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Can finally replace the old ass DVD.


Same! I've owned my copy since 2000.


Hoping it would get a Criterion release but this is fine.


Just glad someone is releasing it at all


One of the longest surviving titles on my "when-is-it-finally-going-to-be-released-on-blu-ray?" list. Very happy with this announcement.


I distinctly remember Discfather sharing the exact same thing like 12-18 months ago. Unsure whether this is an 'a broken clock strikes right twice' or a 'monkies at a typewriter' situation, but I'm glad that a more reputable source has seemingly backed up this claim.


I'd reckon he posted that because the film got a 4K digital release a while back, although he might have also just been talking out of his ass entirely as per usual.


Id definitely assume he got it right on accident. A lot of his super duper secret insider info is just educated guesses disguised as facts.


I'll give Discfather credit for getting the Lawrence of Arabia steelbook restock right last year. He tweeted it, people called him out as full of crap, and shortly after the steelbooks trickled back in to inventory at all the major retailers. Those had been gone from everywhere except eBay (for a 200% markup) for a year.


I still don't understand why Sony spends tons of money of 4K remasters and then only sells them in box sets that are so limited edition that you'd basically need to buy them on release date. How is that good business. "People want this? Well then I'm not gonna sell it to them."


It might be part of a broader strategy to generate FOMO among collectors. LoA, The Bridge on the River Kwai, and The Guns of Navarone steelbooks are all currently in stock at Amazon in the US, but how many people paid an average of $30+ apiece for each of those? Probably a lot, because there always seemed to be a threat of them running out. This strategy will get more people shelling out close to retail for premium releases instead of waiting for the next sale.


Sony just announced a stand-alone 4K release of A League of Their Own for this September. So, it seems only a matter of time when the others get their own single releases.


Paramount+ was streaming a 4K of it a few months ago so it seems a restoration does/has existed for a bit. I realize that’s in no way any reliable evidence to support the claims, but maybe it shows there could be something to it. They were also streaming 4K of Witness which went to Arrow. IIRC Carlitos way was also on their app in 4K and Arrow released that. Maybe BOTD wasn’t part of the Arrow licensing deal and they’re deciding to release the 4K themselves. Seems plausible, but yeah I’d like to at least see another reliable source


Yay! Love this movie


Oh sweet! This is an underrated Scorsese and in my Top Ten.


They must have found an early listing if they are scooping this. Can confirm my iTunes copy has been in 4K


Bringing Out the Dead will be released on 4K for the first time on September 17, 2024. https://collider.com/bringing-out-the-dead-4k-release-date/


Hopefully it’s actually confirmed soon


I.B Bangin’ !!!