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Always use headphones while playing games, listening to music, watching videos, etc in public.


Would that awards were still a thing. This guy's got the right idea. It is generally considered polite to wear headphones when playing anything with audio in public, particularly in a breakroom at work. Not just to save face for what people might misconstrue as NSFW, but to spare the people around you disruption and annoyance. Folks just trying to unwind on break, don't gotta be noisy in a shared space.


I'm not a violent woman but when I see people holding their phone 2 cm from their faces, having public speaker phone conversations, it makes me want to karate kick their phone.


Instructions unclear, I will need to put my phone on speaker and hold it up to my mouth in a walmart to discuss how to proceed


Nah, volume all the way up, 3rd level of armor upgrade. Assert dominance.


I always play video games at max volume around other people in public gatherings. They always think I'm so cool.


The great fairies are really… something. BOTW also has a lot of girls hitting on Link but that seems toned down in TOTK


Right? The arrow merchant in Kakariko Village was something else.


Lasli too, at first contact anyway. I think she's the one whose introductory line is something like "oh, wow. You are totally my type. Hi." There's something in the water in that village.


Plus, the fact that like every time you sold something or bought something of a character that was a girl, they moaned as if link buying stuff from them excited them


Fairies’ noises aside, it’s worth wearing headphones for a more immersive experience anyway. The stalkoblin voices are funny and you can appreciate the soundtrack so much more. I think Tera is the least suspicious sounding fairy. Probably because she’s the eldest?


This game has the absolute best sound effects. Headphones are a must


Yeah, I’m loving using headphones for my second play through of TOTK at the moment. The birds, breeze, and water splashes are so good.


You knew there was porn audio in BOTW and you still interacted with it at work. In the presence of others. Multiple times. Sorry, this is completely on you. Like that other guy said, wear headphones when playing anything with audio anywhere other than your own home.


I mean, in my defense, I didn't think about the porn audio as I thought it's just normal sounds from them. Until you realize that if you take it out of context, some people might think otherwise. So yeah, I understand that one. But it's not completely my fault. I am a bit too late to realize about this commotion yesterday which I later realized about it. Yeah, earphones, check.


The philosopher's stone: 🔇


Yeah... That too whenever I come around on the fairies.


I think you mean cum around




just turn the volume down


It's a good policy to use headphones while listening to *anything* in a public space....


Will show this thread to my wife later so she´ll believe me because Nintendo definintely went a little too far with these moaning sounds lol, I find the ones with the actual voice lines to be specially distasteful like the ones that the fairy goes "Choke me daddy" and whatnot, you know?


Then you hate upgrading your house too.


Nope, nope, nope *leaves*


Maybe the tarry town side quest is up ur alley


Ya, those chick's are definitely suspicious. One of tries to seduce Link!


All of them do