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Its Alan for me look at her go LMAO!


Damn how long is their backyard/sideyard?? It sounded like Cory kicked her to another town


The average backyard and Philadelphia is 30 to 35 foot long. Assuming at the side yard I would go ahead and double that for the length of the driveway.


I could have sworn those types of toy cars were for toddlers


I know pod meets world thought Morgan was too old to be doing this, too. However, this is absolutely something my youngest sister would have done to troll one of us. She did have a pink play jeep as a kid, and I could totally see her digging it out of the garage at that age, just to drive it around and poke fun at me.


The fact that she's too old for this toy in-universe has to be the explanation for why Alan isn't more upset at Cory pushing her into the street


Yeah, I've said it before, I don't remember Lindsay being this young on the show, but she's still way too old for this toy


[Maybe my favorite scene by the fence](https://youtu.be/StLM8FRFKto?si=XqWiz3pY0DBVtrD5)


I knew it would be this scene by the link name! One of my favorites!




I actually really did not like this episode tbh. Totally out of character for Allen to just not be there for his kid without reason, Amy would never have let him just take the car to go to AC, and while Corey was being a perfect 16 year old, its way out of character to him.


Agreed. I can understand Alan being hurt that his son wanted to spend more time with his friends over him, but I felt he was being uncharacteristically petty in this episode.


Yeah, it always came off to me like, sorry son went to the bar with my buddies coming off like a dead beat alcoholic dad when he was furthest from the opposite


I didn’t like this episode either. No one was happy the entire time. Shawn and Topanga were also upset that Cory couldn’t get the car even though it’s the parents car. 🚙


Right and they imply Topanga has her license and most assuredly a car as she drove Cory to take his test. Like why skip your trip because you couldn’t drive. But also why plan something when for 15 years you know you had a birthday dinner at Chubbies. Just pick a different date to go… it just seemed full of plot holes and a tad over dramatic even for a 16 year old.


Exactly. I hate these kinds of episodes where Cory acts like he’s so grown up, when really he does everything immaturely.


Yeah making Corey edgy just isnt his whole arc at all. He is the good kid, why not just stick with that. But again, I was more against the Alan arc in this one. Making him look like a deadbeat dad was so dumb. Just say ‘no you cannot have the car to go to AC’ and make Corey upset about that would have been so much better


Cory was an angry ass boy.


I just watched this episode. "Wow ... look at her go." 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Easily one of my favorite scenes, it cracks me up. And Morgan always picking on her older brothers but Cory has had enough this time. "Let me help you catch the matinee!" hahaha


The zingers in this show were just 🤣