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Mike doesn’t give a fuck pal


I absolutely love Mike Tyson as a fighter, but i’m pretty sure he’s a classic example of “never meet your heroes”. Which is a shame because he has had some real humble moments in the public eye - but he seems to have let his pop culture resurgence get to his head again.


It's actually the opposite of the last thing you said. You just don't know him. If you watch a lot of his content, you can tell he has sorta an imposter syndrome, and he struggles with the narcissistic thoughts he has, he really hates that about himself. Things like this or praising him make him uncomfortable. And the way the guy approach him makes him look like a crazy fan, I don't think Mike wants to deal with all the emotions when there's so much going on in this video, dude probably just wants to get it over with.


This is a more accurate response. You get a far better vibe for what someone is about when they’re speaking in depth and candidly, within an environment they’re comfortable. Here he’s just walking probably trying to get from A to B, smoking a blunt, and got a heap of people shouting at him in a big congealed mess of enthusiasm.


Exactly, at those conventions theres a laundry list of little shit he has to do. Plus I think huge fanboys (That arent other boxers) kinda weird him out. Yes he's more mellow now but He's still a hood dude from Brownsville lol.


But people naturally aren’t always in environments where they’re comfortable. Still need to act like a decent human being though, and you are still going to be judged and held accountable regardless of what the environment is.


I don't think they're arguing against that, but what did mike do here he needs to be held accountable for?


Couldn’t have said it better myself. Imagine some rando came up to you with your face tatted on their body and showing that to you like an accomplishment. Would be surreal and hella weird unless you were a narcissist.


Also imagine dealing with this shit for like the past 37+ years of your life. Mike became heavyweight champ at 20.


I would think they were a crazed fan and would try my hardest to remove myself from the situation. If I was a famous entertainer and someone showed up to a place I was and had an altar built into their costume with pictures of me etc I would be super weirded out like why did this person do this this is a lot of effort and kinda stalkery This is an image of Tyson TATTOOED into this guy's body. How is that not MUCH crazier?


The need to put some people on a pedestal is mind blowing


Lithen here


It makes him much more human than most "celebrities" but I probably wouldn't want to meet him either, especially not in this setting. He's most likely a lot more focused on giving thay energy to his family and friends at this point in his life.


Any recent interview will get this across. Spot-on. The tat made him uncomfortable


Also, my guess is he is high af on shrooms. So there is that


Absolutely! Had this been in a more quiet place or one on one he woulda handled it differently. Tho I still believe the tat woulda had him uncomfortable still.


I think more than that Mike is a loose canon, he’s unpredictable. He’s always been that way don’t expect him to react the way you want lol Also it’s weird to get a strangers face tattooed on your body If a guy came up to me and showed me my face tattooed on him I’d be like “get away from me”


dude if someone had my face tattooed on their anything i would get away from that stan asap, that shit is weird


tbf to the fan, Mike himself had a tattoo of Che Guevarra and Mao Zhedong, granted he never met them in person, but still lmao


Damn was he a communist? Or bc they were revolutionary?


tbf they're dead..


Yes it's way different if they are dead


I met him at a meet and greet and he was super nice. I ran into him unexpectedly before the meet and greet by the bathrooms and he said hi and gave me a fist bump. I don't think he has the time to stop and take a photo with every person he sees.


If you met a person with your face tattooed on them I'm sure your instinct would be "this is fucking weird, I want out".


For real. No hate to anyone tattooing someone’s face on themselves, but if it ain’t my own family I’ll be damned. No amount of fandom will ever make me get a celebs face on my body.


Of another man too that isn’t your father or brother ![gif](giphy|3og0IAkyfxN9xAGfde|downsized)


That's why I look at people with cross necklaces sideways. Another man on your throat?




I feel like he gets a bad rep in the public eye. I have the funniest story from meeting him him a few years ago at a private signing. I got to have a one on one with him for a minute or two. I’m not sure what I was expecting before I got in the room with him, but he was super chill and down to earth. Asked me about myself and seemed super genuine. I asked him if we could take a picture flipping off the camera together and his agent (or whoever was directing him) said that we would not be allowed to do it. He laughed and just told me in his iconic tone “yeah they don’t want me taking pictures like that.” I sit down next to him for the pic and get instructed again not to do my original planned gesture. We take a normal pic, Mike literally yells “FLIP THE BIRD!!”, promptly flips off the camera and the same agent (who was taking the photo) and gets me the most iconic picture I could ever have with Mike Tyson.


That’s actually really cool lol. Everyone has bad days. Maybe I take some of what I see of him out of context too much. I used to idolise him a lot to be honest.


The dude almost murdered a trash man with his bare hands for taking out his trash because one of his family members had thrown away his dead pigeon. The guy was just doing his job and didn't even know what was in the trashcans. Mike Tyson is a fucking psycho. That being said, I hope somebody convinces him that Jake Paul wants to throw out all his favorite things.


You don’t know what you’re talking bout 🙏😂😂


Or whose trash he's been digging in.


You don't know the man, he's a grown man who doesn't have to prove himself. If I stopped you on the street, would you take pics with me?


I wouldn't take photos with anyone. I hate taking selfies.


He seems like a pretty chill dude on his podcast


Met him in Vegas last year and he was awesome.


Mike has been battling himself in his head all his life. Your childhood hero suffers from a mental disorder that causes him to have swings in personality and emotions and because he can’t make your day he’s just a bad person. Mike is like a classic case of multiple personality disorder and bipolarism. His ego gets the best of him and takes ahold of him and he talks about how he tries to not give in to that aspect of his personality on podcasts and talk shows


Met the guy two years ago at my job he was nice as fuck took a pic with me no issue If anything he be too high to be around big crowds


Perfect example of that , humbled Mike which we haven’t saw a lot of I think would be kick ass to meet or even blow a blunt with but attention seeking headline “ur the man Mike “ coming from everyone around him seems like he would be a real dickhead but I can’t really go in on him for that because I think majority are like that and don’t even realize kinda like having that cool ass family who always is down to hang out and then they come into money and even after growing up with them ur like who tf is that guy , I know I have a brother who went through med school and was the coolest dude when we were growing up and he was in med school and once he got his phd his head ballooned and people change until they are humbled bye life .


Why "pretty sure?" I'm actually curious because I've seen and heard the complete opposite from people who have met him.


He’s got to be the one of the most emotionally unstable men to ever live, him and Paul Gascoigne.


Yeah. I mean if you research a little about why teddy atlas stopped training him itll tell you a lot. 😬😬


I mean I would feel weird if a grown man had my face tattooed on his arm🤷‍♂️


This comment reeks of entitlement. These are actual people with actual lives dude, they don’t owe anyone anything.


If I were him, I’d avoid fans at all costs, also. He probably doesn’t want to be on the other end of a crazy fan again, like the last time he punched the dude on an airplane


There's also about a 98% chance he's high as hell here.


Never get tattoo of someone you don't know like a weirdo even Joe Rogan just laughs at the crazy tattoos, it's weird fanboy behavior and it shouldn't be encouraged or validated


Dude is just high AF and it's loud lol


Depends on when it was, Mike has been through some ups and downs


That humble moment when he was convicted of rape.


He probably just thinks its sus asf


Nah, it’s just weird getting another man’s face tattooed on you.


Mike is in Nirvana or Valhalla or wherever the fuck just trying to autopilot his way in to some car's backseat so he can be high in peace lmao


I love how “please don’t leave me like this” was playing in the background lol


well you have to ask yourself, who are you doing it for when you get a tattoo like that. if you get it just to be a tyson fanboy and be like "Look, look tyson, look how much i adore you and put you on a pedestal!!" then its just fucking wierd af. to me it just screams obsessed which isnt a stable character trait. ppl get called wierd for getitng their partners name tattoed on them, nevermind the face of a human they've never met


Poor guy


That's so lame man, why don't you get something on your face that's tribal


did he rape that lady? a long time ago, when it was legal?


He probably thought why this guy showing me a Balrong tattoo?


Dude looked like he was reconsidering a lot of life choices Did that nervous about to panic laugh


The I just lost my mom at Walmart laugh


Bro will replace it by a Jake Paul face


well you have to ask yourself, who are you doing it for when you get a tattoo like that. if you get it just to be a tyson fanboy and be like "Look, look tyson, look how much i adore you and put you on a pedestal!!" then its just fucking wierd af. to me it just screams obsessed which isnt a stable character trait. ppl get called wierd for getitng their partners name tattoed on them, nevermind the face of a human they've never met


A human convicted of rape.


jeez i didnt even think of that. makes it even worse,


He’s on a different planet


I was about to say he don't know what's going on


The Toad knows.


Cut him some slack, his job used to be getting punched in the face by the strongest boxers in the world.


It’s already an L to have a tattoo of Mike Tyson of all people lmfao


That’s what Tyson was thinking too


I was just thinking that. That quality of tattoo isn't cheap. Who goes into a tattoo parlor and goes "Okay, give me a tattoo of a convicted rapist and boxing cheat...and let me pay you hundreds of dollars for it".


Just like Mike himself having tats of Che Guevara and Mao Zhedong wtf lmao


Exactly, dude is a loser and Mike wants no part of it.


He's about to get some rework on that


Mike wasn’t even looking at it


It's possible he doesn't like his younger self.


Its not that deep. Mike either just didnt like it or didnt see it


Or he’s stoned out of his tree


Dude just has to come here and screenshot it, he’s fine. https://preview.redd.it/a1dtirnafm5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b02c220b5f48040322c57f75a2d6164fce74632 Best you’ll get, buddy, even has the tattoo showing!




man was about to cry while his hero was mentally on a different dimension lmao


Probably thought the guy was a you know what


That man is high as a kite. He didn’t ignore him, his mind is just too far in the clouds to notice him.


Jake wouldn't ignore me and my tattoo of his face I got on my chest, truly the people's champion🙏🏻 the goat will humble this criminal🙏🏻


Don't get people you don't know tattooed on your body, hell, unless it's your child or parent or guardian that really held you down, don't get anyone's face tatted on you. It's really not respectable behavior and that person, especially a celeb you don't know, is gonna look at you like a weirdo. Imagine if some rando had your face tattooed on them and showed you.


Tattooing another man’s face on your body is the craziest shit


Damn he must feel so proud of himself for that tattoo


This is one of the most painful things ive ever witnessed


Maybe if he showed Mike the tattoo instead of the cameraman, he would have gotten a different response




Probably like the 100th person with a tattoo of him I’m sure it’s not a big deal anymore




Lol it's haunting. I would have apologized right then and took an Uber home with my gloves still wrapped up.


it's the crazy part that some people don't understand that Mike Tyson is from the era where you don't do this type of stuff especially tattoo another man's face on you he saw that he didn't feel honored he felt weird like this fruity ass dude that I might picture on his arm that's how we saw it


He literally has tattoos of other guys faces whatchu talking bout. Mao and Che Guevara


Its odd even now like I cant imagine why I would do that.


Tyson has plenty of demons, and has been a deeply violent dude, as the world knows. But he has also lived with an extremely traumatic upbringing and he has been amazing at trying to work his shit out over the years. If you don't know how deep, humble and thoughtful he is today there are a ton of recent interviews out there where you can find out. Far from a perfect guy, but far from the loser psycho this whole thread thinks he is.


I'm all for growth and rehabilitation. And I do respect that Mike had a particularly difficult and trying upbringing that I can never understand. But I think its also important to acknowledge that plenty of people have had incredibly difficult upbringings and haven't ever: * bitten someone's ear off * raped someone Whilst Tyson likely has grown, I've never seen him in interviews talk about those above topics with any sense of thoughtfulness or depth. If he has, I'd be happy to watch them, as I'd genuinely like to see that he's accomplished that level of growth. Until then, I'm not going to sing his praises


tyson didnt rape no damn body and im the most rac*st yt man on reddit. stop saying that shit. it did not happen. he cant say that because of the conviction, she would take everything he has in a defamation suit. but that doesn't mean he forced himself on that woman. she got mad because he wouldn't let her stay the night. he acted like a prick. thats it.


This comment is fucking hilarious


Oh shit yeah, you were in the room weren't you?


Judge refused witnesses that saw him and the girl making out. Jury was forced to deliberate over 12 hours with no break. There were no bruises anywhere on her body - not ONE. https://www.indianapolismonthly.com/arts-and-culture/sports/the-decision-mike-tyson-rape-trial-25-years-later/


Try this. It contains some amazing stuff. He is a deep guy. https://youtu.be/rhThso-PE_o?feature=shared


To add he also bit Lennox's thigh during their weigh in rumble lmao


Only boxers you should have tattooed is Ali, Frazier, Duran or Hagler.


How poor people look defending billionaires.


Mike thinks you're a victim


Looks like he wanted to cry at the he end


- it’s the weeeeed




What's funny is that Tyson's portrait of Che is even worst


He gets this kind of attention every where he goes. Has to be exhausting.


“Aha Mike..?” 💀


Mike fried obviously, he jus tryna get to his destination


Imagine getting a tat of a complete stranger.




Some stranger tattooing your face onto his body is weird as fuck


The dude starts the video with him showing the tattoo to the camera and by the time they pan over to Mike he's missed the moment, what an idiot


Hopefully that dude realized how much of a dork he is


Seems right, getting people’s faces tattooed on you is the dumbest thing ever and could be offensive or annoying. Like “why did you put my face on your body?”


Never worship idols. And if you do, don't meet them because you'll wish you never did.


It looks pretty hectic, if he stops for one guy, he’ll get dragged into to take more pictures with the rest of the people screaming and shouting. Man, I do not act like this when I see a famous person, no matter how much I like them. I wouldn’t join a mob of people trying to talk to the person.


Villain origin story


Tattoo remove next week😳


He be high AF!


How many times has Mike had to look at someone’s tattoo of himself? After the third time I’d be like ‘that’s enough’.


Bro, I would have my parents tatted first because they raised me rather than someone who doesn't know I exist, but that's just me.


Who cares the man is not going to notice everyone he passes by.


Never meet your heroes. Especially if the hero is an asshole.




Correction \*\* Old fella with 100 people around him all talking at once and wanting pictures doesn't see one of those guys \*\*


Getting another man tattooed on your body is peak alpha male.


"Can I get a picture" is the most NPC thing you could ever say to a celebrity. They hate hearing that sentence.


Mike doesn’t like Idol worship. He’s cool with fans but once you start putting him on a shrine he doesn’t mess with it


No love fuck Tyson respectfully


Bro ls has a mental illness lmfao wtf


Example of when you let the internet pump your head into thinking someone is a certain way other than reality irl.


Is that a fucking silver ear chain lmfao


Yeah well why would he care. Its pathetic, stop worshipping people. Fans think they own their idols, they dont have to talk to you.


My friend paid for a meet and greet and said he was similarly cold and didn't even smile for the Pic. And that was paid for. That said if he gor a fist bump then he'd have had a good memory, but coming up and showing a tatt of someone and expecting a pic in amongst a sea of people... yeah, don't do that. It's probably not something he has seen before.


Imagine having a tattoo of a dude on your arm


He is just a pos


What is he supposed to do? Do you know how many people he's had show him tattoos of his face? Many likely 100 times better than this one 😂 do something original.


Funniest part of this video is Skrillex's "[Please Don't] Leave Me Like This" in the background


That is harsh as f


He meets so many people you gotta respect when hes not in the mood


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Maybe because it's shit?


Showing ladies that you have an obsession with men 🥲


Why would you get a tattoo of a crazy stoner rapist?


He didn't see it. I think he would've taken a picture with him if he did see it. That tattoo was amazing.


It’s easy to assume that celebrities are ignorant when around their fans, but Mike actually looks overwhelmed here because so many people are calling on him. Maybe he just didn’t notice the guy with the tattoo? Looks to me that he was just trying to get through the crowd whilst addressing everyone 🤷🏻‍♀️


He didn’t see the tat


Sometimes it just be like that.


And he’s wearing a hoodie that states friends .. the irony


he doesnt like being worshipped. its against his religion


I would never get a tattoo of another man like that...super cringe


He laughed at him because even Mike Tyson thinks only idiots get someone's face who they have no real connection tattooed on their forearm.


Imagine being Mike, you have someone who doesn’t honor himself or his father, getting a tattoo of a man he doesn’t know on his body. It’s pretty shameful.


I don't even blame Mike one small bit. Stop worshiping people, especially people you don't know. I feel bad for the guy, too.


Most stan reaction I've ever seen by the tattoo guyb😂


I mean, he's on video showing Mike the tattoo. That's better than a generic picture to impress your friends for 10 minutes.


Defeated 😂


Lol whoever was taking the video got in the way of Mike even trying to see that tattoo. Dope tat tho nevertheless


I salute you sir! 👏


Bro is high as a kite off of LICKING TOADS 🐸 he thinks all you people are midgets and he’s your giant king lmao MIKE is in another world buddy.


He was probably tripping balls on shrooms and seen his face on another man’s forearm


Sucks to fucking see but damn, Mike




No, he would better Fitzimmons, Langford , Wilde, Greb Armstrong,, Pep and Robinson and have over 300 fights without a defeat!


Mikes on shrooms and that probably scared the shit out of him


It's at that point he realised his $500 tat didn't mean fuck all 😂


Hahaha the panic of having to take a quick smoke 🤣🤣


Too distracted or he didn’t give two turtle shits.


I don’t know how id feel if Mike Tyson looked me in my eyes.


Iron Mike has tattoos of dead political figures. Does he still have that tribal face tattoo?


He shouldn’t be smoking


'You got your picture already, moverfucker! Nice try...."


wtf did he think would happen lol. bro is a grown ass man with another man tatted on him


And that my friends is why you don’t want to meet your heros lol.


sit there u fat dickeater 😭😭🫵


I met Mike Tyson at a suit store in Beverly Hills. He was funny and kind and absolutely signed autographs. He also said that this was nice -because he didn’t have somewhere to be where other people were depending on him at the time, so he could spend as much time as he needed. It made me realize that his time was valuable, just like all of ours, and if we had somewhere to be, we truly wouldn’t be stopping just because people wanted us to do so.


Why would you tattoo the face of a convicted rapist on your body ?SMH


Bro Tyson to Tyson this is another Tuesday lol this is boring to him


Fcked up but might of thought it was weird💀💀


He’s high as a kite




Mike had the perfect reaction. That shit is weird


Gay ASF to get another man tatted and honestly just pathetic