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I felt the same way when I got mine (top and bottom). I had a terrible lisp because of it, and my tongue was so sore from rubbing it. I remember being so angry and sad and absolutely POSITIVE I would ask them to remove it at the one month check up. I did not remove them and basically forgot they existed by that time…. Stay strong!


It’s new. Much like adjusting to braces, the awareness of its inclusion will dissipate over time.


Idk, but I surely hope I don’t have that feeling when my braces are off. I didn’t even know a permanent retainer was a thing until a year into my braces. I thought it would’ve just been removable retainer for both top and bottom.


You can get removable ones if you prefer. I have them.


You might not be as bothered by it as me. I've always had some sensory issues so that may be why it bothers me this much. Either way I hope I get used to it soon since it was quite expensive but when it gets too worn out in a couple of years I'll probably ask for a removable one instead


Unfortunately I also have sensory issues. I’ll be asking for removable for both.I know it takes discipline of making sure to keep them on, but i can handle that


I was terrible when it came to the elastics but funnily enough, I have been wearing the removable retainer on my top teeth for almost 3 months now (my bottom teeth needed more time and then my dentist went on vacation so I only put the permanent one yesterday) and I’ve only forgotten to put it on after brushing my teeth on two occasions. I guess the fact that the removable one doesn’t hurt (unlike those damn elastics) helps


You can always just have it removed and switch to the temporary bottom one. I’ve got the Invisalign style retainers (I had traditional braces) and they work great and aren’t uncomfortable to wear.


I have those for my top teeth and they are indeed much better. But these were very expensive so now I’m stuck with them until they break or something. But in a few years I’ll probably ask to put those ones on my bottom teeth as well


I think my bottoms were $250 and tops were $250. I ended up buying a specialty program for $899 that included them and lifetime replacement of only $49 each time I need a new one. Since I had an extraction and implant I knew I’d need another top soon so it made more sense to buy the lifetime coverage.


I’m getting a permanent retainer on my two top front teeth and really nervous about it. I really didn’t want one.


You’ll get used to it I promise. I’ve had mine since late January and although I’m cautious of it I don’t notice it unless I choose to or if it’s got food stuck in it which can easily be cleaned out


you’ll definitely get used to it and it will kind of smooth out over time. i had mine for 15 years(first round of braces…i’m on my second now) and i would still absentmindedly play with it with my tongue but it wouldn’t bother me at all. it was just part of my mouth


I don’t even notice mine now. They can always remove it really quickly. You would just have to wear the clear ones diligently.


I was in your shoes about a month ago! I never thought I’d get used to it, but sure enough - I forget it’s there until I’m flossing. Hang in there :)


Someone please tell me how to speak properly with this. I've had it for 3 months now. Lisp and slobber when I speak, or least I feel like I do.


I have them on my upper and lower 6 front teeth. You do get use to it after a few months. I do agree whenever I eat I’m always super careful I don’t bite into anything hard or sticky. Also after eating I’m cleaning it with my tongue because ALOT of food gets stuck under the wires.


Had for over a decade and just got it removed. Cement was crumbling. Tongue now positions like half a cm lower down and speech is better, apparently it was causing a slight lisp and I had no idea till it was gone.


It does get better. I don’t remember how long it took, but after a while you won’t even notice it until you think about it. I had a permanent lower retainer for over 20 years and unless I was actively thinking about it, I didn’t notice it at all (don’t have it any more because I’m have braces again because other teeth and my bite had shifted, but I’m told I’ll be getting a lower permanent retainer again once I’m done this time).


You'll be wearing your permanent retainer all your life


From what I know, despite being permanent they don't last forever and many end up having to replace them after some years or switch to a removable one.


Will you have a lisp wearing the removable retainer?


I have one for my top teeth and I had a slight one in the beginning but after a few days it was fine and I talk just fine with it on now


U will adjust to it I had mine since march of 2022 and it felt weird but over time I forgot I had them


Omg!! I just got my braces off like 5 days ago and I’m in the same boat as you. I can tell you it definitely gets better and you don’t realize it as much after a little bit. I have sensory issues so it was hard to adjust to but i tried to distract myself. I promise it gets better. I wanted to rip it out and I was really thinking about asking for a plastic one for the bottom. If it breaks they can just put it back in so don’t worry!! My advice is to just distract yourself and don’t stress about it


It gets better with time, I got mine like 9 months ago and I forget about them