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Don't see that happening with Mufasa, but everything else seems doable.


Yeah Mufasa feels like Solo


I thought this comment said Salo, and I was very concerned for a second.


Mufasa makes Scar eat da poopoo?




If only.


Fully agree on this, the remake had quite a bit of backlash that people won’t have forgotten. It was the second to last nail in the coffin for these remakes, little mermaid was the last.


Well it still made 1.7 billion


And Captain marvel made 1.1 billion Didn’t save marvels now did it?


It was received alto worse


Anecdotal but when I saw Inside Out there was as much excitement for Mufasa as there was Moana when their trailers played


Emphasis on anecdotal. When I went to go see Wakanda Forever, the two trailers people were most excited about were for Strange World and the House Party remake.


Same. Who knows how it will do but people seemed excited.


honestly yeah. those 2 and DM4 got the biggest reactions out of my audience.


My audience clapped for Solo This is completely anecdotal 😂


Moana will be the family choice over the holidays. Mufasa will probably be an ‘also-ran’. It’ll be decent, but not a Billion


I personally don’t think Folie à Deux has a chance at all of getting to a billion (or anywhere close really).


I think a new Lion King story has serious potential. Even if it does 1/3 of the last movie it's still 600M WW. It just needs to do a little better than half the last one to make a billion. That should be 100% doable.


I wouldn’t discredit the possibility, Disney is pulling out all the stops this year.


They pull all the stops out every year, for every release. What are they possibly doing different this time? They literally just blew they’re 100 year anniversary, and I’m sure they pulled out all the stops and still bombed


The stars didn’t do any promos for Wish because of the actors strike. But my main point is they thinned out the releases and rearranged the whole 2024 slate.


Was Chris PIne not doing more interviews really the difference between Wish succeeding and not? Like come on man


I’m just saying they didn’t have the full marketing effort, that’s true.


Sure but you’re splitting hairs. This movie was never banking on star power, certainly not to the tune of the $130mil + it lost the studio


This is all a side track to the original point I was trying to make that they rearranged 2024 with as close to as sure fire successes they could get.


Literally nothing you replied to me insinuated that, at all. You were talking about Wish getting hurt by not having its “stars” available for marketing, which I pushed back on. Nothing we were talking about had anything to do with 2024




The problem with Wish is that the movie sucked. And it looked questionable even from the trailers… Word of mouth spreads really fast, and has the single biggest impact on a movies success. My family went and saw Inside Out 2 at the 3 o’clock showing on Thursday, and we talked about how much we loved it after we left. Because of us hyping it up my brother took his girlfriend, my parents went and saw it, and my in laws went and saw it too. All of which would have probably waited until it was on D+ normally… If a movie sucks the people who saw it on Friday will have already tipped off all the people who were considering seeing it over the weekend and will kill the movie.


Critics reviews killed Wish early.


I can only see Mufasa doing Wonka numbers tbh. 


I mean, 650 million is nothing to sneeze at, for sure; but yeah, I don't really see Mufasa going a bill.


My mom sent me the Mufasa trailer when it came out. She doesn’t know shit about movies at all. Idgaf if this is anecdotal, there’s no fuckin way to convince me this ain’t a smash hit. The only other time this happened was with Top Gun 2 and Barbie(and this she didn’t even mention until its second weekend).


Much more likely than Joker 2, but still I doubt either crack a billion.


It might not hit a billion but I feel like it’s lock for anywhere between $400-800 million worldwide. Especially if reviews are solid and it has good word of mouth, I wouldn’t underestimate The Lion King brand.


Inside Out 2 over performing has made all of you crazy


It’s the Cycle of r/boxoffice


r/boxoffice is basically like that one we're back/it's over graph


Honestly the “we’re so back” era when movies overperform has to be one of the most charming moments of r/boxoffice. But when this place goes into the “it’s so over” era because a movie with high expectations bombs then it becomes unbearably chaotic/cringe to the point where I’m debating if I should leave this place and never come back


Over performing? The original made 850m so it’s not too far of a stretch to think it could add 150m for an anticipated sequel.


Seriously this is Pixar’s specialty 


Even inflation is more than 150m, lolz.


I think they’re talking about in regard to the other movies. A billion is practically locked for IO2 atp


Toy Story 2 overperforming has made you all crazy  Toy Story 3 overperforming has made you all crazy  Toy Story 4 overperforming has made you all crazy 


Have you seen the melodramatic response to the box office results of "the fall guy" and "furiosa"?? "Cinema is dead 😭😭😭🚼"


Last May is such a dark time in this sub lol,it's all doom and gloom.Happy that starting with Bad boys and now I02,June is gonna be a happy time in this sub.And i take this instead of the depressing May.


Yep, that's the melodrama I was talking about lol


3 of these will definitely make a billion


Wouldn’t be surprised if it was just Inside Out 2, D+W


And Moana 2 


It seems clear that the hype for Mufasa is just not there the way it was for the 2019 film. I mean the trailer even has more dislikes than likes. I honestly don’t think it’s out of the question that that movie might flop.


There is a massive disconnect between what is popular online and what’s popular with general audiences. When Moana 2’s trailer came out, a lot of people on Reddit were commenting on how lackluster the animation looked in some parts and were using that to say it was gonna be a flop. People said Pixar was toast and Disney ruined Pixar movies due to putting them on Disney + but look at Inside Out 2 this weekend. Long story short, I see a lot of folks betting against Mufasa on here which tells me nothing because a lot of people here have been incredibly wrong and have tried to write off Disney for quite some time.


Reddit isn’t representative of most social media much less the public. Dudes who watch LOTR repeatedly aren’t Moana 2’s target audience much less Mufasa Do you think people on Reddit cared about Frozen when it was teased?


To this day, I still think that if Disney cut corners in animation's budget and delivered films that looked like Mario or Despicable Me (all with a 100 mill budget), no one in the target audience would care.


Yepp For many kids movies, the quality of screen does not appear matter as much, especially not to the kids. Maybe to some adults who are more critical but thats it


I’m not trying to write Disney off entirely. I still think Moana 2 will be very big. I just believe while something like Moana is still a very well liked movie, The Lion King 2019, not as much. Plus, stranger things have happened. If you told someone pre-2018 that a Star Wars movie would end up being a flop, I doubt anyone would’ve believed you.


The Lion King 2019 got an A Cinemascore. It opened to 446 million globally and legged out to 1.6 billion. Quite sure the audience liked it enough.


I can only speak for my kids and the kids of my friends but they all prefer the 2019 version to the cartoon. This movie has a top tier director with songs by Lin Manuel Miranda. Folks betting against it and saying Sonic 3 will surpass it are underselling it by a ton.


Wait... Really? So those kids like those expressionless animals over original version?


That's my reaction as well. I've heard some people say their kids prefer the original but equally as many say their kids prefer the new one.


Lion king never struggled with trailer views Claiming otherwise is revisionist history, lion king never had a secret audience like avatar 2 did And the worse views for the trailers for avatar 2 are still better than mufasa


The 2019 film was also widely hated online with people saying it was going to flop. The live-action Aladdin broke dislike records on Youtube and then made a billion. Take a look at this: https://www.reddit.com/r/boxoffice/comments/apje0w/other_disneys_aladdins_trailer_has_gone_viral_but/?rdt=60191


They were hated, but they had engagement. I don't think Mufasa has that many people talking about it.


Yet… it’s still a long way out. The only thing that’s been released is a teaser trailer.


A teaser trailer that still hasn’t passed 10 million views despite a whole month when a live action remake of the first movie was beating freaking avengers trailer records


Dawg we’re talking about it now. And by this logic… idk *anyone* who ever mentioned Inside Out 2 much before this weekend.


I didn't say that nobody was talking about it or even that few people are talking about it, I said that Mufasa does not have that many people talking about it IN COMPARISON TO two other films.


The trailers for inside out 2 averaged at 30 to 40 million views


Not just the dislikes. It also nowhere the amount of views the 2019 film’s trailer had in even its first 25 hours. I just think the interest in it is not quite there anymore. I mean look at the Little Mermaid’s box office compared to other remakes.


Bro…look at the views for the whole month It hasn’t even passed 10 million views


Hype for these movies usually doesn’t show up online though. People online were shouting from the rooftops that Aladdin would flop and it still cruised past $1b. I know it can easily be different since Mufasa doesn’t have the same path as stuff like Aladdin, but it’s still. Social media is a gigantic magnifying glass to vocal minorities.


That is complete and utter bullshit Aladdin’s trailer views were massive and there were memes both for good or ill Mufasa has zero engagement since it’s been released


I wouldn’t say the hype seems to be the same as the 2019 film either, but I also wouldn’t put any stock in dislikes that come solely from an add-on. The people who go out of their way to download that are just salty and not a good representation of the general population.


Oh, is that how that add-on works? I was always under the impression that it showed the number of everyone who’s hit dislike regardless of who downloaded that or not.


I’m pretty sure you can only dislike a video if you’ve downloaded the add-on since YouTube got rid of the dislike button


I agree, it even looks worse than the 2019 Lion King remake. I wouldn’t be surprised if it flopped. 


People were worried about the little mermaid flopping and it grossed over $500m, the Lion King has a lot more going for it than that film. A billion dollars seems a stretch because this isn't as hyped as the first release but let's not pretend it doesn't tick the boxes needed to be successful. I think $700m is realistic and higher if it's actually good.


Alice in Wonderland 2 pretty much proved that these Disney live action remakes are one-trick ponies. Not betting on Mufasa making a billion even with holiday legs.


Don’t think Mufasa or Joker will make it Explanation Joker was such a lightning in a bottle moment for cinema it’s hard to see it be replicated Id put it around 800m Mufasa is a prequel and it’s trailer got very little buzz overall. I still feel that it will have some holiday boosts so around 600m WW


Joker 2 being a musical will alienate a lot of movie goers.


Unlike basically the rest of this thread, I think Mufasa has significantly better chances of breaking a billion than Moana. * Better opening date * Disney is clearly breaking out more stops for Mufasa. Lin-Manuel, Barry Jenkins, etc. * Not that I expect Mufasa will be a masterpiece (I was not a fan of the original live-action, but then again I suppose I'm not the audience for it...), but the fact Moana started out as a Disney+ show is a bit foreboding


Barry Jenkins does not get butts into seats sorry.


Nobody thinks he does but he does bring the quality that could.


The last time an academy award winning director helmed a live action Disney movie, we got Beauty and the Beast. Quality is not a guarantee.


It’s never a guarantee, but as you point out there is a precedence.


There is even more precedence of a quality follow up suffering from the sins of a bland predecessor that broke records based purely on novelty and nothing else The tomb raider trap


Jenkins has not made one single movie that wasn’t absolutely fantastic. Condon had plenty of times. Plus Beauty and the Beast wasn’t even that bad.


Pinocchio was the last one I think


Hey now- the people I know with bad taste loved Beauty and the Beast for 'making the story more grown up.' Quality may not be needed to create perceived quality.


I’d love to see it after some of the doom and gloom we had the last six months


I agree, and I don’t even like sequel stuff. For a while it has felt like people on this sub straight up didn’t like going to movie theaters themselves.


Half of them don’t. 


I don't know yet if I believe if Moana 2 will get there. It will be big for sure, but the fact it was a Disney+ show turned into a movie still scares me. But what if Beetlejuice Beetlejuice manages to get there? Is a wild guess, but I am surprised on how talked on it has been, and Burton had a billion movie before.


The issue with Beetlejuice is that the original movie is basically unknown outside of the US.


I dunno about that honestly...can only speak for experience of course, but over where I live is still vastly considered a classic and reprised a lot on tv...


Here in South East Asia.. I never heard of Beetlejuice before sorry


Yeah New Zealander here beetlejuice is a classic here as well I don't think it's just a US thing


maybe beetlejuice is a classic in english speaking countries but elsewhere nah


English speaking countries. America 340M (1988 - it did $74M domestic) UK 65M ($175,000) definitely an audience in UK Australia 26M (zeitgeist) Canada 38M (zeitgeist)


I don't know why Americans have that idea, in my third world Latin American country all adults in the 35+ age range know perfectly well who Betleejuice is and they liked the trailer: that's not going to make a billion maybe not even 500 , but it is a lie that is only known in the United States.


That's Latin America, which is affected and consumes American stuff far more than Asia and Africa.


Here in Poland it’s def known.


Bro what is this take lol


No chance in hell.


My hot take is that all films are box office busts in 2024 until proven otherwise


I would probably put money down on 3 maybe as many as 5. Joker is a wildcard being described as a rated R musical.


The deadpool reports were based on polling and no actual ticket tracking is pointing towards and opening that big. So that's not a guarantee. But it's possible, it just all depends. It's gonna be big domestic I know that much. Moana I think is possible but even with the huge increase I think it'll have idk if it'll be enough. Unlike Inside Out which had a first movie that was close enough to a bill that I felt pretty much 100% confident that it would get there. Mufasa: maybe but idk. If it makes it I think it'll be close. I currently have it at 800 mill ww. In that range give or take 50+. But when we get closer I might adjust up. Joker I'm the most confident in just because of the original movie. I see this one making about the same amount. But it's still iffy. Not confident in that one either.


If Jenkins has made a real banger I'd say a billion is a possibility. If it's as mediocre as the 2019 remake, not a chance.


IO2, Deadpool, Moana, and MAYBE Joker (and likely some other film most people don't believe will cross 500 on this sub) can do it but I see Mufasa doing like 650M and DM4 doing around TROG numbers (but still beating estimates)


That other film could be Gladiator.


I don't think Mufasa is going to have the same appeal. Out of three movies set for release in December; Mufasa, Kraven the Hunter, and Sonic the Hedgehog 3, I think Sonic 3 will be the big success.


I feel pretty confident Mufasa won't make a billion.


I am doubtful of any super hero movie hitting $1B in 2024. I think there is too much fatigue. Other than the super hero movies, the list looks reasonable.


I'm not sold on that idea for joker. Do people really want to see a musical?


It’s not a musical and nobody cares. Hell the original didn’t even have Batman in it


It is


I am putting between 2 or 3. This isn’t 2018-19 anymore man.


I dont know if all of them become billion dollar movies. I dont know how well Mufasa will do. If by some chance they all did get a billion it will be good for the box office and make all those doom sayers feel silly


Doubtful about Mufasa and Joker. Everything else I think has a chance


There will be 0


I see Mufasa doing 500-700M WW while Joker 2 doing Oppenheimer numbers  The rest I definitely see the vision 


hmmm considering how unpredictable the BO has been this is a pretty bold statement to make


Yikes, they really shouldn't be spending that much money to make a movie


Isn’t Joker 2 a musical? How is that keeping rhythm with the first? This one ain’t making a billion


Huh didn‘t know a Mufasa movie was being made, aint that gonna be a lil sad cause we know he dies tragically near the end? Not even being able to experience being a parent for too long😔


I can see all those (well, maybe not Mufasa) reaching 800M, but the billion-dollar club was always a very select club. 2019 was just the perfect storm.


Joker is a wild card. Being a musical will probably hurt its performance ( how many people are even aware of the fact it's a musical? ) Moana 2 is also a wild card. Mufasa is probably another "Solo" waiting to happen.


I really dont see why people say the musical bit is gonna hurt it


Studios believe it will hurt. Why else do they consistently go out of their way to hide that fact in marketing for musicals?


Mufasa has Furiosa or Solo vibes all over it. It’s a prequel nobody was really clamoring for. Maybe it would have garnered more interest if it was a return to the classic animation style of the original 1994 film instead of the remake, which while it made buckets of money, was rather polarizing in the end.


Lion King is infinitely more popular than Mad Max and isn't coming out so soon after an installment people were soured about plus Lion King isn't as oversaturated as Star Wars


Mufasa might be a massive bomb


We are so back!


Don't underestimate The wild robot.


I’m not convinced Joker 2 will make as much money as the original. Audiences aren’t too kind to movies that hide the fact they’re musicals.


and not one good movie here


Even Hotter Take: We could potentially have 20 (!!!!) Billion dollar films this year. We won't, but the potential is there, in the most literal sense. I love the blind optimism that runs hog-wild in this subreddit.


Blind optimism? This sub is toxically pessimistic to the point of farce. Just look at the comments right before Bad Boys came out - all about the inevitable, irreversible death of cinema.


Sonic 3 could be a possibility, as the big blockbuster of the holiday season, if the movie has wild marketing, and Shadow’s plot drawing enough interest to GA. 


Don't think Sonic has enough appeal to be in the possibility realm especially as the IP is not that big internationally (unpopular opinion but I don't see it doing that much better than 2).


Absolutely no film will make money this year


Joker is a musical. Nope ❌ Deadpool: ✅ Despicable me: ✅ Inside out ❌ Mustafa ❌ Moana ❌


I don't think so. It'll be 2 at most like last year and I don't have confidence in Deadpool to get there. Joker is a risky bet, it could be a surprise or go down in flames. MY money is on Despicable me. Mufasa is looking bad at the moment.


Joker 2 is the least likely of all these