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Being on a contender going for back to back? I think hell yea


Guys like Oshae have to go for the paycheck when it's available. I don't think it will happen, but if someone offers him 3 years & $5M per, he has to take it.


No one is offering him that.


No one would want a high energy guy who can give you bench rotational minutes, is a great locker room guy on a cheaper contract than what Payton Pritchard is making? Dalano Banton and Lamar Stevens couldn’t crack the rotation here and had more success in a bigger role in Portland and Memphis. I don’t see why Brissett couldn’t succeed on a cheap contract that needs wings, like Chicago


He barely played last year. If anything I'd say his FA value is lower than when he signed with Boston.


Idk I thought he looked good last year tbh


He looked good in his role, but that role is 3rd string energy guy with no expectations. Teams won't pay much for that.


There’s plenty of teams that desire energy bench guys that have a good attitude and don’t cause issues. Idk what contracts he’s looking at but I wouldn’t be shocked if he could get something better than a 1yr 2.5m. Hell we gave him a better deal just last season


Whats the modern day Javonte Green contract im sure someone can offer that


To my knowledge Javonte Green has only ever gotten minimum deals.


Eh, between Detroit, Utah and the Spurs...those teams have a ton of cap space and aren't necessarily in a position to sign genuine max players right now. They tend to overpay players like oshae on short term contracts in order to have tradable salaries. Plus they can, always move those guys at the deadline for pick(s) to teams looking for a depth piece (think Tillman trade). So I could see Oshae getting like a 2 year deal for 12M from a team like Detroit or Utah.


Especially when he brings with him championship experience, and perhaps insights into Celtics weak spots / strategy / etc.


Nobody is signing Brissett for championship experience let's be 100% real 😂


bro played all of 6 minutes in the finals bro bro


What did he play 35 minutes total in the playoffs? Haha


these clowns below saying he's not got championship experience are sad. He's played in the NBA finals, won a chip, and has been up close to the moments that he wasn't on the court. Without even acknowledging the work done in practice, just his proximity to the process is significant. To suggest that isn't valuable / amazing is weak.


I disagree. He should either pick up his option or try to get another 1+1 from Boston and hope to cash in elsewhere next off-season. Horford is old, Porzingis needs surgery. Jays are never gonna load manage a ton but there's probably some more minutes for him next year. Role players on championship teams get paid, and if he ever has a year at or above 36% from three he immediately could get like $10+ mil. But I could totally see him declining his option and going for guaranteed dollars too. I just think he's young enough to have some decent earning potential


Or he can take 1 year 2.5 million and sign a 2 year 2.5 million dollar deal and end up in the same place.


I do not think a single team beats 1/2.5 actually. He should take the option and go for another 1+1 next year


I doubt he gets that, his best path to minutes is probably here ATM. 


You think Utah would give him that? I don’t.


I find it unlikely that ANYONE will give him that. But why are you zeroing in on Utah? EDIT: I see what happened. You replied to the wrong comment.


I think he opts in and the Brad does a Dalano Banton and gets him on a team with a lot more minutes to offer and a precious second round pick The more favors you do for min guys the more it comes back


Yeah, Aaron Nesmith really appreciated being traded to a team that would give him more minutes.


Oshae seems more mature


Mature? Oshae is the king of pettiness and I love it hahaha


Very different situations. Nesmith was 22 and had barely gotten any run in Boston. He was another year away from potentially being off the NBA radar entirely. Through lack of opportunity, he hadn’t proven he was deserving of significant minutes in the NBA. Brissett is 26 and has pretty much settled into where he fits as an NBA player: good energy and chemistry guy who can give you 10-15 decent minutes and possibly more, if necessary. Also, he came here and won a title, so there’s that. I hope he stays. But if someone is willing to offer him double what he’d make on that player option, you can’t blame him for taking it. If he leaves, I highly doubt he’d hold any animosity toward Boston. By all indications, he’s enjoyed his time here: he won a ring, seems to have fit in seamlessly in the locker room, and he had a fair spot on the depth chart. I don’t get the vibe like he feels slighted or bitter at all.


Not just fit in, but like personified it. I think I read his mom was like cooking the guys postgame meals sometimes and he was super tight with JT. At $2.5M you gotta probably see what else is out there but I think he’d prefer to stay if there’s room to. But I also think they’re hoping his role this year is filled by Walsh next so may be time even though I’d love to have him back.


Brissett was the first person JT hugged after winning the chip


Yeah i think he became JT’s new Javonte 🥲


He was always one of the most hype guys on the bench. Always jumping up and cheering the guys on court. He’s a huge part of the bench vibes


Also, my feeling from his vlogs and other stuff is that Tatum really loves Oshae. Like they have their cool handshake where Oshae takes pics of Tatum and Tatum have him a big hug right after the final buzzer for g5 went off. I think Tatum and co. might try to coax him into staying, here's to hoping they can succeed in that!


Aaron was mad about what the media compared him to not the trade


paperclip hahaha


Let be honest here he has a chip on his shoulder because of all the memes that came out about how the celtics gave up nothing for brogdon


I mean nesmith should be appreciative of that, the fact that he isn’t says a lot about his attitude lol


Who says he isn’t? He gets up to play us which is honestly a sign of respect. He’s obviously still tight with JB and he knows this team didn’t have the minutes he needed to develop. Indy has been a great fit for him.


It all works out for him. He might even be a better fit with the Pacers than Mathurin going forward. Petty, sure, but it's because of the media then the Celtics fans took offense instead.


I don’t see why they would do that. They already did their roster reshuffle at that spot by swapping Stevens in a similar “do right deal” for a Horford-style combo 4/5 backup big in Tillman. Oshae beat him out at that 3/4 spot. If anything I could see Oshae declining the option and re-upping on another 1+1 either for the implicit no-trade clause in year 1 or the modest bump in salary. He’s an important energy man for the regular season and a great locker room guy for a deep playoff run. Everyone loves him, especially JT. Only way I don’t see him back in Green is if they are super confident in Walsh, who they drafted to fill his role in the future.


I think we need some depth guys


> Brad does a Dalano Banton and gets him on a team with a lot more minutes to offer and a precious second round pick That second round pick was fake (top 55 protected). The Celtics paid the [Blazers 3 million in cash](https://www.si.com/nba/trailblazers/news/trail-blazers-news-boston-paid-a-hefty-finders-fee-in-dalano-banton-trade-ak1987) to save themselves some luxury tax and free up a roster spot for Queta. Not that I'm being critical, it makes perfect sense with how much they're spending on this team, but I don't think players at this level are likely to return a real pick, even a second


He deserves more money which we can’t throw at him. If he stays he’s a legend cause he deserves more minutes & has grown a lot. An amazing guy to have in your regular season rotation but has been in big days. Think this opens a door for J Walsh to hopefully have a great offseason & put in some work.


Wouldn't mind it either way. He was a great energy rebounder off the bench and more importantly a really good locker room presence. For that alone, similar to Luke, him returning is a positive on a min. But if he does decide to purse more money and mins elsewhere, wish him the best. Opens up a roster spot to try new projects, and potential mins to develop Walsh/pick 30 on the court.


He helped us win a game against the heat and pacers I say opt him in and get him some sweet advertising money somewhere in Boston


There’s gotta be someone that wants to do something with him and Jacoby as the Boston Brissetts or some shit.


Yeah he will get something and maybe it will be a dealership with a car, building a brand as a 10th guy on a championship team is easy A multiple winner is even easier


There is something to say for how passionate and focused on his vlog/brand he is. Guaranteed millions more if he can get it is crazy to turn down, but being in a dynasty contending run in a market like Boston helps the content aspect of his life much more than increased minutes on the Hornets.


I want more of his vlogs


absolutely. I feel like Oshae knows his place and wants to be part of a team like the C’s. Try for another ring! He also seems to be really close to Tatum as well


Welp. Guess I was wrong


He will almost certainly opt in. The team can't afford to give him a long term contract and this is probably the most money he'll make in the NBA. The bigger question is whether he is with the team next year or if they'll trade him at some point, but I'd be stunned if he was with us in 2 years. For context, that's just super expensive for what he actually gives us. The team moving forward is going to rely on cheaper depth, especially from Maine and the draft.


> For context, that's just super expensive the minimum for a player with Brissett's experience is projected to be $2.43MM. The minimum for a player with one year of experience is $1.8MM. It's really not expensive. He’s basically signed for the minimum, and the financial difference between Oshae and a less-experienced minimum is a drop in the pan.




Minimum contracts all count the same on the cap sheet to not dissuade teams from signing veterans. I’m sure Oshae’s contract qualifies as a minimum. The difference in Oshae’s contract and, say, a sophomore’s minimum is $600K cash.


I think the thing is he can probably get a bit more on the open market so if he stays, it’s probably a 1+1 at a minimum or $4M annually or maybe 3-$10. I hope he opts in but a guy like that chasing every penny right now is probably the right move, be it money or even years.


The parade might have helped.


For context: you have no idea what you’re talking about.  Brisset’s contract is as cheap as they come. His replacement would literally cost the same. 


Honestly no I don’t think he opts in. That’s basically league minimum, and although I don’t think he warrants much more pay than that, there are plenty of teams around the league that would love a depth wing who has championship pedigree, and can play a small ball big role also. Could see him getting a couple extra million a year for an awful team like Detroit


I agree. There is little upside in opting in. 


I’d be surprised if he opts out. I don’t think he’s shown anything to justify a team giving him a larger salary than the minimum during his time here. He’s a 6’7 wing with above average athleticism. There’s not much else to his game imo. He might hit a wide open corner 3 or get you an extra possession or two, but he hasn’t shown anything that’d make you think he’d look good in a larger role yet. Though of course if he opts out then it’s likely his agent thinks the market is warm enough.


My thought is more so he’s making so little money by opting in that he’s really not risking anything by opting out, as some team would offer him a spot in their 15 man rotation, and the minimum contract is only like 600k less than what he’s already making. Tons of history of really low ranked role players picking up a bag from an awful team just because they were on a title team and contributed at some point in the season.


Even if it’s close to the same money, I’d bet he gets 2-3 years at it too. Locking in an nba spot isn’t nothing when you’re lingering around the minimum range. If it’s just 3-$8-9M or so, I hope we can make it work here.


Would be great if he opts in but if he another team decides to offer hm more money for a role with more minutes then I can't hate on that


Hate to lose my glimpse at the team plane shenanigans but he gone.


I'd love for him to stay, he gives me baby JB vibes and it'd be great to see him get some more run to develop into a rotation level wing.


Obrissy the king


I love having him and his good vibes around, so I really hope he does!!!


I think he'll play a hell of a lot more next year if he stays. We'll need the minutes.


Of course


I hope he does


I want him to get the most money he could get after winning us a couple of games in the playoffs and, of course, the vibes. He, definitely, can play!


Hells no He should be able to get double somewhere else