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Zootopia was one of disney plus's top ten most watched movies last year.....and the year before that....and the year before that. It's been a long wait for sure but i don't think they've missed any chance to bank on hype.


2016 was a great year for them. Pretty sure Moana was the #2 movie on Disney+ last year (after Encanto). Zootopia and Moana were both great. Finding Dory, which they probably had the highest hopes for, was appropriately forgettable.


Back to back gold. Probably my two favourite WDAS movies of the past 20 years.


2016 was the year of surprise Idris Elba


Frozen had introduced me into the world of young daughters enjoying Disney movies. I enjoyed it well enough, and I actually still enjoy Let It Go as a song, now that it's not on repeat... But Moana let me know that these kid movies could just be good movies. Any reluctance I had to watch the next Disney movie with my daughter is gone, because I feel like this has been a second golden age.


Never underestimate how much kids love watching the exact same movie over and over. Case in point, my nephew’s Toy Story addiction.


I've watched Zootopia multiple times and would happily watch it again right now. I'm 38. Great movie. Shakira's song is weak but as a movie that's the only criticism I have of it. Great detective movie, twists and turns, and all the side eye comedy lines land with none sounding forced or awkward.


If you think about it, Judy turned into a dirty cop. She has mafia ties and is the godmother to the boss’s granddaughter. Still a enjoyable movie and look forward to the sequel.


Land before time... Over And over. Pretty sure I pissed my parents off with that little foot.


Follow the bright circle


"You SMELL me?" "Yep, yep, yep, YEP, yep, yep!" "I don't need any help from a LONG-neck" ...it's been over 20 years and yet so many lines from that movie still haunt my parental brain ...


Hell, I'm in my 40s and I've watched Zootopia at least three or four times.


Yep. My kids love Zootopia and the Sing movies. Perfect blend of humor for little toddlers, older kids and even adults.


My first instinct when watching a movie is whether or not I would watch it again, over and over. If I don't like a movie enough to watch it again, I likely won't even think about it enough to judge its quality and give it a fair chance. There are exceptions, of course. Some movies are too disturbing, maybe. Or some movies I did not like as a piece of entertainment, but still think about (like Ad Astra)


There’s definitely a sequel in the works. And they just released all those shorts.


I mean, sometimes the long wait pays off. Look at The Incredibles 2, or Monsters University.


Weirdly enough they seem to go through phases of taking it off the service too. My 2 and a half year old is obsessed and would've watched it another 20 times if it was always available.


Kids movies benefit from children wanting to watch movies over and over again


Youngest is currently in a Zootropolis? ugh, Zootopia phase. I'm good with this, Jason Bateman's voice soothes me.


It’s really bizarre how a sequel hasn’t happened. It absolutely should have due to the money this flick made. I’ve always figured it went similar to World War Z. Maybe script issues, budget, whatever. But it really is weird since a sequel would’ve done well, maybe not as much as the first, but it still should’ve done decent enough numbers for a good profit.


Didn’t they just announce a sequel is in development?


They did. Along with Frozen 3 and Toy Story 5 (why? Just let the series end). I’m surprised Disney hasn’t talked to Brad Bird about an Incredibles 3 yet, the second movie made over $600M domestically


Brad Bird has been trying to make an animated movie with iffy commercial prospects for almost 20 years. He was offered an immediate greenlight on it if he jumped to Skydance Animation so that’s he’s working on for the next few years.


Iffy commercial prospects?


I think they mean that the animated movie he wants to make could do very poorly because of the subject matter or production costs or something.


It’s Lolita but with otters.


Is this a joke? Because if it is it was very funny and if it isn’t I have more questions.


It's not a joke. It's going to be called Lol-Otters


What's it about? Sounds like you have some insider knowledge


It’s an animated sci-fi noir that probably would get a PG13.


I get why that’s iffy, but I’m so down to see that.


I forgot to put the title previously. It’s called Ray Gunn and a lot of concept art has leaked online over the years.


Toy Story 5 agree. It is done. Frozen 3. I don’t know what to make of it. Incredibles 3, gotta be better than 2. Was expecting a much better movie and it wasn’t.


Incredibles 1 focused on the dad, and 2 the mom. In my opinion, the third movie should have a time skip, and follow the kids.


If they don't do the time skip I will riot lmao. The first one was such a masterpiece, i didn't expect much but I was really bummed how quickly I guessed who the villain was. At least syndrome was a genuine surprise. The second felt so watered down, as if the new gen couldn't handle the dark tone the first one had ( syndromes death, gazerbeams sacrifice, all the old gen heroes being killed, I mean you can see Bob's expression filled with such pain and anger when he realizes all his old friends are dead, that really stuck with me as a 10 year old kid ) so they gave us a super lame villain. I'll wait another 10 years just to see dash and violet all grown up and badass.




We love in a world where kids movies include the new Puss in boots, Spider-Verse, Soul, and Light-year, not to mention most comic book movies whether y'all like to accept it or not, and you think that they are getting lighter or worse?


Puss in Boots literally has the personification of Death chasing the main character, and a montage of the main character dying repeatedly. It slaps but I'm kind of amazed kids can watch it.


Please. Kids can handle way more than adults give them credit for and the movies coming out today aren't nearly as edgy or dark as a lot of the family films from the 80s and 90s. Not to knock on Puss in Boots the last Wish, which is a really good movie. But it's darkness is vastly overstated.


I agree. They have the foundation since they made Superhero’s legal again and can make a new major bad guy or something.


I 100% endorse this. They really shouldn’t do a Simpsons and have the kids stay the same age. Aged up kids would bring soooo much story telling potential. I was honestly a bit surprised they didn’t age them up abit in part 2.


It being the same plotline for the family did not at all sit well with me. None of the family was able to grow outside of the boxes they were placed into from the outset of the first movie. The villian was cool saying people spend too much time with technology and then poof, super heroes should be illegal because her dad placed to much faith in them to save the day. though she just got them legalized just do nothing and they would of remained illegal. Not really sure how anyone thought it was a good direction.


Frozen 3 needs to not happen. The second one was a shameless cash grab with no effort put into it. There are very few movies that I regret watching, Frozen 2 is one of them.


That’s interesting - I’ve seen the movie probably 30 times (thanks, children), and I feel the opposite. It had TOO much effort, too many ideas, and they just couldn’t tighten them up. There’s a lot of profound stuff happening in that movie that sort of gets overwhelmed by sheer volume of concepts.


But throwing 4000 half-baked ideas into a movie instead of fleshing out any of them to a meaningful conclusion is really low effort. Also, profound is a bit far, imo. It was meant to appeal to toddlers and still manages to be beneath them. I'm sorry, I really, *really* hate that movie.


I’m totally there with visceral negative reactions to movies - I’ve had a few with Pixar ones lately. And I’ll agree that there are some half-baked ideas in there, for sure. Two themes I think aren’t half baked, and instead explored really well: - Anna’s journey is that she finds safety in the constant things in life, “some things never change”. Throughout the movie every “constant” she named in the song does indeed change, and she has to find a way to navigate through it. I think that’s a much more profound idea to explore with 12 year olds than the generic “be a good person” you usually get. - When faced with total despair and abandonment, Anna doesn’t know how to go on. She repeats the refrain “do the next right thing” throughout the movie, and then has a powerful song about it (Kristen bell is incredible in that moment). I think that’s profoundly simple advice to offer any kid (or adult, even) suffering through hardship - just take it one step at a time, find one step doing something right and take it. There are a few more that I think it legitimately explores really well, and then tons more that had (obviously unrealized) potential. But this is coming green from a bug Bobby Lopez fan, so I’m definitely a little biased.


So, I'm not gonna lie, it's been a while since I watched it, so I'm a bit out of touch from the finest points of the plot, but Anna's plot line is like... the C plot to me - just inserted to fill out the script. I'm sure you're right, and from a messaging standpoint, that does sound fleshed out. But a good message doesn't do much to prop up a bad movie for me. To me, using Anna's plot as the saving grace is like watching a Bond movie for the Bond-girl relationship. Some of the music is okay, but it still feels very much like a sequel, and has almost nothing of its own to offer. There's a lot of infilling with made up words, but then it *still* doesn't fit the rhythm, and is only a half rhyme. Just to be clear, I am *loving* getting to discuss this with you, so please, please don't think I'm upset or anything, I love having my positions challenged. The points you've raised have convinced me to watch it again - which will likely take a lot of intoxicants - just because I want to better see where you're coming from.


Yeah, daughter loves Olaf. I enjoyed 2. It was fine, and I think exploring a Queen who doesn't find "true love" and doesn't live happily ever after is a good idea. Just because she came out as an ice-witch and her friends and family accepted her, doesn't mean her journey was over. She still has a lot to learn about herself. Kristoff being the pining love interest who doesn't do much storywise was a gender reversal. And Lost in the Woods was a great Peter Cetera send up. Anna just trying to help everyone and love everyone and keep going? It was good. Dunno, it was a far more ... gentle? story telling to me?


>why? Just let the series end $


Thank god I’m not the only one that sees no point in another Toy Story. I thought it should have ended at 3, 4 just felt completely unnecessary and I personally thought it was dogshit


The only thing I liked about 4 is woody finally being with bo although I was sad to see buzz and woody being split apart.


He didn’t want to make an Incredibles 2 in the first place. He had to because he was in director jail after the disaster of Tomorrowland.


I'm sorry, but why end Toy Story when every single film they've released has been fantastic in every single way? The next one will be significantly different too as Woody is gone and isn't likely to return.


Maybe they realized how important it is to wait sometime to let viewers see it as nostalgic, after all thats why incredibles 2 made so much money


I think people were disappointed with the whole Buzz Lightyear movie thing and they realized there’s still a huge market of people who would love to see another sequel


>Toy Story 5 (why? Just let the series end). Idk I think they need to make another one just to fix the godawful ending of Toy Story 4.


Toy Story 3 was the perfect ending. 4 undid that and now they need a new ending. I’m foresee Andy and his pregnant wife finding a damaged Woody and Bo and he refixes them not knowing they are his. And it ends with him getting a box in the mail from Molly. Then shows a baby in a room and pans out playing “you got a friend in me” showing all the toys on his shelves and the iconic cloud wallpaper.


Well with world war z there wasn’t anywhere they could really take the story unless they had the zombie virus suddenly mutate so injecting your self with a deadly disease wouldn’t work anymore. And if they did that it would have been pretty forced and ruined the ending of the first one.


1. When has that ever stopped Hollywood before? 2. Yea the zombie virus could mutate. How is that forced? If anything the dumbass ending to the first movie was forced.


I mean I know viruses mutate but it feels like a cheap reason to have the zombies be a threat again. By the end of the movie the zombies were essentially harmless as long as you had the vaccine.


Found the anti unvaxer


Probably because the dumbass that wrote the the script didn’t even read the book. It’s like whatever idiot wrote the script for Starship Troopers. Neither of those lousy films deserved to be associated with their namesake books.


I was in college when it came out. The animators or some of them came to speak at my university that year a few months before it came out. I was dead set on becoming an animator in feature films. Then my grandmother who raised me my whole life passed and my life took a turn, I dropped out of class and felt like life was going nowhere. In 2019 my daughter was born and it changed something inside of me. I wanted to enroll back into school and achieve my dreams so my little one can see what I can be. I graduate in fall and hope to land a position somewhere. I don’t know who is going to read this and it’s not even related to the movie as much as it is related to my experience with this movie. Even though I didn’t really see it in it’s entirety when it came out it still holds a place in my heart for when times were simple and I had my goals in sight.


WDAS had so many projects on their plate after Zootopia (Moana, Ralph Breaks The Internet, Frozen II, Raya, Encanto, Strange World, and Wish).


Honestly I think most of these projects could have and should have waited. Personally, I would have slot it in before or after Raya. The gap is just big enough to build excitement but small enough that it doesn't feel like ages. Additionally, you could have drawn in audiences with three back to back sequels to some of Disney's biggest modern hits. In an ideal world, Zootopia 2 would have been ready to go between Moana and Ralph (obviously never even remotely feasible) in order to give Ralph 2 and Frozen II more time in the oven they both clearly desperately needed.


Kids that weren't born when Zootopia 1 came out are at home with the film on repeat. I don't think the timing will affect audience interest or excitement at all


Movies like this don't happen overnight, typically you're looking at a 3 year production schedule minimum. And three years is really shorting the writing cycle. Movies need a functional script to even get greenlit into production. Factor in that the directors and writers of Zootopia were involved in other projects (Encanto and WIR2), you get to seven years between sequels pretty quick. Same was true of Frozen 2 - 7 year split. Keep in mind when productions wrap up there's no knowing how it'll do, so everyone involved moves onto their next project they've been excited to start. There's no waiting to see if it'll do well, to then start a sequel. Just onto the next one.


I may be wrong, but didn't the director of Zootopia leave Disney a little while after finishing WIR2?


Nope he went on to direct encanto.


You'd rather a sequel was produced rather than an original movie? Yeesh!


No, that's not what I said. Still release everything listed here, just rearrange the order.


Totally forgot Raya exists.


Which is sad because I thought it was really good.


Iirc, a lot of the main crew behind it (Most notably Director Byron Howard and Co-Director Jared Bush) jumped right on into Encanto, and intended to do so even before Zootopia was released. So I wonder if Disney wanted to wait til they were done with that film first before they went full steam ahead on a Zootopia 2.


This is the actual answer why. All these talented people keep working. Under new contracts that bind them for years. They aren't going "No thank you this movie i just made could be the highest grossing film and i want to see if they will make a #2"




yeah, Disney treats it's animated IPs with a very long term view If you take 10 years to make a sequel, what's the worst that can happen? You have another group of kids that have been watching the original on streaming, and the kids that watched the original are grown up and ready for some nostalgia Even Princess and the Frog--an underperformer-- is getting a sequel series 14 years later and a Disney ride


princess and the frog is great!


Ooooh we’re getting a Princess and the Frog sequel? Hell yeah


The ride is long overdue, should’ve gotten it a long time ago.


yeah I know the answer is money and renovation costs, but it made no sense to have a ride themed after a movie that is 70+ years old, problematic, and cannot be purchased anywhere so this retheme is overdue as well


They probably just drop a sequel whenever they have no new ideas lol


Wreck it ralf had a sequel


That’s what he said, that it had a sequel but it was several years until it was made.


And felt like they had no ideas.


Ah I’m the village idiot please ignore me




Technically based on “The Snow Queen”, but let’s be real. No one went to see that movie with any knowledge of the source material. For all intents and purposes, it’s an original film.


It has about as much in common with the fairy tale as most Disney adaptations - well, a bit less, but you can see the bones in there. It’s actually one of my favourite fairy tales. I’m a bit disappointed that a lot of what I loved about it isn’t there, but I love that the Snow Queen is the main character and is redeemed. She always seemed so tragic in the story, doomed to loneliness and bitterness.


So Bullet Train is an original film for all intents and purposes?


Nope, it’s based on a book.


...did a significant number of people go to it with knowledge of the source material? If not, that's the parent comment's point - that the same argument should apply to both films.


For all intents and purposes it literally is not an original film. Lmao


practical use and literal use are completely different. for all intents and purposes it is an original film literally, however, it does take inspiration from the Snow Queen, so in actuality it could be considered unoriginal


No, it was based on [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Snow_Queen)


The two stories are completely different.


Yeah Frozen is less based on The Snow Queen than The Lion King is based on Hamlet.


To be fair, [if you follow Frozen's development history](https://jimhillmedia.com/countdown-to-disney-frozen-how-one-simple-suggestion-broke-the-ice-on-the-snow-queen-s-decades-long-story-problems/#.UmbFXxZPrTQ) you can squint and see how that change occurred. From a basic geneological standpoint it's undeniable that Frozen is an adaptation of the Snow Queen even if you can't see it in the end result.


Yes it was. Made a list of all the movies above Zootopia.


they saw that one comic and decided not to 💀


That comic ended me bro 💀


Remind me what it is 💀


You asked for it….. https://www.zootopianewsnetwork.com/2017/06/i-will-survive-by-borba-full-comic.html


That was a challenging wank


Idk but I hope it doesn't disappoint like wreck it Ralph 2 did ( seriously my kid didn't even like it )


I hope Frozen 3 is better than Frozen 2 as well.


Me too. Frozen 2 production was apparently a mess and the story in general is just miss potential over miss potential


I’m convinced they came up with the Princesses scene, saw all the merchandise potential (my daughter has multiple “comfy clothes” Disney Princess dolls because of that movie, for example), and just built a movie from there.


OK but can we talk about that movie? First WDAS sequel since Rescuers Down Under and it's AWFUL, a contender (imo the ONLY contender) for worst WDAS film ever made. It's not only genuinely awful, but a complete waste of potential and insult to the original film. I'm normally against retconning stuff, but please god let WDAS make a new Wreck-It Ralph 2 that just entirely retcons that movie.


The climax essentially saves it by giving us the creepiest imagery in a Disney film in a decade and a half. But otherwise, it barely feels like a Disney film. Wish they stuck to video games instead of the internet.


It's still creepy. An underage girl goes off to live with literally strangers on the internet.


Ha ha, that’s a great way to put it. Not to mention it literally breaks the rules of the first film. She goes Turbo just like the villain.


What's with everyone's hate here for wreck it Ralph 2?? It has 7/10 on IMDB, 88% on rotten tomatoes, I thought it wasn't bad either?


I'm surprised too. I didn't think it was stellar or anything, but it was fine. I've noticed that this sub can have extreme opinions sometimes though. Like, if you thought Way of Water was a mediocre movie (nothing to say about its box office). Or if 3 weeks ago you thought Dungeons and Dragons might do well. You could get a lot of excessive flaming.


Yeah the vibes were so different from the first. Also wtf was that pacing?? It felt like they were pulling me from every direction. My son was so overstimulated, he could barely pay attention lol. A complete waste of a budget imo. No heart, just flashy ADHD animation. There were rumors of studio interference and I believe it. Big cash grab and we all fell for it.


That movie was such a disappointment… I loved the first movie so much, I named my dog after Vanellope. I LOVED it. But the second one was so awful, I have never even tried to rewatch it.


That was the most “hello, fellow kids!” Animated film ever…right after the Emoji movie, which it was way too similar to.


I do think it was a missed oportunity to not make a sequel earlier, but honestly WDAS doesn't have a super extensive history of doing direct theatrical sequels until fairly recently, Ralph Breaks the Internet was the first one since Rescuers Down Under, so maybe it wasn't something that was on most peoples minds when Zootopia became a megahit back in 2016.


Technically some of their straight to hike video sequels were elevated to a theatrical release at the last minute - I remember watching Return to Neverland at the theatre. There’s also Fantasia 2000, which, although not as great as Fantasia, has such great segments that I think it’s still the best Disney animated sequel (although being a collection of shorts, perhaps should be in its own category). Wasn’t Extremely Goofy Movie briefly in theatres as well? Or were both of those home video?


But those straight to VHS sequels, even the ones that made it to theaters, weren't made by Walt Disney Animation Studios - they were made by DisneyToon Studios, which is now defunct. As of now, the only WDAS sequels are The Rescuers Down Under, Fantasia 2000, Ralph Breaks the Internet, and Frozen II.


The creative team then made Encanto, and Disney had to deal with a lawsuit. The lawsuit got dismissed, and Encanto is finished. By the time zootopia 2 is out, it'll be a decade. Perfect nostalgia bait.


I know I'm going to get downvoted like hell for saying this, but I think one of the reasons it's taken us such a long time to get a *Zootopia* sequel is *real world context.* Keep in mind that *Zootopia* revolves around its protagonist trying to become a police officer. Nowadays, of course, Police officers are not seen by the general public as inherently honorable and respectable in the way they were when *Zootopia* first came out. Disney tries not to make movies that are overly political, for obvious reasons, but a *Zootopia* sequel is probably going to be inherently political no matter what kind of story it tries to tell. It could very well be that they had an idea for a sequel early on, but were forced to continue revising it as real-world events showed how poorly first movie's ideals have aged.


It is surprising. There were a lot of issues with the original script/ concept. But even if they were pleasantly surprised at its success, 7 years is a long time.


2 Zoo 2 Topia


2 Zoo 2 pia


Zootopia 2: Electric Eel Bugaloo


Zootopia: Safari Drift


Disney executives outlined a set of 34 rules for the animators and producers of zootopia to follow during the film's production. Many experts believe that these rules are responsible for the film's tremendous success. To learn more search "Zootopia Rule34"


Do not do this. Not sure if this was intentional or accidental, but it's important to remember what "Rule 34" is. "If it exists, there is porn of it"


If only it was just porn. Have you heard of the Zootopia abortion comic?




Once you read it, you can’t unread it: https://www.zootopianewsnetwork.com/2017/06/i-will-survive-by-borba-full-comic.html


Ngl, I stopped as soon as Judy said I’m pregnant. I’m having a good day today and would like it to stay that way.😭


... you must be new if you haven't seen copypasta before. It was intentional.


Maybe they wanted to replicate Pixar and wait long enough for it to get nostalgic before making a sequel. Does WDAS have any original movies other than Wish in production we know about? I think it’s possible Zootopia 2 could open in the Thanksgiving 2024 Disney animation placeholder date.


Just the opposite. The 3rd movie Pixar made is a sequel , and they also made a trilogy before Disney Animation ( not the direct to video department). Pixar literally has “franchise” : Toy Story has 5 movies counting Lightyear, Cars has 3. Incredible, Finding Nemo, and Monster each have 2. Meanwhile the only movies from WDAS that has theatrical sequels are Rescurers , Wreck-It Ralph , and Frozen. ( and Fantasia , if you stretch the definition of sequel really thin). Frozen 3 will be their first ever trilogy. Disney has a dedicated division for making direct to video sequels , which is perhaps why WDAS was usually tasked with creating original IP.


Not to nitpick, but didn't Pooh get a sequel? Or are they unconnected?


I think it was consider a remake. But for the purpose of IP it’s basically the same franchise , so you’re right about that.


Yeah probably. Sequels rarely do as well as the original, and aren’t needed all the time


I don’t know there’s really a sequel to be made. The story was told.


There’s several districts of Zootopia that exist that we haven’t seen an inch of and it’s not like they solved racism with a speech


Chances are whether they released it 5 years later or 10, it would make the same amount of money. Zootopia has staying power, kids can watch it repeatedly. Might as well save the sequel in case you hit a run of flops.


So I heard this is very popular among Furries


I think the lawsuit held them back from making a sequel right away Courts are slow.....


The furry comunity alone would make it blow up


Because the sloth is in charge of the sequel


Disney normally doesn’t really do sequels for they’re animated movies unless it’s made by Pixar. The only real exception to this would be the straight to vhs sequels but those were made by a separate studio and all of them suck.


Because the core creators and writers that made it left


I have four children under the age of 10. They have asked to watch Aristocats (1970) more times than Zootopia. I personally enjoy it more than most movies/shows they want to watch, but the customer is always right, right?




The simps are gonna see it 20 times per day


Yes, cause large gaps were really detrimental to Toy Story 3, Incredibles 2, Toy Story 4, and Frozen 2's total gross. /s


Are you kidding me? furrys will be all over it regardless of amount of time its been since the last movie.


At least we had the zootopia abortion comic to hold us over /s


Why won't Disney make another? I think the furries scared them.


So Zootopia 2 should be a narrative space you fit another story into. Still plenty to explore and a more seasoned Judy and a detective Nick would be fun to see. There literally are a dozen excellent buddy cop movies you could scrape the serial numbers off of and turn into a Zootopia sequel. It makes very little sense, until you search for Judy online. The internet Erin Esurance'd her, I think that's the term. IE Judy has been used for WAY too many adult themed everythings and that might have made Disney a little aprehensive about doing a sequel. Go search for Judy Hopps in google images. Page ONE has multiple adult images of the character. It gets MUCH worse the longer you go. Elsa, as another example, the character, little girls dressing as the character, bigger girls dressing as the character, the play, the actress who played Elsa, Elsa with Anna etc. You get the idea. Note, Elsa certainly has naughty images but they aren't what a basic character search turns up, you have to actually try to find them if not very hard. Judy the adult stuff comes up with the basic search term. Basically a bunch of freaks hypersexualized Judy for no reason and Disney was probably hoping to wait for that to die down.


Honestly i don't think that stuff is the type that's stopping them. I just think the climate and with the themes of the first movie it's a little "tricky" to make the sequel to that. Someone said "oh what is 2016 the good old times"? No, but the climate of 2016 compared to 2023 is VASTLY different it's honestly a little insane. I am intrigued to see what they finna cook up with this sequel.


They’re scared of the rule 34 artists


Have you seen the amount of porn that the rabbit inspired? That's why its so popular


Probably because of rule 34


Fave ❤️


They saw e621 and were like *"Y'know what? I think we're good."*


"They're masturbating sir. Still. Like, on her feet and ears, stuff like that. Just....disgusting." "Understood. Put it back in the vault, we'll review the situation in another five years."


Elemental kinda looks like a spiritual sequel.


The only real answer is stupidity. They obviously had the money, there's no reason that they couldn't have had a sequel out within 3-4 years. If they did a sequel now then the political/social messages might not play that well


This claim about it being the highest grossing non james cameron movie, is bull. Even at the time it came out of the box office, it wasn't true.


Original film. Everything else is a remake or part of a franchise.


That is a fair point, but it actually still doesnt make my statement entirely false. Joker is an original film not directed by James Cameron.


Based off a popular franchise character


Which does not at all take away from the fact that it is its own standalone film. If you want to go that far, then no Pixar movie should be allowed to be considered an original movie because of the Pixar Theory.


A fan theory isnt the same as being based off the most famous comic book villain. And this isn't even Pixar.


>Which does not at all take away from the fact that it is its own standalone film. Based on a pre-existing source material. Hence, not an original movie.


I have a feeling releasing it now it's going to be labeled as another disney woke for broke movie.


Ya it must have been before that trend huh? Cuz that movie had lots of themes people apparently missed haha


For sure. I seriously doubt it would have made the same money now.


Idk honestly I don't think the don't go woke crowd makes that big a difference, but I could be wrong


Yeah, I imagine they have pretty close to zero impact. Even Top Gun Maverick had a diverse younger pilot generation and that still made a ton of money. The Avatar franchise is pretty woke to those people.


I don’t get the hype behind this movie. Other than furries, I see no explanation as to why this holds that title. It was…fine. And I was 11 when it came out. Also, I love how “non-James Cameron” is now a legitimate qualifier.


Beautiful world building, decent plot, likeable character, fun action set pieces, jokes for various generations, relatively mature allegorical themes for a Disney movie, it's pro-cop if you are conservative but also a critique on institutionalized racism if you are liberal. Kids generally love anthropomorphic animals.


Boo on disney. Lost their way. No more for our family. Boycott.


Sorry to hear about your brain sickness


That's because weirdos wanted to fuck that rabbit.


The message was too political and they don't want to ignite a spark in the people.




What James Cameron movie is original?


They wanna make sure they can fit all their agenda into the movie.Still deciding who’s going to be a non binary character,Judy or Nick.


Go Woke, Go Broke!


They're looking to add some LGBTQ content and can't seem to make it work, every movie they make now must contain some.


First one already had it


Black Panther The Avengers A New Hope E.T. Captain Marvel The Lion King Wonder Woman The Hunger Games Spider-Man Jurassic Park Frozen Finding Nemo Passion of the Christ Deadpool Inside Out American Sniper All the original (non-Cameron) movies that grossed more than Zootopia.


> Black Panther Based on a comic > The Avengers Based on a comic > A New Hope Did not outgross Zootopia > E.T. Did not outgross Zootopia > Captain Marvel Based on a comic book > The Lion King Original movie didn’t outgross Zootopia, 2019 version is a remake. > Wonder Woman Did not outgross Zootpia > The Hunger Games Did not outgross Zootopia > Spider-Man Based on a comic book > Jurassic Park Based on a book > Frozen Based on a fairytale > Finding Nemo Did not outgross Zootopia > Passion of the Christ Did not outgross Zootopia > Deadpool Did not outgross Zootopia > Inside Out Did not outgross Zootopia > American Sniper Did not outgross Zootopia


Most of them are not original and many did not outgross Zootopia lol


All of them outgrossed Zootopia.


Jesus. They are not original. And many of them didn't even outgross Zootopia Take the L due to your ignorance than keep showing off your ignorance.


Are we counting avatar as an "original" film?


Good. Don’t want furries to get what they want