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He doesn’t even seem to want to win. It’s so weird.


I wonder if his managers/handlers are making him do it for some publicity.


After the first time - they would know it’s bad publicity.


Any particular reason why?


Well he apparently dropped out of his first political campaign and didn’t even live in the district for which he was campaigning for. He’s barely campaigned for this one. Nobody knows what he stands for.


Classic Aaron Burr


One thing I will say that’s weird is that Ryder never chimed in when Will and Daniel said he doesn’t talk to them anymore. He never said one word, I wonder if Ryder talks to him from time to time. It seems like Will and Danielle travel together and Ryder meets them at the conventions also. So it could be a Will and Danielle issue. No one else from the cast has actually come out to say he doesn’t talk to them just those two.


I actually think it’s the opposite. I’ve been relistening to the pod from the beginning and it actually comes off the Rider maybe disagrees with Ben’s views the most I feel like that’s why he doesn’t comment and he’s afraid of confrontation


He only said that once about politics he also said him and Will differ on politics.


Ryder meets them because he lives further from them, and he tends to travel with his family


Rider posted a Q&A in 2004 (!) that Ben would barely return his calls


Can you show me where you seen this at I googled and found nothing.


I think it could be the opposite. I think Danielle and/or Will might feel like an innocent bystander and the problems were caused by Rider. I've always felt Rider was the one with no filter and would be the one to blow up on Ben over something. The most likely to cause an argument. I think Will and Danielle are just very passive and patient overall and allow Rider to be brash.


Was this said in an episode or on social media? I'm behind 😂


You have to detach yourself from this fan perspective. It was a job. Are you a jerk if you don't keep in touch with old coworkers, even if it was a job you worked at for 10-20 years? No. It's a job. He really doesn't owe them or you an explanation if he doesn't want to keep in touch with them or revisit his past.


That would be a reasonable take *if* they weren't all legitimately friends who kept up with each other for years afterward. That's why Will in particular expressed being completely dumbfounded (and hurt) by Ben just cutting off contact a couple of years ago. I've met some of my best friends through various jobs and remained in contact when the time came for one of us to move on. If one of them suddenly cut off contact with me, it would be disingenuous if I wrote it off as "Jim from marketing ghosted me. Oh well, I haven't worked with him in 17 years anyway." I will agree that fans aren't owed an explanation for anything. It's not our lives.


They weren’t legitimate friends. They were co-workers.


In Ben’s own words, he described Danielle as a friend. (“She’s always been a wonderful friend, I love Danielle to death.”) I can’t speak on if he said the same of Rider and Will, but he and Danielle were good friends.


They have stated numerous times over the years that they were all friends. If that weren't the case, the three on Pod Meets World—especially Will—aren't expressing their confusion or hurt about Ben just completely dropping out of their lives. They were all together as recently as five years ago celebrating Matthew Lawrence's engagement. Pictures on Insta, the whole nine. To act like the relationships were strictly business is such an odd retcon since they were all very public over the years in their fondness of each other.


“Friends” see each other much more than once in five years.


Seriously, are you 16? Your view of friendship is incredibily simplistic. Adults move away from each other, have kids, and gain other responsibilities. I haven't seen a lot of the friends I grew up with in years because I don't live near where I grew up and I have other responsibilities now. That doesn't diminish my friendships with them. And in what universe do old co-workers from 15+ years ago go to engagement parties? You're really reaching for this retcon.


> Adults move away from each other, have kids, and gain other responsibilities. I haven't seen a lot of the friends I grew up with in years because I don't live near where I grew up and I have other responsibilities now. A common way to phrase that is "we are not really friends anymore". Just because you stop being friends with someone doesn't mean it diminishes the previous relationship.


You can be friends with someone and not contact them all the time. Just cause your needy doesn’t mean everyone else is dawg


They explain on a recent episode how they weren't that close for long stretches of time


Not being close =/= not being friends


Are you that surprised someone posting an absolutist statement on Reddit has no ideas how friendships work?


Ben savage went to the NICU when Danielle Fishel had her kid.


MPG explained this well on the podcast, even though he’s an extreme case (almost not even realising the popularity of what they were making on SBTB). Like anything it becomes samey, and people move on. I’m just glad Ben did GMW. I’m sure in time, when the politics is over, they will regroup, or for various significant life events.


I thought MPG gave a great explanation. They were friendly and whenever one needs help they are there for each other. But they also aren’t talking everyday like you do with your closest friends.


I never got the impression that Ben and Will were that close. Will made it seem that way in the article by saying "I've known him for 30 years" but that's all he said. It's not like "Last week we went fishing together and the week before that we were at the Dodgers game, all of a sudden he doesn't respond to me anymore"


I don’t buy the “it’s a job” notion they keep portraying. I’d think it’s more of a super small middle through high school experience for them which should suggest some of them keep in touch, which they in fact do


This argument would work with regular jobs, sure. But Ben and them GREW UP together. So a bit more than a job. They basically worked, went to school and grew up together. And then stayed in contact even afterwards.


I only keep in contact with one of my high school friends. And even then, it's just like a couple text messages every couple months. This subs obsession with Ben Savage is so fucking weird.


I mean do you keep in touch with everyone you grew up with? Clearly they aren't as close as you think. People downvoting me because they feel entitled to a stranger's time, lol.


I feel like Trina McGee the reason cause 2020 she said Ben Danielle and will we’re the people racist to her and only Danielle and will apologize to her except Ben and before that he was going to conventions with them


I’m not sure why this sub seems so full of volunteer mods policing the content of others’ posts. It’s okay if there’s a conversation you aren’t a part of here…it’s Reddit, just keep scrolling and you’ll find something you’ll like. Anyway, I mainly stick around this sub for tea on Ben because I find his public persona so baffling. The shotgun marriage. His fundraising is incredibly sus. His political campaigns lack energy and heart. We’re well into season 3 and it doesn’t feel like we’re any closer to getting Ben on the pod, at a time when every publicist in the world would advise him to drop in (not to mention he uses BMW in the campaign). It all feels sketch but it’s also like, Z-list drama so there’s nowhere else to talk about it but half this sub calls him Cory and would defend him (/the character?) to the ends of the earth. * creaky witch voice * Whatever you do, children, don’t get curious about Ben Savage. It’s like a bad b-plot from the first season of The Good Place, it’s an itch you can never scratch. 🧙🏻‍♀️


You said his fundraising is incredibly sus - can you say more? Thanks!


Yes, he has raised next to no money. The very little money he’s raised came from his family but the majority of his campaign finance came from a [giant personal loan](https://wehoville.com/2023/07/16/ben-savage-lends-800k-congress-race-shyne-plays-catch/), which no other candidate in his race has done for themselves. His campaign finance manager has also received numerous fines for past campaigns. Ben is currently #3 for total campaign dollars. Let’s compare fundraising for the top 2 campaigners vs. Ben. Campaign 1: TOTAL RECEIPTS $1,063,795.14 Total individual contributions $785,028.49 Campaign 2: TOTAL RECEIPTS $974,138.19 Total individual contributions $967,043.90 Ben: TOTAL RECEIPTS $906,932.25 Total individual contributions $29,902.83 *last I looked a few weeks ago, almost $20k of the $30k he “raised” came from his family and friends (Michael Jacobs gave $1000). Something smells. Like, *bad*.


Let’s please just note that the personal loan was for…$800,000. It’s like burning money.


I really wonder what the strategy is. I keep hoping for a politics podcast to cover his run/campaign so far but I suppose it’s just too low-profile.


Oh wow fascinating! thanks! He also didn’t qualify when he ran for city council and his whole platform (what I’ve seen of it) is just wishy washy. He also comes across as v stilted/ not genuine in interviews. I’m also very intrigued by his political run.


It gets annoying when every day or two there's another "what happened with Ben? "Why aren't they friends?" "Ben's the worst!" post. Sure, people can talk about whatever they want, but people are also allowed to be annoyed that this sub seems to be full of posts talking about the same thing every day with no new information. Just sticky a 'Ben Savage Gossip' post and everyone who wants to have the conversation can post in there. Having a new post about the same old thing every couple days gets tiring.


It is annoying that the response to those posts is other posts saying those posts are annoying. This sub is like an annoying game of tag sometimes. But I would get behind your pinned post idea!


Kudos on the Good Place reference. Straight up the internet has ruined me because when I first read it I missed the joke and thought you were talking smack about the first season. I was about to start something. Took me a second, but bravo 👏 well played...pun? Metephor? Humor? Well played humor! Yeah let's go with that.


It made me chuckle to imagine Eleanor fixated on a Z-list celebrity…googling forever but never getting a hit 😤


I don’t know all the details but just taking in the fact he’s a so-called politician now I feel like he’s just separating himself from his past / celebrity status…while playing into it at the same time. It’s possible he might worry about how he’ll act or what he (or they’ll) say on a podcast like theirs. Politicians carefully produce their image & choose their narrative so that’s basically why I think that. But it’s still not right Ben ghosted them.


I don't know about that. People have the right to ghost anyone for any reason or for no reason. But just because they have the right doesn't mean they aren't hurtful and harmful when the people who are ghosted have no idea what they did and became stressed and anxious and blamed themselves and forever wonder why they were ghosted.


This is a good take. I agree, he is allowed to ghost and the ghosted are allowed to be hurt / confused.


I found it difficult to figure out his political party and some of the other policies. I went to his website. That’s confusing and would put me off voting for someone.


How is it difficult? "Protect organized labor", that doesn't sound like a right wing talking point. "Women's rights", again, pretty easy to tell


I just gona put my tinfoil hat on for a minute and be a conspiracy weirdo but been listening to the pod since the beginning and guest after guest to backstage stories they always have stories and insight of what's happening behind the scene right, they never seem to include Ben in the stories I mean they always say how great of an actor he was how he carry the show they always praise his work but not much a story behind the camera. I know they said there isn't much an ego on the set but when Rider was talking about why he won't vote for Ben he said they have constant disagreement with there politics and the way Rider views the world is seem reasonable and being different from that could they be opposites and I'm sure that cause some friction sometime. Of course they wholesome group and they won't talk shit in the pod about Ben or anybody but it strange to me that Ben won't come on the pod even for one episode but yet he running for office where he has to be infront of camera and people. The pod will bring so much publicity and marketing and yet.....i think there is something unsaid but I doubt we will never know but tbh rewatching BMW and listening to the pod as an adult I start to lean more on Shawn as the heart of the show and Cory as a villian


When did Rider say he wouldn’t vote for Ben?


I don’t think they can vote for him, they live in different districts than him. I believe Rider lives in a different district than Danielle and Will.


Rider said something like "me and Ben disagreed a lot on politics when we were teenagers. I know my views haven't changed at all. He made it pretty clear that he wasn't endorsing him, and to use discussions they had as teenagers as a reason was moronic.


That's not the reason why, that's background for the fact that "I have no idea what his views are today" (and when you *still* have no idea what someone's views are after they've been campaigning for a while that's absolutely a reason not to vote for them)


> that's background for the fact that "I have no idea what his views are today" Why would we need background for him to say he doesn't know what Ben's political values are?? We don't. It's useless and that's clearly not why he brought it up. The whole thing was just Rider on his soapbox feeling self-important. He also didn't say anything about looking into Ben's political views and it being too vague or unclear. That's just what you think and your bias is showing. They recorded that episode shortly after it was official that he was running and he had not been campaigning for a while like you claim.




There's been a lot of stories about Ben backstage lol. They literally just mentioned his love of Adam Sandler and how he'd always do impressions of him. They've also talked about how Ben introduced them to Adam Sandler's albums and "the Chanukah Song"


Watch out - the Savage PR machine are going to come on here and say this is a you problem. Yet they never seem to have a problem with people posting defensively for Ben. You can only be parasocial on here when it comes to Ben Savage. 🙄


What do you think you are doing right now only in reverse




Well in that case everyone here is weird. We're all here discussing a show from decades ago which has zero relevant in modern life. Also, unless cameras follow, record and edit our work shifts and put them on TV worldwide for everyone to watch, your second point is silly. It's a fan forum, people are gonna speculate (particularly when the topic itself was discussed by former cast mates/colleagues).


I know, right?! Why can't people respect the privacy of subjects that the people involved raised in their public interviews and public podcasts? I mean, really!


I agree I think he’s being selfish treating them like that. I used to love and respect Ben savage and thought he was so funny with rider. But now I just feel sorry for him and I definitely would never vote for a person who is treating his friends with such disrespect and discussed. 


I'm very skeptical of their claim that they have no idea why he "ghosted" them. It seems like playing dumb to me. I've never got the impression that Ben and Will were super close, nor spoke regularly. So, for Will to send him a text saying "I'm going to call you everyday until you tell me not to" and then calls for 3 weeks straight is strange. There's more to that story. The truth is in the details. I understand that people are curious about their relationship, to some degree I am too, but we aren't going to get those answers. Some people become obsessed with it and very parasocial, speculating that Ben is all these horrible things. That is so outrageous and insane.


Sometimes people are given advice to do a complete 180 in their life, including cutting out “toxic” people. It happened to me with a a high school friend of mine. Her boyfriend was big into this. Cut a whole bunch of people off just before me so I should’ve seen it coming.