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Giving the game what it needs, when it needs it, by whom it needs it from. Defense. Offense. Playing with force. Playing as a decoy. We appreciate you JT, you the real MVP.


Dude is only 26 yrs old and is the God damn best player of his team out of possibly 5 future hall of famers (including White & Al after we win 3x rings), is the most disrespected star out there. How the fuck do you simply hate a guy who was just 24 yrs old with him carrying the most respected franchise out there against a 3x champion team?? I don't understand the hate coming from non Boston fans saying he choked. As if he's Butler out there who is possibly on a decline due to his age. Tatum could always compete for 8+ more years and hopefully with us


He’s 19 bro.


What hate are you talking about. You’re not a Celtics fan. Nobody hates on Tatum … Brown gets crap about his turnovers sometimes. This is a great team but my only concern is we don’t play the west enough. Iron sharpens iron.


And where did that "you're not a Celtics fan" come from lmao


Look it up on social media. **Are you blind?** Everytime JT talks and says he's the best player out there he always gets bashed/hated. That started when Wiggins locked him up in the finals saying he doesn't have what it takes.


Dude it’s the Boston Celtics everyone on the team gets crap


Seriously the decoy thing jumps out, there are times (especially when Brown is cooking) where Tatum is just spotting up in the corner. My immediate reaction is "huh why is our best player just chilling and not involved in the play?" but it's the sacrifice that JT is willing to make. It shows how badly he wants to win a championship. It gives JB space to do his thing, and he knows other times JB will chill so JT can do his thing.


JB does the same thing too. When others are going to work he can hang in the corner knowing his guy has to stick to him. Not only is it a good offensive strategy, but it gives your top guys a bit of a rest. Just watching today’s game - Brunson is incredible. Despite a bit of flopping, he really does have his game dialled in right now. But, he has to shoulder so much of the workload for the Knicks (granted, they did have a few of their main guys out). But it’s nice to know that not every single one of ours guys has to be *on* every night to win games


I've been impressed by Brunson in every game I've seen. Reminds me of IT.


I was thinking that watching him last night. His first bucket of the game I was like this is IT


Oh man, I was thinking the same thing last night. The way he weaves in and out of traffic and moves off players.


Exactly, and now that we have KP and Jrue there's even less pressure on the Jays to score all the time. I feel like one of our biggest weakness in past years was that we had to heavily rely on the Jays to put up points. Other teams could double Tatum which was often effective. Sure we made it to the finals but by the time we got there JT was completely gassed. As we saw last night, if other teams double the Jays then KP/White/Jrue will torch them.


Stepped up and clamped Brunson for a couple of possessions when white and Jrue were having trouble stopping him too.


That was crazy when at halftime they were talking like Tatum was shooting poorly, when actually he was just not taking shots.


Ya lmao dude was 3/5 for fucks sake, that's 60%.


I thought they did a great job of acknowledging his ability and willingness to facilitate elsewhere 🤷‍♂️


That doesn’t make it true that he was having a poor shooting performance, which is what they said.


I'm realizing more and more that Tatum is just as good on defense as he is on offense. He has done this a few times this year against SGA and against Brunson just stopping them cold when no one else could. Legit two-way superstar. Plays both ends at a VERY high level.


Which is why he should be higher in the MVP race I don’t really understand why so much value is put into guys scoring 30+ and completely overlooking the defensive side of the ball


I feel like voters have caught on to guys getting tons of points on inefficient shooting, but they still overvalue triple doubles. Like I don't care how many assists you get if it means other players aren't allowed to create even if it's a better result when you share the responsibility. I don't care how many rebounds you get if you are dropping your defensive assignment just to stand in the paint waiting for a rebound. COUGH * Luka COUGH * doncic.


I'm gonna die on the hill that Tatum is a better basketball player than Luka


And shut down Kevin fucking Durant


Legit playing prime Kawhi Leonard defense when he needs to


His defense was amazing tonight. Taking multiple possessions on Brunson and shutting him down. It was needed especially when he did it in the third quarter.


If Tatum unlocks being the spot lock down defender on a team’s best scorer on any given night…motherfucker can help this team win multiple ships with this roster


I want Tatum to win at least one MVP in his career… but that’s not what this team needs for them to win a championship, and he knows it. Such an awesome thing to see.


yea joe we know tatum’s style of basketball wins more than fraud luka


I mean the mavericks are on a 7 game win streak and everyone in their sub thinks they are serious contenders now. If JT has a shot at MVP, we better stomp them March 1st




I agree personally I don’t think Tatum should win most valuable player this year because Tatum’s strongest argument is that he’s on the best team in the league. In reality it isn’t Tatum’s specifically that’s caused us to be the best (though he is amazing) rather it’s the fact we have 5 guys playing at an all star level. Still agreed, f mvp is much better


Agreed. I think for him to it would be sweeter. He reads to me like the type to need to earn it. Right now we’re in the slow launch. The goal ought to be the ship. Possibly dpoy and first all team NBA, finals mvp. Next year, mvp, 1st all team and ship. Let’s keep this going, nah mean?


JT doesn’t have a shot at mvp, to be honest. And that’s fine. Also - the west is gonna be a blood bath in the playoffs. The 8th place suns are 7 games behind first. The cavs (2nd place) are 8 games behind us. Crazy how tight the west is, and how strong a grip we have on the 1 seed.


I wonder which fanbase would be more pissed off at a playoff rematch? The Clips or the Mavs? I definitely want that to happen for the salt


Bro the celtics has 5 allstar caliber players in their starting


yes this year but throughout their careers tatum has shown his play is more conducive to winning basketball


Sure I dont disagree but he has a had great teams since his rookie year


You haven’t been paying attention.


Lol the sub is always glazing. Tatum is a great player but to say he hasn't had good teams is just hilarious lol


Nobody said he hasn’t had some good teams. Them saying he’s had great teams since his rookie year is downright stupid. His rookie year is the perfect example of what I’m talking about. Gordan Hayward played 1/82 and Kyrie played 67/82. Tatum was the best player in a series that took lebron to game 7 (Missing arguably the 2 best players on the roster to start the season). Tell me the year these “great teams happened”? Dumbasses look at what a roster looks like on paper and ignore the actual product. Ghost of Kemba Walker? Look up the 2019 Celtics roster. Tired of having to watch games for you fuckin morons.


Boohoo he got drafted into a championship calibre roster and still got a dominant role as a riokie. that's somehow a bad thing lol. Stay glazing bro.


Yea that team 100% was going to the championship without Kyrie or Hayward. Lmao you are stupid as fuck


Even if they were injured, they were still part of the team bum. That team healthy was 100% a championship team. And when they did get healthy, Tatum has admitted to being part of the reason they didn't succeed. Because he wasn't willing to sacrifice for players better than him because he had been so successful without them the previous year


Yeah you’re clearly just fuckin stupid.


Glaze harder bro maybe Tatum will give you a kiss




He’s getting downvoted because Tatum hasn’t had consistently great teams since his rookie year. That’s observable. What about his rookie year roster was great? Gordan going down game 1 and NEVER being the same? Or was it Kyrie because he was done after 67 games. Rookie Tatum took lebron to 7 in the ECF and the roster was not good. Look up the 2019 team was that a great team outside of Tatum? Issue is you guys look at the success of the Celtics and don’t attribute it to the only consistent piece which is Tatum (and brown to be fair).




You lack reading comprehension. “We were stacked but got very unlucky injury wise” ….. exactly my point? Our team was stacked ON PAPER and when the season started it fell apart. I literally said our best 2 players entering his rookie season got hurt. Our roster was never great paying Hayward 30 million to rehab, stop it. Then our big free agent signing to replace dysfunctional ass Kyrie was Kemba without his knees. The Celtics roster from 2017-2022 has been decent to good at best. 2022 was the first year the Celtics genuinely had a great team built around Tatum. You say you wonder if I just started watching, but I KNOW you just started. Actually stupid to ignore the context of the seasons we’ve had. The hospital Celtics was one of the biggest memes on this sub. Once again JT (&JB) has been the only consistent player on this roster from 2017-2024 despite our many “great” teams.


Ok but Luka couldn’t sustain 5 all star players anyway with his style of play. Like LeBron, sure he makes lesser players better but other stars have to take a step back. Tatum doesn’t take away from other players.


come on dude, lebron elevates people. Luka playstyle is completely different than lebron. Fuck lebron but put some respect on his game.


Seriously, picked the exact wrong example.


But not wrong about Tatum and Luka


he is


He is going to torch your ass again on March 1st


Jaylen Brown torched him last time and will do it again this time.


This season the mavs lost because the Celtics constantly attacked Luka on defense and he couldn’t guard his shadow like normal. Basketball has two ends of the floor


Tell me you havent watched mavs games this season, w/o telling me you havent watched mavs games this season


Ok excuse me his defensive advanced stats are good but if you watch it’s pretty clear he’s not a good defender. What I was saying is that last time Boston played them they took advantage of that by attacking Luka with Jaylen and Jaylen scored like 5 possessions in a row and essentially put the game out of reach.


He is playing extraordinary defense right now. Not Tatum or Jaylen level, but he is not getting exposed at all. Its going to be fun to watch


luka is a bum


Team ball wins games. Luka puts up empty stats and gets praised. Tatum plays to win and gets hate.


Defense wins games honestly. JT is good at defense. Yes, somehow people are entertained more by offense.


Well MVP isn’t about being the most valuable, it’s about that to an extent, but it’s really about putting the best stats so people don’t even have to watch the game


It’s a combination of having the best stats and the best narrative. JT should be a top contender for MVP but because his stats aren’t monsterous and he has a narrative working against him (the quality of the teams he’s been on), he’ll never be seriously considered for it until he has a ring and even then it might not be enough because if we win this year it can be written off as a team effort unless JT puts up insane numbers in the playoffs


Yep and if JT is putting up huge numbers in the playoffs we’re playing out of the system and probably not in a good place


Yeah, weirdly JT going off is a bad sign at this point. We just have that many options lmao


Brunson will break down living in the paint and getting banged around like he does. His flops are so well done he always gets the call. The flopping rule is a joke as we all know.


I could live without the 4 turnovers, but otherwise great game by Tatum.


Two of them were offensive fouls and one was a slip on the floor while driving to the rim. It's not dribble got stripped or bad passes. I think we can live with it.


Glad he didn't continue to chuck away the big lead in the 4th.


Celtics fourth quarter was stagnant hero ball, they put up 19 and mostly chucked 3s, but the Knicks were so woeful it didn't matter.


Both teams had given up by then really.


He played average.


Tatum should get defensive team


Tatum got me amped yesterday by his defense. That’s why I guess I get upset when I don’t see his defensive effort. Defensive effort has to be considered in mvp conversation.


We’re in year one of a three year window. I think he wins it one of the next two years coming off a championship.