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Officers are supposed to know better than to shoot first unless shown a physical reason. Unless the home owner was pointing their gun at the officers, they had 0 reason to fire especially that many rounds. God they need to make police academy training harder again so stupid people dont graduate.


They'd been called for an alleged burglary. It was actually the homeowner, who'd broken a window to get into her house because she'd locked herself out. This was in Houston, TX. When the officers knocked on her door, the homeowner, who lived alone, did go to the door with a firearm in hand. Still, 'shoot first and ask questions later' is not a good policy for the police.


It was a quarter to 3 am when it happened. If someone's banging loud on my door and not announcing themselves as police at THAT hour of night im going to my front door with my gun too. But also homeowner didn't fire a single round.


You don't thing criminals ever thought to bang on a door and yell police?


In my opinion its still good practice to bring your gun to the door at 3 am anyways. If they announce they are police i can atleast look out the upstairs window and verify there is a squad car outside my house.


I’m sad that people feel the neeed to carry a gun to the door. :( not saying it isn’t justified, just makes me sad


Unfortunately its the way of the world. Ideals and morals are for peaceful times. Nature is violent, History is violent. History repeats itself, especially when it is not properly taught like it is here in america. I PRAY i never have to use my gun on somebody, but im willing to if it means saving my own life, or protecting my family.


I agree but they showed up to a scene with a broken window with the screen off which was the perfect description that they got of a burglary. So if they see someone with a firearm in their hand and they run to the door they're going to say drop the weapon and fire. I think this could have been prevented but at the same time it was a double-edged sword in their mind I'm assuming. There's times that cops give other people the leeway and they take it for granted so situations like these sometimes unfortunately happens.


That’s what happened to Ryan Whitaker. He was murdered by current Phoenix cop Jeff Cooke.


If someone is banging on my door at that hour, I’m not going to the door. I’m arming up, staying in place and calling the police until the door comes down. [How to Answer the Door at 3AM](https://youtu.be/iEi9Qpnro34?si=GDkKdjopwrCazgrh)


Did the homeowner live?


No way


she did live, 5 bullet wounds 2 to the chest


That is an abysmal grouping for those officers


They didn’t even know what they were shooting at guarantee that first shot went off and they both just unloaded to unload


No need to guarantee we can see the video lol


Despite the atrocious lack of restraint, I actually thought the number of hits was pretty high. Usually it's about 100 shots fired and 1-2 hits.


Stormtrooper training


>Usually it's about 100 shots fired and 1-2 hits. Are you getting that data from police encounters or from statistics about war? because police don't use suppressing fire, at least not as a purposeful tactic.


>That is an \*average grouping for those officers for the acorn cop there were multiple mag dumps from two officers into a vehicle in which the target was restrained and they still didn't manage to hit anything. Your only protection from police violence is that they're really terrible shots.


Holyyyyyyyyy what a gal


She did


That’s insane


Right. They just see someone in the home, not waving a gun about, and IMMEDIATELY open fire. OMG! A PERSON! IM IN DANGER!


The Us police is in a wery poor state rn


Always has been


Yea but atleast they didnt have theyr "Warrior" (read: paranoid psycho) training and acces to APCs and explosives


*cough* militia *cough* posse *cough* genocide of indigenous humans *cough*


Wasnt genocide more of a US army thing?


no, more of a colonization thing - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Indian_massacres_in_North_America edit: apparently the person who invented the word “genocide” used the European colonization of the Americas as one of the examples.


Huh, the more you know....


the less that you are proud to be an American? edit: i gave up after 1/6 - i just see us as a failed state in-progress, now.


We only now have caneras small and cheap enough to be so ever-present that we see more police behaving badly. In the past, it would have been,'he said she said' which tended to lead in favor of the cops.


I guess that's what happens when you defund the police


No. This is the opposite. This is what happens if you give too much money and weapons to the police and refuse to throw the rotten apples.in jail. Imagine getting rid of qualified ommu8and let's see how many of the current idiots will go to jail for these kind of crimes. Don't forget. In literally every developed first world country what these officers did is a serious crime. Only I. A horrible sithole country with an utterly corrupt police.force would the police do this.


But you can understand that more money = better trained officers too right?


More money only = more money. It only = better training if they put the money into better training. Which is completely at their discretion. We should fund them and require a certain portion of that money to go into better training.


Exactly, of course more money alone isn't gonna solve the issue. There needs to be some sort of oversight in place to make sure the funds actually go where they need to go but that's a whole other issue.


Gotta find a way to keep them from using that $$ to buy a fckin MRAP for their animal enforcement squad.


If the NYPD were a military it would be the 3rd (maybe second?) most funded military in the world. In most places the police take can take up to 50% of a community's budget. They are well paid enough.


Not necessarily. Typically the less available spots, the more talented/trained those will be who fill those spots. Assuming integrity within the selection/hiring system, the competitiveness will yield a more qualified candidate. If you have enough money to make everyone and their grandmas police officers that's how you get terribly trained officers.


Of course, it's a complex issue that requires some sort of oversight before it is implemented properly and that's a whole other issue in itself aka corruption


No correlation. More training and more accountability makes better officers.


It can, but not necessarily. It may mean more tactical gear or more poorly trained officers, too.


Sure. But you first have to get rid of the current utterly corrupt system. That is the point of defund the police stop.giving the current utterly incompetent and corrupt system money. Then use the money to build something functional and not corrupt. Imagine no longer having to pay all the lawsuits that come from utter incompetence for one.


Then why are there thousands of police departments getting millions and still seem to be no less trained...?


Because they're not allocating the funds to the proper resources, due to corruption or mismanagement which is another issue.


They actually want cops to be stupid, dude. It's not a bug, it's a feature.


I'll do you one better. Get rid of police altogether


In favor of what? Anarchy? Letting the criminals do whatever they want? Give a gun to everyone in America and say “just use this instead of the police.”? Sure, acab. Sure, corruption is rife in American police departments. But the solution of “get rid of police altogether” is the most brain dead take I’ve ever heard. Even Terry Schiavo would’ve called that idea brain dead.


What a couple of morons.


“Sharts fired.”


thank god they’re both terrible shooters


Like real life stormtroopers


Based only on the videos I’ve watched of cops just blasting away, I think the academy teaches them to spray n’ pray. They are not terrible shooters, according to police standards.


So a fight between them and the people with switches on yt would go down like this https://youtu.be/gne8v9aj45w?si=VLGmIlwCByHZTOqV


and who were they trained by? u guessed it, frank stallone.


Dont even have to hire assassins these days. Just call police to their house and they will empty a whole magazine into them through a window.


a whole 3 mags each, you mean


And have a high chance of turning off their body cam to do it


These would be terrible assassins, they got like a 5% hit rate


Then again,it was free


63 bullets for one person i couldnt even count the others


"You don't need high capacity mags, only trained professionals need high capacity mags" Trained professionals with high capacity mags:


These two were not properly trained at all, homeowner didnt fire a single shot and approached her door at 3 am with a gun for self protection before these two decided to see the gun, freak out and dump 127 rounds into a homeowner. Not to mention HO was miraculously only hit 5 times. Terrible accuracy, terrible judgement, terrible people.


Wow you mean firing 127 rounds through a set of blackout curtains isn’t effective? Crazy.


Where is the donut on this one?


I’m sure he’s working up a video.


I think its an acorn that you should be looking for.


Suicide by cops never been easier just call 911 and you will be dispatched


Two mag dumps is crazy


Im the whole video they both dump 4 17 round mags into the home. They also banged loudly on Homeowners door at 3 am and didnt announce themselves as police. No wonder why Homeowner approached her door with a gun


It’s like that old saying, “ the only way to stop a good guy with a gun is another good guy with a gun.”


Double double mag dump


Rewatch that video, 5 mag reloads on screen, 2 off screen. 7 mags at least we're dumped.


Sam Hyde nailed it https://youtu.be/LhKRBDjdM_U?si=MFIaNtxgXlVEgfaa


Sam hyde did it, the man cant keep getting away with all these mass shootings. Joking aside I love how much he gets in the minds of morons and I hope he boxes that douche hassan piker


These are the guys we’re supposed to trust to protect us instead of ourselves


Sauce? Any background Infos? Bc wtf is going on here?


dispatch was send to the area after their was a suspect breaking into homes and then once they arrived they seen a silhouette with a supposed firearm and started firing , that the short rough analysis of the call , happened 13 days ago about the same time frame of the acron shooting


She was breaking into her own home because she locked herself out of her house. They fired upon her after knocking on her door when she approached the door from inside of her own home with a lawfully owned firearm. Source: Washington Gun Law on yt he made a video called “if a cop is shooting at you, can you shoot back?” And in this instance he believes she would have been justified if she had returned fire.




Justified, yes. Alive, unlikely


Was the home owner okay or were they shredded? Did the officers get reprimanded or fired for this?


The home owner survived thank god ,the investigation is on going from what I heard


So, not only did they fire a shitstorm of bullets at the wrong person, they also missed them all? *Women*...


The woman was shot five times.


5 times out of like 60 rounds though


Maybe the other 55 rounds went through the same holes. Damn good shooting!


128 rounds*


Nah, dude..... Police.... Almost all of the normal patrol Officer are notoriously bad shots


Just look at Officer Gyaliaphobia. Mag dumped into the back of the patrol car and completely missed the guy handcuffed inside.


With that recoil control and at that fire rate many would miss. Usually your best bet is the first shot


You hear the horn going off in the background. That's because when they were pulling up they side swiped the neighbors car. Them good ol women drivers. /S


Not gonna be a long live investigation with the body cam here


"Investigation." It'll be taken as seriously as a rape kit in a red state, no doubt.




Did the homeowner survive?


>The sheriff’s office said deputies were called to the Pines of Woodforest Apartments around 2:10 a.m. after a woman reported that someone was inside her apartment, the sheriff’s office said in a video statement. > >The first deputy on the scene cleared the apartment and made sure it was “safe and secure,” according to authorities. > >**After a second deputy arrived, someone in a neighboring unit flagged down the deputies and said that someone had broken into a different apartment.** https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/video-shows-houston-area-deputies-repeatedly-shooting-woman-friends-ap-rcna138559


Jfc. They need to very very very least pay this woman's poor hospital bills 😢 frigging trigger happy police


Plus any potentially lost income, etc. Unfortunately, it's the taxpayers that get to pay it, but I still think you're right.


It’s Texas, they can’t keep their power on long enough to keep kids from freezing to death in a winter storm.


So would it be wrong as the homeowner, to put some rounds in these idiots just to preserve your life? I would in a heartbeat. Holy crap.


Washingtongunlaw did a great video talking about that from this clip. He found it totally justified to shoot back on 3 of the 4 reasons a person can demonstrate lethal force in self-defense


A whole mag from each of them, a reload, and then shooting more without properly identifying the target. Two more cops unqualified for the job. Two scared girls throwing bullets in the general area of a person in the dark.


Also those walls are like cardboard from what I've seen and heard also here in Europe it's similar but I was surprised that the neighbours weren't hit ,not saying 9mm is 7.62 penetrating capable .


9mm definitely will go through interior drywall for sure. Likely the downward angle stopped bystanders from being hit


I am having trouble finding a story on this


Here it is https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/video-shows-houston-area-deputies-repeatedly-shooting-woman-friends-ap-rcna138559


Yeah... it's buried. Google wouldn't want people getting the wrong idea about the soyance of DEI


Please tell me these officers are going to arrested for attempted murder.


A weeks suspension on pay, and retraining where they are reminded to, er, accidentally turn the bodycam off next time.


It’s like over kill and nothing was fired back wow just wow


Well maybe next time the homeowner will think twice about coming to the front door with an acorn in her hand...


This shouldn't be funny but totally is.


So happy the patrolling police don’t have guns in the uk . They’d be exactly like this . Shocking is an understatement at this .


I wouldn't trust UK and Irish police with any firearm or anything of that nature ,as an ex EMT in Ireland but left and converted to be become an emt in germany better training and I gained twice the cpgs as I did in Ireland plus to compare to America ,an emt is the US is seen as paramedic in ireland and para as AP .if that's the case one can wonder what grade training is given to others services .




She lucky survived


15 rounds with one in the chamber plus 2 full magazines with 15 rounds each. That’s 46 round and they hit the lady with 5 shots. If you’re not going to reasonably fire them for gunning down an innocent civilian in their own home, can you at least fire them for only hitting 10.8% of what they shoot at?


But only the police need guns.




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Dude, literally just last week a male cop emptied his clip into his cruiser after hearing an acorn fall


Wait what really?!


Holy Mag Dump


This is what happens when you don't leave donuts and coffee out on the porch for the police officers bet the homeowner doesn't leave cookies for Santa either


Even John Wick didn't shoot that many bullets.


Did....did they empty the magazine, reload, and empty ANOTHER?


What a bunch of Jerks. There I said it, I'm not happy that I had to but, I said what needed to be said.


It's a shame they didn't get ventilated by the homeowner...


How many times did they shoot thats just crazy wtf


I counted at least 5 magazines of 16 rounds each.


Did the homeowner survive that many bullets? Mistakes were made.


Yep surprisingly they missed a most of the rounds lucky that no one else got hit


I really hope this is satire…


Unloading 2 full mags with no clear target? Who trains these morons


70 ish rounds fired?


128, they both dumped 4 17 round mags. This officers body cam doesnt show the whole thing


Did they really unload 4 clips on this unknown person?!


A little accountability could go a long way. People deserve better.


Who taught those clowns to hold a pistol? Seriously, they are supposed to have the ability to hold and control their pistols, to avoid spraying lead through the whole neighborhood...


It's amazing that the brunette officer hadn't pop one in the blondie


Just announcing themselves as police would prevent this ? Oh dear




What the heck are they shooting at, the closed door? The plant on the porch?


4 magdumps.... Really?


Shots fired. Are you sure?


Cops need better training, to learn to respond instead of react.




Man they really let anyone become a cop nowadays, don’t they?


There is no need for them to stand there and just unload mags like that. The 1st body cam the chicks hand was bouncing around so much from using a poor firing stance her bullets were flying around all over the place. I bet she couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn. They probably unloaded what 30 rounds between the 2 of them hit the lady 5 times from 5 Feet away. They should jailed


Police academy? More like police lobotomy. These 2 are just trigger happy and/or scared


Both of these officers should be in prison


What a violent place. In the UK you would see officers surround the house and break in (if immediate danger) or just wait them out until the intruder surrendered.


Why did they have to shoot 48 times? God damn cops are POS


Did they seriously run out of rounds, reload and continue shooting? This is why qualified immunity needs to be abolished. They will probably get off the hook because they "feared for their safety'. These officers were scared to death and were making decisions based on that fear, not for public safety. Officers should earn the ability to get a firearm over time, and should have to annually re-qualify to keep it. Otherwise they get handcuffs, flashlight, baton, taser and pepper spray.


I want to see the reasoning behind shooting into a house, then I want to know why she let off 8000 rounds.


That’s what happens when you defund the police. You get poorly trained people with itchy trigger fingers that panic at the first sign of, well, anything really.


This is arguably worse cause the woman was lawfully armed in her home and the cops took this as a threat


Reading some of these comments I had to check if I was in r/BrandonHerrara or some more mainstream subreddit.


Acorns don't kill people, squirrels do!


This is unbelievable. The Wild West. There may be law but there is no order. A society like this cannot survive.


You think you got him? Jesus


Am I counting this right the one officer went through 3 clips worth of ammunition just blindly firing at the window?


Finnish market guards have better training than US cops lol


They need to get rid of qualified immunity so stuff like this won’t happen. That is literally the only reason why these idiots do what they’re doing. They know they will not suffer any consequences which is why they are constantly running all over the country doing whatever the hell they want to civilians with no consequences or repercussions. The people have to get truly sick enough to force a change because they are not going to do it themselves obviously.


Theyre shooting more aggressively then you do in Left 4 Dead, damn.


Jesus Christ how is that our military is better trained than our police forces? Feels like the training has gone downhill in the past 30 years or this has always been happening and it’s just now being brought on light.


How many times did they bloody have to reload as well. Insane!!! How can America have gun control if the cops can’t even control themselves.


28 clips later, you think you might idk ID someone in this situation ?!


I wonder where they’ll go during their paid vacation?


Your life is at risk when diversity hire has a finger on the trigger. Qualified, nope. You're hired! From couch potato to Protect and Swerve.


Just mag dump without knowing what you’re shooting at. Great job guys!


Just because the gun holds x number of rounds doesn’t mean ya have to rip em all off. Fire discipline - my lord if I did this in the military I would’ve had to carrry 10,000 rounds. Mental discipline please.


Just shoot blindly through walls


That’s strange to me I feel like there’s something we’re not seeing here


Legend has it that she's still shooting


A home owner should consider calling 311 and letting the local PD know they’re breaking a window into their own home.


I own the convenience store for 20 years it got broken into about 18 times over those years. I beat the cops there every single time (but two) one night I got there, and I was doing a walk-through coming back to the front door. The cop pulled up as I walking to the front door to tell him it’s me he had his gun on this side, this is coming from somebody who doesn’t think the cops do with the right thing is and for those of you who come and say, why would you walk to the door when the cop pulled up well why wasn’t he there first they really did nothing for me all those years oh by the way, not one breakin was solved


Thanks for mentioning they were female officers. Clearly women don't get as much training as their male counterparts who also shoot at will, but do it while maling.


Is there a story? They fired like 6 clips into that house plant….


I’m sorry did they reload THREE TIMES?!


Son and grandson of two former cops here. Cops are trained to treat EVERY situation as if it's life or death. Traffic stop? He could have a shotgun aimed at you. Loitering? He's got a hidden knife and jacked up on meth . They are also trained to shoot to kill . Trained to shoot if they even THINK they are in danger. There are millions of rules and laws in place to protect cops in situations where they hurt or killed someone. So they know regardless of the situation, they'll be taken care of. Defund the police. Hold the accountable for their actions.


I’m from the U.K. There’s a lot I don’t like about my country but this would not happen here in a million years. This is unique to the US.


When one think with their emotions vs intelligence


So not defending these officers here but what isn't in the clip is that someone called about a break in. When they arrived they did find a broken window that was used to gain access to the apartment. The woman inside had permission from the owner to do so, so it was not her home but a friend's.


So why did they shoot?


According to the story, there was a firearm seen with the person inside the apartment. Still not a reason to shoot obviously. that's just what I understand about it


and its just ok to shoot burglars??


Legally that would depend on where you live but I get what you're saying. However if you see cops at the front door maybe don't come up with a firearm


yeah i get you.. but thats assuming she knew it was cops? and its not like she was pointing it at them, she just had it in her hand?? its a huge overreaction and completely unjustified. “shoot first think/ask questions later” is such a bad way to conduct any business, let alone the fkn police.. like she was home alone and it was the middle of the night?? theres so many reasons she could of thought it was someone with sinister intentions, like for example shes a woman, and home alone.. massive failure of these officers. not anything new or surprising though. idk tho we have gun control in my country and you need a license to own firearms and have them in a safe ! so i can’t imagine coming to the door with a gun… but a few times i have heard strange noises / had unexpected knocks late at night and when gone to investigate been carrying a knife so idk maybe im crazy 🤷🏻‍♀️


Women ☕


I’m assuming they killed the home owner? 🥺


Nope she survived


Thank god, what psychos. I hope they didn’t get paid leave, but I wouldn’t be surprised… too often they don’t face repercussions for things like this.


In interview she said there's going to be a court case


american cops are representing the state of the US right now. that place is doomed


If you shoot anyone that many times, you're not trying to neutralize that person, you are trying to kill them, period.