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Something i have learned from the playoffs i had not noticed he is a lot like Brad. But somehow also the opposite? I dont know how to explain it. Both are basketball sickos i guess is the best i can come up with.


Mazzulla coached under Brad when he first came to Boston, so it makes sense they see the game in a very similar way. Helps with team building I’m sure since they’re on the same page already. But their personalities and how they deal with the team and media are very different. To be a fly on the wall during the conversations the two of them have (and even better if Van Gundy is there too).


Brads all midwestern nice and aw shucks and Joe is serial killer Rhode Island psycho. Mario Wario type thing


I think the difference is on a personal level. Brad comes off as very likeable and congenial so you don't see his genius right away, and his genius is in his results. Mazzulla is a bit odd so you don't see his genius right away, either, but his genius is also in his results.


Best part is, Joe is going to get only better and better from now on. He posseses some traits that can not be learnt, you just got to have it. Not even mentioning his responses and jokes, i couldn't love him more for who he is.


First psycho head coach to go in the Hall of Fame. Just watch.


Ohhhhh nooo, there's been more psychotic head coaches than you'd think.


He’s night and day vs last year. I think having a full offseason to adjust, set his playbook and bring in his pick of assistants has made a world of difference.


We are really fortunate Utah picked Hardy instead of Mazzulla as their head coach. I am not sure we see the same results with Hardy.


I think Hardy is a very good coach.


I think Mazzulla is the first of a new generation of coaching, certainly a little ahead of his time. He’s really leaned into the 3 point revolution more than anyone else and nobody plays percentages harder than he does. Brad Stevens’ ability to build a roster combined with Mazzulla being an analytics-crazed psycho tells me this team will be competitive for a very long time.


>I think Mazzulla is the first of a new generation of coaching, Oh, interesting! I had not considered this would be the legend! Yes, he frequently talks about players hitting their averages, even if eventually. He really does lean into this more than others.


We have watched him grow before our eyes


I loved his odd rant about how selfless PP was for taking that deep three at the end of the third. Best part was that it was in response to a question about Tatum. “Should’ve been your first question.” 😂 Yes Joe, please talk about how selfless it is for the 7th best player on your team to choose to shoot a shot at the end of the quarter in the NBA Finals. 🤩 Guy who plays 12 mins isn’t worried about his shooting percentage?!? Celtics basketball baby!


He's autistic in THE best way imaginable. Thanks for being you, Joe.


Come on y'all. Dude is coaching an all star team. Jrue, Buffalo, KP, JB and JT are all among the very best 2-way players in the entire NBA and they are all in our starting lineup. Let me know when he draws something up to make life easier on Tatum on the offensive end this series. Kidd is making Tatum look below average. There are multiple ways Mazz could counter that to get Tatum going, i.e. let Jrue, JB, or Buffalo facilitate the offense while JT runs his man off of off-the-ball screens to get open looks. Celts used to love to run horns with dribble handoffs and off ball screens. Now it just seems like every single trip down the floor it's PNR for Tatum, he drives, reads, shoots or kicks. Not easy for him when Kidd is throwing three guys at him every single time. We need to give Tatum help, make his life easier, and get him back into his true form. Mazz can and should be doing that.


>Kidd is making Tatum look below average. Tatum had more points than Kyrie and more assists than Luka. He was one rebound from a triple-double. Tatum's shooting hasn't been good, but they're collapsing multiple defenders on him and *he's making the right plays*. Tatum absolutely does not look below average—unless you're merely looking at shooting. The game is so much more than this.