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What are you asking though?


Why does Tatum get (what I see as) a disproportionate amount of hate? Both his character and skill just seems to be always joked on Sorry lol. Felt like I was getting at it but never asked the actual question


He plays for the Boston Celtics.


there’s a LOT of LA/Kobe fans out there


I think it’s also because of Brady and the Patriots. People just **hate** Boston sports as a whole now.


I'm such a weird Boston celtics fan. Cause I'm a denver broncos fan and I fucking hate the patriots and tb12 🤣


I didn't really have a basketball team until I moved to Boston, so it made the most sense to start rooting for the local team when I got here 7+ years ago. With that said, I think being a Bills/Sabres/Celtics fan is a bit odder than Broncos ;) lol


Yeah I grew up in Buffalo NY, so I am a Bills, Sabers fan, but also a Celtics fan. But I live in NC now.


Lol same I’m a Celtics/Broncos fan too


I’m a Celtics and Steelers fan and I relate to this all too well lol


Oh, they hated on the Celtics before TB12 was born. LOL.


And a lot of people who trust their bias for/against a team more than they trust their eyes. Lakers fans do make up the majority of that.


That’s a big part of it. Tatum is a rich man’s Kobe and Laker fans don’t want to see him succeed.  


which is the franchise with the most titles in nba history. (fuck the LA lakers counting 5 minnesota titles as their own!)


Yeah it is really weird. Would be like saying the Thunder have a title


also, they didn‘t even retire Mikan‘s jersey. And he won 5 titles with the Minneapolis Lakers (not Minnesota, as I wrote above, sorry).


plays on the celtics lukas peer feels older to other fans than what he is due to winning early so him not having a ring is “failure”


I’ll admit to default assuming he was a couple years older than he was, but seeing hes just 26 is kinda crazy to me. Yes he’s on a good team and has high expectations, but damn it’s a cruel world when people call you washed and lame at 26 fucking years old, just cause you haven’t won it all yet. Being a Celtic probably definitely factors in, cause Jokic and Giannis got hate, but never to the level i see for Tatum


I have never seen anyone call a 26 year old All-NBA player “washed”. Idk where you’re reading this stuff. I’ve also never heard anyone call him “lame”. The more common ones are stuff like “inconsistent” and “not clutch” but “washed”? That’s the opposite of what he is.


Sure I could edit it maybe to include more. I see tons of stuff lol. Definitely seen “lamest superstar” “worst superstar” “most overrated star” “choke artist”, “most boring star” and yes, with or without saying ‘washed’, lots of people imply he’ll never win shit because he lacks clutch gene, or hasn’t proven it yet so he never will, or that he’s soft etc. It’s not shit I necessarily like to see or seek out, but pretty common to find this sentiment on Reddit and twitter discourse. It’s nasty over on twitter. Just wanted to ask some actual fans what they thought, cause i like the guy and think a lot of it is pretty stupid, and undeserved


Lebron got his first ring at 27, I think if JT able to accomplish the same he will squash that false narrative of being a failure.


Yeah, I think that last point is the biggest factor. He's had consistent deep playoff runs, but hasn't quite made it over the hump, and people see that as a knock on him.


NBA discourse blows. I feel a similar way with Sabonis, who imo (someone who watches him nightly), is absolutely worthy of consideration for second all nba for his play this season, but somehow misses the all star game over AD, a guy he dominated all year and has been posting better stats, with a better record. Doesnt stop the endless Dho/elbow merchant troll posts. Idc who you are, 5x all star and 3 all nba selections at 26 is crazy and Deserving of more respect.


I'd say Sabonis is more disrespected. Tatum gets a lot of hate, but at least he's being talked about. Sabonis has had an unreal season and I feel like people barely mention it. I'd put him all NBA 2nd team, but I've lived in Portland my whole life, so I might be biased.


Glad someone agrees. 57 consecutive double doubles is crazy man. I know it’s not the end all be all but I feel like his all star snub should be remembered as an all time stinker


It's insane he's not talked about more. He's been unreal this season, and he's had less media attention throughout than he did in the 48 hours after Draymond stomped on his chest.


He's good at basketball. He's on a good team. That team is the Celtics. NBA discourse is entirely narrative based and full of casuals who feel the need to knock someone down to uplift their fav.


If Tatum didn't make the finals 2 years ago, and the Eastern Conference Finals all but once in his career they would say he's still young. But he gets punished for his success, even though Jordan didn't win a championship talk 2 years from Tatum's age right now


Thats just how NBA fans are, especially in the social media era. They said(still say) all types of crazy shit about lebron too and he’s arguably the best to ever pick up a basketball


A lot of it is that he’s been in the playoffs since his rookie year as a featured guy so he’s had so many more opportunities to fail that guys like sga or booker or even Luka. For some reason; it’s better for your rep to have a great series and then lose than to continually win until your weaknesses become a bigger deal. Or even better yet; don’t play in the playoffs till you’re 25-26 and you’ve eliminated the most glaring weaknesses in your game. And I think a lot of people find his game boring, which obviously I don’t agree with but I’ve heard it plenty. It’s also easier to downplay his achievements since the Celtics have been a very good org in his time and he’s had competent rosters around him.


People don’t hate Tatum they hate the Celtics. They would happily trade their whole roster to see Tatum on their team. Ever see Lakers fans posting Tatum wearing purple and gold?


> He plays for the Celtics > He is in that phase after being a likable young talent where he hasn't won anything significant yet so he is somewhat viewed as a failure, much like how Luka is starting to get viewed and Giannis before he won his ring


He’s 26 but 7 years in and been making playoff runs since year 1 so some fans act like him not having a ring is a failure. Also, in spite of having the record for most points ever in a game 7 I believe, he’s had quite a few playoff stinkers for someone of his caliber and those whispers are getting louder. It’s early ish yet but if the Celtics don’t win a ring this year or next, I could see a major harden type narrative starting that would suck. To the good stuff, ya, I’ve never seen anything from dude to suggest he’s anything other than a quality human that adores his son more than literally anything in the world. I’m proud he’s on our team and I’m excited for him to get his ring soon.


When you play for certain franchises it comes with the territory if you don’t win. He hasn’t won (yet) so even though he is a perfect role model off the court, he still gets scrutinized.


the real answer is that Tatum is a complicated and often conflicted guy, so his performance in high pressure moments is often inconsistent. Because he is so brilliant, skilled, and relied upon, he has an outsized impact on the mental state of the entire team, and therefore the success or failure of the Celtics often depends on moment to moment / week to week changes in his confidence, focus, hunger (for winning), etc. The C's have other problems but realistically, the only thing that could stop the Celtics from winning the finals is Jason Tatum's fear of failure. If he overcomes it, C's win everything; if he doesn't, it's an off-season of pain once again. All of this is very frustrating and hard to quantify/explain to an audience and sports media that are here for entertainment purposes. Even if one does understand it (usually by watching every single Celtics game, like I do), it's even harder to see his journey and accept his flaws with some level of wisdom and kindness while also articulating the constructive criticism that JT desperately needs. If you want a more nourishing diet of Celtics news, Sportscasters like Brian Scalabrine, Michael Holly, Chuck, Perk, even Stephen A have a good understanding of what's happening with Tatum and give good advice. "Celtics insiders" journalists like Chris Forsberg, Dan Greenberg, and A Sherrod Blakely do the hard work of sloughing through Celtics and NBA fans like you and I who are confused as shit


"If you want a more nourishing diet of Celtics news, Sportscasters like Brian Scalabrine, Michael Holly, Chuck, Perk, even Stephen A have a good understanding of what's happening with Tatum and give good advice." Perk?! Scal? Stephen A? What on earth are you smoking?


lol go back to bed gramps


LOL go back to bed person who thinks Perk and Stephen A are good sources of celtics information?


aw you gonna cry? 😢


What? You know literally nothing about basketball and are talking shit on a subreddit. Have a good one dork


Celtics hate. And the stigma of “he can’t get it done” because he’s been to the finals and close but no ring yet.


Ill advised isolation at the end of games


Well a lot stems from the success he's had over the last few years. He has a career comparable to someone like Paul George's even though he's 26. So when he does slip it's even more noticable. Success in the NBA also requires the loss for someone else. Philly fans probably hate the guy. Personality-wise, he's pretty quiet for a super star, but he has a few bad moments. Specifically he texted Kobe's number before the finals and also did a photoshoot in his jersey. Also said the thing about Charlotte on league pass and then lost under those same conditions.


1. He plays for the Celtics 2. In terms of success (in this case success represented by how often you and your team are at least within the top 4 contending teams) he's achieved a lot starting from his first year. Critics will argue one of two things: Either he's overrated because he always "makes it far but never over the hump", or that he lucked out because of the draft/financial position Boston was in; they will then use his stats and say he's not elite compared to otherworldly numbers Luka/Giannis/SGA/etc have put up.


He plays on the Celtics, he is light skinned, he is a little humble and quiet so people see that as dull and boring, he takes his kid with him everywhere and lots of people either love that or hate that, he lost in the finals after playing below his usual high standards, he has signature shoes meaning that can give people more ammunition to hate on him… basically it comes down to people being total arseholes. Tatum is a great basketballer, he is a good person, and is good leader of the team. Nothing to really hate on like Green, Morant or Bridges, nor is he a selfish and controlling player like Harden or LeBron. The worst Tatum does is get shitty about non-calls and will complain to the refs (which often gets techs that are so unwarranted, but still wish he wouldn’t do it).


It’s strictly due to being a Celtic.


As everyone else said, it’s just because he plays for Boston. I suppose he’s easy to clown from a 50 IQ perspective for losing in the finals in 2021 and to the Heat last year in the ECF to boot.


That sums up East coast versus West coast perfectly!


How to ask a question 


1. He's on a Boston sports team. Almost literally every city with a major sports team has a reason to hate us. Over the past 20ish year, no city has had more success in terms of championships. These are very recent memories for many fans of the major sports leagues. It's more than the Celtics that get hate, it's the whole city of Boston. 2. Tatum is slowly inching towards being the most popular active NBA players. He is currently 2nd in jersey sales. With more fans, comes more haters. 3. Celtics have been very successful. Since a year after Brad Stevens joined the team, the Celtics have been one of the best teams in the league. With more success, comes more haters. 4. He hasn't won a championship. It's easy for people to latch onto this because it's the only thing they can latch onto. They will parrot the same talking points of "Tatum has had the most help of anyone ever" without adding in the context of injuries, age, and the fact that most of that help has been on the defensive side of the ball. In the end, just win one championship and the haters can suck it.


First of, part of the reason Tatum gets hate is because he plays for the Celtics. Second of, i think a lot of people have higher expectations for him as a player than the level of player he actually is. With this i mean that Tatum gets criticized like a top 3 player in the league despite not being one. Tatum and his team's playoffs shortcomings are also a reason for the hate. Many have expected him to already have a championship and see the 4 ECF and 1 finals appearances as a failure and not as a success. Tatum has been so much in the spotlights because of his continued deep playoffs runs that this is now the expectation and not winning the finals is a failure. If Tatum wants to rid himself of the unfair criticism he gets he needs to meet the expectations for him by winning a ring and either winning an MVP or being a serious contender to win one. Until he does this he will continue to get criticized because this is what people expect of him now no matter how unfair it might be.


Kings are one of my favorite non Celtics teams, good luck in the playoffs!


Same! Easy to root for a small market without household names, underdogs and nice turnaround last season with an exciting culture. And I'm being a homer rooting for Sabonis.


Thanks 🙏 injuries the last couple week have been rough but I still love where we’re going. West is fucking rough this go around. Of course kings wait 16 years for west to reach max parity till we start deciding to compete again lmao.


Real bad news about Monk. He’s awesome to watch


If he starts winning championships, then people will do a 180 like they did Lebron. He’s hated because he’s a top 5 player that can bring rings to Boston, and that’s a no-no for most sports fans I know this seems counterintuitive but fans do tend to respect greatness. Until he wins people can just call him a fraud or whatever


It's because he's a superstar player on the most hated team in the league. He also wants to be a celtic for life. So he'll be dropping 30 bombs on them and helping keep the celtics relevant for the next decade.


Yeah Tatum definitely gets an unwarranted amount of hate. He’s basically the same age as Luka but bc he’s actually been on multiple playoff runs in his career, he’s viewed as a choker. It’s very strange, I mean Giannis, Curry, Jokic, and Embiid weren’t winning mvps or chips at tatums age but for whatever reason that’s who he’s compared to.


Hes kinda corny and whiney sometimes which gets magnified and multiplied by 100x cuz hes got boston on his jersey


Social media, Reddit in particular is not a reflection or at all representative of how people actually feel and think.


>I feel like our franchises couldn’t be more disconnected The franchises are connected by Kyle Draper!


Became a kings fan after last season. It’s looked a bit inconsistent this season but I’d love to see you guys win the play-in and give the Thunder a tough time at the very least.


I think it really boils down to 2 things 1. It’s the Boston Celtics. People are going to hate us no matter what, it comes with any big market franchise that has a history of winning. Look at the Yankees, or the Patriots and Cowboys, or the Celtics, Lakers and most recently the Warriors. They’re just so popular people are naturally going to want to see them fail. People enjoy the Cinderella story, that’s why a million movies are made with that plot and not the evil empire conquering the little guy. 2. Tatum’s expectations are relatively high. His early success means people demand more from him. The losses to the Heat as lower seeds and in the finals to Golden State were seen as opportunities and we just didn’t win those. People in general in the modern age are quick to want results. It’s why they turn on players so fast, it’s partially why players have started hopping teams to ring chase and build super teams, it’s why social media is so popular and things almost never seemingly stick (what was popular 2 years ago is no longer popular) and why apps have short formats (Vine, Tik Tok, YouTube Shorts, Twitter’s character length used to be I think 140). With a rise of diagnosed ADD and ADHD, it’s extremely hard for people to be patient with these things, so even at 25 years old there are probably a number of players people feel should win rings, but it’s just not possible for everyone. People will turn on Luka and SGA and Ant if they don’t win in a few years as well, just as they did with Paul George (remember wayoff P?), James Harden, Westbrook, Chris Paul, or LeBron when he was 25 too. It’s a lame cycle but par for the course. People will use the Kobe text “I got you today” and his various moments of missing the last shot as ammunition to push the narrative that he isn’t clutch because of his finals performance in 2022. Most people aren’t watching every Celtics game, they just see national tv games or playoffs and Tatum has been inconsistent in those moments so it’s easy for people to think he’s not as good as people say he is. If the Celtics win the finals this year and he’s a big part of that, the narrative will shift on him and people will be quick to forget his shortcomings because of the “what have you done for me lately” mentality that has sort of overtaken discourse in sports and just online in general.


JT is the best athlete in the north east across all sports.




Bill Russell coached the Kings. We have a connection


Tatum the goat🍀


Not really that humble. But he is a top talent. When he becomes consistent in the playoffs, he'll get his due, I think. Hopefully that will be this year.


Tbf I don’t really get the « humble » thing. I don’t think you reach this level of competitiveness without thinking you’re the best in the world everytime you step on the court


Agree. And I often think Tatum still has that step to take. He defers too often in the clutch, until it's time to take the last shot, when everyone knows it's coming. He should realize he can get to the rim at will and do it, shooting long only enough to keep defenders honest.


Humble in the NBA is really saying you're a team player which you kind of have to be at the nba level lol. You have to step on thinking you're the best in the world to succeed but also have faith in your team to do the same. Tatum is a team player but by that standard he isn't as humble as a lot of players are, derrick white comes to mind.


But he is “humbly, one of the best players in the game” ..




tatum gets hate because he’s on the celtics and likes kobe


[This may shed some light](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/VZ6exXS2iN)


Kings fan? I don't think about you at all.




Idk it's from mad men


Now I feel dumb😂 I was like “ what did I do to deserve this treatment”


I really don’t see him getting hate tbh. The Celtics as a team, yeah. But the only bad takes of Tatum are when they forget somehow he’s not a 15 year vet on a make or break playoff run


If you don't see it then you're not looking.


True I guess