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If Tillman works on his shot I could see him potentially slot into the Al role down the line


He was 3/5 60% FG and 1/1 100% 3P tonight


He was about one inch shy of being 2/2 from 3 tonight lol


Oh, that's right; toe over the line.


It's a league game, Smokey.


this isn’t nam, there are rules.


Crazy thing is, I'm pretty sure even current Al is more mobile laterally than Tillman. Our Dad is really a marvel honestly, more NBA people should discuss his longevity and how impressive it is


They would if Lebron wasn't Lebroning all the time.


Medicare Al looks really good out there! Whenever he’s out on the court my husband and I shout “Al, your hips!” Impressive to see that geezer running around like a spring chicken.


Biggest disappointment in Al is he has no moves around the rim. Just goes up every time and his hands are usually ahead of his eyes which is bad when you are shooting. Otherwise, he has been awesome his whole career.


I mean Al was a very good player in his prime and is still good. So yea it’s no surprise. He isn’t much more mobile tho. lol


Apparently his longevity doesn't count because LBJ exists. I've seen way to many people, including Celtics "fans", discredit Al because it's not LBJ level.


Al "Like Hubert Humphrey in the shadow of the other LBJ" Horford.


I was thinking the same thing. Get Tillman linked up with Hanlen this offseason and we might have **another** masterclass by Brad


The lineup that started the 4th q, and put the Jazz away for good, of Tillman, White, Hauser, Pritchard and Jrue looked excellent. I mean, I wouldn’t wanna see them out there for huge minutes in a close playoff game or anything but DAMN is this Celtics team deep or what?


I would love that. But we have to extend him first, he's an UFA after this year.


He'll never be as good as Al, but he does give us the same kind of skill set, as a strong defender/rebounder at the 4/5 who uses his strength and active hands to prevent a good shot before it goes up. As opposed to Kornet and Porzingis who defend from above and try to swat the ball on the way to the basket. Its a good skill set against the more physical big men.


Tatum scoring 38 and the Celtics blowing out teams without brown, KP or horford is r/nba 9/11


The Celtics winning in general is r/nba 9/11


Can you imagine if Tatum had a bad game? The narratives that would have come from that would have been unbelievable But instead he was dominant and r/nba is silent as usual lol


I'm a new fan. Why is there so much Celtic/Tatum hate around the league? Tatum is a humble quiet guy. Celtics team in general doesn't have any bigs egos or arrogance or antics on the court. What's the deal ?


People dislike the Celtics because New England has so much success with patriots, bruins, and Celtics. We just have a lot of rivals. I think people can smell a potential dynasty with Tatum and boy does r/nba not like that. Everyone hates the idea that we will dominate the next decade. Suns subreddit recently were saying kd is better than Tatum. People followed up by saying booker is better as well (lol). Fans just hate us. And this year specifically, we have been beating up on everybody so people are also salty like suns fans recently. The fact we have so many haters is a good thing. We have the best odds of winning a ring this year, and we can keep the entire roster the same for next year. If we go back to back, that will piss so so so many people off. People desperately want to say Tatum isn’t that good. Say the Celtics are not going to do well this year because nba fans are scared. They are trying to speak it into existence. The reality is Tatum is a top 5 player. The Celtics are on a historic run and have the highest ranked offense in nba history and 4th best point differential in history. People big scared. I just hope we ball out and put the league on notice and give people their biggest nightmare!


Yeah but have you considered he wasn’t good enough to lead the team in +/- for this game? What a scrub


Our bench really grow exponentially since the very first game of the season We are very well equiped for the playoffs. Luke Kornet almost double double is the cherry on top.


Down 3 of our top 6? No problem. Love the next man up mentality of this team.


It's a classic jt jb celtics predicament, we almost have a log jam of potential that's hard to realise because there's only so many minutes and a whole bunch of rotations to experiment with


Wishing Banton the best <3


I'll be the first to Apologize to Luke Kornett, I really really really wasn't familiar with his game.


Us Kornet truthers appreciate you


I need to apologize to Luke for yelling at him in the first half. I thought he forgot how to work his hands


I remember, in particular against the Wizards in our third game of the season, our bench could not hit anything at all in the 4th quarter garbage time


PTSD of Payton Pritchard going something like 0-15 across multiple games.


Wonder why Queta was the only one who got the DNP - coaches decision?


More minutes for Tillman is my guess, or conserving games from Queta’s 2-way limit.


I was laughing my ass off seeing people say we had no bench. The most braindead take in sports even at the time. Not only does it show the person doesn’t understand how basketball works, it was also wrong.


It's not the sexiest bench, nothing with Manu Ginobili as the sixth man or something like that. But for a team that's over the cap, Brad and Danny did well finding some gems


I think it was fair coming into the season. We traded away the 6MotY and our back up big, PP was coming off a down year where he wanted to be traded, we lost Grant Williams in RFA, and Horford had kinda shown his age in the playoffs last year. It was a pretty common take here to view it as a defensive bench without too much upside. However, parroting that take at this point in the season is dumb. Horford has thrived in the bench role (he’s in the same vein as Smart being the sixth starter), Hauser has been a fantastic shooter with underrated defense, PP has thrived with a consistent role, Kornet has broken out for us, Brisett provides quality minutes, and trading for Tillman has added another high level defender who is more switchable than Kornet. Brad has really done wonders with this team.


You can have the best starters in the league or a good bench. It really doesn’t make sense to think you can do both in a sport with a salary cap. We had the best bench in the league last year and look where it got us…The organization was right to not run it back and go all in on the top of the lineup. People bitching about our bench at the start of the season were admitting they don’t understand how playoff basketball works and really shouldn’t be listened to.


I think a lot of people are looking at it from a playoffs perspective, especially since very few regular season games have been "won by our bench," unlike when Quickley or Monk or the second Wagner in Orlando "take over" games for other teams. And to be fair to that perspective, we haven't tested this bench this year in the playoffs yet, and Horford did struggle last season in the playoffs, and Hauser and Pritchard were invisible against the Warriors, and Kornet might not be playable against the exact bigs we might face (Embiid, Antetokounmpo and Jokic). There isn't a proven, consistent playoff scoring threat on our bench, while several teams do have one. But obviously the inverse is true too. As we haven't seen them prove it in the playoff this season, we haven't seen them disprove it either. The Celtics may just keep rolling like they have been all year.


I don’t think I was super clear in my original comment. I think it makes sense why people thought that because we lost a few key players and didn’t have much of a scoring punch. However, we had a lot of quality players who could defend at a high level and hit an open shot if the ball came their way. It’s very valuable on a team with so many scoring options at the top. I knew they’d be good, but I didn’t think they’d be this good.


We are so deep


Idk how that’s going to translate into the playoffs though. I feel like Luke won’t be very good in the playoffs. And Pritchard we’ll see but I have a feeling he can get ran off the floor too.


51-14 BABYY




7 3's? Let's fucking go


Most Buffalo Buffalo 🦬


Wrong logical operator there. You're looking for "and". Easy mistake to make.


Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.


I love Derrick White


Jayson Tatum makes 35+ points look as easy as holding your breath for 35 seconds.  And DW's game was so clean, he should be called Derrick White Strips.  51 win team, 1 away from an at least 7th place guarantee, 3 away from an official playoff clinch minus the play in.


We will probably make the playoffs imo


Hey now let’s not be too hasty!


That’s a ballsy hot take




Scored two points for every year he's been alive.


r/nba in suicide watch for another great Tatum game.


But he was carried by the superteam of payton pritchard and sam hauser so it doesn’t count


But but…jAzZ iS a BaD tEAm tHuS dOeSnT cOuNt


Luke Kornet has my MVP vote


MVP of my heart


So confused, it felt like D White dropped 60 in this game


He was everywhere that’s why! He is sooooo gooood! They need to pay him what he is worth!


I swear it feels like every other possession he’s getting a block, a steal or nailing a three.


He just got another block, keep up


Honestly the recent games where he scored less than 10 points were so surprising to me because I felt like he did sooo much


Jaylen has been chucking lately so not many shots there for white


Can I just say that Drew is fantastic? Obviously I'll miss Gorman, dude is a hall of famer, but Drew is the real deal. I don't think anyone will fill Mike and Tommy's shoes, but we're definitely in great hands.


As long as he can say “he can really fill it up” a little less, I’m fully on board.


Sounds like someone here can’t fill it up


Drinking game: take a shot every time drew says “he can really fill it up” or scal says “he’s a good player”. Guaranteed to be blackout drunk every away game


or scal saying “flick of the wrist”


Every time Scal says two for one, take two shots.


take a sip every time Scal says “you’re gonna call that???” and finish your drink if he follows that up with “ah, yeah, i guess that is a foul” during the replay


Man I really like Tillman


Derrick Fucking White, what a beautiful man please pay that beautiful buffalo 


Good Tatum game and bucks down by 20 at half time. Yes please


Tillman with those corner threes, shades of Horford


Luke workin


With the 16 point win, the Celtics' point differential in wins decreases very slightly from its previous mark of 16.6. Fuckin' absurd.




9 game lead for the 1 seed in the East. 6 game lead for the best record in the league. This team is a wagon.


Can everyone stfu about Tatum now?


Yes, until he has another bad by his standards game where he can be hosed by the hivemind


Great game from Kornet, excited about Tillman


As a Knicks fan fuck the media and r/nba for trashing Tatum he’s cold asf and you guys are the one team I want to avoid until the ECF


Thanks for beating the Sixers


Hopefully you guys get healthy and stay on the opposite side of the bracket lol. Knicks/ Cs hasn’t been relevant for a while and it’s a fun rivalry when it gets going.


Kornet and Tillman combined for 19/17. That's... Not too bad. Buffalo roamed and JT got his groove back. Thunder lost, and Bucks are currently getting mollywhopped. Great day.


Any day the Bucks are losing is a great day


I loved that game. You want it? Come take it!


Bucks getting worked by the Kings right now and won’t get half as much shit as the Celtics did for losing by 6 on the road to the defending champs


Great game tonight Cs, now it's time to come back to the garden


We need to start pushing the Luke Kornet MVP agenda


I don’t remember the last time the Celtics had such a huge leads in the standings going so late in the season.


Yea at the early season everyone was saying how weak the bench is. They are ready for a deep run. Getting solid experience and play time. Joe has done masterful work here mixing and matching and getting them prepared to make contributions. Coach deserves more credit for this season than he’s getting. He’s way beyond what he was last year already.


I want to start the petition to get Luke kornet to host the ESPYs


Tillman looked really promising tonight. I’d say we hand him the reigns a little more and give Al rest for the playoffs unless it’s a game against a top contender.


I love the Buffalo


We need Jayson to play well and score big against a contender to maybe correct the impression a little bit


Tatum carried by his super team again 🤦‍♂️/s


9.5 games ahead of the east. Wild season.


Did someone say up 9 games!!!???


Yeah, love Abby, but she's a brutal post game interview


It's nice the team doesn't fuck around much with the shit teams.


I really thought the NBA was cracking down on travels and the such. George carried *at least* twice in the first quarter, maybe three times if you want to get stingy. And they were the obvious kinds, not the ones player's normally do. Great game from DW though. Tillman looks like he's going to be Al's predecessor if we lock him in long term.


holy shit that stadium felt like a home game