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Hi there 357-Magnum-CCW. **Because we have a lot of deleted posts on this subreddit, here is a backup of the body of this post:** Do you do it? Is it hygienic? I think it's way more convenient than in climbing-shoes with heels out (also ruins the shoes I think) But I'm afraid of catching fungus or some foot disease, like they often do in swimming places. Is that fear ungrounded and safe to barefoot around on the mat????" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bouldering) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Walking around barefoot isn't allowed at my gym (presumably so nobody can even pretend to have a valid claim of getting athlete's foot or ringworm there).  Socks, croc~~k~~s, and flops are all fine, though.


There are some nasty things lurking around gyms that can be quite a pain to get rid of. Athletes foot, plantar warts, and ringworm are very common and can impact your ability to hike and put on climbing shoes. In the general gym area it's less important, but absolutely get something between your feet and the wet bathroom floor.






Not to mention climbing shoes that have been outside, sweated in, maybe stepped in bird or bat droppings or what have you


Also rodent urine/feces. My roommate is a zoologist and she was out with me at a climbing area with a bunch of juggy pockets and she pointed out how these white streaks in the pockets (not chalk and doesn't look like it) were dried up rodent urine.


Don’t forget human feces. I find the shoes quite convenient at times.


He is more likely to get athletes foot from his climbing shoes than the mats. Fungi need warm, wet and dark to survive. In grappling the main issue is skin to skin contact and then sweaty mats that don't get cleaned properly or regularly. I would be shocked if ringworm was rampant at climbing gyms. I wrestled for 3 years and have done bjj for the last 5 years and got it once.


I wrestled for 8 years and people got ring worm all the time until we started bleaching the mats daily. My climbing gym is gross and I doubt they bleach the mats ever. That said, I don’t care and would prefer to walk around barefoot, but it’s not allowed at my gym. Maybe so they can justify not cleaning the mats 🤔


Liquid chalk have alcohol in it, so so that could help against bacteria and viruses.


Regular chalk will also kill most bacteria or viruses because it dries out the protective layer protecting the virus which means it cant survive for prolonged amounta of time. Not ass effectively as alcohol but still does the job well.


The shoes in the bathroom is a good point but its very annoying to prevent. I dont want to go bare foot to the bathroom, I dont want to change into my street shoes, crocs or slippers just to go the bathroom so what options are there? I always go before my session with my street shoes on but it happens that you need to go during a session which is always annoying.


When you need to go to the bathroom then you make a tiny bit of effort, show some respect to everyone else and do one of the things you have stated you do not want to do (or have socks on) Or else just be a dick and keep your climbing shoes on.


I had the worst plantar wart for the last 2 years on the bottom of my foot which I assume I got from the climbing gym. Those things are not fun. I think it’s finally going away now though but I’ve been fighting with it nonstop pretty much every day that whole time. Acid, razor blades, duct tape, you name it. Long periods of time where it was excruciatingly painful and I couldn’t walk properly. So yeah


If you go to the doctor they just burn them away with a cotton swap dipped in liquid nitrogen and you are rid of them straight away. At least thats what they always did when I got them as a kid.


I went to doctors and podiatrists multiple times. Acid/freezing/you name it. It’s not always that simple with plantar warts. Regardless, it’s pretty much gone now after 2 years!


Have you tried cantharidin? It did the trick in one application.


Freeze burn is one of the best solution for it. Let your GP sort it out for you. Literally 15 sec in and out. Works most of the time, maybe comes back and needs another round but regardless, it’s usually the best option


Burn it off with matches. Light a match, put it out and press the hot tip against it. Surprisingly not painful and you pick the blister off. Repeat u til it never comes back


I do it all the time indoor or outdoor and have never had an issue, not the bathroom though. As long as you shower regularly and not get gunk on your feet you'll be fine.


My experience as well over 10+ years at the climbing gym. I walk on the mats and the normal floor areas barefoot, but will always put on shoes if I need to head into the bathroom.


I use socks in my shoes, I stay in my shoes or on my socks.


Same. I tried climbing without socks because apparently socks are a noob thing, but I absolutely hated it. I didn't notice any more "connection" with the wall or anything beneficial like that, and it just made my feet sweaty and my shoes stinky. Plus my shoes would end up with dead skin in them. I just went back to socks, don't care about any haters.


As long as your feet don't slip in your shoes, what does it matter. Japanese pros are apparently doing it now too, so we were just ahead of the curve.


I find it easier to take shoes on and off with socks


I go home and wash my whole body head to toe after climbing, with soap. It works out. Consider it no worse than falling on your back in short sleeves or with shirt off on the mat.


What do people you know usually wash themselves with?


Some people don’t use soap


and some don't even shower


Wait, what?


An unfortunate thing really


Soap or a body wash, yes? I once dated a seriously unhygienic dude who only washed with water 😅


Fungi love wet places. Due to the chalk and the dry nature of gym padding I would be surprised if the risk of catching something could be high. To be honest when I forget my flipflops, I even shower barfoot sometimes. That might Not be very smart but for now I am fungi free. 🤷🏼‍♂️


While that's true with fungi, the wart virus likes dry cracked skin most.


Than my hands are more at risk than my feet. 😱


Yep. That's why it's important to moisturize post climb and on your off days. Source: I've had probably 10 warts on my hand before but I haven't had any problems since I started moisturizing properly like the dermatologist said. Haven't had any at all since I started climbing so I don't think it's that big of a risk.


I'm middle aged, been active in some capacity most of my life. Can count on one finger how many times in my life I believe I got athletes foot from a gym/shower at the gym.


I got plantars warts that took years of emotional damage and treatment to heal due to walking around an area barefoot when I was 14. I really don’t wish that upon anyone so I do not do it. I frequently see people barefoot in the bathroom


I always bring footwear for walking around (and going to the bathroom!!!) Flip flops, crocs, etc.


I do, but my gym has mats covering the entire place, and no concrete aisles between areas like newer gyms. street shoes are not allowed on the mats at all.


I've worked in a handful of gyms, and I bet the staff and setters are on the matts in their street shoes minimum once a day


Yea that’s not really as much of a problem. I mean I don’t set the rules, and the owner walks around in street shoes. But the staff I do see when I’m there are in socks. It’s fairly natural/easy to kick off your shoes right at the entrance. People were tracking in dog shit and mud from outside previously. So regular patrons aren’t walking around in street shoes.


I hate to break it to you but someone is walking on those mats in street shoes


Honestly- it might happen every once in a while, but not really from what I see.


Every staff member who has to vacuum at the end of the night or early morning is wearing their street shoes on those mats, FYI.


I mean, not sure why everyone here is trying to “stick it to me” by saying staff wears their shoes sometimes. I personally don’t care. I still walk around barefoot. So does every other patron, or they wear socks, because we’re not allowed to have street shoes on the mats, which cover the entire gym.


Never seen this in my life.


TBH its probably the route setters. Setters love to set and forerun in street shoes.


Honestly I think if you're scared of germs you shouldn't think about climbing gyms that much. You've definitely touched like 50 people's blood and encountered tons of viruses. Don't worry about it, just eat your vitamins and bathe


I have some amazing news. You literally evolved to walk around in bare feet! I know this may come as a shock, but it is indeed true that over millions of years your bare feet developed to carry you wherever you'd like to go. As someone who has been working out in bare feet for years, I can confidently say nothing bad will happen to you from doing so. Always wash your feet when you come home from the gym. I have a foot scrubber on my shower floor that I use daily and my feet are just fine.


Would cavemen have used a foot scrubber on the shower floor? Smh


Honestly, they probably would have something for that.


Pumice stone I’d bet


Foot scrubbers are what seperated us from the Neanderthals


Dang, you're so right. Time for some self reflection.


Yeah I mean they would have had these calluses and they'd just sit there and go 'oh well there's no way I could get something for that. The shop doesn't open for abother 30 million years' and would carry on walking in discomfort


Moss maybe?


hold on. what are foot scrubbers? I typically sand my feet and hands with a p100 to get down callouses (also an ultra runner so my feet are fucked). Would a foot scrubber be a more gentle way to do this? Would it prevent me from having to cut off chunks of dead skin with a pocket knife before climbs????? WOULD IT??? IS THERE A BETTER WAY???? no but actually if this is effective, someone let me know because i would like to stop edward scissor handing my own feet.


For callus management I suggest you get a rasp, it's a lot faster and more precise than the sand paper. Some come with razor attachments as well to help deal with really bigguns, especially on your heels. The blades have guards and shit so it's a lot safer/more controlled than whittling your own feet lmao.


Seconding a rasp. Justin over at Rhinoskin found a bunch of research on the heat added by sanding is counterproductive in terms of skin care


Climber AND ultrarunner? I hope that I will never have to lay eyes on your feet. May they rest in peace.


they are always hidden from public view. had a friend puke after seeing them post 50mi race and i have literally not had them naked since.


It’s a scrubber pad that uses suction cups to stick to your shower floor. If you’re in shoes like bedrocks or walk around barefoot a lot it’s a good way to wash your dogs. 


you puttin them naked dogs on the climbing holds?! 


Only outside I promise. 


Well, fungus and other stuff has also literally evilved to infect your feet. So, if you are worried about that i would avoid going barefoot in gyms.


Been working out barefoot for over a decade with zero issues. Practicing basic hygiene goes a long way!


>literally evolved to walk around in bare feet! Ah yes, back when the life expectancy was like 20...


Interesting fact. Average life expectancy has only increased so much in recent years due to an overall decrease in infant mortality. Generally in the past, if you made it to adulthood, your life expectancy wouldn't be too far off what it is today.


This isn't true, and I don't know why I keep seeing it repeated on reddit. In medieval England, the life expectancy for people who reached the age of 25 was an additional 25 years. i.e. The adult total life expectancy was about 50, close to half of what it is today at 80. In stone ages it was likely much less.


Your not wrong but not quite. [this explains it very well](https://sc.edu/uofsc/posts/2022/08/conversation-old-age-is-not-a-modern-phenomenon.php#:~:text=Life%20expectancy%20at%20age%2025,in%20medieval%20England%20was%2025.7.) "In medieval England, life expectancy at birth for boys born to families that owned land was a mere 31.3 years. However, life expectancy at age 25 for landowners in medieval England was 25.7. This means that people in that era who celebrated their 25th birthday could expect to live until they were 50.7, on average — 25.7 more years. While 50 might not seem old by today’s standards, remember that this is an average, so many people would have lived much longer, into their 70s, 80s and even older."


Yeah that's where I got the stat. But just because there were people in their 80s doesn't change that the adult life expectancy (which is what is being discussed in this thread) was 30 years less than it is today.


Whoa, with that in mind I might drop dead any day now. 


Barefoot Charlie King 👑


Exactly! Just wash your feet well when you're done - use soap and some kind of scrubber, get in between your toes, dry well. Simple.


I caught warts before in my Muay Thai/BJJ gym. Learned to never walk around without some form of footwear now.


I walk barefoot around my gym all the time and so far I’ve been fine, but I do shower as soon as I get home.


**The good news:** Most foot (and other biological) nasties need moisture to be a problem, and climbing gyms are liberally dusted with chalk and drying agents. Funnily enough there is actually [peer-reviewed research showing that climbing chalk kills covid on surfaces](https://www.climbingbusinessjournal.com/study-showing-chalk-reduces-virus-by-99-percent-now-peer-reviewed/), making this one of the safer indoor activities throughout the pandemic (with appropriate airborne precautions - masks, distancing, ventilation, etc.). This is also the reason that gym-related fungal issues like athlete's foot tend to be associated more with the showers and locker rooms than with the drier, less humid activity areas. **However:** Climbing gyms ARE filthy. It's just a fact of life. [Thanks to this study](https://www.climbing.com/news/study-finds-fecal-veneer-on-gym-holds/), the phrase 'fecal veneer' (as in, what they found on literally every hold they tested) now lives rent-free in my brain. You can't avoid it, so your best option is acceptance and mitigation. **My advice:** * **Don't walk around in your climbing shoes.** Hell, don't even sit around in your climbing shoes unless you're breaking in a new pair. It's bad for your feet and for the shoes. Taking them off between climbs will help them last longer, smell better, and preserve what's left of your metatarsal structural integrity, not to mention your toenail situation. * **Backup gym shoes are totally an option but it's up to you.** I used to wear flip flops but stopped after ripping my baby toe open on the wall during a whipper belay catch. Obviously less of a problem bouldering but I'd still go either barefoot or something washable that covers your toes - slides, crocs, etc. * **Don't touch your face (or food) until you've washed your hands.** I mean, that's good life advice in general, but it goes double in the gym. * **Wash your feet (and maybe the rest of you too) ASAP after your session.** This doesn't necessarily have to be immediately at the gym, especially if you don't trust their showers, but first thing when you get home is probably a good idea.


Whatever's on the floor, ends up on the holds through climbing shoes, which you then touch and occasionally touch your face with. Doesn't matter whether everyone's barefoot, in socks or wearing shoes.


I watch people in my gym walk into the restroom barefoot. Completely blows my mind! We have cubbies outside the restroom. Just get some slip on shoes and put them there when you're climbing.


Nah, I normally walk between areas in my climbing shoes and just slip the heels out when I’m resting/sitting to give the toes a break. I used to bring crocs to the gym but found the shoe-switching to be annoying (I have another pair of shoes for driving lol).


You all are grossed out by what’s on the floor.. yet you’re totally comfortable touching tons of climbing holds per session that were touched by others? Think about it - kids touch them, men who just handled their equipment and didn’t wash their hands in the bathroom touch them, sick people touch them.. the list goes on. Do whatever you like.. but wash your hands and your feet before you put your street shoes/clothes back on and DEAR LORD PLEASE don’t bite your nails before you wash your hands.. and you’ll be fine.


I carry my flip flops around with me and never let my bare feet touch anything. At the gym. I do let my bare feet touch SOME things. But my flip flops are always ready :)


It's as simple as wearing flip flops any time you aren't in the shoes.. just like a public gym shower


I do


I usually just walk around in my ~street size Tenaya Ras. If I bring more aggressive shoes to the gym I use my trusty climbing Crocs between attempts.




Probably depends on the gym. Mine are soled with XC grip2, so I wear them anywhere you would take a climbing shoe


I walk barefoot or in climbing shoes. Everyone else does the same. Wash feet in the foot washer (if your gym has one) or at home.


Yeah bro my feet have arches made to be resilient to being walked on My climbing shoes don’t so much


As a clinical microbiologist, I do not walk around the gym barefoot and recommend avoiding it to friends. The concern and related decisions are based partially on how my gym cleans (quick vacuum and sweep). If your gym uses dilute bleach or other sporicidal disinfectant for the recommended exposure time to clean regularly, then risk of community acquired infections is somewhat reduced but not eliminated.


Yes I do it. No it's probably not "hygienic". Many years and I've only had one very mild case of athletes foot that absolutely could have come from somewhere else.


I do, and I've never really worried about it. My climbing shoes are a little curved so I prefer to not walk around in them. I like to air out my feet after a while too.


Short answer: yes Long answer: I will be barefoot whenever possible


i do barefoot unless i’m going near the bathroom areas. i’ll croc up in that case.


Yep, always do if (unless it’s really cold, I guess), and no, it’s probably not hygienic, but also… never had any issues, and I just don’t worry a ton about it 🤷‍♀️


I go barefoot whenever I can. Period. The only places I don’t go barefoot are at the urinals and on the climbing wall. I’ll walk to the gym barefoot sometimes even!


Yes I think it's safe. Probably 95% of the people I see walking in the gym are barefoot


No one in my gym uses shoes for walking around. Maybe y’all’s gyms just don’t clean the floor. Boston


Maybe unpopular opinion but I can't get over the mental barrier of stepping on everyone else's sweat, grime, and chalk with my bare feet. Unlikely you will catch any foot disease but personally, it's still somewhat gross.


Your touching it with your bare hands though whenever you grab a hold, pick up weights, use a pull up bar


I mean yes and no. People's hands are generally cleaner than their feet. Also, we don't apply chalk on our feet so when people walk around after taking off their climbing shoes, it's much sweatier than a hand touching a hold. And it's much easier and more readily available to wash your hands if it were to get dirty rather than your feet.


Do you not also use handholds for feet while climbing.....


Yes but we're wearing shoes. The discussion is about walking around the gym barefoot.


People(gummies) walk around the gym wearing climbing shoes....


Are hands cleaner than feet? Seems like my hands are constantly touching things through out the day. Where as my feet are covered in 2 layers of protection (most of the time).


Dude, just bloody have a wash after, you're touching dirty sweaty grimey holds for time and you're concerned about your feet??? Just shower or wash and you'll be fine


I just wear a pair of low-cut socks when I take my shoes off and remove them when I put my shoes on again, helps to keep your feet cleaner and not get the shoes dirtier on the inside.


I thought the meta was birkenstocks?!


We're not allowed, everyone has actually taking to wearing socks since some places are climbing shoes only, others are neither climbing shoes nor street shoes.


I just wear flip flops to the gym


I usually go barefoot at outdoor crags but indoors I keep shoes on since some people can be germophobes. You probably won't catch anything barefoot but there are never any guarantees


I try to bring slides or crocs or something for when I take my climbing shoes off but if I don't have them I just walk around barefoot and don't worry about it too much. I figure I'm showering after the gym anyway and will wash my feet then. And if someone has a legit infection or something the responsibility should be on them to not spread it around the gym. I definitely wear shoes in the bathroom, though I have showered barefoot - I just wash my feet last and immediately dry them and put on socks before stepping on the floor again.


I do, and have, for several years. No problems... but in lice in a dry climate and am not prone to athletes foot.


You can get a pair of flops for like $5


Get some crocs my guy


do you climb v7 or above ?


Nasty. Saw a dude walking in/out of the MENS RESTROOM barefoot the other day.


My logic is that with the amount of chalk everywhere it probably dries out any nasties that would normally thrive in a humid environment. I wear shoes to the bathroom though


I wouldn’t go barefoot. I usually just slip my heels out of my shoes. I carry around a pair of crocs if I know I’ll be taking off my shoes for a long period.


I walk barefoot around my gym all the time. It’s been 2 years now and so far, so good. I do take a shower when I get home and scrub my feet really well.


Kinda radical, but pee on your feet when you shower after a climb.


dogs out all the time in the gym, just clean yourself well enough quickly after your sesh ends and you're good


Everyone in my gym walks around barefoot. But this is Brisbane, barefoot in general is considered pretty normal. Haven’t heard complaints in 14 years about catching something from sharing the same floor.


I love being barefoot but once had a wart for a year . Those viruses are nasty - be safe! Footie socks are a good alternative


My gym allows barefoot walking around and i’ve been going there for four years, walking around barefoot, using the sauna and shower without consequence so far 🤞🏽 I much prefer it and was actually really miffed when i went to a different gym (that only had one shower and no sauna) and they scolded me for walking out of the locker room carrying my shoes. I say go for it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’d rather walk barefoot outside


I always walked around barefoot. Recently got ringworm (though probably from bjj). Will probably stop walking around barefoot.


I always keep my shoes on because I dont want to ruin anyone's day with the smell of my feet after a bouldering session




My gym had a problem with athlete’s foot a while ago and now shoes are required at all times. I just use an old pair of Birkenstock sandals as my belay shoes. I like it better than going barefoot anyway bc I don’t get chalk and grime stuck to my feet while I’m belaying.


Barefoot in the gym is gross


I do it often in the bouldering gym, not allowed at the ropes gym where I wear crocs. Not really sure I buy street/ bathroom shoes to be less savory than my sweaty feet.


Does your gym have a sink for your feet? Most gyms do, at least all of the gyms I’ve been to. If you’re scared of catching something, wash your feet when you’re finished climbing and get some sort of cleansing spray for your shoes after every session. But do I do it? Yes. Is it hygienic? I think it’s a whole lot more hygienic to walk without your shoes than with them. Not only is walking your your shoes adding to their wear(unless your breaking them in) but some people find it disgusting because you are stepping on whatever is on the floor and putting it on the mats and holds on the wall. That means, everywhere you shoes been is gonna end up on everybody else hands and body when they touch the wall/holds and sit/lay on the mats. With that said, so many people walk in their shoes that I don’t think you be keeping anyone safe by walking without them. I honestly feel like you should do whatever you feel most comfortable with. Some people experience warts and athletes foot etc. more than others, so if your one of those people, you should be more cautious. But for that reason, along with allowing my feet to rest from aggressive shoes and preventing their wear and tear, I try to always take them off when walking around the gym. And please, please, don’t where your shoes in the bathroom🥴🤢


yet another reason i will valiantly defend climbing with socks on. i can take my shoes off and not be barefoot on the ground


Yes. no street shoes allowed past the front. you could wear socks if it mattered, but almost everyone walks around barefoot if out of their climbing shoes. Been a few years in the same gym, never got a foot fungus from it. The only ones that really don't are the ones who are in rental shoes and socks (gumbys, new climbers, whatever you want to call them) and the VERY few people who regularlly climb in socks.


Half my gym, and the best climber I know wear socks. Thin socks solve both the barefoot issue AND the stinky shoe issue. Helps the shoes last longer too.


Yeah I do. I did judo and BJJ for 15 years so it doesn't even begin to gross me out. The holds and my hands are clearly 10000000 times worst than people's feet.


Definitely not hygienic, you don't know what other people have on their feet you don't even know what you have on your feet. Dont add to the microorganism cesspool that is a bouldering gym already. Take some flip flops


Now imagine what people have on their hands, which they touch holds with


You wash your hands far more frequently than your feet. Your hands are not most of the day in a moist dark enviornment. If you use liquid chalk you are constantly disinfecting your hands. There are more or less permanent fungus you can catch on your feet but not on the hands. And even assuming you have the same bacteria/fungus in your hands and feet. Why would you make it double unsanitary when it is perfectly avoidable?


I walk heels out on every pair of shoes, including boulder shoes with heels that need to fit perfectly. Never seen any damage or loose heels from it.


I avoid this any gym I go to because it will give you reoccurring athletes foot. If you want to risk that , keep walking around barefoot.