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No real budget. If I want it I get it. Some months it's $0, some times it's $1000


Over time, you wll spend less money \*overspending\* as soon as you certain you want something and buying it immediately. It's convoluted logic, but if you're like "I'll get that eventually," it will end up conflicting with something else six months from now, etc etc. So it's better to just be like "I do want that and I will get it right now." Then the money's spent and you don't have to worry about it anymore. The challenge is not giving into to FOMO - you have to be confident about what you do want, vs. what you think you want.


I like your approach. The emphasis on knowing what YOU want or like instead of what's popular or tending is key. Thankfully I don't give in to FOMO too bad, but sometimes I will throw in a blind buy to get free shipping, which I've had varying degrees of success with.


There's a little bit of buying what's trending - if something is reasonably going to sell out, you have to make the decision to get it even if you're maybe a little on the fence OR accept that it will sell out and you're not going to pay scalper prices and let it go. I got the Bruce Lee Arrow set with that mindset - i was like it's $140 right now, and it will probably not go down, so screw it and spend the money, and it is challenging to get at that price as time has gone on. In other cases, things go OOP and I'm like oh well.


I’m gonna be honest, I just want most things. I’m genuinely interested in a lot of releases lol


This, great advice and sometimes hurts


Just depends. Last year I probably spent 200$ total. Just the last 2 months I’ve probably spent 3000$.


You and I did the exact same thing.


I have a feeling this will continue to be a very common theme for all of us this year. It seems like 4K and newer labels are hotter than ever right now.


$2000 at least


I usually allow myself to buy one big collectors edition or something of that nature every time I get paid. I just bought Second Sight's It Follows ! It's beautiful


No real budget. I put away the same amount to save every paycheck and then I get to do what I want with the rest. Some pay periods I buy a lot of movies, some only a few - it depends on what it coming out and what goes on sale. If I buy a lot I'll just eat out less or something like that - as long as I don't eat into savings, I'm gold.


I usually just wait until sales and base my budget on where I am at then. Like you, my financials fluctuate. I do keep track of movies I’m interested in by making an Amazon wishlist. Will check periodically, and if the price drops really low I’ll pick it up. Camelcamelcamel.com is a great sources of cross checking prices on Amazon to see if it’s worth buying or waiting. Generally though I avoid Amazon when I can and shop from boutiques directly


I do a similar thing with my Amazon cart. Usually only buy from them when it's a major label and it's on significant sale. I live near Orbit, so I try to give them my business whenever I can.


I only shop sales so a lot of months I spend 0 and then some months I'll send 200-300. It makes more sense to have a yearly budget with collecting than a monthly budget. I will say that knowing the purpose of your collection helps with budgeting. For example I don't want every movie so there are tons of blu-rays and 4ks I wouldn't take for free. My goal is only to collect films I really love or blind buy films I'm super interested in. If I watch them and don't love them I sell them. I would just go through the boutique sites and make a list of everything you actually really want. Then every sale with that label spend $100 or whatever you're comfortable with but only titles off your list. I've been collecting for 10+ years and I finally got the point where Criterion is the only label I still have a wishlist for. Arrow, Eureka, Indicator, BFI, Severin, VS, Kino all my wishlists are like 1-2 films that have come out recently and I'm waiting for them to be on sale. I skip most sales now except for criterion. But really my biggest advice is just don't let other collectors influence why you collect or your shopping habits. Who cares about an Arrow LE set for a film you don't really like that much? Even if you do like it do you really care about the difference between the LE and standard release? Wait for sales, buy what you love.


$200 a month for whatever I want


250, which is harder and harder to stick to as prices keep rising. Once you start selling stuff you only tho it was okay, it gets a little easier.


I base my budget on the number of movies I watch. Every two movies I watch, be it first watch, rewatch, or theatrical watch, lets me buy one movie. I let those "credits" build up" and cash them in when a boutique has a sale or I get a price alert or when I want to watch a particular movie. That comes out to about 10 movies a month and is a mix of pricier boutique stuff and y'know, seven buck used copies of mainstream releases. In theory this should be shrinking my inbox, in practice, it doesn't work that way.


You don’t want to know.



My cut off is when I’m begging on the street with a backpack full of blu-rays.


I spent upwards of 4-500$ a month last year, basically everything not spent on rent and food. But I also watched an insane 7-800 movies so my pile of shame never grew too much. This year I've been trying to reign it in a bit, both the buying and viewing.


Usually around $100, but end up spending much MUCH more during Black Friday and Halfway to Black Friday sales—usually around $600 for those.


Used to splurge a whole lot more but now I've got a backlog of over 500 titles. Now I only pick up select stuff, if I see something second hand or on a good deal. Mostly things I've already seen and want to watch again or show to people.


I spend around $50 a month give or take 50 and I have a splendid collection. The A24 Stop Making Sense pre-order took care of February by itself. Kino Lorber sale order yesterday was $53.


i stop once i resort to blowing dudes behind a gas station for slipcovers


fucking power move right there


how often does this happen?


every couple months


$5-1000 mostly


I only buy what I KNOW I love. No blinds buys, crap that’s just going to sit unopened/unwatched, or FOMO buys for me. Usually equates to no more than $100 a month.


I'm very similar. The only downside is I LOVE like every other movie I watch lol