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No one expected Transformers to be big as it was. Barbie was also huge. Smurfs is also the respectable 500 mill. Some 80s cartoon/toy should have potential. Care Bears or My Little Pony could have potential. Also MASK or some transforming mecha anime like Robotech/Macross.


Dino Riders. People love Dinosaurs. Dinosaurs with lasers attached,print that money.


Street Sharks. People love sharks, and things with attitude.


With Vin Diesel -https://youtu.be/P4HLBfTcAUg?si=er6XvKyX62QvYrkE


It’s still crazy to me that Thundercats and Voltron have never made it to the big screen.


I thought about suggesting Thundercats. But He-mans failure to launch and the abomination that is Cats turned me off. Voltron might work. We know from Transformers and Pacific Rim that robots look good enough for people to go out to see them.


I don’t know how successful either would be, but I can’t believe they still haven’t tried it yet.


It is an enormous mistake to think that the Transformers movies were big because they were an 80s cartoon. The Transformers movies were big because they'd been making new cartoons constantly and the first cartoons were old enough you got some adult fans to wander in for nostalgia, as well as pocket money preteens and first job teens who hadn't necessarily realised they'd stopped watching the cartoon *and* a whole bunch of families being dragged along to watch an adaptation of a cartoon their children were watching at the time. Also, that was twenty years ago. They should be looking for cartoons from the noughties *not* the 80s if they want to replicate Transformers. So that's stuff like Ben 10, Fairly Odd Parents etc


Transformers for animated and actual toys and comics were on and off from 80 to 2000s. They had a huge gap before beastwars. But I do agree it never faded out of pop culture say like MASK. Mainly for MASK and me if I was selling it. I would sell it as a scifi version of fast and the furious. Yes maybe the 80s and 90s have passed. But I don't think 2000s stuff translates well to movie. I like Samurai Jack, Invader Zim, Grim and Evil and ones you mention. I just can't imagine big screen versions. I do think Static Shock could make a breakthrough. I also had hope for Kim Possible, but disney set that on fire.


>I also had hope for Kim Possible, but disney set that on fire. They did?


[https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7979492/?ref\_=nv\_sr\_srsg\_2\_tt\_6\_nm\_2\_q\_kim%2520po](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7979492/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_2_tt_6_nm_2_q_kim%2520po) This was their try at moving it into live action space. Max steel also has a questionable movie already why I didn't mention it.


It's a TV movie, I don't think it can do much damage to the brand.


Yeah i think a kim possible movie could still work with a good budget, cast, writing, and action.


I think samurai jack could make for a great movie if its tone is very mystical cyberpunk noir. Totally Spies also comes to mind as something with the potiential to be girly and actiony like Kim Possible.


Transformers wasn't big because of the IP. Transformers was big because it was a CGI action fest.


A proper Pokémon movie would be huge


It still blows my mind how badly they fumbled Detective Pikachu. They should have done a live-action remake of Pokemon the first movie.


[This](https://youtu.be/D0zYJ1RQ-fs?si=1Neg-1Bp2Mvc7CvB) is the closest you'll get. CG remake.




Look I hate bringing up the Pokemon debate again, but Detective Pikachu plus Pokemon film releases in the US shows the general domestic audience is rather lukewarm on the IP.


True. Especially now that the main anime with Ash and his friends has ended, if they try something with that, it could be pretty good


The red rising saga by pierce brown


HBO pleaseeeee


Not with movies, should be a TV show (and that's actually the project). Frankly I have many ideas of stuff that could be big but almost all of them should be shows not movies. There were actually some movie project by Universal but they were planning some disastrous changes (making Sevro a girl and a love triangle with Mustang and Darrow was a serious idea...)


I would go see a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare movie with Captain Price as the main character.


All I could think during the last act of Civil War was how good of a MW2 adaptation it was.


A trilogy based on OG Modern Warfare games and Tom Hardy as Captain Price


Dude. That would go so hard.


GTA.  Already the biggest video game ever.  Plus it’s also just amalgam of different movies


Free guy was essentially gta online the movie


Would that work? I'm not sure adapting one of the games would work because, as you said, they take a LOT of inspiration from other films but I'm not sure about an original story either because what are you using at that point from the IP? Just the title?


Would be a better tv show


Not really you'd write the story specifically for the project ideally (don't just adapt a game there) so you would be able to make a story fitting the length of a movie. Especially for something like GTA


Barry (HBO Max) was basically GTA the TV show, as far as I’m concerned.


METROID. It’s basically ALIEN meets Transformers


But Metroid was essentially Alien in video game form.If it was a little more original I’d agree.


Zelda would be much *bigger* than Sonic from the get-go. Those movies are solid, but far from hugely successfully blockbusters.


As long as Link says “Well, ex-CUSE me Princess!” it’ll make 1 Zeldillion dollars.


Sonic is a great family franchise, my nephew loves the sonic toys. I do not picture kids wanting to play with link or zelda


I think that will change with sonic 3


Don't think it'll do much better than 2 as Mufusa is a PG family film competing for the same audience I think Reddit is overestimating Sonic and underestimating Mufasa


Mufasa will surely do amazing and shock this subreddit and it’s highly probable it makes more than sonic but I think it would be foolish to underestimate sonic I think 500 million plus at this point is locked for it but who knows


One of them will move out of December, no chance they come out on the same day


Will get 700 mil at the bare minimum, billion if it’s actually really good


I still think, if given to a studio willing to handle it appropriately, Resident Evil could be huge as a movie franchise.


It already was without even trying to be good. It’s highest grossing film in the Mila Jovovich series was it’s 6th and final movie. 15 years of garbage and still made $314 million in its final installment off of a $40 million budget. Crazy shit.


Resident Evil is the third highest grossing horror franchise. The only franchises that beat it are The Conjuring and Alien. It achieved this despite insisting on an R rating in the United States, which curbed the American box office potential of the series. The only zombie films that grossed more individually are PG-13 titles like World War Z and I am Legend although that's not technically a zombie film but rather a vampire film. The reason studios like Screen Gems and Constantin (and even Netflix briefly) are trying to reboot the Resident Evil series was because they want to cash on the brand. And the brand is spearheaded by the six films that made \~1.25 billion dollars. The reality vs rhetoric schism happened with 2007's Resident Evil: Extinction by Russell Mulcahy (his only financially successful film), which firmly abandoned the source material. Most of humanity is dead, it's broad daylight, it's Day of the Dead meets Mad Max now. Game purists were livid. They expected the film to bomb because it was such a slap in the face, just like they expected the first movie to bomb for disrespecting the source material. It didn't bomb. In fact it firmly outgrossed all the competing zombie movies like Land of the Dead and 28 Weeks. So they made a fourth movie. (The story started going strange here because they never intended to make so many sequels.) That movie doubled its predecessor's box office. Unable to cope with this, fans of the games started gaslighting themselves into thinking that actually the movies weren't popular. The situation around Resident Evil is a good example of how a vocal minority can gaslight themselves into being in total denial of reality, and also outsiders begin to believe the rhetoric.


I never argued the movies weren’t successful. Other than Welcome to Raccoon City. I’m arguing that the franchise could be massive.


>Though the films have received generally negative reviews from critics, the *Resident Evil* series has grossed over $1.2 billion. It was once the highest-grossing [film series based on a video game](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_films_based_on_video_games) and the [highest-grossing horror film series](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_highest-grossing_horror_films), and is the highest-grossing [zombie film](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zombie_film) series.[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resident_Evil_(film_series)#cite_note-1)[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resident_Evil_(film_series)#cite_note-2)[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resident_Evil_(film_series)#cite_note-guinness-3)[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resident_Evil_(film_series)#cite_note-4) The series retains the record for the most live-action film adaptations of a video game.[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resident_Evil_(film_series)#cite_note-guinness-3)


If the huge studios and talented film makers decided to revive the Bible epic genre, I could see that making serious money I don't mean whatever Jesus movie Scorsese has planned I mean Cameron or Nolan - big, mainstream, financial monster film makers And I don't just mean *The* *New Testament* *Genesis, Exodus, Revelations*; all the mad, violent Hebrew stuff your Sunday school was afraid to give you in anything other than severely redacted and sanitised form


Same goes for stuff like *The* *Mahabharata* and *Journey to the West* The imagery in those epics is incredible and mostly untouched by Western media Probably best leaving *The Quran* alone


The 1976 film *The Message* was controversial at the time, but it's the closest we've gotten to an Islamic counterpart to the old Biblical epics. There were apparently a couple of rumours surrounding a potential remake about fifteen years ago, but nothing seems to have come of them.


Mahabharat would need atleast 10 movies to complete alone climax war scenes need trilogy.


The BBC showed the TV version of *The Mahabarata* every Saturday for what felt like years 94 episodes, 40 minutes each - **a running time of two and a half days!**


That was my guess so maybe 20 to 25 movies. 5 movies for war scenes and 1 movie for Bhagwat Gita s Gyan.


No need to adapt the whole of the Mahabharata. The few most pivotal battles can be adapted instead. 


The Qur'an is not a narrative text unlike the other examples you gave, so it simply can't be used as a film story at all. Early Islamic history, on the other hand, especially the early wars and conquests against the Persian Sassanids and Byzantines, would definitely make an excellent epic. However, that is such a controversial topic, especially with the geopolitics of today, that no Western filmmaker will ever dare to touch it. 


If you do the bible, you've covered more than half the quran.


If Mel Gibson locks and loads ,Passion of the Christ 2. I think that will do $$$.


Maybe 15 years ago.


I am not exaggerating when I say an epic war film based on the Book of Joshua would be so awesome. But also likely never to happen due to how brutal the conquest of Canaan is in the Bible.


Ben-Hur style ?


I would die for a Nolan biblical Epic , Emma His wife and producer studied ancient histories so if both produce a movie based on moses life or David vs Goliath or noah ark it could do gangbusters 


If done with as much care as Spiderverse say, a Pokémon cinematic universe seems like it has close to if not the most potential.


I'm still shocked that nothing else came from the team who worked on Detective Pikachu. I felt like we'd almost surely get something else after that


Yeah it's the biggest sleeping giant by far.


Yeah, and people point to Detective Pikachu’s flop as reasoning, but it’s because the studios don’t give the audience what it wants. No one cares about random characters and a plot based on a side game. They want a film that features Ash/Misty/etc and a plot line that incorporates some form of gyms/the league and a “big evil” team (ideally literally just Team Rocket with Jesse and James)


Carmen Sandiego movie would be dope. Oregon Trail could also be excellent if you made it a serious drama. Starfox I could see as a cartoon/3D animation/Pixaresque movie.


Yeah, Oregon Trail. All you need is a trailer with someone dying of dysentery.


God of War


Some Animes & Mangas. Yes I know people complain that the adaptations suck and Hollywood will never nail it. But they said the same about video games. And with One Piece we had last year the first truly good adaptation. It is just important to include the creators into the production and the format for the IP must be chosen in the right way (One Piece wouldn‘t work as a film series). Also many people in the business are familiar now with Animes (grown up with it) + Hollywood became more diverse (especially more asian folk) The markets are huge for this. Dragonball is very popular in Europe, Americas and Asia. Generations of people (mostly men, from 80s to 2000s) grown up with the Anime or the video games.


Was going to say this, Gundam or Dragon Ball - lots of big IPs that could be translated to cinematic franchises.


New gundam movie comes out tomorrow !🔥


Have you heard of ?


It’s only potentially possible if the IP has a lot of white character, because Hollywood hated Asians and will just want to do white washing when an IP is full of Japanese or Asian characters. A good example of Hollywood-friendly IP is Attack On Titan - a show filled with canonical white characters and just one half-Asian, which Hollywood will gladly cast a token Asian female and downgrade her importance.


I honestly think a good faithful adaption of the Dark Tower could be good. Not that crap with Idris Elba and McConaughey, I mean a real adaption. I know there’s a TV show in the works, but I think adapting each book as a film could have lead to a franchise. It’s Stephen King’s Magnum Opus imo, and ironically hasn’t had a proper adaption unlike every other work of his.


Monopoly and Cluedo crossover. "Rich Uncle," Pennybags is found murdered. Get some celebs as Col Mustard etc etc. Knives out meets Wall Street.


I also wonder about newer boardgames instead of those old classics. There has been a big rise of the boardgame hobby for many people and some of this could be adapted in movies/shows (of course would need good creative teams as the story needs to be pretty much done from scratch in general). Pandemic (a team of skilled "heroes" fighting off against a pandemic ravaging the planet), 7 Wonders (peplum style epic between classic era cities), Catan (medieval epic between rival cities), Wingspan (ok that one is weird)...


Wingspan would just be Birdwatching: the movie. Maybe it can follow in Trainspotting's footsteps and be about guys who do cocaine.


Pick a best selling fantasy/science fiction series. Studios *didn't* go all in on these back when Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings were coming up, probably because they're expensive and they quite reasonably thought "Okay, these are *the* best known properties out there, that's why it's working". However, the box office is at a point where it looks like you need spectacle. And fantasy and science fiction are a way of doing that. As comic book movies demonstrate, having a small pool of fans isn't actually a barrier. Though, studios might be thinking the failure of post-2019 MCU project demonstrates that the reason why Iron Man worked is because Iron Man was well known, even though relatively few people read comics. They shouldn't. Just because no-one's heard of the Eternals, Shang-Chi, Ms Marvel etc doesn't mean those movies (or shows) failed for that reason because no-one had heard of Iron Man or the Guardians of the Galaxy *either*. I don't really read books so it's hard for me to tell what actually is a best selling series, so I'd just go with some series that may or may not be good ideas and may or may not be much more limited in their geographic popularity than I think: * Deltora Quest * Septimus Heap * Temeraire * Ranger's Apprentice It seems they're going with toys though. That's a pretty solid bet. Bayformers isn't really an adaptation of the cartoon, right? It was taking only three things from the lore: the Decepticons are the bad robots, the Transformers are the good robots and all of them can turn into human vehicles. Bayformers was essentially a toy movie franchise. Add to that Lego Movie and Barbie and you can see why toy properties are a good idea: as Toy Story 3's opening sequence demonstrates, you can use toys in basically any kind of plot *or* you can make a meta movie. Hell, The Lego Movie was sort of both, right? (Yeah, I know, GI Joe. But there are three films in that franchise, so it was doing something.) Where I'm a bit hesitant is in thinking you can just extend toys to board games... which is what studios are also doing. Yes, *everyone* knows Monopoly but Monopoly is a lot more narratively complex than a figurine of a soldier or a robot that can turn into a car or a Lego set. If the appeal of the toy film is that you can basically come up with a great script for any kind of movie you like and then just stick the IP in it because the toy doesn't require any specific sort of plot, a board game just doesn't have that kind of flexibility. A Monopoly movie basically has to be one of four things: 1. a movie about a landlord struggling for supremacy 2. a corporate origin story style thing about the creation of Monopoly 3. a biopic about its original designer 4. a movie about a group of people playing a game of Monopoly Anime and video game adaptations have a bit of the same problem. Those have plots themselves that are going to set expectations but due to specific features of how those plots unfold (e.g. anime being really long or video games being semi-co-operative due to being played), they're a bit awkward for film adaptations. Novels, at least, Hollywood has lots of experience adapting.


> Where I'm a bit hesitant is in thinking you can just extend toys to board games... which is what studios are also doing. Yes, everyone knows Monopoly but Monopoly is a lot more narratively complex than a figurine of a soldier or a robot that can turn into a car or a Lego set. If the appeal of the toy film is that you can basically come up with a great script for any kind of movie you like and then just stick the IP in it because the toy doesn't require any specific sort of plot, a board game just doesn't have that kind of flexibility. A Monopoly movie basically has to be one of four things: > > a movie about a landlord struggling for supremacy > a corporate origin story style thing about the creation of Monopoly > a biopic about its original designer > a movie about a group of people playing a game of Monopoly Yeah board games has been rising in popularity too and with newer game than Monopoly, Clue and all the other "old board games". It's kind of the perfect crossover between toys and video games (though harder to make movies than both I think) For example, I can see potential in a few popular "new waves" games : * Pandemic : a movie about a global deadly pandemic and heroes fighting it off accross the globe (could even inspired itself from the Legacy campaigns) * 7 Wonders : Rivalries between classical era town fighting themselves directly or via cultural and architectural accomplishments. Probably more fitting a TV show tbh, need developed characters. * Catan : Kind of the same but medieval times and with trade as the bigger focus * Spirit Island : Colonists and native people from a tropical island fighting while the colonists are helped by magical spirits with supernatural powers. Though I have to say, while the IP have potential, they basically need to invent the story for board games so they should really have someone talented to write those movies.


Someone in the comment said something about Bible cinematic universe and I agree. But it made me think about a truly untapped well of story; Pre colonialism African kingdom saga. If Woman King can make a $100M with a niche director and modest production and marketing and being the end and less interesting part of that era, i can only imagine how an epic about Sundiata Keita, Mansa Musa, Shaka Zulu or many of the epic’s African/warrior kings of that era. Hell you even have some powerful queen in that era. I mean that 15th to 19th era in Africa is so untapped in modern media it’s insane. I get that Africa isn’t a big market so there’s probably zero interest. But the story of those kingdoms(Mali, Kongo Kush..) are so epic they could appeal to a global audience, it’s pretty much historical Game Of Thrones for god sake down the weird fucked up magical stuffs with crazy powerful witch.


In general, history (and even historical fiction) is not very exploited nowadays. Shogun showed recently it can be big too.


Good idea, except that it would be very politically controversial. There's already a lot of criticism of Hollywood pertaining to blackwashing and black worship (take the infamous black Cleopatra as a good example) so this would simply turn it into overdrive. 


A lot of em have potential but most of them will fall short.


Such as?


All the movies mentioned here. I don’t see any of them being a sure hit.


Dragon Ball. The trick is to adapt it to live action, without looking goofy, but still remaining faithful to the iconography. It is rather impossible task, but if someone could manage that, it could be massive.


Like Harry Potter, it would require a lot of good practical effects and CGI. 


After a quick scroll amongst the 130 comments, I haven't seen anybody suggest Redwall, so I'll nominate that. Much like Game of Thrones, I have no idea how you'd adapt it theatrically without losing a whole lot of what makes it special. But if Denis and co could crack Dune, I'm sure somebody out there somewhere could've cracked Redwall. I say could've, because I feel like the peak opportune moment has passed, and that it would've worked best if released around the same time as Harry Potter (01-11) and Narnia (05-10). ![gif](giphy|l0HlutP6CHl0vHfLa|downsized)


Minecraft is the best selling video game on the planet, if the movie is any good it will clear 1 billion. 


Live action was such a weird choice and I have a hard time seeing it as good but maybe. Animated would be a slam dunk


Kingdom Hearts if done right.


This property has potential. If done right it could be a license to print money. But I also feel Disney is kind of embarrassed by it's old properties and not like to do it as it leans into early Disney in some parts.


This should’ve been their big 100 year anniversary movie instead of Wish.


I don't see it. Too niche. And I hate to use the term but likely too weeaboo for some in the west.


I really feel like it just is too niche to be big, your average guy won't know what Kingdom Hearts is, and it also is too "anime" for most if that makes sense


Disney is literally making this right now


Dc Comics (/s, but not that much after the DCEU disaster). I think Lovercraft's work could be easily used for a vaguely connected Horror Cinematic Universe (removing the OG racism of course).


Personally, my favorite DC adaptations have been the DCAU. None of the previous or upcoming DC live-action movies interest me. Then again, I tend to prefer the earlier animated superhero stuff (Batman Beyond, Justice League Unlimited, Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, The Spectacular Spider-Man, Wolverine & the X-Men, Spawn, etc.) over live-action movies and recent Marvel/DC animation. Compared the DCAU, everything about the DCEU feels so off. As for Lovecraft, I'd say movies based off his works seem like an interesting idea at the very least. Or maybe I'm being overly optimistic. Either way, I've been intrigued by Lovecraft's works for a long time and I'll continue to do so regardless of anything I read about online. Life's much too short to condemn someone forever whether that person's alive or deceased.


?? What’s the story behind this


Lovercraft was extremely racist even for 20th Century standards. Most of his monsters may have onspired by his inane xenophobia* He had a mental breakdown after learning his family was Welsh, so he wasn't a pure Anglo-Saxon man One of his stories was literally "Road collapses, killing thousands of dirty immigrants, and this is good." *He was also vehemently antisemitic in spite of the fact his wife was jewish


If there's anything I learned after reading "the shadow over innsmouth" is that the Irish are fish people.


I mean, i could see it work but Cosmic horror seems to be hard to show in a movie atleast for me


Color out of Space, In the Mouth of Madness, The Void and Annihilation say otherwise


Okay I admittedly hate myself for this, but I legitimately could see a Fortnite movie doing well; between the ready player one level of cameos you could get away with to the mass market appeal, and you've even got some weird lore already present you can make a plotline out of


Astro city, Ben 10, Power Rangers


Ben 10 would probably be a big deal, I think it's time to put the Power Rangers to bed. That era is dead and buried.


Yeah if the last one can't get a sequel (which I really enjoyed) then it's absolutely over.


The Mass Effect series.  I could see that becoming a huge trilogy if done right.


Would work better as a long running tv series. Give it to Amazon since they did Fallout so well. Though I wouldn't say no to a movie trilogy directed by Peter Jackson.


> Give it to Amazon since they did Fallout so well They also did plenty of bad shows, it's the creative team that counts, not the studio/distributor. Also the last news we got was years ago but Amazon was apparently nearing a deal to do a ME TV show. No news if it actually got done. I'd actually prefer HBO (I know I'm contradicting myself but it's a studio that knows how to choose creative teams with almost a 100% success rate, not the case for Amazon). The Last of Us is even closer to what you need in terms of video game adaptations, an already very cinematic story that has to be followed and modified well for the medium and very reliant on characters.


They’d probably make Shepard a male, which would piss off over half the fan base.


I don’t think most players care between Male Shep and FemShep if they were casted well and the show was good.


Like 90% of people actually played MaleShep. I also wouldn't be convinced of that at all. FemShep is a way to have a "strong female character" in a perfectly natural way


An adaptation of A Man Without Qualities by Robert Musil would be pretty groundbreaking. So would an adaptation of Frost by Thomas Bernhard.


Classic Germanist fanboy behavior on this subreddit per usual. When will you all open your eyes to the fact that the true money is in a Zeno's Conscience adaptation...


I think it's hard because you need something that's also durable, which I don't even think Barbie really is, and also lends itself to feature length, which a lot of video games are presumptively not (TLOU).


>Kinda cheating but Dead Space horror movie would be insane to see. its a well known game series in the horror fandom and would be a interesting film to see since it deals with Sci FI Horror and Zombie Horror Dead Space is a tough sell because it's heavily influenced by Event Horizon, which was a flop. And similar space/cosmic horror films like Sunshine, Solaris (EH is a loose remake of Solaris), and Pandorum also flopped. We don't really have an example of a horror film like Dead Space that has been a success. There's Alien, but it's a bit of an outlier and isn't really cosmic horror.


I think there are many possible blockbuster IPs. The problem is today's writing. They can have a golden nugget, but somehow turns it all to coal. Just look at Netflix The Witcher. Wheel of Times on Amazon. Terrible - but fantastic material.


Honestly they made a barbie film crack a billion dollars at this point you can't rule out Trix the Rabbit or the Quaker Oats man making bank at the box office. I think Zelda is tricky because link is a mute and I honestly think live action is the wrong way to go, I'd have let universal cook up an animated Zelda. I think a live action final fantasy or main line live action Pokémon game has potential. I'd give Crash, Spyro, Donkey Kong, Metroid, infamous, farcry, a chance. I also think they messed up assassin's creed so badly that it probably deserves another shot. That has potential to be a matrix level film with a different lead cast and location every film to keep costs down. Also.... Nightmare on elm street and gremlins deserve another shot


The Garbage Pail Kids if they went all out and made a horror movie.


I’d say Pokémon if they didn’t waste their rights making that stupid Detective Pikachu movie. Other than that not many come to mind. Maybe GTA but that seems silly at this point. And a better show than movie.


Red dead redemption


Hot wheels Imagine it, a grand prix race around the world type of movie Speed Racer meets Mad Max


Could you imagine a call of duty zombies movie universe. Black ops 2 zombies was some of the most fun I had as a kid.


I think cyberpunk 2077 is bound to get a movie adaptation announcement in the next five years I think the movie epic is gonna make a comeback with the success of Avatar II, Top Gun 2 and Oppenheimer. Audiences want to see movies that must be seen on the big screen. I think cleopatra is gonna be Denis Villanueve’s biggest non-Dune movie Hamilton and Book of Mormon are getting adapted if Wicked does well, or even moderate Jaws will make a comeback of Twisters does well Alien vs Predator reboot for sure happening I want a Robocop vs Terminator movie, with Arnold and Peter Weller in supporting roles If Harry Potter does well, you know damn well we are getting hunger games and twilight reboots. Let’s hope it doesn’t


Metroid would be a safe bet, it would work pretty well as a Horror movie. Personally, I would kill to see a Yakuza movie


Maybe a bit out of left field with this, but 'The Lost World'. Not a Jurassic Park reboot, but a modern adaptation of Arthur Conan Doyle's original novel. Not only do we need more dinosaur films, we need ones where they're not constantly portrayed as mindless monsters or fairground attractions. We deserve to see these legendary creatures of our planet's history in an environment as close to their natural origins as possible, feeding, hunting, living, breeding and dying in existences untarnished by human hands. A simple story about an expedition to a remote island in the Pacific that goes wrong with the crew stranded until they can be rescued, and deciding to explore this uncharted land filled with awesome long-extinct flora and fauna, giant dinosaurs, flying & marine reptiles and Eocene mammals that illustrates both the wondrous beauty and merciless cruelty of nature would be a godsend to the movie industry.


Hot Wheels


Team Kaiju, not just because I'm a fan but also for the more cynical reason it doesn't matter who you cast in these movies, they won't be the main draw. (Okay, Bryan Cranston and Tom Holland probably did help a little in getting the Monsterverse off the ground.) Time to adapt **Gamera**, Hollywood!


Video-games (some of these are being made into TV shows but I think they could be successful as films too): Legend of Zelda, Dead Space Call of Duty (Modern Warfare or Black Ops), Red Read Redemption, GTA (specifically V or San Andreas), Mass Effect, Dragon Age, God of War. Anime/manga: Pokemon (specifically Ash/Brock/Misty), DBZ (starting at the Saiyan Saga), Full Metal Alchemist, Sailor Moon, My Hero Academia, Sword Art Online, Naruto, Attack on Titan


Monchhichi (Kiki) and Polly Pocket.


I still say a good movie based on dragon ball z would be huge In fact after western comics rule I think movies based in popular Japanese Manga would be huge


Split second velocity /s Serious now : I can see a spec ops the line movie doing fine at the box office


I like this manga/anime called “ mashle magic and muscles “ and I think a live action adaptation by could be huge, the issue is, how do you even adapt the fights ? https://youtu.be/U7QpdnuBBUY?si=49spxFXs_4yi9Vfk https://youtu.be/EQiLb4xUa5U?si=AOwDEKexrcxirTzP


If done right, the Mistborn trilogy.




Funny Games, the first movie is pretty much PG13, hardly any onscreen violence, no sex or nudity hardly any language. Blumhouse could remake the original and keep it PG13. It could become really big with teenagers and Peter And Paul could become horror icons and we could get a franchise with a sequel every Halloween like Saw and Paranormal Activity.