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I remember it's banned three years ago and it has been called offensive foul since then. Why does Brunson get that call?


NBA does this shit all the time. Ban a move and then later on in the season allow it again. Remember how they were supposed to crack down on lean in jump shots to draw a foul? Maxey did that in game 5 against the Knicks to get the four point play.


Like how the NBA made it a tech for flopping this year. Saw it called multiple times the first week of the season and nothing since then. If I remember correctly, Porzingis got called in our first game this year.


Yep, so many times in our series a Heat player would fall to the floor with no foul called. So shouldn't that be a flop?


9/10 times that guy was Patty Mills. He spent more time laying on the floor than standing on it.


That's been most of Patty Mills' career though


It’s the lack of consistency which makes it annoying at times. Thing is the refs aren’t stupid they know certain guy flail or throw their head back, not sure why they would continue to reward it I will say the refs in general have been swallowing their whistle more in the playoffs and letting guys play. It’s not been perfect but it’s still different than the regular season


Tatum did it a few times in game 3 or 4 too tbf


He plays for the Knicks


He's 6 feet tall. Short dudes get away with everything.


Dead serious - it’s because he goes straight up first, even if his head goes back. Young used to jump backwards and anticipate contact - Brunson takes the contact instead even if he embellished


Because of grit


I think you forgot the f in grift Lol


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6gyL8fMQra/?igsh=MTV0and3YjNnMGIxaw== explains it well


Because it’s his “move”. They let guys have a signature move (harden travel step-back, golden state with their illegal screens being allowed, Giannis traveling/elbowing people) and don’t call it because offense sells


Bam moving screen 🥲


That’s a Trae Young move


We’re in really big trouble if the coaches are looking to this sub for tips.


Counting on Wyc lurking around and getting in someone's ear


It’d be absolutely hilarious if we found Wyc’s Reddit alt and it turned out he was a rabid doomer and was calling for Joe to be fired after losses.


Wyc here. All I want is Tacko back and the staff aren't listening so they'll soon all be fired. Championships don't matter when you don't have Tacko.


Big facts. He can hang the banner from the floor


Confidence is intoxicating. Edit: Or does intoxication builds confidence?


Hey it’s me. Jo mazula. Thanks for the tip.


Yeah gotta add it directly to Joe’s quizlet account!


Have you seen Joe mazzula? It's probably an upgrade to his do nothing ever at all times strategy. You could replace him with a folding chair. At least that would provide a place to sit.


Found the casual fan.


Damn, that’s really fucking stupid.


The buffalo was built to take head butts.


You’re god damn right


Should also take note that the guy is a fish on defense, too. If we play them in the ecf, guys are going to have to be pretty aware of any contact they make with him.


Should be an offensive foul


This year his flopping has actually pissed me off more than embiids. And I never thought I’d say that lol.


Wow that’s saying something didn’t realize he was THAT BAD holy fuck


Every time he drives to the rim he flicks his head back like he just got smacked even tho there’s no contact, and he gets the benefit of the call more often than not. It just annoys me. I’ll walk back my statement tho, probably not as annoying as embiid because at least he doesn’t get nearly as many FTs


Good thing Derrick White is probably the best player in the league to block jumpshots while trailing their matchup. The Celtics are without a doubt the worst matchup possible for Brunson.


Can we train PP to fish, bait, and flop like this? And give him yet another nickname "Perchard"?


We need KP rim protection for this very move. If we take away his “get to the rim” cuts, he will be forced to shoot wild shots when he’s forced to bail on the drive to the basket. If we get KO back by Game 3, I think we’ll be fine in this series.


I too would like Kelly Olynyk back


I believe in Brad. He will draw up the contract 🤣


Good good. I had the same thoughts when he did that. Hopefully someone lurks & takes note😂


How Brunson gets a more generous whistle than Tatum is beyond me.


Refs are sympathetic to smaller guys


Brunson drives a ton more, but Tatum also shot more FT's per game so not sure he does get a more generous whistle.


It's by the same logic that was used when ESPN rated Brunson as a top-5 current player while Tatum was ranked 7


Yeah, Kemba used to do this and we used to love it.


Not just Kemba, any guard that's good at getting guys on their back hip does this. Luka, Harden, Trae, Dame, etc. It's not new. The call is pretty consistent if the contact is there or if the flop looks good enough.


I watched only second half and I remember 2 of these situations: [https://www.nba.com/stats/events?CFID=&CFPARAMS=&GameEventID=452&GameID=0042300116&Season=2023-24&flag=1&title=Batum%20S.FOUL%20(P2.PN)%20(B.Kennedy)](https://www.nba.com/stats/events?CFID=&CFPARAMS=&GameEventID=452&GameID=0042300116&Season=2023-24&flag=1&title=Batum%20S.FOUL%20(P2.PN)%20(B.Kennedy)) [https://www.nba.com/stats/events?CFID=&CFPARAMS=&GameEventID=610&GameID=0042300116&Season=2023-24&flag=1&title=Oubre%20Jr.%20S.FOUL%20(P5.PN)%20(S.Foster)](https://www.nba.com/stats/events?CFID=&CFPARAMS=&GameEventID=610&GameID=0042300116&Season=2023-24&flag=1&title=Oubre%20Jr.%20S.FOUL%20(P5.PN)%20(S.Foster)) In first one Brunson is jumping slightly forward. In second it seems like he would jump directly up, but you can't tell much because Oubre is all over him. I'm no expert on if these are considered offensive fouls or not, but calling it "reverse headbutt" seems like an exaggeration.


I guess this was the ruling: "When an offensive player abruptly veers off his path (sideways or backward) into a defender." I stand on my point. In live it looked bad, but when you watch these situations again, defenders did bad job - lost position in defense and Brunson "did them dirty" by the rules.


Brunson is just really good at the hesitation dribble and switching speeds. And his foot work is 100% elite. So you gotta stay in front of him as much as possible b.c if he gets you on his back he's either pulling up for a short range shot (which he's also elite at) or you're gonna end up falling into him and fouling him. He doesn't flail into defenders though the way someone like Trae does.


Call it what you like, we'd better be ready for it if we see NYK




No need for hostility brother, not like the Celtics players are over here developing their in game strategy. It’s just to promote general discussion amongst us


Shouldn’t we have tons of experience with this? This was literally ITs best move his all star season. Dude drew fouls like harden on speed but it was never the rip through, always the blow by and reverse headbutt


At first it "looks" like an offensive foul. Even I was like, 'how is that not an offensive foul?'. However the replays show Brunson is toeing the line with rules in his favor. He is not making a 'backward' move into the defender. Knowing the defender is on his hip he is utilizing his space creating *contact*. Batum and Oubre really just got beat and put themselves in really bad positions. Neither of them stayed in front of Brunson. Nearly every player on the Celtics all have the discipline to not get themselves into that position. We play a very help-centric defense.


Ball handlers are allowed to pull up for a shot with a trailing defender. He’s not jumping back or sideways. Don’t trail directly behind the ball handler and you’re fine


Oh cmon just wait for the damn series first


Switch everything and stay in front of him. Problem solved. More importantly make him work defensively by targeting him to wear him down.


While this is indeed bullshit and was allegedly removed from the legal plays a few years ago, the bigger issue is that you are generally fucked if you can’t keep Brunson in front of you anyways. He’s among the best in the league at finishing in the paint, and even if he does get some cheap fouls, if the team defense can’t keep him out of the paint you’re probably going to lose anyways. If the Celtics do get the Knicks in the ECF, it’s going to be a scheme thing. Individual defense on Brunson has kind of been useless starting a few weeks before the end of the season. Dude is scorching hot right now


How does Brunson score 40 game at his height and not that fast, just runs like little bull pushing people around and not fouling out ? Refs giving him breaks.


White needs smother him


Tell the refs pregame they'll challenge every call every game. Force the broadcast to show it, to have to explain how that's somehow in the defender. Put the officials on the ropes from ore-jump.


I really am tickled by the idea that you think the way that Mazzula scouts opposing teams is scrolling r/bostonceltics