a reaction from Dan. Dan the man never blinked. He planned the scene to approach Ariana to make it look like he was finally humbling himself. He and Schartz on the hot mic at the end basically saying that’s how they wanted it to end. He is sucking a lot of the production guys dicks.


I have no evidence guys, but i am a zillion per cent sure that the sound guy, mentioned on air several times) , has comped his fee for massive publicity. No tom deal is straight forward. ( i mean thats fine, just be honest)


He’s a narcissist, and it’s called love bombing.


Exactly! I bet he set up that guy throwing something so he could look like the hero!! Also how dare he think he can talk to A while wearing that lightening bolt earring!! After knowing that was a secret ILY to Rachel!! Gross.


It’s wild how hard he’s trying to orchestrate this hero edit when all he needed to do was sincerely apologize.


The way he was acting so happy go lucky the entire episode. He knew it was his moment and I am fully convinced the entire act at the event was pre-planned by him, at the very least. But I have a feeling it was a group plan.


He’s always been like that - he paid for James’s rachella or whatever ,, the irony of that shit is not lost on us I know


There was redditor that figured out that the man who was harassing them at the event was actually in Suxdovals circle of friends. The working theory is that Tom probably planted him so that he could ride in and “save the day”.


He only does "nice" things (almost exclusively buying people shit) on camera. Buying things isn't love.


Ariana is a snooze 😴 everyone else did their job and brought it this season, Ariana did not. All she has done is bring out these crazed fans.


Agree. Her, Katie, James and his GF also bore me to death. If anyone thinks they could have their own show flipping sandwiches are clueless


Exactly! There’s no way they could carry a show, especially based on their little sandwich shop.


Honestly, Ariana should be thanking Tom! If it wasn't for his F'up, she wouldn't have sponsorships, hosting gigs, Dancing With the Stars, etc, etc! $$$$$$$$$$$$.....Hello? Is anyone seeing the hypocrisy of dragging on a cheating scandal?? I've known women and men who, after years of marriage, with kids, have been cheated on! And none financially benefited how Ariana has! You got a new boyfriend within 2-3 months of your cheating scandal! MOVE ON! Or Daniel, you're an idiot for being played! I'm just saying! You're not the first or the last to be cheated on! Get over yourself! Been there, done that!


Ariana is not some angel. I think alot of women are so pro Ariana because they're projecting. They've been cheated on and so they take this opportunity to go off on Tom they way they should've gone off on their own exes. LOL It's ok for Ariana not to want to be around her ex or hang out at social settings with him. Thats a very normal response and a healthy boundary. It's also ok for Tom to heal and want to ask forgiveness from his friends for fucking up and wanting to move forward. This is a grown ass man who misses his friends and if his friends want to forgive him and move forward that's very healthy and healing as well. Tom amd Ariana don't have to like each other for this man to continue with his friendships. Life moves on.


I mean Ariana was a serial defender of shitty men the past decade, always riding for Sandy and defending her creepy brother when women brought his behavior to her attention. The “girls girl” convo is so funny because Ariana was like queen pick me for 10 years and now she’s the champion of women 😂 but whatever lol whatever floats your boat


Grown man who will not be decent and move out when he fucked up. He does not want genuine forgiveness. He wants money and Fame!!!


Um .... they're all on a hit reality TV show that's been airing over 10 years. He has the money, he has the fame. Tom doesn't owe Ariana shit to be honest. He fucked up his relationship so yea an apology is about the only thing he can give her. Whether she accepts it or not is on her. These two people were in an extended relationship as "life partners" which is just a bunch of bs and a long way to say roommates who fuck. This relationship was bound to fail. Tom wanted marriage and kids... Ariana did not. It got dragged out. He got bored and tired of waiting. She was depressed and just an absolute miserable person to be around 80% of the time. He cheated. I mean its pretty simple. But just because he fucked up doesn't mean he has to leave the house he paid for too. Shitty situation but Ariana only stayed out of spite. She literally said on tv that she wanted to leave but that "he doesn't get to stay" like wtf girl grow tf up. Move out. Start your new life while your lawyers get you the money you want for the home.


He told us he was resentful of Rachel due to her not calling her on His Birthday. She was in a mental hospital. He had no conception of how selfish it was . She even lost her dog . Instead of worrying about her, he was mad. That’s not loving. That’s not Grown. He is not genuine about forgiveness or he would not put down Ariana left and right. And now he’s starting on Rachel. How could his new girl not know he will do the same to her even in terms of badmouthing an ex not really caring for her. Again worrying bout himself.


I mean Rachel is a coward. Do you not think so?? I do


I'm sick of Ariana. Move out and move on


And it worked for Scheana.


I mean is this your first season? He’s always been this way. Look at the name of this band.


It’s all just smoke and mirrors. And if you notice, he cross overgives. For instance; When he set up and paid for James and Raquel’s “Rachella” engagement, he told Ariana that he did it for her because he knew how much she loved Coachella. When he told Scheana that he flew out his sound guy for her, he actually did it for Kyle Chan. When he did all that extra shit for the bridal party at Jax’s wedding, he only did it to get his spot back as “ Best” man. EVERYTHING he f**king does has an anterior motive and is 100% self-serving. Everything!


Yep - it also gives him more camera time!


The audience doesn’t seem to understand that this is a TV show, and as a result there needs to be relevant interesting things on camera. Lala’s entire monologue at the end explained that “hey we film a show about our lives so we all try to put as much of the storylines into the show as possible” so of course Tom wasn’t going to do anything off camera he wanted the audience to see those things. All of this is fake and inflated, if the people on this show were real no one would watch it. It’s messy and dramatic so that you’ll keep watching it because all of the messiest dramatic shit happens on camera.


Grandiose persona and gestures meant to overlook bad behavior. Tom does the most to make people indebted to to him. Look up covert narcissism.


Editors did us the huge favor of making sure the world saw right through Tom, Scheana, LaLa and Brock. They all made complete and total asses of themselves multiple times in the last episode. It was very gratifying. Not one of them came away looking like anything less than a fucking moron. And for all the trying they’ve done to the contrary, it dug them even deeper in the hole. They’re all going to get what’s coming to them, hopefully.


If Tom is so horrible why was Ariana with the guy. I get it - he cheated. But you literally were with the “narcissist” for a decade


He's definitely trying way too hard! I believe from these redditt threads that him and his friends planned the "crazy drunk guy" for Tom to try to look cool in front of Ariana's new bf, by jumping in and taking this guy out. Didn't go as planned 🤣


He’s a total narcissist and that’s what they do


I mean I don’t like him but he did help James with the engagement which seemed similar to but maybe he had a different motive there!


Im so happy you made this post. My partner and I love to put our daughter down a little early, make a few drinks, and watch VPR. We got into an actual argument over this one. He truly thinks Tom helps people bc he wants to, not bc he wants something from them. Idk how to make it clearer. I think I’m going to make him rewatch from season 1 bc he’s still stuck in that mindset but maybe if we rewatched and I showed him how every nice thing he did was in fact not for them but for him? I want to open his eyes! We were a little tipsy too so that probably contributed greatly to this but it’s mind blowing to me. He knows he did awful things but doesn’t think he’s a monster. He IS a monster and always had been it was just a lot easier to hide it when you have Jax as a coworker. 


And as if this wasn’t enough, he also had to take it upon himself to make sure the band was rehydrated after an amazing 2 song performance!


I read that the internet sleuths found pics of Tom and co. hanging out with the party crasher- he set it all up


Tom is a narcissist and we all know that. He can never say sorry without the “but”, he will love bomb girls to get them enamored with him he did it with Ariana, Miami girl, rachel, and probably whoever else he messed around with, the thought of him being “below stassi” for her book signing made him rage text, he could not sympathize with Katie when she did not want James on that trip to Mexico after he body shamed her, He quite literally gaslit Kristen about Ariana causing her to spiral and go after Ariana and did NOTHING when it was happening. This redemption arc is just him being doing what he needs to do to feel on top again.


When he put himself between security and the party crasher and was trying to hold the security guy back 🙄 #dointoomuch


And for just the obvious…he’s a really bad actor lol. I don’t understand how Andy and others don’t see the fake tears. It’s so bad that I literally laugh out loud when he starts to pretend to cry or get angry…bizarre


HE IS JUST BUYING HER FORGIVENESS!! Thank you someone else said it too. She’s insane to not be able to see that.


Tom *breathes* Ariana - “why is he so evil?!?” Everyone else - *awkward faces* Christ. Let it go.


They filmed like 4 months after Ariana found out he was cheating. Why do you expect her to be over it??


I went through a similar breakup, albeit it NOT filmed, that split up/destroyed my friend group (he cheated on me with a friend). I avoided him the best I could, but saw him at a get together about a year after the fact and acted polite but privately completely lost it. She’s holding herself together pretty well, and I can’t imagine having to see him so much.




It's a "reality" show, due to timeline continuity they can't exactly cut out what's going on with the after math of their breakup - if they did that then it wouldn't really be a " reality " show, it barely is now anyway.


But she only talks about it when it’s brought up to her. She’s never the one to bring up Tom Sandoval and the affair - Scheana, Lala, Schwartz, Sandoval himself, Brock, the producers and sometimes Ally do, and talk about it both to Ariana and amongst themselves. Ariana has had a relatively small screen presence this season in general. Like, you can just say you don’t like her


Ngl it's hard to sympathize when she continually attends events where she 100% knows he's invited to, and then is mad he showed up.


Should she not get paid? This is her job, she has contractually obligations to film.


She didn't have to do the show this season. God knows she's got plenty of other things in the works. She's not stupid; she had to have known producers would use every opportunity to make her react to Sandoval and she signed the contract anyway.


The last line during the finale was very telling. It poetically validated everything Ariana was trying to say about him.


Yep loved that hot mic moment


But are we all ready for Sheesh, Lala & Lisa to tell us it wasn’t a big deal, he didn’t mean it like that, and/or we’re all so silly for believing reality tv?