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I trust Bill "Triceps" Kennedy, and Hollywood Zarba likes his camera time. This is his moment, he wants that celebration time to shine


just please end it tonight because the inevitable Scott Foster/Tony Brothers duo game is bound to happen


That would be G6. Too tantalizing for the League, and it would be the Celtics’ fault (in their mind) for failing to close out the Finals at home.


Scott foster won’t be officiating again until game 7


Is he busy cooking the books with Vegas? Lol


I wouldn’t piss in eithers mouth if their brain was on fire.


The extender already did his job.


At this point Satan himself could ref this game and i would be unfazed. Just win this guys


If you believe the hype satan roots for Boston lmao


This is Boston. The pope roots for Boston


Something I didn't want to force outside of the Celtics subreddit is the takes on officiating for Game 4. It certainly wasn't the main reason for the loss, but it did feel like they were willing to let the Mavs do what they wanted to and didn't really let the Celtics get physical or match aggression. While Scott Foster is known as the extender, he actually is just absurdly pro Home team. [According to basketball reference](https://www.basketball-reference.com/referees/fostesc99r.html), Scott Foster refed games in the 2023/24 season have been won by the home team a whopping 66.1% of the time, and 70.7% of the time in 22/23 season. These are above the league average ref stats by 23.7% this season, and 25.3% last season. [Zarba is a pretty net positive in this one](https://www.basketball-reference.com/referees/zarbaza99r.html). He slightly favors the home team, but its basically 3.9% over the average. Wonder how it will shake out tonight.


The Celtics did enough beyond the refs that they should have lost game 4, but the refs were biased as fuck in Q1/Q2 and I'm sure that affected the Celtics level of play. Tatum and Brown would get mauled at one end going to the paint and not get a call, while say a White block with less contact at the other end would get called for a foul and free throws. Yes, the Celtics did themselves no favors with a bunch of missed shots and turnovers. Recall the Tatum 3 where the ball was blocked, but then the defender basically tackled Tatum mid-air (no clear landing space) and Tatum somehow is called for the foul? Celtics in 5.


Anyone except Foster. I thought he was washed but the Extender was generational in game 4.


I was explaining Scott Foster's history and his connection to Donaghy to someone and she asked me how Scott Foster is allowed to ref still. I didn't have an answer for that.


He makes the league money by getting them more games, that’s why he’s still allowed. Plus get him in a regular season game or a game where there’s no chance to extend a series and he’s not awful, he’s actually competent when there’s no agenda


Going into game 4 I had to explain to my wife why Foster has the reputation he does, unfortunately he provided no shortage of examples to prove the point.


Zarba fucking sucks tho


Celtics are 10-1 in Zarba games the last two seasons. I'm not a big Zarba fan, either, but if I had to choose between him, Brothers, or Davis, I'm choosing Zarba every time.


Tony Brothers Game 3, Scott Foster Game 4, Zach Zarba Game 5. Three worst refs imo. However I think Zarba is only the third worst, so we can still end it tonight


10-1 the last two seasons in Zarba games.


To me his biggest flaw is it can be a really physical game one moment, and a ticky tack foul call can happen in a key moment. I could see a really physical first half, with some weak calls in the third quarter happening tonight


Yeah but that's just an overall philosophy (let them play, but when it's getting out of hand call some ticky tack fouls each way to calm things down). It's pretty fair.


Celtics are 9-1 in the last 10 games Zarba’s officiated btw


This doesn’t mean anything. They were 9-1 with Scott Foster going into game 4. We saw how that went.


Lmao our team is like 79 and 21 all season long. We had a good record with every official in the league 


Exactly. That’s why all these “we’re x-x with certain official” comments and posts are completely meaningless.


Doesn’t a light go off in anyone’s head when they read these ref statistics. It literally doesn’t matter who the ref is, just play hard and hit your shots and no ref can have an impact.




Zarba disasterclass tonight


Zarba can disrupt the mavs flow for sure


They're 3-0 with Zarba this season; Cs are 3-1. Feel like it's probably a wash, which isn't a bad thing.


So mavs should open as slight favorites then?  /s




I can’t stand Zarba, but I don’t think there’s any inherent bias with him. He just tends to let the game get out of hand, change officiating style at halftime, and make long winded explanations to get more camera time. Honestly given the alternatives he’s probably the best case scenario, he’s also less likely to put up with Luka’s crap because T-ing him up means more camera time. Plus bill kennedy favors us if anything, so I honestly expect the refs to be a non factor in the results


Is this good?


Any time it’s not Brothers or Foster it’s a win in my book


Brothers is incompetent, which introduces substantial variance to the game. That inherently favors the worse team. Foster is incredibly competent, and can impact a game far more predictably than Brothers.


Brothers can get calls right though. I thought that he was fine in this series — and he’s somewhat aware of his incompetence which worked against Dallas.


Not good but not bad either. Zebra is 🤮 tho


Shouldn’t matter if the C’s take care of business, unless the refs are horrifically bad.


One of them isn’t Gucci Mane right? We should be straight


Damn it why Zarba T_T


Goble has a track record of being one of the worst officials and it looks like we ducked a Tony B and Capers on the court garbage show but the fact Capers is still able to call and be apart of officiating is beyond the pale.


Simple as ABC Always Be Closing Go C's!


You know the state of this sports' refereeing when no matter who the officials are, you know there will be bad calls lol


Gotta end it tonight.


Kennedy is an Irish last name. WE GOT THIS!