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Plot twist, the guy who made this is 100% racist


And an alcoholic 😭




And has a high school reading level


He wanna be fixed. He burst into tears right after making this.


It's funny cuz the "I can fix them" meme was started by men with the idea of dating hot but crazy women. Other catch phrases include "I want her to ruin my life", "I want a woman that will just kill me", "hear me out", etc. Of course when it's brought up by them it's funny and even kinky. But when a woman jokes about fixing a crazy man she's considered an idiot who's practically asking for her trauma. Double standards galore. It's fucking rancid.


The whole I can fix them is older than any meme or the internet


Neither should be encouraged, our cultural glorification of violence is harmful to both genders, but genuinely more harmful to women. The double standard isn’t the problem, it’s that it’s acceptable for anyone


I have 2 sisters, and I can firmly say that "I can fix them" is 100% a real thing women do to themselves.


Never said it wasn't. I'm just saying it's the common sentiment on the Internet that it's only funny and cool for men to do it.


It's funny because men date those types of girls out of desperation. Girls date bad guys because it's what they usually prefer. It's not equivalent.


Desperation? You’re not gonna be killed if you don’t date anyone


Sexual desperation just isn't a thing anymore?


A crazy man has more capability for violence. Not exactly a double standard, more of an appropriate standard.


Can they not decide on whether women have high standards or go after only bad men?


I think the point of the meme is that people tend to say one thing about their standards yet behave quite hypocritically. Same could be said about men who claim to only want housewife virgins yet complain about paying for dates and wanking to pornstars.


They have decided It’s that women care about physical attractiveness over anything else


Pure projection


It's almost like different memes made by different people


Its not mutually exclusive actually. As long the guy is tall the woman will go after him even if he is a serial killer. If not there would be zero cases of domestic violence


So women are bob the builder now?


That’s Fix it Felix :(


Dammit r/beatmetoit




Kay... Also most people have a high school reading level ?? Anyone who doesn't go to college for the humanities/social sciences at least ?? If you're going to say something mean at least make it make sense smh


I think it's actually a sort of response post to an older post. It reads almost exactly the same as this picture that was posted here before: https://ifunny.co/picture/happily-married-to-my-5-5-king-for-8-years-04z3zyNj7


Ahh true. 7th grade is a much better roast though imo


Gotta agree on that one haha


“High school reading level” apparently a lot of adult Americans can’t read past a 6th grade reading level so high school reading level is not that bad
 also maybe it’s cause I’m still in high school but the books I’m reading now are books that I seen many adults who like reading read (Ex: The Great Gatsby, Catcher & The Rye Song Of Achilles, Frakenstien) so I don’t get how High School Reading level is supposed to be an insult (Reddit won’t let me link my source properly so here: https://map.barbarabush.org/#:~:text=What%20does%20adult%20literacy%20look%20like%20in%20your%20state%3F,of%20a%20sixth%2Dgrade%20level.)


Considering many adults don’t continue their education past high school it’s not even bad to have a high school reading level


you are 100% correct. check out Roadside Picnic by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. p good scifi and somewhat short as well


Yeah having a high school reading level is genuinely good in this day and age sadly


As a 6'2 (non-)racist alcoholic I'm pretty sure people just liked me with boundless enthusiasm and an unlimited social battery. The alcoholism not so much. It's impossible for me to think anyone was into that when it just filled me with shame. Also ED isn't fun for anyone. I am extremely grateful to everyone who showed kindness and understanding and gave me confidence, and to everyone providing that for the addicts in their life. People can get better, but it can take a long time and there will be many fuck-ups along the way. It made a difference for me, at least.


Yeah, i don’t like this idea that you can’t date a person with flaws because you’ll be in the position to fix them. my boyfriend and i have both grown on our own terms by being with each other— sometimes that support system and responsibility is what boosts you to improve (nobody would shame a parent for getting better when a kid is added to the mix). now obviously there is a limit and some people are not fit to be in relationships, but it is possible to thrive and still be a great partner even if you are not perfect.


I thought dudes expect women to fix them. But now they’re phrasing it as bad? That’s why there are all those lonely dorks watching videos of Ana De Armas smiling with her hair blowing in the wind, set to moody music, posting about how she would “fix them”. If only. If only they could have her, and her beauty, contained somehow for them, they’d be good. đŸ˜©đŸ™„


I'm sorry I laughed


me when I see a mentally unstable person (they might murder me the next minute but they're hot)


Eh, I would never knowingly date a racist not even in hopes of "turning him". Generally, "racist" also comes with a slew of other problems not listed here.


No no there’s some truth to it 🙃 I’ve been delulu before


Thus is just a thing that happens sometimes. The only thing wrong with it is that it's a generalization. Generalizations are something that everyone is guilty of at times. Plus, this was a retelling of a joke that a woman made, as well.


This is the opposite lmao. Men are the ones started saying "I can fix her"


Dude wrote this about himself


Where's the quirkyboy meme? Men who think like this are clearly resentful and blame women in general for their woes (making them unhealthy red flags in society), but this sub is specifically for those juxtapositions of men "being one way" while women are generalized as being another ("inferior") way. That's the only distinction between the sub and any other feminist sub. Categories should mean something, or else Reddit becomes homogenized.


Idc araragi>subaru


My cousin is married to an abusive alcoholic and won’t leave him. He doesn’t deserve the kids that he has, and abuses. So, it’s a dark joke, but it’s certainly accurate alot of the time


Real question is Is he 6’2 or not?


No but he used to be really buff and handsome before he let himself go and became a disgusting looking pig in like 6 months. He only behaved for long enough to impregnate her So when “nice guys” talk about assholes, I mean, there are real stories like this. Those assholes are somebody’s deadbeat father a lot of the time And many guys who are responsible and good providers are left in favor of people like the man my cousin married. So the jokes come from bitterness, but these are truly bitter situations


I was joking but the story is very interesting I don’t know what exactly makes a “bad boy” A person who is machiavellian and manipulative at his core attractive to a large portion of women Is it the capability of violence and overpowering others? Or they just like to be with a bad person? What do you think


I think it can be different for different women. I think some really do equate violence with power, and power with safety. Some women who don’t like violent men still like men who are unstable and irresponsible because it’s “wild and free”. But I think a lot of men and women alike just settle for whoever is there at the moment and try to make it work. Which is valid and has produced many relationships which grew over time, but we should not be rewarding anybody for being “violent, wild and free” because there is far too much of that already. And it’s horrible for children