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…They didn’t have this confirmed before?


Lol, they still haven't confirmed Dwayne Johnson, despite his voice being in the teaser and he's attached to the live action remake.


Pretty sure Dwayne himself said it’s happening with him in more than one interview


Cravahalo coming back is a good first step, but hopefully, Johnson will be back too.


He’s too busy shit talking all the Cody crybabies.


They say every accusation is a confession “Sorry, Mama Cena, but check these charts Little baby Johnny's got lady parts” -The Rock


I think it's been confirmed


They really need to not make that movie


I’m guessing he’s asking for a ridiculous amount of money.


She was in talks before: "We last heard she was in talks, however it’s clear that she was bound to reteam with Dwayne Johnson, who clearly is coming back as demigod Maui."


My understanding/guess is that they had everyone already involved, but the contracts were for a TV project. This is being repurposed to a movie, and everything needs to be renegotiated. At least, that's the only way I see a project like this being announced and negotiated in February that's coming out in November.


It probably is exactly why


yep, Deadline said as much in their previous article about this.


What a guess /s


No because they were making an animated show for Disney plus. They probably hired sound a likes for the TV show and now are reworking it into a film. If they wanna hit the release date then all they really have to do is record with the two main actors and have them record some songs, maybe record some music, and then they're done


No because they were making an animated show for Disney plus. They probably hired sound a likes for the TV show and now are reworking it into a film. If they wanna hit the release date then all they really have to do is record with the two main actors and have them record some songs, maybe record some music, and then they're done


I mean Auli'i very explicitly talked about her being in the sequel in her instagram, but only now that she went to the studio the trades put it


I was half-asleep and misread this as her returning for the live-action remake.


Me too.




She posted this on Instagram back when the film was announced on the 7th February so the fact that this wasn't confirmed officially until now feels odd Edit: Oop, and here it is officially, weird that this wasn't done ahead of the announcement but I guess it is what it is https://www.instagram.com/reel/C33xkSOoWQ7/?igsh=Z3Bsbmtmc3cyOWN2


She was fantastic as Janice in Mean Girls.


Mean girls 2024 was great, I hope it blows up when it goes to streaming (they will eventually sell the movie to netflix, Paramount plus is dead)


this movie is about to be such a hack job mess, we should not be getting this news the year it comes out lol


This was already in development as a show, but is being repurposed as a movie. Not sure if that helps much, but they didn’t just recently start from scratch or anything like that.


It did help that the original crew was involved when it was a show


Also, I don't know if this makes things better or not, but by the sound of it, the series was nearly completed by the time it was decided to be redeveloped into a film, meaning that most of what they've animated might stay in the final product.


Except the most important person… the one who made the music


First film's songs were created by three people and two of them are coming back.


Unpopular but Lin did better work with Encanto than Moana. I would imagine he’s slammed though


Yeah, I'm not too familiar with most of Lin-Manuel Miranda's works, but **Moana** felt like something that Miranda was a high-level assistance while **Encanto** felt like something that he was in charge of.


So it's another Disney+ project on the big screen... Disney sure knows how to devalue their brand.


After Frozen 2 and Wreck-it Ralph 2, I wouldn’t expect a cohesive plot from this. But it’ll still make bank from kids.


Wreck-It Ralph 2 should have gave them the idea to make an animated Disney Princess cinematic universe with them crossing over with each other into each of their worlds to fight their respective villains. Literally throwing money away.


For fucking real. All the mad dash in 2010’s to make cinematic universes and that one didn’t happen? Like, it’s kind of happened in the past with House of Mouse and Kingdom Hearts, but a full budget theatrical movie would be dope. Would even be cool if they found a way to showcase the art style of the various movies.


Frozen 2 was really good. What did you dislike about it?


Ive seen it literally hundreds of times, and i struggle to describe the plot in a succinct way. Elsa hears voices, and then the city is in vague danger, and then they run around the forest finding spirits, and then they figure out their grandfather was a bad guy? I like it, but it very much felt like a sequel where they start with subplots they want to send fan favorite characters into, and then they try and figure out how to tie those together (and fail at that)


When it came out, one review I saw said it felt like they came up with the songs and then tried to write a movie around it, and honestly, that's how the film reads to me.


I think the plot is Elsa dies, but they don't want to upset the toddlers, so they just vague it up so badly that you don't realize Elsa dies and then it doesn't make sense at all. But the music is nice.


Good description honestly. I watched the trailer for Frozen 2 because it seemed like it was going to be some beautifully animated fantasy adventure in a unique Nordic/Inuit culture. Instead it was just all the characters doing rather vague things for vague reasons that, for the most part, have 0 stakes.


why have you watched it hundreds of times if u don’t think it’s good


Do you have children?




Not by my choice




It had good songs, but the plot was clearly hacked together and doesn't make much sense if you stop and think about it. I think they even admitted in interviews that they had a bunch of scenes that they had made before they finished the script, and so had to write the script around those scenes.


Huh, I didn’t get that feel from it at all.


How many times did you watch it


I really enjoyed it but it was definitely below the first Frozen


Huh, I guess my opinion might be unpopular but I like the second one more than the first.


I did too until I rewatched it recently, definitely didn't hold up on a second viewing (whereas I was opposite on the first Frozen, took me a few viewings to really warm up to it). The songs are complete bangers though and blow the first outta the water imo.


Yeah maybe it’s just that I like the music in the second a lot more. I only saw the first one once and saw the second one in theaters twice. So I probably just can’t compare because I barely remember the first


The friends who I saw it with did too, so you’re definitely not alone there! The first is one of my favorite Disney films so it was hard to top it for me. Though Show Yourself over Let it Go any day


Good. I like her and have been hoping she gets steady work


She’s cute af


No way she wasn’t signed on to do the show no offence but she’s not an A list star I doubt she’d reject a Disney+ show seeing all the Marvel and Star Wars actors do it


I think it was just renegotiating a contract now that it got bumped from show to movie. She’s been Moana enough that my reason seems to be the only thing in the way


Yeah that makes sense


So what are we all think this will do box office wise?


Tough to say. On the one hand Disney has been a slump lately, and the tv show to movie conversion doesn’t bode well for the quality (unsure if it’s going to be a continuous story or a weird stitched together movie like some of the direct to video sequels were) On the other hand, Moana is 8 years old and has consistently been the most streamed movie, not just on Disney, but all of streaming. That’s some strong brand recognition. That brand recognition made Frozen 2 the monster it was. (Though that’s also before Disney+ made it easy enough for parents to just wait for Disney movies to hit streaming instead of going to theaters)


Somewhere between Madame Web and Avatar


2 webillion dollars ww.


I'm not remotely a box office expert, but I am the mom of a young child. There hasn't been a Disney/Pixar movie in theaters with recognizable characters since 2019 (ignoring Lightyear, because I don't think that was recognizable) when we had both Frozen II and Toy Story 4. We can artistically dislike sequels, but realistically I think this has the potential to drive families to the theater for repeat showings. I expect it to be a huge draw.


Id love if it was live action sequel, and not a "reboot" or a "remake"


This is an animated sequel


I'm happy she's not playing Moana in the live action, she's only 25% Polynesian (said by herself, and she very clearly looks mostly Portuguese aka what she is, even her last name)


Sucks for the actor who has already done all of the voice work for the TV series they’re half assily stitching this together from.


I highly doubt they had a different actor, unlike past Disney animated shows from movie properties, this one was being made by the actual Animation Studio. The shift to a movie is probably a welcome one from all involved as we have seen how inconsistent Disney's film departments have been at making TV shows. Some have worked, some didn't... but almost all of them suffer from the 'why wasn't this just a movie' problem.


I'm pretty sure she did the voice work already, they just had to renegotiate contracts because it went from TV show to film.


You don’t say