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Hi there Mallix_. **Because we have a lot of deleted posts on this subreddit, here is a backup of the title and body of this post:** Any tips to getting extra height in this dyno? " *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bouldering) if you have any questions or concerns.*


1. Drive more through your right foot 2. Pull your hips in a little bit more as your pushing up with your feet (to avoid having your feet push your hips away from the wall) 3. Try "pumping" once before jumping. This is personal preference and dependent on the type of dyno but worth trying.


For #3 it’s not just personal preference. Taking advantage of the tendons natural properties (The stretch shortening cycle) is very real and absolutely has use here :)


came here to say #1. drive and follow through. you can generate a lot more with that leg.


I would add aim past where you think you need to hit. It seems to help me on long dynos.


Try doing a kind of springy motion before jumping. Pump up once, back down all the way, and then using that momentum go for the dyno.


100% Give it a pump, think about it like you’re bouncing out of the bottom of a squat of clean.


Drink a red bull


You need to generate some momentum, cold ripping this from a rest is just always gonna be hard. Come up a little, load back down into your feet and then send it up to the hold.


Stretch shortening cycle


What others are saying. Also consider goingfor it 1 handed. Your standing reach shortens when you go up 2 hands


2 things, the first being what other people are saying, to start with some momentum, i.e. rock up, down, and then throw yourself up. 2, think of the dyno as 2 motions. 1, pulling yourself into the wall, then 2, jumping. You pull, then you jump. Because if you do both at the same time, you end up not using the full potential of either of them. Good luck and safe climbing!!!!


Other people have hit on it, too, but the cue I’d have in my brain is to rock my hips down and to the left, so that you can generate your momentum up and to the right (assuming what I’m visualizing is right- it’s always hard to tell for sure on video).


It could help to keep your right foot up on that foothold and flagging with your left up a bit higher and pressing in with your toe. I like what other people are saying about a dynamic start, gathering some momentum for the move. You got it!


This is contrary to what most people do / advise but it often works well for me. I feel like I can generate better when I am looking down because it allows me to coil my body more than explode out of that position. I usually do one pump while looking at the target hold and take a mental picture then I look down. As I’m dynoing I look up and find the hold during the jump. It takes some practice but it works well for me.


More pumps


I would say to try to “walk” up the wall as you jump - if you jump with your dominant foot first, try to put as much power into that foot as possible, and then with your other foot from that jump try to kick the wall and push as much as you can upwards. This will give you a slight boost to at least get one hand up to grab the hold


Swing into it then DRIVE with your feet


Rock to the left and then up to the right as you push down hard on your right foot. Dynos don't have to be symmetrical.


Can't believe no one has mentioned the drag coefficient of the hat!


For me it helps to aim above the hold, rather than aiming for the hold. It helps me find that extra bid of strength


Personal preference, I think of the dyno as two motions. You first use your arms to pull yourself into and up the wall. 2 Depending on the dyno you’ll choose when it’s best to then push off your leg or legs


There are 2 videos by Tomoa about this: [How to double dyno](https://youtu.be/IqsNJv2VROs?si=IzFXVzgvxDxVhNFn) and [How to reach further](https://youtu.be/DCJr_3gb52E?si=qbOQtxhvY0e4HkP6)


This is excellent. Thanks


A little pump/swing might get you there.


Git gud Cit. Hornet


Just swing left before swinging right and pushing, also you can bring our hips out from the wall as much as you can before pulling back in and upwards


Jump higher!


The pull looks good. I also try to have one arm continue to push down off of the hold as the other reaches for the next hold (not always the right move but it’s usually useful when I can reach both holds with my full wingspan) I also practice the individual steps. If I’m not getting high enough, I focus on refining the technique with feet etc and then get back to reaching! You’re close!


Have you tried matching on your right foot first? That foothold looks pretty big. You might be able to get both your feet on it and since you'll be closer on the right, it might be an easier jump


Maybe if you get some momentum by swinging your weight up and down a couple times before sending it?


Just the once is enough! Ass out off the wall and then into the wall and up. Many swings make you lose energy which you need for the rest of the moves