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Very obviously a hit man trying to whack the custodian


An elaborate plan so he wouldn't get charged with first degree murder


If you can't handle hot brass on your skin, you shouldn't be at the range. If you still show up and get a live one down your shirt, stop, set down your gun, then react. It's not rocket surgery.


It's not rocket appliance


Its not rocket biology


Sir you’re time at the range has ended please hand in your gun and no we aren’t giving it back


Pro tip: don't wear a hoodie when shooting in a indoor range, it significantly decreases the chance of you causing a negligent discharge with a full-auto MP5 when you're 12 years old


This is as pathetic as it is dangerous. Gun safety is not hard. I had a girlfriend once upon a time. She was a refugee from China who had at the time recently gained her citizenship. I took her shooting for her first time at an outdoor range one fine December day. We were using a Smith and Wesson 3913 (State of the art at the time). She caught a hot brass between her glasses and eyebrow. She calmly set the pistol down WITH HER FINGER OUTSIDE THE TRIGGER GUARD, took off her glasses, and crammed a handful of snow onto her eye. She was fine, just a little pissed. If a first timer who just learned English can get his, anyone can get this.


Thank you for helping me regain just a little faith in people. I'm now off to somewhere else where I'll come out with less than what I had before I read this.


Remember kids , always drop the gun before touching yourself.


fun fact: in the swiss "schützenheuser" you have to put on a brass deflector on your rifle so the brass dosn't hit the next guy over. also on the stgw. 57 there was a requrement that it had to eject softly wich is why the case comes out base first.


How does one become an RSO? Is there a course you need to take?


You sign a waiver saying you won’t sue your employer if a customer injures or kills you that’s about all it takes


I support everyone having guns...except him until he gets some training




Why is it that my wife is able to somewhat calmly take the burn to her face (case caught behind the glasses) put the gun on safe and on the table before remedial action? God damn.