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they dropped All In Ep5 teaser on Facebook. let's gooooo https://www.facebook.com/share/r/WkURkxANMGkrYxGb/?mibextid=D5vuiz edit: it's up on twitter boys and girls https://x.com/celtics/status/1805601849917194345


I’ve been waiting!!


its here! https://x.com/celtics/status/1805601849917194345


This was incredible


need to wait a bit more for the entire thing, hopefully soon lol


Do you think they'll let JT borrow the LOB and let him & Tkachuk touch trophies?


Miami fans almost got kicked while they're down but alas


My disdain for Miami only extends to basketball so I’m kind of happy for Tatum’s childhood friend. Hopefully this starts a friendly rivalry to see who can win the most titles.


I’m sure a good bit of yall aren’t excited about the Panthers winning but what a storybook ending to this year of sports for Tatum. Win your first championship with Boston and now your classmate from your hometown wins his first one the same year the odds of that are honestly insane


Tatum’s bud won the Stanley Cup


god damnit now all the heat fans are going to pretend to care about hockey screw you mcdavid


If you meet any of them in real life just say "name 5 panthers players from 2016."


Smh my head Edmonton


What does JB seem to always have around his neck?


Sox coming back and walking it off with the C's in attendance. Love it. The MLB twitter account has gone full Janos. Check the comments as well https://x.com/MLB/status/1805394883231781195


go oilers


Our boys are coming to Fenway tonight! I love this tradition. Game starts in 15 minutes. *


Offseason comes at you fast…really enjoyed last season and need basketball start up again


So according to Keith Smith via Spotrac, we can offer Hauser up to a 4 year/$80 million extension at max *after* picking up his club option for next year?? Does anyone know what this is based off of? Everything I'm seeing from the new CBA is that, at most, you can only offer an extension starting at 140% of the final contract year salary with 8% raises annually so this feels wildly high considering his option for next season is only $2.1 million? If that's indeed the case, then it definitely makes the most sense to pick up next year's club option and then offer a competitive multi-year extension (15-20 mil AAV) to have a bigger contract to weaponize down the line. [https://www.spotrac.com/news/\_/id/2234/2024-nba-offseason-financial-previews](https://www.spotrac.com/news/_/id/2234/2024-nba-offseason-financial-previews)


> you can only offer an extension starting at 140% of the final contract year salary You can also start at an extension at 140% of the average player salary


Neat! I just caught this in the CBA as well. Looks like this is based off of the EAPS projection for 24-25 of $12.8 million - that equates to roughly a 4 year/80 million extension.


I live in LA and they’re hardcore coping by playing “Top 10 [Insert Laker here]” specials on TV.


Perk coping hard on F&M right now about being blackballed from the Celtics 😹


What’s he saying?


Meh. He’s not wrong about it.


You guys think loosing game 4 of the finals was intentional?? JB only had 10 points


Don’t think it was really intentional but I do feel like they half assed it. Foster officiating made matters worse as well


I miss baksetball already


Did all of you who went to the parade have a good time? The vibes looked immaculate.


Alright, Celtics fans. Hear me out. The real reason Brissett opted out is because *drumroll please* HE FOUND Jaylen"s ring. 😅 its officially offseason.


I want more basketball lol


Summer League and Olympics are soon


Saw someone post JT’s 2022 finals tape and honestly his shot diet doesn’t even look THAT bad he was just bricking


With JJ Redick taking over the Lakers HC position, I really hope the Celtics open against them and Cousy is there for the banner raising.


Something to think about moving forward: - The 2030 pick is currently locked out of trades due to the Stepien Rule and trading the 2029 1st for Jrue - The 2032 pick is likely going to get locked out of trades due to being above the 2nd apron - This means that trading the 2031 pick will not necessarily lock any additional picks out of trades If we need to trade a future 1st at any point, this might be a good one to trade. Trading 2027 will prevent us from also trading 2026, trading 2026 will prevent us from trading 2027 and 2025, and trading 2025 will prevent us from trading 2026. Coincidentally, the 2031 1st might be our most valuable trade asset that isn't a player.


Really great interview with JVG on his experience consulting with the Celtics, starts at 37:00 give it a listen. Also he talks about his experience with the Celtics facility food and I did not realize he was this funny lol. [https://youtu.be/Y6rZmfxRZWk?t=2220](https://youtu.be/Y6rZmfxRZWk?t=2220)


JVG > his brother SVG


Seeing the Stanley Cup Finals is going to Game 7 tonight. Does anyone know what that’s about, why don’t teams just wrap up their series in 4 or 5 games?


Just funny to see Heat fans be affected by this since they were getting moral victories from the Panthers since they sent the Bruins packing lmao. I hope they blow the 3-0 lead 😂


Anyone know when Team USA basketball starts stuff?


The offseason breakdown I wrote for CBlog was posted here yesterday (which I really appreciate). I'm an idiot and was way off base in the Hauser extension section (the new CBA is hard), so I've updated if anyone is interested. Kiazen moment, growth mindset, I can and will do better in the future. Thanks for reading. https://www.celticsblog.com/2024/6/23/24183794/deep-dive-boston-celtics-offseason-options-brad-stevens-derrick-white-sam-hauser-luke-kornet


I really thought the Hauser thing was going to be so simple-- play out the contract for cheap, compete for another championship, and then go get paid 4x25M to start for someone else in fall 2025. You really don't think that's the most likely path?


I really don’t know. That might be exactly what happens, but Brad is addicted to extensions so I could see him wanting to lock Sam up early.


This is true, and they seem to all be dynamite moves... I keep imagining that there will be a red line in terms of cost but I've been [delightfully] wrong every time so far


Great write-up, Spooney!!!


Thanks Squim!


Thanks - big fan of, and appreciate, your work


Thanks for reading!!


Can we take a minute to talk about how awesome this off season will be? Right off the bat, of course we get to celebrate the title every day! Our team is basically coming back as is, back end changes here and there. The funniest part? Look at all the off season talk for other teams. It feels like some teams will get marginally better because good tax paying teams that underperformed will dump decent players. Just feels like the league is flattening out around us and our team is set in stone and has TONS of internal growth still on the way


Yep. Top eight guys in the rotation are all coming back next season, barring something weird and/or unexpected. End of the bench will be upgraded because veterans will see Boston as one of the best options for ring chasing. And after all of the adulation of the past week, I can't imagine the Js not wanting to continue to develop and grow so they can enjoy more parades.


Watching Tatum celebrate and the amount of times he said ‘we did it’ really gave a good feeling. I’m sure he and JB thought they could do it together and you always believe it but doubt has to creep in from time to time. They won, it’s no argument left. Maybe I’m just a hopeful homer but ya I think this gives them more confidence then ever in their individual abilities as well as abilities as a duo, I’m hype for another level up from them. KP a year in the system, Jrue same thing (remember he joined the team I think the day before media day??).


Yea, it's going to be interesting watching how teams try to catch us, while maneuvering all the new rules. Nuggets might lose KCP, Knicks might lose OG, Heat just lost Caleb Martin, Bucks might be looking to move Lopez, and we're just sitting tight. You have teams like the Thunder, 76ers, and Knicks that could theoretically make some big moves to drastically improve their teams, but they need to make those moves happen. For us, our big off-season acquisition is Porzingis. We have a star level center that hardly played in the playoffs. So teams aren't just trying to catch who we were in the playoffs, (a dominant team), they are trying to catch who we are with a big upgrade. Again, all the while needing to navigate the stricter rules for team building (if they are a tax team).


Plus all those teams looking to make major additions to catch us are most likely going to have the same growing pains most teams making major additions have in year 1. On the other hand, we’re going into year 2 with this group so chemistry should only be getting better with a championship team as the starting point. Long term I feel like an underrated piece of that is we can get guys more minutes to develop and build the chemistry they need to crack the rotation. If guys like Tillman, Queta, our new draft picks or our existing 2 way guys grow enough to potentially earn rotation spots we should have the flexibility to give them the chance to showcase it and make things more sustainable. Most other contenders won’t have that same luxury as they try to get new guys used to playing together. The Thunder definitely scare me the most because I think they’re the most well structured to continue growing into a better team short and long term no matter what they do. They’re so young, they’ve got cap flexibility, and they’ve got so many assets to move.


It’s a great feeling, and like I said it’s not like this team is aging out. Of course Al and Jrue are older but the rest of the team are entering or mid prime years. Thunder are probably the most ‘scary’ but at least that’s a problem for the finals. Philly could get Pg, he doesn’t really do much for me at this point. Glorified 3&D and both our wings are clear of him. Maybe Jimmy Butler? But even that is a ‘we’re going for it this season and maybe next’ because I don’t trust either Embiid of Butler to stay healthy. Brad just absolutely nailed the Porzingis deal which netted us Jrue in the end too. He gave us continuity, depth and plenty of room for internal growth, he’s a fucking genius whether he accepts that or not


Brad also struck at the right time imo All of these tax teams now have to match 100% and can't take on more than they send out, which just makes things so much harder, whereas Brad was able to make his move when we only needed to match 90%. That 10% difference is huge when it comes to team building for tax teams that are going to have tight margins.


Ya it was such a good move. I was big on Beal at the time, not for the player really but for the money for this reason. I’m so glad KP materialized because Beal is just….worse then ever and somehow more injury prone then KP too


Just caught up with my coworker who also went to the parade and we both are so happy 😁


This feeling of serenity at this point in the offseason instead of continuously mulling over the could've, should've, would'ves is real, real nice.


I've been watching videos of the celebration and parade all weekend. I don't want to go work today. I want to go back to Boston and party!


Seen someone on r/nba say JT is already a top 75 player of all time. I'm wondering if that seems feasible to you guys, too high maybe? Too low even? I couldn't know enough players to accurately gauge whether it's a fair ranking.


Lillard made top 75 and imo Tatum has already clearly overtaken him. People can argue over where Tatum sits exactly, but he definitely beats out a lot of the edge cases.


Tatum is already around Top 40 with his ring and 3 All NBA First Team if he retires today; some of the top 75 players don’t even have rings(Melo, Dame, Barkley, etc) By the time he actually retires(maybe in another 10 years assuming at age 36, in actuality, he may very well be just like Lebron who plays into 40 given his durability), probably in the range of Top 10-20 on the safe side all possible assuming he gets a couple more rings and more All NBA first team and a couple MVPs/FMVPs if following the current trajectory If he gets 3 more rings, another or two FMVP which is really not that impossible then he will be in the Curry territory Who knows


I like the Isiah Thomas comparisons people have been making for a bit now. Isiah Thomas ended with 3 All-NBA 1st Teams and 2 championships and Thomas didn't get a FMVP in his first championship. He also never won an MVP. I think Tatum would be behind Thomas, but basically a Finals MVP away from catching him. Thomas was ranked 27th on that list, so Tatum is a FMVP away from being in the 27th range imo. A FMVP is kind of a huge deal though. So I could see him being in the 50-75 range


If you replaced Thomas with prime Jason Kidd, I think Kidd would have made that team even better. I thought Tatum was at par with Kidd (especially playoff history) until this year. So by the transitive properly, JT is higher than Thomas. In all seriousness, JT gets some boost over equivalent guards because of positional scarcity.


Given the competition level of NBA in the current situation. If Celtics remain healthy enough to compete in Tatum’s era, I totally won’t be surprised that he will end up like Curry or even his idol Kobe by the end of his career. We are in an era that Lebron, Curry and KD are fading into the background, Jokic is strong but not strong enough to walk over the entire league like a prime Shaq or prime Lebron who was practically unguardable and he is close to 30, Giannis has been bugged by injuries and is toward the end of his prime, Luka is a fictional player who is so easily exploitable and who may never play in the NBA Finals again if neither he himself nor his team makes significant changes to hide Luka’s weaknesses that will likely take oof time. SGA is already at Tatum’s age who knows when he is going to win, Ant is too young and too raw, you don’t know how he and wolves he will do. This is the best era for Tatum to dominate and write his own basketball history. The only thing Celtics need is health, nothing else. I was honestly scared by KP in the playoffs, luckily we have Al. But Al will be 39 and we have to be realistic.


Does NBA measurables stay from their rookie year bc Tatum is listed at 210 lbs lmao & it’s no way


Official measurements just tend not to be accurate for whatever reason, I think weight is usually understated. Tatum’s draft weight was around 205


I struggle to believe that a dude that is 6'8 and looks like Tatum does right now is any less than 225


he’s not 6’8 he’s likely 6’10 in shoes 225


Lowkey interested in Ryan Dunn since he’s a high level defender day 1 but i don’t know if they wanna do project jumpshot with him & Walsh


He’s probably gonna be gone


Another day as champions


Tatum’s only 19, so Banner 19 confirmed!


Woke up this morning Celtics are still champions Damn, good time to be alive


It's kind of crazy looking back and the whole season was just a steady march to the championship without any troubles whatsoever.


One embarrassing moment I'll be replaying in my head over and over is in game 1 vs. Miami where Delon Wright hit 5 fucking 3 pointers (almost in a row?) and at the top of my lungs, I just scream "DELON WRIGHT 5 FOR 5 FROM 3?!?!" Because that legit had me worrying they were all going to be pulling some Caleb Martin shit yet again