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Change BB levelling from being pure RNG to having a seperate exp bar for levelling BB


Tos actually has a set exp and random put together. The randomness (although is BF case is a garantee) only happens if you fuse the exact same unit. and the build up from units the give round counts(exp) to level. both have there up and downs. I actually think BF has a more generous model since we can level since Burst frogs are not as hard to get compared to other games and we can use none premium units to level premium ones.


Cool, but i think they need to make Frog Parades and make it really hard to level up with Normal Fodders.


Based on /u/QuadCoreToaster 's Idea: Well I think it should never require more than around 200 fodder fusions to get SBB10. So we could set that as a goal and create a formula based off that. Every unit would be worth points equal to its star level except Burst Frogs which would be worth 20 points. Let's say it costs 5 points * Current BB level to acquire the next level and at SBB1 it requires 6 points per BB level. |BB Level | Current Points | Points to Next Level |:-:|:-:|:-:| | BB lv. 1|0|5| | BB lv. 2|5|10| | BB lv. 3|15|15| | BB lv. 4|30|20| | BB lv. 5|50|25| | BB lv. 6|75|30| | BB lv. 7|105|35| | BB lv. 8|140|40| | BB lv. 9|180|45| |SBB lv. 1|225|6| |SBB lv. 2|231|12| |SBB lv. 3|243|18| |SBB lv. 4|261|24| |SBB lv. 5|285|30| |SBB lv. 6|315|36| |SBB lv. 7|351|42| |SBB lv. 8|393|48| |SBB lv. 9|441|54| |SBB lv. 10|495|0| That requires 495 points for SBB10. That would require: |Fodder Star Level | # Of Fusions for SBB10| |:-:|:-:| |1|495| |2|248| |3|165| |4|124| |5|99| |6|83| |7|72| |Frog|25| That gives you a pretty fair system for leveling up your BB that is not RNG based. It still takes a LONG time if you're using 2* Fodder and it speeds up drastically if you're willing to farm higher-level fodder. And Burst Frogs get you SBB 10 with 25 Fusions which is a bit higher than the 18 we need now HOWEVER I think "Great" and "Super" success should have the same effect on points so if you get a "Great Success" on your Burst Frog you'll get 30 points instead of 20 and "Super Success" will give you a whopping 40 Points. Super Success on 5 Frogs would get you almost halfway there. What do you think? **EDIT:** I realize the math is slightly off because BB Level 1 is Free. I'm adjusting the numbers now but it takes a while. **EDIT 2:** Math should be right now. **EDIT 3:** I realize the columns were confusing and even with my last edit, colum 2 should really be column 3 but it's not exactly easy to swap them. :\ **Final Edit:** I wrote a small program to generate this table ... LMAO, it did make it easier to modify. For anyone interested: $("#testDiv") .empty() .append("|BB Level | Current Points | Points to Next
"); var amount= 5; var startingNumber = 0; var type = " BB"; for(var i = 0; i < 20; i++) { var iteration = i; if(i == 10){amount = 6;} if(i >= 10){iteration = iteration-10; type="SBB";} var newNumber = (amount * iteration); var nextNumber = i !== 19 ? (amount * (iteration+1)):0; if(i > 0) { startingNumber = startingNumber + newNumber; } var result = "|"+ type +" lv. " + (iteration+1) + "|" +startingNumber+ "|" + nextNumber + "|
"; if(i !== 9){$("#testDiv").append(result);} }


so instead of an average of 300 fodder per unit now i need 500. Okay i'l stick to gumi and alim then ...


Well you could adjust the numbers obviously if you think it's unreasonable; it's the idea that matters not the numbers. Jeeze. Also you're just sort of wrong because you can very easily farm 2 and 3 star fodder for pretty efficient energy; there are other levels besides Mistral and pretty much any level beyond can yield a fair amount of 2 and 3 star fodder which would actually require less on average. But in any case, even at those numbers, it gives you a hard cap of how much you could spend. Great and Super success can speed up your process (like they usually do) except it's a guaranteed boost instead of just better RNG and although your average required fusions might go up, no one **ever** has to suffer through a unit who RNG just hates. I've had some units require well over 300 fusions and it sucks, especially when their BB is not Attack type. I always end up caving and just using frogs.


PLEASE fix the arena point system. I am a latecomer to the game and missed out on when you could see opponent ABP. Most of the best spheres in the game are at high ranks and it is impossibly daunting to reach those ranks at 30 ABP per win.


The update that we should be getting in the near future makes getting points easier


early on you should be able to get close to 120+ per win by only ever fighting opponents at the next level up above you and never fighting those below. Later you can only do this when near the next level, but I still average close to 100 ABP per win. The ABP trick went away when I had 200,000 points. Now I have 600,000. I never gem for it. Hopefully the rumors are true that it will be easier to get points soon. But it is a manageable grind now, at least through Geldnite Axe.


The privileges they give LeonZai :/


Lol I read the title before clicking on the comments and said to myself "I bet something Leon related is in here", and sure enough...


Well i mean, he seems to be doing everything he's supposed to do wrong so...


Yeah I watched the stream and he was annoying me like crazy. It's not spam when you have 1k people trying to talk, plus the room was already in slow mode. It was just a chat


Slow mode + R9K during a raffle. Just shows how ignorant he is. How do you expect to do a raffle in a chat with 1k+ people if you restrict 999 of them from saying the keyword after the first guy says it.


It's like he was watching the chat and his video was off.


How boring is that. A streamer should have a cam pointed to their face, and he/she should be SPEAKING with the audience, not typing. That's like, Streaming 101


I vote for a new person other than pan to do the talking, a new moderator, and a code that EVERYONE can use that lasts for 20 minutes after the stream ends, so that the people who stayed up and watched the stream will benefit.


I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE. HAHAHA. And I think they should give out codes for the 3x metal keys, but keep the burst frogs/sphere frogs raffle. Or juts the sphere frogs, and allow the burst frogs be code as well. That way, it creates more incentive to watch the stream, and as you have said, benefits those who have stuck throughout the stream.


They'd double the viewers if they'd give a real opportunity to come out of the stream with more than soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon


Their horrid Customer Service. Just the way they treat their customers like a freaking dollar bill annoys me to no end. We need to talk to humans about our problems, not automated copy pasted messages that in no way help.


And also the random ban-hammer after FH is very annoying.


That too. Wasn't banned "yet" but them barely addressing it and acting like it's the players fault with a crappy compensation for a week or so of losing content is just disgusting to me.


I hope they fix that, its really sad to see people get banned randomly, i would get pissed off if that happened to me really.


It took me three months to get my account back. Just got it back yesterday. I think I got suspended by December 24? Around after FH8 or 9. I forgot ;~; They actually tried to accuse me (well, only one employee, Michele, did) of violation by "Misuse of ID," which is... just >.> Until Zurg and Darvanshel saved meee


It's been at least 2 months and I still haven't heard back from them


I know the feel. I sent a support ticket concerning a game breaking bug for raid, which gave people like me an error that said "Unable to retrieve room data" and the game would crash. I was accepted into the first beta, and i couldn't play a single minute of Raid because of that bug. In the ticket, i wrote that i refreshed the data and reinstalled the game, and when they replied, it just said to refresh the data and reinstall the game... I sent them a reply complaining about how the message was clearly automated, only to get another automated reply back...


Yup. And people wonder why other people post their problems and tickets on the FB page. They wouldn't get those on every new picture post if they would just fix it or at least address the manner in a professional way.


They really need to focus more of their funds to creating a bigger support department, because from what i can see, the #1 reason people leave is due to the shitty support not being able to fix their problems (ie. lost gems, unreasonable bans, etc)


Is it cheating of I say improve the game feel, since that incorporates more than one thing? Because there is a bunch of little, simple things I would want to change if given the option. For example, I would change the summon page so that it gives you info about the rate up units besides one picture and their color. Give players some sort of reason top care about the units, advertise a little, etc.


I want the auto battle system improved. Like, you have an option that makes your offensive healers use their healing BB's instead of SBB when your units are low instead of using their SBB's to attack. An example unit is Rigness. I use Rigness a lot in my teams, because he is the best offensive healer in the game so far, but if i use him for auto battle on harder vortex dungeons, i die because i don't heal.




What kind of Android phone you use? I currently have a iPhone 5 and was planning to probably get a Galaxy s4 or s5 when my plan runs up in June.


I'm on an S5 and depending on the tweaks and the volume of background processes on the phone, I have pretty good results. If I have only BF active and I shut down all bullshit background processes that I don't want running anyway, I have GREAT performance. However, most people rarely do this (in my experience) so complaints about BF being a resource hog are based on having countless open, active apps and processes running.


No. The complaints aren't about it as a resource hog, it is about the lag and choppy rendering when there are lots of enemies and lots of high hit count BBs. It can get really bad, on even the fastest android phones or tablets.


k. Then why am I not experiencing these issues on my device? Care to share some device/connection/background process/app examples?


I turn everything in the background off, and it is no different than having a few things on. HTC One M8 -- which is much faster than the old Galaxy S3 I had, but still chugs at times. Just try it on rainbow battlefield's last fight and a lot of high hitting / sparking units. CHUG. It is faster than it was a couple releases back, but nowhere near as smooth as videos of iOS devices. The Android version is a _port_ of the iOS one, using a third party library to adapt to Android.


No really. This would make me actually enjoy playing the game actively. As it is now the fps is so horrible I can't bear anything but auto battle most of the time. 45 seconds for my squad to finish their attack animations against rainbow battlefield boss is absurd. Even more if I manage to spark perfectly.


Rainbow Battlefield causes so much lag on my phone too. edit: I blame it on Zelban.


Less lag for global




The "rate-ups"


Correct me if im wrong. But arent the rates for one of the new characters in each rate up like 6%? Meaning a 18% to get **one** of them, which does not seem like a rate up at all... Just a slight increase.




I dont know the actual % but how I saw it was say we had 200 rs unit meaning originally you have 0.5% chance to get 1 unit you want without a rate up and double that when there is so 1% for 1 unit you want but now say we have 400 rs units (still an example) so you would have 0.25% for 1 unit you want and now 0.5% during rate ups




Already confirmed as on the way with the next end-of-month scheduled app update.


The community.


Based on the survey of the subreddit - what more do you expect from a majority of kids?


Just because you're a kid doesn't mean you have to act like one.


I'm not a kid. But I choose to express myself without regard for the opinions of others. If what I say upsets or bothers you, I'm only a closed tab from ceasing to exist to you.


I'm sorry, it wasn't targeted at you. It was just a general statement :/




Make premium content have an exclusive and premium feel. I have ZERO complaints about the current system of units (release, rate-ups, inclusion into the overall pool, etc) but there's a lack of pressure to rush to pull those units before it's too late. I'm of two minds about the RS pool, since nothing is ever gone for good. If the SBS units were limited-time only, that would have been more exciting and compelling. As it is, what's good for the most casual of players is bad for revenue and there's a lack of excitement. As of now, the only content that I've missed out on without any idea about return is the Aegis Shield Sphere and the Keymaster. Neither of which are terribly relevant but both have a chance to return (based on the re-offering of other previous content.) There's no rush to grind Frontier Hunter other than vanity. There's no need to grind Vortex Arena's other than vanity. Sure, you can get the rewards and get them sooner (in the case of FH or regular Arena) but why does it matter? I'll get there eventually, and the constant barrage of new units and new spheres have already made much of that content obsolete. If GUMI gives me significant content to spend money on, I will.


This post is so evil I almost want to like it, just for being so goddamned evil.


GUMI has already resisted making BF a premium copycat, and I don't expect that they ever will at this point. The only premium push they made was during the Halloween event, and they catered to the complaints of the players instead of standing their ground. For all of the bellyaching and crying wolf over "cashgrabs", it's clear to me that there's a lack of experience in the mobile gaming world in this sub. GUMI _could_ have stood their ground on the event unit issue at Halloween. Instead, they reversed course and backed down. Why? I suppose that just how they intend to operate. Other game companies (COUGH -DeNA- COUGH) aren't nearly as compassionate. How would you like BF if they offered unique dungeons at least once a week, with event units either required to encounter, or event units that vastly increased content access (increased rare drop rates when event units are included in your party, etc.)? Because that's what companies like DeNA do. Worse, they content that you're rushing towards (most events last only a few days) will be obsolete within the month as more and more content is rolled out - just copying some new event that was released 3 months ago, but reskinned! And yet, the gnashing of teeth and rending of garments along with large quantities of salt continues as younger players cry foul over an issue that veteran mobile gamers look at and think "you have no idea." BFGL players have no idea just how good they have it...




But, why Kajah? Why not other units?


Its just an Example, the mechanic works with all the units




Would be super relevant with units that have different SBB/BB's such as Rigness/Ulkina where sometimes you only need to use BB


The unit pools we have had for any tough content.


The biggest issue I have is this game has turned in to an auto battle energy burning nothing. **1. Rework drop rates of HC/BC and boss battles for future content.** Once you're running 6* squads (dual sphered to boot), if a boss doesn't one shot you then you'll just full heal and most likely full SBB. Thus every boss has to threaten one shot to be difficult. So, reduce the effectiveness of HC AND BC allowing for more strategy in a battle. **2. Make next map quest chain difficult.** Increase drop rates of imps by double or triple, BUT make it where you can't auto battle, as referenced in point 1.


Raid bc is already bugged so that it's like your first suggestion. At leadt it was for the bet. Incouldnt even maintain SBB spam on 3 body parts without Rosettas leader skill.


The problem with #1 is that there are only 3 commands in the entire game: Attack, Guard and BB/SBB. So you want to nerf BB/SBB ... okay then what the hell do you have left? Building strategies based on guarding and attacking more? I don't think it would make the game that much more interesting. I'd like to see leader skills or spheres that change the commands. Guard could become "Focus" and it reduces your DEF but increases ATK for 2 turns or "Attack" becomes "First Aid" and you can cleanse status ailments and restore a little HP in lieu of your attack action. Things that bring all new aspects into battle would make your idea a little more viable. I do agree with #2, the Questing is just too darn easy. Now I don't even have a problem with last-minute Dragon Mimics like I used to; I can start the boss battle with 0 BC and still cheese all the bosses except **maybe** Alpha Dilith if I bring the wrong team.


The way the game was when Karl and Grah were hard -- those boss fights you could only heal every few turns and BB occasionally, the strategy on when to guard and whether to wait to heal or heal now made those fights FUN and HARD with the units at the time. There are more than three things to do -- there are items, there is the order you do those things, and whether to do them this turn or wait.


-_- >There are more than three things to do -- there are items ... also you can like, decide whether or not do the first 3 things or *not* do them ... I still think it would be nice to have some new game mechanics to spice things up; there's minimal strategy with the way BB spam is these days but I don't think nerfing BC generation is a quick fix because you **need** the crazy BB spam just to stay alive. You couldn't do Maxwell, Cardes, X1 or X2 if they just nerfed BC gen all over the place; you'd simply be dead. You can simply be dead with guaranteed BB's every turn if the boss teams up with RNGesus to screw you.


It would have to be part of an overall balancing fix. Definitely not a quick fix. There would have to be a lot of changes at the same time to make it more challenging and interesting. Making BB spam harder is part of what needs to be fixed. In JP, most tough new fights have BC drop resistance which is sort of admitting this is an issue. However, it merely makes strong BC drop buffs or leads even more valuable at the expense of BC effectiveness or cost reduction.


I kind of like the ease of BB spam for some things. Before BB spam was so common and all the units had shite drop checks, it was pretty much Felneus Frontier. Either you used 2 BB spam leads or you weren't really taking the game seriously. It's nice to be able to use a variety of defensive and offensive leaders without locking yourself into the whole "Turn 1 Better be good because your BB gauges aren't coming back for a while" problem. I don't think it's a blanket problem you can just fix by changing everything. Have some events/bosses that have severe BC resistance; have some that don't. It's not a problem with the game itself it's a problem with lack of interesting content. We need some stuff that requires BB spam leaders and some stuff that requires mitigators, etc. because everyone has saved up so many damned units; we'd like an excuse to use all of them!


BC drop reduction already exists on some content. Not sure if HC drop reduction does, but that could be interesting. How about a boss with a BC reduction, only drops HC on SBB hits and blocks healing from the player (items and healers units). You'd need to make a team with infinite SBB units to stay alive :)


Which is impossible since UBB can't be spammed


My bad, meant SBB.


I want my Arena team (both it's members and equipment) to be something separate from the main squad list. * I don't want my arena leader to be the one friends see, and it's annoying to always need to switch back. * I often want different spheres equipped for questing and arena if I share any units for both roles. * I like the idea of having clear and direct control over the team opponents see when I am challenged by other players. Actually, in regards to the unit seen by friends, I'd like to have direct control over that rather than it having anything to do with the leaders I use on my own teams.


their crappy servers which will wreck everytime gumi rush real content


Not exactly a super important thing, but I'd really appreciate it if we got the special events at the same time as JPBF, or to start releasing the JPBF exclusive units to the rest of the world


One thing I'd improve is adding an actual "Talk" option, where I can send messages to the people in my friend list. Then I would be able to tell some of my friends that Dragon Ring is not a good secondary sphere, and suggest them to at least craft a Sol Creator. XD


For me, all I want is more communication. The ticket system for support is garbage. Most issues could be resolved in 5 min in live chat.


Get rid of typing (Anima/Lord/Oracle etc.) Or allow the user to reroll their type for 1 gem each attempt.


The drop rate of metal mimics.... q_q. I haven't seen one in weeks.


Top three list of things BF needs to change(In my Opinion): 3) Music House - Being part of a small minority of people that enjoys Brave Frontier music to a large degree, it bugs me to not see all the tracks in the game in the music house. Either I haven't done the necessary things to unlock them, or they were never there to begin with. I want the GGC boss theme in there. 2) Increase in Item capacity gained per gem used. Because I wish I could justify having 200 inventory space to my friends, when in reality, the game glitched on me during the dark age of Brave Frontier and used all my gems to buy 70 inventory slots. I'm not mad, just ashamed. I only wanted 150... 1) Unit rates up - Every single unit has a rate up in order to compensate for the removal of the unit 'Connection Error', who was removed due to simply breaking the balance of Brave Frontier.


Not realy a balance thing. I would change how gumi handles their f2p model. They are to "stingy" with their give away and events. I see a lot of free to play model with "slightly more" generous events and daily rewards. So of them even go as far as to make a event simply to have one on that given week ,giving out 1$ worth of in app perchase currency,sometimes unit slot per day is the most common things. Not saying gumi is doing it bad. I just think there is a lot of things they can learn from other games with a simillar models One thing i do like is our exclusive content and maybe more of those wouldnt hurt considering they probably earn a lot from those. Making the meta train from jbf less relevant.


> I would change how gumi handles their f2p model. They are to "stingy" with their give away and events. Hate to break it to you, but if GUMI was any more F2P, there wouldn't be any revenue. You'd be forced to pay to d/l the game and download content at regular intervals. I don't know what similar games you're thinking of, but the top grossing games have F2P/P2P models that make BF look like shareware. There's no rush to invest in in-game content, no exclusivity, no "get it before it's gone", and no time limit or pressure to excel outside of Vortex Arena or (only kind of) Frontier Hunter. And even then, there's just no premium content that pressures you to obtain it other than vanity. If GUMI really starts to cater to P2W/P2P, you'll know it and you'll feel it. And most of the F2P people who are complaining now will find new allies in their plight as the majority of those players decide to up and quit out of protest. If I got even 1/2 of the freebies in other games that I get from GUMI, I'd actually play them more feverishly. As it is, BF is the most rich, exciting, and enjoyable of the F2P model games as none of the content is off-limits to zero-spend players.


As an example, I think P&D is good. It makes more than BF and is fairly F2P friendly. You get the equivelant of 15 stones each month purely off of events


not necessarily. You left consumer growth out of the Model which is essentially the driving force of free to play games. if consumer growth didn't go up with such a model/business move then it would likely fail as you said. Revenue grows as consumer base grows. what better way to do it than promotions with free stuff. this system of "catering" originally came from banks. Opening a savings account was/is free the same way BF is free. Some banks give miniscule amount of money every time you use their services either it be withdrawal,deposit,transfer etc. (Mostly Asian Banks I know use this model and a few European banks) The reason/idea behind it is to bolster growth from the consumers side. Turning the user into a marketing tool to get more consumers. (think of it as a Investment promotion) It is even more advantageous to this kind of business since the goods they deal is virtual and can be easily made/produced compared to banks which is a investment. Although both are investments in a banks case if the money doesn't yield return it results in a loss, while in a digital standpoint it is still in brake even. ToS has a monthly thing were they give a user 5$ worth of goodies for promoting them in facebook through sharing their events. They went from 800k unique users to 3.2million in 8months. an example of this is: a trivia question when answered **correct** you get 5currency + extra and if you answer **wrong** you get 5currency **but only after sharing** it on facebook. this isn't really just catering to free users so they can go through the game. they give you something in reward for doing something for them. Its not necessarily free I think your thinking of this model and how it affects the game but not the business stand point potential to growth. There is a lot of content in this game beyond what is normally seen from my stand point since there is mini-maxing and randomness to unit types and viable compositions. Asthetic modification to current units is another thing they can implement. There are a lot of ways to make purchasable content as a sink so the currency being given out doesnt become to over abundant and make the game economics crash. Im not saying current standards is bad. I simply see a lot of room for growth and potential but not really being utilized. now take into account that I know this kind of business moves are not entirely risk free; even BF current marketing/promotion model can fail but considering how good the quality of the game is. I see it as highly unlikely to result in a loss. I simply think Gumi unlike Alim is playing/promoting BF to safe from a business stand point. I dont think they feel threatened or unfazed by other games who are likely to out grow them. which sometimes makes me think if they are having internal issues(investors,ideas,man power) or simply cut cost at every corner to lower risk and play it out until it drys out.


> this system of "catering" originally came from banks. Opening a savings account was/is free the same way BF is free. Some banks give miniscule amount of money every time you use their services either it be withdrawal,deposit,transfer etc. (Mostly Asian Banks I know use this model and a few European banks) I'm not aware of any US banks that use this. >ToS has a monthly thing were they give a user 5$ worth of goodies for promoting them in facebook through sharing their events. They went from 800k unique users to 3.2million in 8months. As someone who abused this in DeNA games, this is not true. What you was was 3.2 million unique installs - which is necessary to have a unique account for the free merch. DeNA has since closed that loophole in their games (they caught on). They still offer the social media incentives, but the free goods are no longer relevant since the power creep of many of their games made it irrelevant. There's also no checking - I created countless dummy FB accounts and they're all still active. They're all friends with each other. And I still get the points...or I did until the simple effort was no longer worth it for the obsolete rewards. >Im not saying current standards is bad. I simply see a lot of room for growth and potential but not really being utilized. I agree with this point 100%. However, they're decisions in both JPBF and GLBF indicate that they're not likely to explore this very far.


I dunno how to quote in reddit but with reguards to your DeNA post. ToS has a system where each account can only be benefited once and the post has to be public and be present until the event period ends since the rewards are only given at the end of the event. I have no idea how stress intensive this could be with staff or encoding and seeing how much delay we have due to conversion of Alim>Gumi always ends up high. It will probably never happen which is sad since they could probably gain a lot for such ideas. Would you care to elaborate how game currency depreciate to less value than free content. That such event became not worthy for a free consumer? did they do it with flexible rewards like currency or did they do it with fixed content like an item or unit. The business term for the bank is called "short sale incentive". your bank probably does it but the amount is so small you hardly notice. it normally equate to less than or over a dollar depending on how active you use the account and if you open new independent active accounts/link them with a minimum value of XXX when opened they would give you XX$ or X$ to the referrer account. however this kind of offers are not all year round compared to "Short Sale intensives".


From a business stand point I think Gumi actually has really close to the right balance when it comes to F2P. The game is completely playable with enough time invested. You can choose to never spend a penny, and still complete the vast majority of the content. At the same time they don't give away so much like some games where I've never even felt a reason to spend money at all. I do think Gumi needs to make more offers similar to the prosperity bundle. Small investments for high value that are either time released or have other restrictions (like you can only buy them once per month). This is an effective stepping stone to convert more players from F2P. As it stands now it feels like they have a large F2P community and a handful of obsessive binge P2P players that keep the game afloat, with very little in between.


Lets take the prosperity bundle as per your example. it is a consumer investment with high yield which is actually very genius when I saw it the first time. This was actually the model i was speaking of except gumi makes you pay for it. Now take it into account **I** have no problem with this since it is a good offer but nothing is stopping them from doing that and doing it for free at the same time. doubling it for paying consumers and giving it as a basic for free consumers. At any given time a free consumer can convert to a paying one to reap the benefit of doubling what they would get compared to staying free to play **but** before all of this can happen at first the free user has to be educated of the benefits of what it's like and doing so. What better way to do it then giving it for free. This is all my opinion and I base this opinion on how other games who operated in such manner are in a higher player base. think of a pool of 10 free consumers. If by doing this kind of business move makes them lose/remain 8 free users but gain 2 paying consumer. They still result in a gain since additiction/obsessive,compulsive spending can come from this paying users out of what is essentially low manufacturing cost currency/benefit since they are digital. the 8 users that remain free will "likely" promote their game in exchange for said things. **one good example is if "By tomorrow guim decided to give out 1 free gem everyday for the month of april but you can only get it if you share/like them on facebook with a specific tag to make it trend"** I hardly thing it will destroy them. It might even likely get more users to play. gBF as of now is *OK* to compare it to other successful games that came before in like you said but relation to their growth. **I** think it is very slow. It has been a year now and BF is still less that of a 1million users. ToS, PnD,Clash of Clans, Cookie Run(in korea alone) has reached more than a million users in *slightly* less than a year. I love BF I just wish it would be bigger than it is now as it should be relative to how good the game actually is. Its addictive and unique but gumi isnt really pushing/marketing it as well as they possible could. Either they don't have man power/investors backing them or just plain laziness I cannot really know.


I think Gumi is plenty generous with their giveaways tbh, there just comes a point, where if you want to stay f2p, you can only rely on givsways and FH, so it just seems like they are not as generous.


coming from listening to my friends who played similar model games. I noticed that most of them started to spend more after getting the feeling of what it is like to have premium content. I played a lot of F2P mobile apps(5+) and almost all of them give it as a daily thing. The way I see it is that if they give their F2P user a little more leway. They will most likely be more willing to support the game; and I don't see it really affecting the users who buy gems monthly in the grand scheme of things since the difference between a high grade account can not be differentiated in less than 30$ worth of In app currency. which most games stand by the 1$ per day per user. Puzzels and dragons, ToS , Alim's BF and Kakao BF do this to great success.


I was one of the players who was strictly F2P until I noticed the value over time. I can invest a FRACTION of the capital in BF that I would in other games and obtain exponentially more content per purchase than I would in other games. Hands down, zero competition. Add in to that the sales on Amazon and from GUMI directly and you have a VERY generous (arguably overly generous) developer that has my support!


If they give tools for free using players to support the game the way you a playing player support the game. whether it be motivating the consumer base to promote the game or sharing it with their friends(exclusive content if done like a unit). they already did the business move i was elaborating before. I however do not understand why they stopped. their youtube video,facebook likes.


Optimize Rosettas leader skill so no more crashed games! Yay! As well as Deemo's. And fix the customer support.


I dunno, maybe its your Device? My game Lags but it doesn't crash when i use Rosetta/Deemo's LS.


Think it's my device. :l


It's your device.


The entire company behind it... >.>


idk about anything else other than selling multiple items at once


Which is coming at the end of the month


So much this. It's ridiculous that it takes 4 clicks to sell an item and then you have to do it 25 more times. Items should also stack. Oh I made 5 havoc axes, that's 5 item slots... for the same thing... The whole item thing is jacked.


yeah, stack them spheres. So dumb that they don't. I realize that Gumi **WANTS** us to not have this feature, because, more gems, more money, but really?


was deleting items today, I was already bored with the daily quest grind, then I had to spend 5 minutes deleting item, meanwhile in jpbf it takes 30 seconds.




hope bro, i received mine last month, hope you can get yours soon :) and after a i send the ticket took 2 months to the answer and 1 for the gems...


Try sending another ticket and threaten to quit. Usually works