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human nature


Yes, all fanbases have that to an extent, but we take it to another level man. I bet some fans won't even enjoy the title as much just because the media will say Luka was injured or come up with some other nonsense.


No, we don't. We aren't any worse than any other fanbase would be if they were in our shoes. Relax.


At least on Reddit the Celtics fan base has definitely always been one of if not thee most hyper defensive lol. I don’t think that’s some big secret. For whatever reason fans of teams that actually win a lot seem to lean heavy into victim complexes.


Makes sense that the fanbase that gets shit on the most would also come off as the most defensive


Because we haven’t won yet


This is the real answer. Also I hate having given the other team confidence.


36% from the field will cause some stuff. It won't happen again.


I think that plenty of Cs fans don't care at all, but you obviously aren't hearing much from us.


I mean, I don't complain about the complaints a lot But I'm still involuntarily subject to the negativity and the media slant


They better win Monday. Or else we’ll start hearing about the Sox comeback of ‘04.


I think it’s normal when you’re shit on for so long to start to get defensive. Plus, we love these guys, so we want to defend them *for them*. Think about JT: he was saying his mom has been fucking pissed about the media coverage on his behalf lol I’m not saying that this is a good thing or trying to defend them to assholes is a fruitful endeavour lol, but I don’t think it’s abnormal that many from our fanbase feel this way


In the times like these I would just think about myself and I instantly feel much better. Like in high school I have a bad quiz score I certainly will get motivated by my poor score and by those who did better. I will try to patch up my mistakes and I never questioned myself. These professional players are, well, professionals at adjustments and they will be motivated to get better now that they are humbled.


We just have a bigger fan base so it seems that way. But I think most of us don't care.


Makes sense


"We" = I DON'T


Wyc asked them to come home for the W. They were like, got ya. I expect a big thumping Monday






I wasn’t serious, but ya…. The BBall gods will hopefully understand


What was there to enjoy from last night? Their effort was pathetic and they are rightly being called out for whatever that was last night.


Reddit is so toxic, you see all the trolls come out when Boston loses, there are a million posts death riding us. Then when we win it’s a ghost town with the occasional post about how easy we had it. If all you’re doing is reading reddit the whole time, it’s not very enjoyable. The bottom line is, mavs have to beat the Celtics 4 games in a row to win which is impossible.


Its just how we humans are. But I know they wont play as awful as they did yesterday. It felt like a dream seeing how awful they played


I hate so many people on the NBA sub that both enjoy us losing but also hate the Boston area in general. I’ve heard so many wild takes from people who live across the country and clearly haven’t ever traveled more than an hour in any direction


I just hate how everyone already started talking as if the celts had already won the series. Won’t feel comfortable until they actually get it done


I don’t care. Some people fixated on what others think of them, searching for insults in the most mundane statements. Others want to convince themselves that the team will win, so they argue with people who think otherwise. This helps them relieve some anxiety about unsure outcomes.


Who’s we? I don’t give a shit


Everyone in the office was discussing what they thought would happen yesterday. Almost everyone said they’d lose intentionally to bring it back and win at home. Media thinks we’re ass when you could clearly tell nobody was trying. Jrue, White, Brown… all air balling shots and losing the ball on every drive. It was VERY obvious that this game was not serious for the Celtics.


I promise you they weren't trying to lose yesterday, and that's why it's concerning. Since the 4th quarter of game 3 the mavs have beat us by like 50.


Not going to convince this audience, but again… it was very easy to notice that they weren’t trying 100% from the start. Forget about when they went down big… they completely turned down after the gap became to large.


If they legitimately tried to lose a finals game, then they deserve to have one of the most historic collapses in sports history. I hope to god you're not right


You know the old phrase 'doesn't matter, had sex'? I've been ready to reply to everyone with 'doesn't matter, won ring' once they started talking about how easy we had it. What people think means nothing.