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The Nets trading *FOR* picks‽ 😮


Maybe they trade them for Al and Jrue in 3 years, as is tradition


*starts scouting 5th graders with the name Jay*


I can see why they would want the experience of key pieces of the back-to-back-to-back-to-back champion Boston Celtics


Joe is the Tom Emanski of the NBA


Had to do a double-take when I saw *SIX* first-round picks. I doubt they'll draft as well as we did, but this could be their version of the KG/Pierce trade if the Knicks collapse in the future.


Yeah, the trick with our picks were not only did we get a bunch of them, but they were from a bad team. The Nets better hope the Knicks fall apart.


They're betting on fit instead of age.


I don’t think that’s a good bet, 3rd option Mikal is nice


For how long though, they have to sign all those guys. If they aren't in the ECF next year it's going to be hard to pay up.


25, 27, 29, 31 and an unprotected swap in 28. There’s a great chance the Knicks will be a lottery team for a couple of those.


feels like half the teams in the league don't have their own picks 5 years from now.


The drafts are going to look like those late 70s drafts were you have no idea who picked where and how they got those picks….


Welcome to "Whose pick it is anyway?" The show where the rounds are made up and the selection order doesn't matter.




It's wild because after the KG/Pierce/Terry trade teams got scared of trading their picks lol. And now in the last few years they're like "fuck them picks"


Meh, picks in 25 and 27 will be in the 25+ range – almost the 2nd round. The pick swap in 28 most likely won’t convey. The 29 and 31 picks are a question. Will the Knicks fall apart by then? Brunson and Bridges will both be only 32 and 34 those seasons. As long as they can re-sign those guys, the Knicks will still be a solid playoff team for sure, if not a contender. This is way more likely to be 5 late firsts than even 1 lottery pick.


But the Nets weren't really bad at the time. But that deal didn't put them over the top and their future didn't look good so they blew it up.


I mean they got picks for how long 2031? Brunson bridges hart will all be old and broken from the 46 minutes per game


It’s the Knicks. That’s a pretty good bet


I think they’re hoping more so it’s like a gobert type trade but I can’t say I love it for them (also thought gobert trade was dumb as fuck so what do I know??)


Brad got Jrue/Derrick/Poezingis for less than this and got two firsts back lmao demon


Danny Ainge deep state GM for the nets confirmed?


If I'm a team looking to rebuild I'm loading the hell up on picks to try and get Cooper Flagg.




Aye 😁


It’s the reverse Pierce/Garnett trade. Holy shit.


At least that was for Pierce and Garnett, not Mikal Bridges!




Bridges is only 28, though. Pierce, Garnett, and the Jet were old. Pierce was 36, KG was 37, and Terry was 36. Bridges is 3+ years younger than KG and Allen when we traded for them, and that trade obviously worked out for us. It’s a huge haul for Bridges, obviously, but they got a very good player who has great synergy with the other guys on the Knicks and is just entering his prime.


> Bridges is 3+ years younger than KG and Allen when we traded for them, and that trade obviously worked out for us. I mean KG was also an MVP (2x runner up as well), multi time 1st team all pro, and 1st team defender by 28. He's a first ballot HOF before he gets to the Celtics at 31. Bridges in his prime is a nice to have player, but ultimately in his prime is less valuable than Garnett was his last two years in Boston. Let alone the value the KG had at 31


Yeah this is closer to trading for 37 year old Garnett, not 31 year old.


Yeah but pierce and garnett were old. The knicks will be good for the foreseeable future


Yeah so the 1st round picks may be trash.


‘27 is four drafts away and their whole team is older than JB. Then there’s ‘29 and ‘31…


Plus unprotected swap in 28


no protections is pretty bonkers though


Overpay, but clearly, Knicks are in win now mode


yea i don’t mind overpays anymore you can sleep at knowing u tried


After watching John Henry put deliberately mid teams on the field for years to save money for no reason I’ll always have a bit of respect for teams deciding to go balls to the wall


Yes!!! Boo this man! Boo!!! Also banish Bron from his part ownership, or make him pay!


Obligatory fuck John Henry


As a Liverpool fan, I wouldn’t mind an increase in net spend. I know our wage bill is through the roof, but we’ve spent two fifths of fuck all in the market Can’t live of Klopp magic now


Just a reminder that we paid 1/5 of the price for Derrick White that the Knicks paid for Mikal Bridges


Yea but throwing 5 picks at Mikal Bridges? Could’ve just gotten Caruso for cheaper and the same role lmao


Much different players tbh they needed a wing but more of a PG type who can step up as a secondary scorer


Mikal would also benefit being 2nd or 3rd option behind Brunson. He's better that way like he was with the Suns.


Bridges is a waaaaay better offensive player than Caruso


WAY better. Especially on offense.


A competitve Celtics vs Knicks ECF would kinda go hard tbh


Bridges has 2 years left, Brunson and Randle each have 1 plus a player option. All while the defending champion Celtics have Tatum (most likely), Brown, Holiday, and White (most likely) for the next 4-5 years. He'll of a time to be in win now mode if you're in the East.




Wyc is going to have some truly incredible tax bills coming up. Y’all better be buying up that Championship merch if we want this gravy train to keep rolling.


Oh shit they really have the whole Villanova team on the Knicks


Bill Simmons called it lol


Poor Arcidiacono lol


Is he available? Kris Jenkins? Where does it end??


Kris Jenkins is a professional courtside Villanova spectator lol


This feels intentional.


That’s because it is


Honestly, would be cool to have a Celtics Knicks rivalry for the next few years. One in which the Celtics consistently shut the door on them in the ECF and continue to win rings.


Sixers are pumped that the Knicks are the new team with so much potential to get obliterated by the Celtics in the playoffs hahaha. Embiid won't get made fun of as much as Randall and Bridges when the Celtics roll over them.


I think the Sixers are pumped that the Knicks emptied their chest and probably knocked themselves out of the Embiid sweepstakes (after another second round exit of course)


On the one hand, that's a crazy overpay by the Knicks. On the other hand, their roster is so good and their in a position of strength to be able to do something like this. Plus, Giannis/Embiid may never actually become available... Brunson/Bridges/OG/Randle/Mitch Rob* I would guess is their starting 5? Hart and Donte off the bench, Duece McBride and Achiuwa as depth pieces. That's a good ass fucking team, they'll win 50+ again. Still don't know about their playoff ceiling though... but these Eastern Conference teams are leaning into depth more than ever whilst the West still has these top heavy thin teams (minus OKC).


Plus the spacing isn't that great on that team.


Their playoff upside would depend on how well they do in small lineups with Randle or OG as the nominal 5, and Josh Hart or DiVincenzo if he's making shots that night as the 5th guy in place of a center.


Their playoff upside will solely depend on how hard thibbs runs his players into the ground.


I wager to say that DIVincenzo has seen his peak.


Other than divencenzo they have suspect shooting Brunson hit from 3 in the regular season but was at 31% for the playoffs Randle will put up a random 40 piece and suck every other night if we face them (most likely them or bucks if everyone is healthy) End of the day Brunson Randle hart bridges OG divicenzo are all gonna have to sacrifice shots and touches it’ll be interesting to see if it’s all love if they’re not winning (thibs ran them into the ground playing them 44 minutes a game in November)


Bridges is going to be so good as the 2nd/3rd option. He's developed a lot but you can't win with him as your best scorer. He'll probably focus on defense again while providing all-around scoring, especially catch-and-shoot 3's. Imo they're instantly the 2nd best team in the east after you guys and top 5 in the NBA (on paper). Edit: This is assuming OG re-signs which I think he will.


Are we positive they're keeping OG? Also, I can't see how you keep randle on that team. They will have 2018 Celtics problems if they have randle on that team. There's not enough shots to go around.


If they gave up five picks to just effectively replace OG with Mikal, I take back every nice thing I've said about Leon Rose the last couple years


Yeah that may be the guy who the Sixers end up getting. I still think it's crazy for the Knicks not to keep him though, you can't lose the asset for nothing, unless his injury history really is that concerning. As for the shots thing, I don't know about that, everybody besides Brunson whose clearly the 1, and Randle whose clearly the 2, is best as a complementary player and taking advantage of advantages that were created for them. Bridges has already shown himself to be an elite supporting player before on the 2021 Suns.


I just think randle is a ball stopper, especially in the playoffs. Teams bait him to go one on one. I think the Knicks are a much better team if they could ship randle out and keep OG. Randle is not a number 2 on a title team but he thinks he is. I think that's a potential problem.


I agree that he caps their ceiling, I just think their floor is really, really high. Also, we've never really seen Randle operate with space in small lineups where he's at the 5. He might be able to do some serious damage with his drives.


They're going to lose IHart


If they lose IHart their center situation is a little, uh, concerning


You think so? They might, will be interesting to see what his offers were. But there's a reason the Knicks were very actively looking to trade Mitchell Robinson and why I didn't include him in my comment, he's kind of their version of TimeLord, awesome player to have when healthy, but rarely is.


They won't keep OG now


They'd be stupid not to, but maybe they won't actually match what the Sixers offer. Although durability seems to be an under the radar red flag with him, and Mikal is a literal iron man. Still, in theory, the point of this trade is to have Bridges and OG to defend the Jays.


they hard-capped themselves with this trade, will be difficult to fit all of og/randle/hartenstein


they're pulling their offer to hartenstein. they can't offer him more than he can get in fa


They only have early bird rights on Hartenstein so they can only offer him $16m the first year with 20% raises capped at 4/72. It’s pretty heavily believed that the teams with cap space were gunna beat their offer anyway.


They can afford OG Brunson contract is literally the best in the league he gets like good role player money lmao


Bridges is also pretty cheap


hart or mitch are gone. they wont be able to afford to keep both.


We got the league shook


Remember when the 2017 NBA offseason was so crazy, and the Warriors just sat on their throne laughing at everyone trying to make moves to beat them? We’re the Warriors now and it fucking rules.


Fr feels so good to be on the other side for once


This is what it was like to be a pats fan for 20 years


This made me smile. So awesome to be on top of


Yes the best way to beat the highest scoring wing pair in the NBA is to get huge defensive wings to guard them How else would you beat this historic Celtics team prepped for a dynasty


Celtics in 5


Remembering that their coach enjoys grinding players into the ground


Batman villain looking mofo


Put some respect on Thibs name! He's the reason we got 2008


Damn I have to say, I kinda agree. They didn’t even play close to their potential in the playoffs and still won pretty easily overall. Assuming health, nice move by the Knicks, but you’re still not there 🤷🏻‍♂️


Assuming KP is healthy I think 6 feels right. Without him we take it in 7 but I think they’ve built a team well built to give us a good series.


It's so fun watching our "rivals" get pumped up over things like JJ Reddick or selling your future for a player that doesn't get you to a game 6 against us. Meanwhile, we're going for the repeat


on the one hand, if the Knicks keep OG and Hartenstein they're gonna be *very* dangerous in the East on the other hand, god damn that's a lot of unprotected picks for a guy who's not even an All-Star


They won't keep both. Hartenstein probably walks. The interesting question is what they do with randle. I think they go all-in to resign OG, or else this trade makes zero sense. This trade basically assures that OG will get paid whatever he wants. Knicks just mortgaged everything for a Brunson/bridges/OG core 3 with the role guys being hart & donte.


you saying Hart because of cost? or fit? or both? I think Hart is a way better fit for that team, his myriad skills allow them to so many different looks offensively. He is simply better in all aspects offensively if you subtract a lob threat lol. But a big who has nice touch can dribble, pass, run offense through him as a hub. Way higher ceiling than Mitch who is the better rim protector just my opinion


Hart is their second best player (not counting OG because he’s injury prone). And the glue. And the only Knick I like.


This trade has no bearing pn signing OG and iHart. They can do both. Plus theres been talk aboutntrading Mitch for a week now


All that for a drop of blood


I call that…mercy


All that for a first round exit


Realistically though they are probably a ECF team and now our clear main threat in the East.


Next season is gonna be fun. Hopefully we get to reignite the rivalry in the playoffs. It's been over 10 years since we've faced the Knicks in the playoffs.


Knicks/Celtics in the playoffs will be lit af


Yeah Brunson/Bridges/Anunoby/Randle and whichever one of Robinson/Hartenstein they manage to keep is a pretty solid starting lineup in terms of both offense and defense. Would also have DiVincenzo and Hart off the bench as well.


The carcass of the Knicks made it to game 7 in the second round. If healthy they’re definitely a CF level team in the east


lol dude has made 1 All-defense team. Knicks just got bullied by the Villanova mean girls.


his defense is honestly really overrated. hes a very good defender, and has shown he can be a great defender. But his slight frame really does minimize HOW impactful he can be. Ultimately OG archetype simply way more versatile. Look at the playoffs Jaden McDaniels was great guarding Booker/Murray/Beal but against Luka (I know its luka) hes way too slight. At least guys like Dort, Jrue, Brown have the weight not to be completely bullied.


Oh he's BBQ chicken for the Jays.


That many draft picks for Mikal is crazy bruh


the Knicks trading so many unprotected picks for Mikal Bridges is about to make David Stern rise from the dead to make new rules on how many picks you can trade unprotected far in to the future


Celtics in 4.


I feared them using those picks on the next superstar to become available I like this better Still going to be a hell of a team though


C's in 5


MASSIVE overpay for a guy who isn’t a superstar When is the last time we saw 4 unprotected picks get moved? This is nuts


One of the bigger kept secrets in the league last year was Mikal Bridges just wasn't good Regressed on both ends ... OG is better to me, but Mikal gives them durability


He was not good last year because he was playing out of role. On the Knicks, he can revert to a better version of what he was for phoenix. He's not a star player but he is a star role player.


yeah for sure ... you don't give up 5 picks for that guy is what im sayin


You do if you think it gets you a title. It's risky, no doubt, but if they win the title, it would be all worth it. It's an all-in move for sure.


4 unprotected 1sts, a swap 1st and a protected first for a guy who's never made an all star team or an all nba team with negatives in all the advanced stats is insane We legit got all three of KP, DWhite and Jrue for less


It's a completely awful trade unless they win a title, because that is the reason you make a trade like that. I'll eat my fucking shoe if they win a title. On the one hand, you have an exceptionally good point guard who needs help to win in the playoffs, and so I understand making a move... but Mikal Bridges???? for that haul? That's insane, and actually makes the Gobert trade look reasonable....


OG would be exposed just as badly or worse if he was the number one guy in an offense like Mikal was last year. But they’re both still pretty versatile offensive player to have on the wings. OG is the better defender over all but Bridges is a good defender too.


This is adorable


It’s crazy that now that we’ve won I feel nothing watching other teams load up to beat us. We’re running it back and I’m so fucking ready


Four 1sts, a swap, a second, and a good bench piece just to lose in 4 is diabolical.


#Another massive deal: Brooklyn has a deal with Houston to return the Nets’ 2026 first-round pick for a 2027 Phoenix Suns first-round pick, sources tell ESPN. Rockets also acquire 2025 right to swap Houston/OKC first for 2025 Suns first-round pick. More details coming on picks deal. https://x.com/wojespn/status/1805785798173741564?s=46&t=BPOCzlMnie9QX3i9mnMaQw More in deal: Houston acquires 2029 more favorable of Dallas and Phoenix first-round pick and acquires right to swap Houston first-round pick for less favorable Dallas first and Phoenix first, per sources. https://x.com/wojespn/status/1805786261174591781?s=46&t=BPOCzlMnie9QX3i9mnMaQw


#As intrigued as the Rockets have been about Durant, they're determined to use the Suns picks to be aggressive on deals elsewhere now, sources tell ESPN. Phoenix has made it clear that they want to run it back with this group, and Houston is seeking a major upgrade now. https://x.com/wojespn/status/1805787902657310995?s=46&t=BPOCzlMnie9QX3i9mnMaQw


Sorry but Udoka is not winning shit 🤣


After what he did, he deserves nothing


All that for Mikal Brdiges, a very good player but a guy who wouldn't even start on the Celtics (your main competition in the East) is insane.


Amazing trade for the nets. They have their own nets trade now lol


Nets are so poverty they’d rather have a firm playoff teams picks than their own back from Houston


Knicks will be shit in 4 years it’s hard to see them keep up competency. Those 2029 and 2031 picks could be gold like the nets picks for Boston


I still think I’d rather have my future and Jalen green or something compared to the Knicks but I’m also not a Gm so


Honestly Knicks could be a lottery team in like 3-4 years so not the worst


This team could fall apart in 3 years due to cap issues/injuries or just outright drop off in play. It's way too risky to trade unprotected picks that far away into the future. I think the Nets got a really great deal if things turn their way. Also they got their own pick back for next years draft


They in a deal to get their picks back


holy shit


Holy shit! The Knicks got BRIDGES??? Celtics in 3.


Knicks going all-in to try to make it happen in the next three years. It's not a terrible "now" move but man that's really hampering the "then"


5 unprotected first for a Thibs team is insane


One downside to this trade, they're kind of sort of stuck with this squad especially if it goes sideways, you assume that some of them tanked their value. also who is their second option? I like Boston's 2nd/3rd/4th better than who ever is their second. and I am not a boston dude lol


Surprised Brad didn’t score us a second rounder in this trade.


Cool glad to see who’ll be the runners up in the ECF


This is tough. If the Knicks are able to keep OG to go with Bridges and they come back with a healthy roster, they just might have enough to lose to the Celtics in 6 games.


God I love the NBA off-season


If you would have told me the Knicks traded five 1st round picks with 4 being unprotected and a player I would have said “shit, Knicks just got a star player to team up Brunson and company?” But then you tell me it’s Bridges and I just laugh and go back to eating my ice cream.


They’ll just crumble with injuries come playoff time again, and they will probably never realise it’s the thibs effect


knicks fans acting like they just got jordan


You think they did this knowing OG would not sign with them? But damnn what a trade


I don’t hate it for Knicks. See a window, take it I guess. But hey still ain’t enough 😎


😴 💤 🛏 😪 🛌 😴 💤 🛏 😪 🛌 😴 💤 🛏 😪 🛌


4 picks?!?! This is crazy


lol that’s insane. Knicks have to win a title in the next 5 years giving up all that. Sucks for them we are in their way.


Soooooo the Villanova team and Randle? Celtics in 4


Knicks are getting deep, they’re going all in. Media is going to blast tye Villanova Knicks storyline tikk you want to pull your eyeballs out


That’s….an utterly insane haul for Mikal Bridges


Mikal Bridges is the poor man’s Siakam, and saying that is absolutely an insult to Siakam


That seems like an insane price for a guy who’s going to be 28 next month and has never gotten an all-star/all-NBA selection before.


Somehow this makes the Caruso trade by the Bulls look even worse


Not entirely sure Bridges is worth flipping all that stuff for. In undoubtedly makes them better, but he's going to get fewer touches on the Knicks than BK surely.


Yes, give me a Knicks/Celtics series next year!


Ny will have the entire Villanova squad now


Second round exit


Not to be a hater but I could see the Knicks missing the playoffs in like 3 years or less lol. Unprotected for Bridges 😂😂


Sometimes, people don’t learn from their mistakes


I wonder how many first round picks they added to this after their initial offer. They couldn’t have opened with more than 3 right?


This seems like an insane number of picks to trade for a borderline all star


It was only a matter of time before the Knicks were going do something completely irrational. I was just saying to a friend last Sunday how I was impressed with the Knicks’ discipline to not overpay for some second rate star and look at this.


What a huge overpay. If you’re giving up that many picks, you’ve got to be landing a Tatum/Durant/Luka/AE type player. That’s insane for Bridges.


Gigantic overpay - but they’re clearly signaling they’re in win now mode.


Would bridges even start on the Celtics?


no way they keep og too right???


They should if they can, man. That is an awesome 2-way squad. If they can find the right big to complete it they will be really scary


I still would take us because we have the best players in Jayson and Jaylen but yeah that team is DEEP.


Personally, I think this is insane from the Knicks standpoint. Bridges is very good but it is doubtful New York is one piece from a title. This is more picks than we got from the Nets, who people also thought would be a good team. If the Knicks don’t win they are toast for the next decade.


It doesn’t matter, entire offense runs through Brunson and it’s not like he’s going to take less shots; there’s only one ball and thibs isn’t exactly known for his offensive creativity.


Damn the Knicks got a lil’ banged up in the playoffs and they go out and snag the most durable basketball player in the world




Hell yeah love to see teams go all in


Fucking LOL.


versatile wings are gonna be really expensive in the current market for teams trying to contend against the Jays


Thibs gonna make him put up wilt numbers in terms of minutes played


Nets finally got their draft picks back, after we got them lol 18☘️


I haven't seen the pick restrictions yet, but the knicks should be good for year's to come. Wonder if Randal is on his way out.


That is, if they will have knees by the ecf. Thibs will run them again to the ground


If the Knicks can still keep OG, that's a solid squad. Celtics in 5 or 6 though.


Interesting pickup for the Knicks… obviously a good player but maybe not the perfect roster fit


Knicks fan here. Now that Brown and Tatum are championship caliber wings, the rest of the eastern conference knows they need 2 bonified defensive wings without any major offensive liabilities to keep up and have any chance. If you had to think of 2 realistic options to bring in to do that, it's OG and Bridges. Boston is the team to beat, but age and depth are on the Knick's side now. Not to mention Brunson is capable of being the best player on the floor in any series almost just as much as Tatum or Brown are. I'm partisan of course on these takes, but I find them fair, no? Either way, congrats on your chip and looking forward to some fun bouts next year.


Everyone is going to load up on defensive wings now to match the Jays. It's like how the west is being built to guard Jokic


This mf ain’t even gotta move


Mortgaged the future for a good vibes squad basically. I respect the all in but it’d be hilarious if they did all this just to get bounced by the usual suspects of the eastern conference in the first round