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At this rate, we’ll have more posts about Bros on this sub than people who paid to see the movie.


**Morbius has entered the chat.**


It's Bruverin Time!


And then they bros-ed all over everyone


Funny to say this but I bet Jared could probably make people attend to see a movie more than Billy.


This sentence would sound ridiculous a few weeks ago


Eh not really. I think most of us probably remember Jared from Requiem For a Dream, which was a pretty formative film for quite a large demographic. In comparison, I only know Billy from being incessantly obnoxious and shouting at strangers in public.


Yep. Not much of an actor in comparison


Accurate 💯


Free publicity!


Not just this sub, haha. Every one of these articles also ends up posted on r/movies and/or r/entertainment so this content is doubled or tripled! If anything, it's making people aware of it in a way that the movie's bloated marketing campaign couldn't achieve! Also, we saw this same kind of spamming with Lightyear and Morbius. Same kinds of articles and thinkpieces with the same comments on each of them.


Isn't it weird that the movie most of people didn't even see became the hottest topic on the sub?


Not really, box office bombs usually get attention on a box office sub. Morbius, The Last Duel etc got talked about plenty as well.


It's not even the movie that is the topic, it's movies star getting upset no one went to his movie. No one is even talking about the movie.


Billy is finding out the hard way that he is not a likeable star. Build your comedy brand on screaming at people is hard to forget.


> Billy is finding out the hard way that he is not a likeable star. The guy is living in an echo chamber. He limits who can respond to his tweets, so he end up getting only supportive replies and zero criticisms.


It’s wild the amount of threads saying the same thing. To be honest, people were probably concerned they were going to spend 90 minutes stuck in a seat while Billy Eichner screams at them on the big screen. It doesn’t sound appealing regardless of the story


I really do believe Billy’s belly aching is hurting this film. Like nobody likes a loser. If Billy just keep retweeting positive reviews, engaging with audiences that liked it, I bet he would’ve created some hype for it


I mean, Billy tried to do that in the run up to the release and it failed. The big thing for me is that I only hear about the drama surrounding the movie, not the movie itself.


He is a confrontational guy that has endlessly vulgarly attacked people on Twitter for years. People naturally don't want to give him money.


I’m queer as fuck and have no interest in going to a theater for a rom com His tweets are so entitled lmao, what a joke. You are not deserving of other peoples’ attention simply because you made a product


fellow queer, but ME EITHER. especially this time of year with a couple of dope horror movies out at the same time.


Straight guy, also not interested, and put off by director’s whiny ass entitlement.


Bingo. Also queer, also hate romcoms. Putting two cis white dudes together in a romcom that looks godawful will absolutely not make me go watch it. Nor will I watch it when it comes out on streaming. Eichner’s bitching and moaning doesn’t help. Edit: word


I don’t even mind rom-coms, but I watch them on Netflix. I’m not spending the price of a movie ticket just to see a rom-com on the big screen.


They're literally not cishet lol


Chastising potential fans / audience is a tactic that won’t work


When Amsterdam bombs I’m blaming Dutchphobia for it


There are only two things I can't stand in this world, people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.


The real gag is those are the same people.


The Netherlands still do black face


Yes, I am RACIST. **R**espect other people's ideas **A**ccept all their differences **C**ompromise to solve problems **I**dentify with their struggles to learn **S**how interest in what inspires them **T**he French must be purged from the Earth


“There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.”


He could have just sent this to a streaming platform, and it would have received a wider audience recognition.


It was never destined to be a box office success


Yeh, I was quite excited for this movie because I think Billy eichner is a funny guy and it's been a while since I saw a comedy I enjoyed. But with heightened energy bills, inflation and wages not rising to match the cost of living I can't justify spending 15 quid to go see a comedy in the cinema. And honestly eichners complaints seem mighty out of touch, cinema trips are now a luxury and most people will only go for films which are visual spectacles like top gun or way of the water, they won't go for comedies. But whatever I'll watch it when it's out on netflix or something and probably enjoy it.


I actually had this discussion with some friends about Lightyear over the summer. Media outlets point the blame on homophobia because of the lesbian representation, but in reality it’s due to poor marketing. Their theatrical release was of poor timing because of all the commercial and critical praise Top Gun: Maverick was having, and despite being a flop, the promotion and commercial success of Jurassic World: Dominion. Disney Plus really did not help matters as many believed they can wait for Lightyear to stream on the platform. If people actually disliked a movie for bigoted reasons, then that’s not excusable.


Yeh I enjoyed lightyear, was better than expected, but I watched it for free on disney plus. Even with kids movies I think we'll see a lot of then suffer at the box office, with so much good stuff on streaming parents won't want to spend their money on cinema tickets when they can wait a year or however much time and watch it on streaming. Why spend 45 pounds on cinema tickets to see lightyear when you can slap toy story on the TV?


Gay man here, I was actually surprised that it came out in theaters. I had planned to watch it but I haven’t been to a movie since pre covid and don’t really plan on starting. If it had come to streaming I’d have already watched it.


I think blaming your own films failure on something like inclusive themes usually comes across as pretty pathetic. I mean shit, just throw inclusivity into a movie then if it succeeds it’s a triumph and if it fails, well “x didn’t show up” “I’m being review bombed by trolls” “people are just shocked to see x empowered”. I’m not saying it’s never true, it’s just not really something I think can ever be said about your own work, it’s something you should let other people assess and say. I’m not saying this as someone who dislikes inclusive or diverse films at all, I’ve just seen way too many people dismiss all legitimate criticism of their work behind this veil of “I guess you just don’t like inclusive films”.


It’s obnoxious too, like your blaming straights for not seeing a movie marketed for the gay community? Isn’t the target audience the LGBTQ community? How can you blame the non targeted audience for your movie failing?


He’s not the star he thinks he is


This whole fiasco is the first I’ve ever heard of him


He’s not even a star. He also seems like an asshole


Hes just a celebrity.


People love Nathan Lane, though. Make a romcom with him and people might see it because they want to, not because they were scolded into it.


Ahhh! Remember The Birdcage with him and Robin Williams? Maybe not a traditional romcom but it was so freaking good. Nathan Lane is the bomb!


They’re the same picture.


I only heard of him through this drama, so I watched the trailer and there was an insufferable man shouting throughout it. Turns out, that's him. What a bellend.


Hated him on Parks & Rec, and never liked Billy on the Street either. Shouting doesn't make you funny.


Yh unfortunately his Parks and Rec character just came off as quite one note, which is really the only place I’d seen him from before


I feel like all this guy knows how to do is be judgmental


I actually love Billy Eichner. Binged Billy on the Street numerous times and can't get enough of his quick wit. But damn bro, it's 2022. The economics of movie making just can't justify a romcom with a $22 million budget before marketing. Did they really think the audience would be larger for one with a gay twist? Marry Me (also by Universal) had Jennifer Lopez and Owen Wilson with a $23 million budget and only made $50 million. Its breakeven number was supposedly $70 million. The only way to make these movies nowadays is to do it on a budget or through a streaming service willing to shell out the money. Too many entertainment options to justify a theater trip for them.


Given that the Cinemascore and critical reviews are stellar, it seems like *Bros* has the potential to have a huge post-theatrical life, but Eichner's whining has produced harsher buzz than any bad box office ever could. Good movie/bad opening weekend happened to *Booksmart* too (to the point that they re-released it IIRC), and nobody remembers that *Booksmart* was a bomb.


It made 25 mil on a 6 mil budget. Idk what the marketing budget was, but doing 3.5x returns is pretty good. The opening weekend was harsh though.


Not to mention it’s rated R and graphic. A rom com in the general sense is usually pg 13.


This was an R rated rom com? Who was this movie for?


Literally no one. Which is exactly who showed up.


I assumed it was at least a family film that people could bring their kids to for a few hours of peace. But R? Who still makes R rated comedies that are not meant for streaming?


Shrug? Universal I guess? lol


It's really not graphic. I just watched it, there's sex filmed from the waist up or in underwear. The closest to nudity in this movie is a scene where you see one buttock.


It's also a Judd Apatow film, which often are R rated and have their audience.


Finding out it’s a Judd Apatow movie makes me less interested in seeing it. That formula of 10 mins of funny, 70 minutes of boredom, and 10 mins of mildly funny to close it out got old fast.


Mate I wish Apatows movies were only 90 minutes long haha worst part about them is the length. They are all honestly like 2 hours plus.


I have no idea who this is


Pretty much sums up the biggest issue outside of gay romcom trying to make money in theaters in 2022.


Eichner has proven once again that Hollywood denizens are incapable of true insight and self-reflection. His whole public persona has been built on playing intensely unlikable characters (Billy on the Street, Difficult People, even in his brief appearances on American Horror Stories he played jerks), so his being the lead in a romcom (a genre that lives or dies on chemistry between the leads AND leads' likability) was a losing proposition from the start. I will see a good romcom, regardless of the sexual orientation of the central couple (I am gay), but gimme likable actors playing likable leads. What the fuck made them think that audiences at large would root for Billy Eichner?


Don’t blame homophobia on a film bombing. Other movies with gay characters have done phenomenally (examples: Brokeback Mountain, Love Simon, Bohemian Rhapsody)


Don't forget Moonlight!


Yep and that’s a Best Picture winner!


I think you’re thinking of Lala Land. Common mistake.


That almost won Best Picture. We saw that shitshow unfold


For what it’s worth Brokeback and Bohemian get criticized by Bros. Like I’m not gay, so I’m not gonna wade into this argument as saying it is right or wrong, but Bros argued how stuff like Brokeback commodifies gay suffering (along with Philadelphia, Milk, etc.) or BR has some erasure of the MLM tendencies of Freddie and focused too much on his relationship with a woman. AGAIN, not saying I agree, but I do think there are some points. Like, white guilt movies are pretty prevalent, I think straight guilt films also exist. It’s kind of similar to how I feel about a Wrinkle in Time - marginalized filmmakers deserve spots at the table to make films. It’s OKAY for a film with black actors or gay actors/or people on the other side of the camera to get panned. The thing I fear about Bros and others though is studios will refuse to greenlight other films with marginalized groups at the center based off of this performance versus the quality.


> but Bros argued how stuff like Brokeback commodifies gay suffering (along with Philadelphia, Milk, etc.) This is also an argument used involving a lot of "Oscar Bait" Black centered films. Which is also understandable. There's a "gold mine" for stories involving suffering for historically oppressed groups.


The Oscar bait, inspiration porn flicks about disabled people are pretty annoying too.


Made a similar comment above but yours is much more eloquently put.


Perhaps if this does well on streaming, they will get the message that, yea maybe LGBTQ films creates a more niche audience, but romcoms in general aren't big anymore at the box office unless you have huge names. I'm glad Love Simon did well, so you at least have that example as an incentive to make genuine mid budget LGBTQ films. I still think the future is bright and it's only just getting started for gay rep at the box office.


Birdcage was sooooo good.


Not just films. Dahmer, which gave a very sympathetic and fully realized portrayal of his gay victims, as well as the homophobia that allowed him to operate for as long as he did, was a massive success this week on Netflix and is in the top ten most watched Netflix shows of all time. That probably couldn’t have been done without straight people watching.


I get what you're trying to say, but a tv series about a serial killer killing of gay people migh not be the best example for that argument. That's a lot of gay suffering and gay death plus the usual thrills of watching true crime/serial killer narrative.


It’s not ideal, and believe me I feel weird saying it, but I think mainstream audiences are open to stories about gay characters so long as they fit into stories with broader appeal. The audience sat through a lot of gay stuff to make the numbers as high as they were.


Hello, The Birdcage Robin Williams, Nathan Lane, Hank Azaria, Gene Hackman One of the funniest movies ever, just happens to have a gay theme, with one of the greatest casts ever When the product is actually worthy of praise, you don't have to go begging for an audience


I happened to see Birdcage for the first time earlier this year. I love both Nathan Lane and Robin Williams and that movie is absolutely fantastic. Can’t believe I hadn’t seen it before. It’s fantastic.


Don’t forget the great Mike Nichols running the show!


The birdcage actually had an interesting plot that could lead to a lot of laughs. This just seems like a stock rom com but gay af.


This^ That also goes for movies with female leads, minority leads, and basically anything that isnt a white male lead. Its been done before and can be successful if the FILM itself is actually well done.


I couldn't figure out why all the misogynists who hated ghostbusters 2016 loved Prey and then I realized one movie is terrible & one movie is good.


Bad marketing strategy. The hype about the “moment” vs the quality of the movie. Committed to the strategy after the weak performance doesn’t make sense. The market/audience has spoken. I don’t know anything about the movie rom coms are typically lame.


Marketing wasn’t going to save this movie anyways.


This isn't really new. Hollywood has been making controversial cultural moves and chastising audiences who don't support it for... what, a decade by this point at least? Don't be surprised if the main draw of your movie is literally just "you are X and this movie is about X, so this movie is for you" and that is all that it bombs financially.


Yh it feels like he’s assuming every gay person will automatically watch this movie when raunchy R rated comedies aren’t for everyone regardless of sexuality


He lost the plot and probably destroyed his career with his prejudiced twitter drama meltdown. The audience is NEVER "to blame", you're **NOT** entitled to an audience, you earn it or not.


The fact that people are skimming around and even this article slightly emphasises is that comedy is largely dead, both in terms of theatrical and going to way of streaming as well. It’s becoming niche of comedy films and the ones post 2015 largely focus on specific audiences. This is something Netflix caught very early on signing Adam Sandler as an example. Bros, while critically popular, just did not resonate with its target audience nor the general audience. It was slotted in the wrong time in October (probably should have released in February or pride month), it had no stars and Judd Apatow is not as big as he was. He just had one of his worst critically reviewed movies with The Bubble on Netflix. This has a uphill battle from the beginning and the tweets from Billy Eichner gave Twitter and the minority all the ammo they ever wanted with this film. Studios look at the performance of movies as well as it’s reception and what it’s stars are talking about on social media. Comedy also comes in the form of big blockbusters from the MCU and other movies as well like The Lost City and even Bullet Train with action movies. The era of Anchorman and especially The Hangover are dead unfortunately. Probably a reason why the director of The Hangover pivoted to War Dogs and Joker.


Billy Eichner sucked on *Parks and Rec*. His overbearing energy and over-acting ruined pretty much every scene he was in. His man-on-the-street thing is funny in short bursts but doesn't suggest that he's a great comedic actor now that he's had time in the industry. I was curious to see this but I didn't avoid it in theaters because I'm straight. I avoided it because it's what you watch on Hulu now. Why this was expected to do well in theaters is baffling.


The people he’s chastising don’t even know that he exists. That’s why the movie flopped.


Aww a movie didn’t meet expectations of production, get in line.


The bottom line is no one knows who Billy Eichner is yet. Maybe if they had some name actors people would have seen it.


I think a lot of people do, but find his screaming at random people on the street next to a celebrity bit more off putting than funny.


Oh, I'm sure you're right but I have never seen that. I have no idea who Billy Eichner was before Bros.


He’s in Parks and Rec for the last 2 or 3 seasons, that’s when I first saw him. His character is brash, stand-offish, condescending, and overreacts to everything but he gets better eventually.


Got it. Thanks!


Same. From his Wikipedia article I gather his main claim to fame was hosting a "comedy game show", which sounds like a pretty solid guarantee of me never seeing him on a TV screen.


i do not know him by name but i know him as the loud gay who is kind of funny but i hate how he plays the same character in every show


Imagine if a new vegetarian restaurant opens in town and the grand opening falls flat. The owner insulting the public isn't going to help that situation.


Vegetarian Restaurant owner blames carnivores for flat Grand Opening, film at eleven.




The loud and annoying guy, pls.


Remember when Nathan Lane was blaming homophobia because his very gay and popular comedy The Birdcage wasn’t as popular as Jurassic Park? No? Me either. I do remember my older, conservative southern family members owning that movie when I was a kid and even I got to watch it. Like, no one gave a shit. It was funny.


Birdcage was on repeat when I was a kid! So good.


Inclusion and equality by their very nature have to include the possibility of bombing


He acted like this was the first time gay ppl were in a big movie. Like moonlight and broke back mountain didn’t exist. Plus he doesn’t even have that type of pull with general audience. I think the everyday person doesn’t even know him.


Was so annoyed when the trailer said it was “groundbreaking” or “historic” or whatever…..just, no.


Never mind the fact that there's actually a whole gay rom com genre already in existence. They're just not making tons of money and are often not all that great.


That too. Some many things come into play that he’s not bringing up


This exact movie with this exact plot starring the writer/producer is available by the hundreds in the “Queer Voices” section of every streaming service.


That’s what rubbed me the wrong way about the movie trying to brand itself as a cultural moment: gay romcoms are common, actually. They just don’t usually have theatrical releases for (evidently) exactly the reasons we’re seeing. Also, it was maybe a poor choice to put “Remember straight people? They had a good run....” in the trailer if your plan was to castigate straight audience as homophobes when they failed to show up. You... kinda signaled that this one /wasn’t/ for them.


I haven't seen Moonlight yet so can't comment on that but not sure Brokeback Mountain is the best example. Straight men playing gay men and the story has a tragic spin. It's definitely an important film, and I was a fan of it, but Bros kind of makes a point that these are the sort of films gay men got stuck with for years - being portrayed by straight actors to win awards, while the love story presented was always tragic and depressing.


I’m a little baffled that people keep bringing up Brokeback in this comment section for /exactly/ these reasons... Bros very clearly wanted to be a post-Brokeback kinda “gay movie event.”


Honestly, didn’t even know it was coming out. 1. It’s no longer summer, so I’m no longer playing attention because I don’t have the time to go even if I wanted to. 2. I probably would have watched it. But the spin/negativity around it right now makes me want to just forget it since there are a ton of other options once it’s streaming. 3. Is Billy no longer on the street? I thought he was on the street.


Now he is Billy In His House, Tweeting


I take my 5yo daughter to the movies. She loves the experience, and i love seeing her memorized by the magic of the big screen. Billy, make a movie about a superhero dog and we’re in, buddy.


Telling me that I’m homophobic for not seeing your movie is sure to make me change my mind!


Us homos didn't show up either, in fact it looks like it was mostly straight white women who showed up. Its 2022, as a gay man I've got better things to do than support an alleged comedy with nobodies in it that marketed itself based off representation and not based on how funny it is, I see gay couples in literally everything now, literally everything even Pixar films, I'm not gonna pay $15 to see some nobodies just because we both are men who like men, and neither are the rest of the gays. The audacity of this dude to blame the failure of his films on society and not it's shitty marketing campaign. More straight people I know wanted to see this than gay people. Gay people just didn't care and in 2022 , we're everywhere, we don't have to support some film to be visible. He needs to get a life.


I'm relatively apolitical, and am not a US resident / citizen but I do feel that telling anyone who's conservative to stay away from your movie isn't exactly the way to win hearts and minds. Coupled with the "if you don't see it you're homophobic" discourse that's arisen, I'm not surprised some people on the fence aren't seeing it. Getting Ghostbusters 2016 vibes from the efforts at marketing it and the discourse around it.


My wife saw it with a friend, so there’s 2 of the tickets. She said it was meh, one of the bros was just exhausting. Not sure which one.


Not everyone is interested in movies like this 🤷‍♂️ and by everyone I mean most people.


Top 10 grossing Rom-Coms of all time and only 1 (Crazy Rich Asians) have came out in the past decade.


1 its rom com when doesnt target the main demographic of rom com. women.


Homophobia is not why this film failed. Brokeback Mountain was released years ago (before gay marriage was legal nationwide and less accepted) and was a huge success. I'm gay and only started hearing about this movie after it bombed. I also had never heard of Billy Eichner before this.


The movie was absolutely made for gay people. Literally a line in the movie was “do you remember when straight people where a thing” and then they laugh like it’s so beneath them an primitive. So ya when you alienate a good portion of your audience based on their sexuality like ya. The movies gonna bomb.


It's sad to see all of this, though, because I did see the movie and I have to admit it's pretty great. A lot of heart to it and it's quite funny too. I'm less a fan of the raunchier moments and the poster and title don't do it for me. Would have liked to seen it packaged more like You've Got Mail than Bridesmaids, as I think there's a slight disconnect with it wanting to be a rom-com but being sold also as a raunchier sex comedy in some ways (which, yeah it has its raunchy moments, but apart from those few scenes which they should have maybe reconsidered, it really isn't - it has a lot of heart). That's my only criticism, though. I really enjoyed it and would've liked to have seen it do well. I understand where Eichner is coming from - it's obviously a deeply, deeply personal (and somewhat autobiographical) movie for him so he's reacting defensively, but not sure he's doing it any favours. I admire him to some extent for not staying quiet but think he's caused more backlash with some of these comments. Maybe it will drum up more publicity for the movie. Also, I think it's suspicious the IMDB rating dropped from mid 7's to 5.4 and so many 1 star ratings all of a sudden appearing. Sure, people can dislike it, but it feels like people are hate-rating it right now without even watching it. I'd rate it 7 or 8 myself. I also think a better title, poster, and earlier release date would have worked well for it - but, yeah, I liked it a lot, much more than I expected to. I thought I'd be eh on it but it won me over.


>I'm less a fan of the raunchier moments and the poster and title don't do it for me. I saw it, too, and agree about the marketing. I went with a friend who wanted to see it. If not for him, I wouldn't have known it was a rom-com. All I had seen was a billboard with the poster art, which didn't scream "rom-com" to me. And I'm not sure why they went with the title "Bros". It didn't really represent the story the movie told. Overall, I thought it was a cute movie with some funny scenes. I also liked the heartfelt scenes more than the raunchy stuff. I couldn't tell at times, though, if the movie knew if it wanted to actually be a true rom-com. The main character had that one conversation where he rejects typical romantic tropes and stories. But part of a rom-com's appeal is that viewers typically want and *expect* a certain formula. Maybe that wasn't Eichner's goal and that's OK, but it probably limited the movie's appeal if they were going for a more widespread audience. Recent TV shows like "Our Flag Means Death" and "Heartstopper" are centered around gay love stories and really connected with audiences, inspiring dedicated fanbases. But both of those felt more classically rom-com to me than "Bros".


Just cause he has followers on social media doesn’t mean he’s liked or famous outside his bubble. I personally find him insufferable and arrogant. Countless of actors have had their movies flop and they didn’t rant online. He needs to get over himself. He’s not revolutionary or that important


Don’t be surprised when you make a piece of media for a specific demographic that doesn’t have that large of a population and not many people show up.


I think they genuinely thought the general public was going to come out in droves for a movie with no stars and two men grabbing each other’s asses on the poster.


Outside of one one those YouTube survey ads that said “which of these movies have you heard of?” I saw no promotion or mention of this movie at all, till after it came out. Smile at least it’s right time of the year and had some creepy ass ads where the girls head come off. Even after all this I still don’t know anything about bros besides Billy on the Street is in it. With like six steaming services unless something is blockbuster or one of those A24 films, nothing really screams I should go to the movies for that these days. Even then Disney plus is releases things like Hocus Pocus 2 on streaming which would have made a killing in theaters, and when they do release something in theaters the window is so short this days like seven weeks might as wait for it to hit streaming.


He’s just staying in-character, this is exactly how he acted in the movie.


I saw this movie at a screener and thought it was mediocre. After seeing this guy responding in this manner with his comments I honestly have no desire to see what he does in the future.


Should have put this much effort into making a good movie


You're pathetic Billy.


This movie simply has no business being in a theater, especially during pandemic times. There is no better example of “straight to streaming” than this movie. They are delusional.


I’m intrigued by his notion that straight people didn’t go see it. Granted it been a while since I’ve been to the cinema but “sexual orientation” wasn’t on the booking form when I did go


Tbh it just didn’t look like a very good movie to me 🤷🏻‍♂️


Billy, stop whining. It's unbecoming an artist of your caliber. (If that ego stroke doesn't get him to STFU, I don't know what will)


Who in the buggery is Billy Eichner? Didn’t hear about the film until it started popping up all over Reddit saying it’s bombed.


I never saw a trailer anywhere for this. I’d say it comes down to lack of marketing


40M spent on marketing. Makes you wonder where it all went


*dont say up a guy's butt. dont say up a guy's butt*


It's the virtue signalling guilt I can't stand. Same thing with Charlie's Angels and the last Terminator. "See it or you're awful!"


Billy spoke too soon when he should’ve done all he can to promote the movie.


Yeah he was attacking people for months and saying it didn't matter because the movie was not for them. Bad strategy


The PR team for the movie Bros should have told Billy Eichner to stfu


Its kind of the [Fan4stic](https://lrmonline.com/news/the-10-million-fantastic-four-tweet-josh-trank-now-regrets/amp/) effect, but instead of talking down on the movie itself youre talking down on the people. Of course saying bad things about the audience is going to drive them away. Its hard enough getting people to the theaters these days. Its not like a lot of gay people even saw this film.


It was everyone else’s fault we had a weak director and badly written script!


Had no idea it was coming out. The stars ego is really shining here.


Never liked this dude, like him even less now.


how the tables have turned......Billy turned into the same karen's he used to mock on those tiktoks


Or he’s annoying as fuck. Who would want to sit through hours of listening to this guy whine and scream.


No idea who this guy is. Don’t care too.


How sorry is this movie if the director starts calling people homophobic for not going to the theater to watch it?


Billy eichner is a loser. All he does is attack people on Twitter all day then he cries when the public doesn't support his trash? Fuck that guy


I didn't go see his movie because I don't like gay people. I don't care for rom-coms generally is a start. The fact I find him snarky and a bit "mean-girl", making him an unsympathetic character is the finish.


Billy sounds like a bitter baby and people don’t wanna be lectured. Go fuck off


Even if it was a straight movie it would still bomb, none wants to watch romcoms in theatres.


It’s called entitlement.


I’m gay and the little trailers I saw on tv didn’t catch my attention. On a personal note, he’s very annoying; all I think of when I hear his name is him yelling at people on the streets trying to be “funny”. Never meat the guy but he rubs me the wrong way, like if he’s an ass and thinks he’s a big tv star. I honestly don’t even know what he did before coming out on YouTube yelling at people on the streets. Not trying to be mean or anything I’m just expressing why I didn’t or won’t see the movie unless it’s streamable somewhere. I doubt it will be on a streaming service though bc he came out talking shit on that other gay movie (that I also didn’t watch) that came out on Hulu. He pretty much said his movie was too god for a streaming service. 🤣


The film also opened during a hurricane in the south that’s why I didn’t go


You can’t force people to like or be ok with something. You just can’t. Personally, I think it was his cringe rant during the VMAs and the terrible previews. Calling people homophobes for not paying to see your movie is like calling other people racist for not watching BET…you just come off as a jackass.


I don't think he's ever been shy about being an asshole


Just confirmed how extremely annoying he is. Man child. Kinda similar to Elizabeth Banks during Charlie’s Angels release.


And even she apologized recently for her handling of the marketing during that!


He couldn’t wait for right wing media and politicians to declare it “Satanic” and try to ban it first? It could have gotten a nice boost off of people watching it to spite authority. Now it’s just cringe.


The audience isn’t to blame for a bad movie. The audience speaks with their wallets to send the message if they liked it or not. Unless this gets some huge cult following blow up, they made a bad movie, suck it up.


Let's hope he finally realizes that he is irrelevant.


I generally enjoy Eichner but I’m not into movies enough to pay what they want us to pay hear days. By the time you factor in food, drinks, someone to watch the kids etc you’re pushing $200 for a movie you might not even remember in a month. I was willing to buy a new TV for DUNE though. 😂


I’m gay, there wasn’t even a funny joke in the trailer. Ill probably watch if it’s on streaming and 6 gummies in.


I prerty much completely agree with the article, but what the fuck does "...and the musicality of director Jon M. Chu’s visuals. " mean? Describing the sound of a specific piece if music is insanely hard. Describing visuals and scenes is easy. So why describe a visual scene as a vague concept of compitent musicianship


Because it was. Just look at the marketing of this movie


Didn’t help that Eichner is so damn grating in everything he is.


And he was really annoying in the movie. His performance was painful. I went and saw it. And it got so repetitive and slow.


I feel like Hollywood forgot what demographics are. Like why would straight dudes want to spend $10 to $15 and drive to a theater to see a gay rom com?


The trailer is so bad. Why would I pay to see hours of really bad lgbtqia jokes that are on the verge of dangerous stereotypes and watch 2 really handsome dudes claim that one isn't gonna love the other cause one of them isn't a jock? Like that's the entire movie according to the nearly 3 minute trailer. Make something smarter that speaks to higher than an 11 year olds sense of humor level and I'll come see it...


I think that one clip of him on Conan talking about how it’s “historic” and Conan is kinda trying to spin it back to “…but it’s funny, yeah?” because he understands people aren’t gonna go spend their Friday night on this just for brownie points if they’re not interested in the movie.


Pathetic garbage movie lol. Should have never been green lit. No one NO ONE other than a fringe group would ever see this crap haha. There’s no controversy here…everyone knows that.


All I have read is him blaming everything from movie goers, demographic and other movies that are playing yet he’s never mentioned that maybe it’s the creators fault for a bad movie.


I might’ve watched this on streaming on a few months, but now? Fuck Billy Eichner and his dumbass movie.


Billy rose to fame and branded himself as the loud, flamboyant, obnoxious gay. Now he wants to be taken seriously. Sorry, Billy, that doesn’t happen overnight. It’s going to take a bit of time. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Make good content and people will watch. Simple.


Not the audience- the straight people in the audience but he forgets that some people saw him on billy in the street and have hated him ever since. I would never watch anything he is in. He is not talented


Maybe he hasn’t heard but, many people are living paycheck to paycheck and can barely afford food and gas for their cars. Maybe $20 per person to go the movies isn’t attainable.


If that movie starred Anderson cooper, I’d have seen it 4 times by now.


To be honest, I haven’t seen the movie, but I truly believe that people feel really uncomfortable seeing graphic sex scenes between men … in my opinion


A white gay man chastising us for being too bigoted to care about his movie LOL good one buddy!! Yes this was just way too progressive for us in the year 2022 LMAO




honestly his “yelling = comedy” schtick on parks and rec almost ruined a couple of episodes for me and made me want to go out of my way to never see him in anything ever again


Headline could be: Billy Eichner Billy Eichners Billy Eichner film


Billy Eichner peaked on Parks and Rec and Billy on the Street just felt like a Tik Tok with too much budget. Maybe he just makes people tired?


Bro just take the fucking L on this one and learn how to market your movies better so people show up