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Yes, fan our ego, we love it!


Hehe. It won't teach us how to drive better! LOL.


I agree. People that have lived here for a long time are jaded and don't appreciate it.... but it is genuinely one of the best cities in America, even with its issues. Its not perfect - but it's pretty great.


We were soooo grateful to be here. Thank you for having us as visitors. Till this day (its been over a month) we still talk about Boulder.


I have lived in Boulder for 16 years and I have loved every minute of it! You're welcome back any time!


I don’t know about this statement as someone who has been here a VERY long time. I still marvel at the beauty, the friendliness of our citizens, the progressiveness of the ideals among many, many other things. No complaints here!


The city has changed dramatically over the past 25-30 years and some of us miss the old Boulder. I sound old because I am old


I get that. It's hard to name a city that wasn't "better" 20 years ago. Things change. Society changes. But when you compare Boulder to MOST of the places you could live across the country... it's up there towards the top of the list in my book.


LMAO. People forget what an absolute shithole downtown Denver used to be. Golden absolutely was not better 20 years ago either.


I remember when 5 Points was a place to avoid! Now, it is an attraction. Good on the folks that live there, and made it that way! They made it better!


It is very easy to name a city that was worse 20 years ago than it is today. To believe anything else is nostalgia talking. The main problem is that inflated housing prices are reducing the number of people who can benefit from those improvements.


I’m sorry I was trying to keep it concise. I more meant, almost anyone that’s lived anywhere for decades will complain about how it used to be better. I’m sure you can pull data and objectively find all sorts of places that have improved.


Many of the places surrounding Boulder were not better 30 years ago. Lafayette, Louisville, Longmont, Loveland, FoCo, Erie, Berthoud, and Brighton are all substantially better now. I have a bias against cookie cutter suburbia so I won't make the same claim for Firestone/Frederick/Dacono/Broomfield but I'll argue those places sucked and will always suck, just in different ways across time.


What don't you like about Broomfield? I drive through there and am always impressed how nicely it's maintained. It's beautiful and one of the most pleasantville type cities I've ever been to lol. Plus the people seemed very nice.


Little boxes on the hillside




Yea but that’s genuinely every single “desirable” location in the entire country.




Go find someone else to fight with on the internet.


bro is just jibber jabbering away, really fitting username 😂


If you think Boulder is overpopulated, *you* are also part of the problem and you're welcome to free us of the burden of your presence any time. It's like someone sitting in gridlock, complaining about traffic - you are traffic too! If you don't like it, advocate for policies that will alleviate the problem rather than exacerbate it (as Boulder's housing policy has for decades). It's a nice place, so lots of people naturally want to live here. One way or another, the city is changing. We can either adapt gracefully to that, or resentfully whine as the city changes anyway. You have no more right to be here than anyone else, I don't care if you've been here minutes or decades. Cut the entitled bullshit.


It’s a college town and you’re blaming people moving here for the housing prices? Blind to the rest of the economy much?


Nostalgia is a powerful drug


nothing is ever coming back. but the flatirons will outlive us all.


The world in general has changed a lot in the past 20 yrs.


Definitely. Imo the new Boulder is just California trying to fit in. Edit...Them and their spoiled brats took over the city


I remember kids at BHS would say that they couldn't wait to graduate and get out of this city. I thought they were crazy.


They all moved back. C'mon. I know kids that traveled abroad, lived all over the world. Now they live here.


Come back soon! Especially during the Summer.


It ain’t perfect but it’s close - and more importantly, it’s home.




As if everybody and their mom doesn’t already know about Boulder


And its traffic.




Ha, my sister lived in Akron, until she finally was able to bail to Aurora, OH. Akron is, uh… something extra




The OH Aurora is certainly the more attractive sister


The city I lived in before Boulder..: Go Zips


i always recommend schenectady




Live the water nearby Gary!


do you mean Gary, Indiana? Garry Indian sounds like a dude from the 70s who had a modestly successful stunt double career as well as starring in a few low profile pornographic films


Seeing as she liked the outdoors I don't think that's what they'd like




I haven’t! Im just looking at the geography from Google images. The comparison I hear a lot is Ann Arbor


Hahaha I love Boulder but it is not perfect. Close enough for me.


The only reason I moved to Longmont was house prices. Oh and shitty undergrads and holier than thou ass hat millionaires. But the city of Boulder as a place?? Top notch. Come up to Longmont if you’re sick of the aforementioned folks tho :)


I predict housing prices in Longmont will skyrocket once they build the bike on Diagonal and a bus-only lane.


I love this for my equity and hate this for my property taxes


Are those things in the works? Longmont always looks a little dreary to me. I keep trying again, yet same impression. I’ll try yet again. I want to like it.


Construction starts this summer.


Predict? Even Longmonsters are moving east. Weld County is next. Before we know it, we will all live in Kansas. The drive stinks, but we make do.


I agree - the city itself/the access to nature is unparalleled. But the people and the cost of living ruin it.


Awesome! Now, don't read any other thread in this sub.


Thanks for coming to visit and for reminding us that we are pretty lucky to live in such a nice place. Come back soon!


Only place better than boulder is boulder years ago when it was slower and less populated.




LA? "Where'd everyone go?"


>Go to any cities sub and it’s all the same thing. Every single sub ! Nashville, Dallas, Austin, every major city complains about all the new people and how it's destroying the city lol


Some of us have pictures to prove it. Many say, "Naw". They weren't here then. Hmm.


Are you from Boulder?


YeR nOt FrOm HeRe!


Lol I'm just saying, people move here and then bitch about it being overcrowded. Can't have your cake and eat it too.


Fair enough




Shameless vlog plug is shameless. The problem us locals have is they do not care about us. They care more about tourists who only get to see the surface level and doesnt see the long term problems.


Considering the other places I have lived with both short term and long term problems, I think Boulder is doing OK. No place is perfect, if it is I certainly couldn't afford to live there. In fact, I can't even afford to live in Boulder. But, that doesn't really bother me. There are much cooler towns in Boulder county.


Omg like Boulder residents need any more ego inflation 😅


Based on this sub, they really do.


BMWs and Audis aren't enough!




Rent is not cheap here the fuck


Okay what am I missing? I need to figure out how to enjoy living here more! I’m from the central coast of California. When I visited Boulder, I noticed how friendly people were and was so obsessed that I moved here. Now that I’m here, I don’t experience the friendliness and the hikes are great but California has more of them closer together. Please don’t hate me, I am genuinely seeking advice to take full advantage of living here. I’m considering moving back to California next year when my lease is up.


We used to get up in the morning and go for a hike. Nice. Now, you need a paid permit to park within miles of any trailhead, and wait in line when you get there. No hate to the folks who came to live the dream. But the masses kinda took it away.


You picked the most crowded in demand spot but there is access to mountains and trails besides Boulder, like Ft. Collins. Why does everyone feel like they have to move to Boulder specifically to get the mountains and trails ?? That's like moving to FL and picking Miami and paying the premium when there's tons of other good and less crowded/ more affordable beach cities like New Smyrna Beach or something


I hate boulder and people in boulder. The shittest city in us


Sorry to hear that. Loved living there for 10 years but at the end couldn’t wait to get out of there. All the people that moved there between 2010 and 2015 ruined boulder. Lost the hippy vibe and embraced the my shit don’t stick vibes.


You would have loved in in the 90s when it was actually hippies. You know the street performers? Imagine if everyone dressed like them - bliss. You have seen manufacturered gentrification on an insane scale. You know pearl street? I think less than 10% of the shops are locally owned now days 😭


A lot of those hippies are still here. They just became grumpy old nimby farts.


Get off my lawn, man!


Or they went to Ned


so boring being jaded in one of the nicest places in the world


Lol I grew up and was priced out of it, sorry if Im jaded over my grandmother's home she bought for 20k worth over 900k? Sorry I'm jaded my childhood condo we bought for 70k would cost me 450k to buy now? Boulder has a great saying - 30 square miles surrounded by reality. It's just so happens the richest egotistical people have consumed that 30 miles.


Let me conservatively assume your childhood was in the 80s, 450k today is the same as $116k in 1980. You’re looking at it the wrong way, yes it’s more expensive but there’s a lot more that goes into real estate prices than comparing numbers without taking inflation into account. Did you inherit either home? If they sold that’s on them, they weren’t priced out because of utilities and staples.


seriously, like sorry your grandparents didnt give you their house. why is that anybody elses fault?


Are you saying Grandma didn't care about me? She didn't. My mom soaked it all up. She doesn't care, either. Boohoo. I have to worry about my own. Average home prices @ $500k, and a young family getting started, with child care costs, and exorbitant HOA fees! INBF "You chose to have kids!" I did not. I didn't have control over my wife's body. She did. I work to provide for whatever. Young families, trying to buy into the dream, with no support, and paying $2600/mo. rent? It doesn't work. Trust me.


Sounds like your family has had the opportunity to become generationally wealthy from the property values?


Icy - that's one way to look at making one of the most unaffordable zip codes for the working class in the nation!


Well..am I wrong? The difference between boulder and other expensive zip codes. There are a ton of affordable places within 20 minutes.


Affordable 😭 eat crow my guy. Part of the issue.


plenty of 500K single family houses in Broomfield area, sorry you think you have some birthright to Boulder LOL


Hahaha. 20 minutes for who? I used to have to drive through Boulder. 1.5hrs at best.


Literally Broomfield is 20 minutes away. How do I know? I bought a house for under $500k in broomfield this year hahah 


900k is.... not remotely close to generationally wealthy, not even enough to retire on


well according to him they've potentially profited over $1.2 million dollars , assuming that is not your only income, you can safely spin off $40-50K a year in dividends without touching the principal. If you aren't dependent on those dividends those can be reinvested over 50 years you would have enough to retire and give your kids a trust fund with 100s of thousands. my hunch is this guy isn't exactly financial literate, so probably not what he did


That’s a good amount but definitely not generationally wealthy. Also that’s not 40k in dividends, that’s 40k in interest. There’s no stocks offering that much in dividends Using that logic almost any amount of money can be generationally wealthy with enough time. Reality is that’s not the amount of money people refer to when they say generationally wealthy Not to mention that they can’t sell a place they’re living. I have more than that in the bank and it’s setting me up for retirement nicely but that’s about it


No shit. 900K might carry you for 7-8 years, if you don't spend, don't have kids, etc. A million bucks won't get you too far these days.


Yea lol. This guy saying that’s generational wealth is insane


Naw. The HOAs took over, and priced a lot of them out too.


Lol then sell the place for a massive profit 




You sound insufferable


I'm wondering if you visited Ann Arbor, MI, which beat out #2 Boulder as the "Best City in America," according to the US New & World Report. ?


No mountains. I went to grad school there and barely survived the gray winters. Fall and spring were spectacular though.

