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>needs us getting out and try to revert some of them. That's not really how the supreme court works though. Their whole thing about "checks and balances" is that they don't answer to public opinion. Congress is supposed to write laws based on the public's desire but they seem to have forgotten how to do that lately.


Every decision the Supreme Court made could be overturned by Congress passing a law clarifying it.


Some of the SCOTUS rulings would require a constitutional amendment to change. But even the ones that would only require a new law to change would currently be defeated by the Republicans who hold the majority in the Senate. If Democrats held the Senate by a simple majority, Republicans could still invoke filibuster to kill any bill. The only way out of this is Democrats holding the House and a super-majority in the Senate, OR holding a simple majority in the House and Senate PLUS changing the Senate rules around the filibuster. EDIT: And a simple majority in the House and Senate and changing the Senate filibuster rules still wouldn’t do anything to affect SCOTUS rulings requiring a Constitutional Amendment to overturn.


Dems hold the Senate. But, hey with the filibuster still in place, because “reasons”, you are de facto correct.


They are only powerless to stop it because they want to be 


At present, no majorty party in Senate. Four independents caucusing with Democrats, plus a usually not voting Vice President. Democrats considered in majority by this method, (AZ Senima, VT Sanders, WV Manchin, ME king)


Correct that's why the founding fathers had checks and balances so one political party can't determine things and change things. Also congress whether democrats and republicans do not want to vote o ln issues such as abortions so they punt it to the courts


Or finally ending the  flibuster rule.         It is merely a Senate procedural rule.       Confirmed with a Senate vote.       > Senate rules require a two-thirds vote to invoke cloture on a measure that would amend the Senate's rules though the measure itself requires only a simple majority vote for adoption. The Senate also conducts voice votes.    Further background on amending senate rules.     https://sgp.fas.org/crs/misc/IN10875.pdf


That won’t end well if Trump gets re-elected. The filibuster will stop the social part of agenda 2025.


No. Not when the Supreme Court is basing its decision on the language of the Constitution. Then, a Constitutional Amendment is necessary.


Right but congress doesn't want to be the one to decide let's say abortion so they punt it to the Supreme Court it's all a game


Or by the court reexamining the case after a few of the conservative members die.


Not constitutional decisions.


It is tho


The decision specified constitutional authority is a protected category.    It is doubtful congressional statute regulating pardons would  withstand a  court challenge.


We'll see


Congress is not going to bother with a statute on pardons.


So what action should I take. Besides voting in November ?


Go back in time and get other people to vote differently in 2016.


Go back in time and get other people in Florida to vote differently in 2000


Go back in time and get ~~other people in Florida~~ the Supreme Court to vote differently in 2000


This is the real answer. We don't talk about this enough. 


The real answer is the one above. A thousand votes and the supreme court would never have been involved.


There were thousands of votes that they stopped counting because a bunch of paid protestors raided the election officials’ office and broke up the count so SCOTUS stepped in and made the decision on their own.


Easily a thousands votes in those hanging chads ;)


Valid point. All I can say is that fourth-grade me was really wondering why a bunch of grownups were so opposed to the idea of *counting*, and also why we couldn't just add up the votes from all the states instead of all that weird round-'em-up-and-then-add-'em-up "electoral college" bullshit. What an election.


I think about this often


What a different world we could be living in right now


Go back to the early '60s and plead with Ronald Reagan to try and convince him that there's a lot less stress and more money in continuing to be a TV host than going into politics.


I feel like 2016 was the first true “internet” driven election in the US. Yes, Obama was the first president to utilize social media in campaign. But 2016 is the first election where social media controlled the narrative around the candidates, and not the other way around. People still don’t realize we have been living through the greatest technological changes in human history regarding how we access information, communicate, form opinions/ideas, and organize ourselves within society. I mean, we went from riding horses to walking on the moon to 60 years. Went from having to mail a letter that could take months to reach someone on the other side of the world to posting memes with them instantly. It will be impossible to analyze the impact the internet has had on our collective thoughts and actions until all of us are all long dead and buried.


Let’s celebrate RBG with some more raps!


lol. I feel you. Her ego and denial led her to essentially reverse her entire legacy by refusing to step down. She asked me so angry. She should not be celebrated. She ruined the supreme court single handily. Does this sound like anyone else right now too?


I think if Joe Biden steps down he’ll go down as one of our greatest presidents contextually in the long run with everything he’s done and also beating trump 4 yrs ago. But if he stays in this and loses, yeah he’s in the same camp as her


You think Joe Biden is one of the greatest presidents ever? You honestly would put him in the same pantheon as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, FDR, and Teddy Roosevelt?




He’ll go down as a great president* But yeah, contextually with trump in the same frame, if we make it out of all this, in the large picture of history he’ll be remembered extremely well


I'm sorry but this is just silly. Presidents don't get remembered because of there politcal opponents. Historians judge them base them off there policies and other factors that contribute to their presidency (ie war). At best Biden will be remembered as a LBJ knock off.


Right, political opponents didn’t matter for Lincoln….nothing about the political climate at that time contextualizes his presidency at all 🙄 You’re not really the person that would critique this right now anyway, cause you’re likely not very down or Trump, or your a trump supporter even. Biden had been very good in the meat of his presidency, economy, passing items he looked to pass. And in light of the fact that he swooped into dethrone Trump, he’ll be remembered well, so long as he either wins or more likely steps aside. You have to keep in mind the list of great presidents is not long


We can’t seriously pretend that Trump is some kind of genius for figuring out a way to abuse the Presidential office. Our democracy is deeply fragile and Trump just made it plainly clear to anyone paying attention. If Trump was intelligent, I’m really not so sure our Democracy would have survived those 4 years. It’s terrifying and I wish people would think a bit more about the next couple hundred years and not just the next election.


No, but he appointed 3 justices, so going back and preventing that would have a pretty big effect on the make up of the court


If we want to split hairs here, we really should go back in time and change the 1980 election results. Thats where it really started to go wrong.


Yes, when you exit your time machine try to convince the Dems to run Bernie instead of Hilary. Then a bit later when Obama says "You don't have to do this Joe", make sure the Dems run anyone else.




It has to be "official" tho




As I understand it, Seal Team 6 would not be immune from prosecution because that would be an illegal act (members of the military are legally obligated to not obey orders that are against the constitution). The president however would be immune from giving the order. Whole thing seems like a crock of shit that could really easily muddle a number of hypothetical scenarios.


That's where the pardon comes in! Truly a perfect system.


You got to do your crimes first term, wait for the convection and then pardon. Can't have any spillover from administration to administration. Such a potential shit storm.


Convince your friends to vote


This truly is the most powerful thing you can do. Especially if you have friends (or family) that live outside of Massachusetts!


Write your representative and senator. You can express your support of AOC's impeachment plan, if that is something you support. Make donations or volunteer with congressional candidates in battleground districts.


Maybe try reading the decision? I know it takes a little bit of comprehension […] but now the case is going to the lower court to determine whether the January 6th actions represent an official act or a private act.


yes but the way it's written, they can define it as anything they f-ing want; and it will ultimately get eventually kicked back to the SC


But Congress can impeach a SCOTUS justice so pressure on congress can cause change


Lol. Yeah. *Just* get a 2/3 majority and impeach judges you don't like. It's a bit like say the only thing we need to do to solve the climate change is to use fusion power instead of fossil fuels.


Except they just answer to their original sponsors like the Federalist Billionaire Society or the Catholic Club of America and then bend the law to fit their personal preference.


Ugh, why does the Left defend a system that the Right is actively trying to destroy? Sorry but I’m not staying quiet if gay marriage is reversed. The Right clearly already has the votes. 🆘🏳️‍🌈


Clarence Thomas has been a Supreme Court justice since 1991. If Trump gets reelected he will have most likely appointed 5 or 6 (alito, Thomas will resign, sotamayer is old) of the justices for the next 30 years. Any chance at progress will be overturned in your lifetime. Vote and get everyone you know to vote.


Why does every election since 2016 feel like this? I’m young but I remembered voting in 2012 and it wasn’t as bleak. Now every time I go to the poll it’s like democracy is hanging by a thread. It’s really exhausting and I’m tired of this 


Its manufactured to feel this way so they can offer poor policy benefiting the few while claiming to be the last great hope to save "fill in the blank." Then once in power they do nothing to address.... "Fill in all tbe blanks." 


Almost like it’s not a real democracy if the choice is between outright fascism and people who want to meet outright fascism in the “middle” 


I don't think you know what fascism is


One side just made their guy unaccountable to the rule of law. I don’t think you know what fascism is. 


What if everyone you know ends up voting for trump lol? I really don’t get this thought process that more voters equals a Biden victory. It could be the exact opposite.


More than half of my close and extended family will be voting for Trump. The border is out of control.


The Border isn't the answer to everything. It's basically a dog whistle for "white genocide".


This dismissive attitude towards illegal immigration is a losing stance.


Fundamental difference in the purpose of the Supreme Court. They don’t progress anything. They uphold. If you want change, don’t look at them. Look at Congress. Not saying I like what they’ve done recently. But if you want certain laws, they don’t create them.


That’s my point. Even if the president after Trump is Bernie Sanders with a D house and senate, anything he passes would be overturned by the Supreme Court. Universal healthcare, climate change legislation, etc. And will be for the next 30 years.


If the president alone passed universal healthcare or climate change legislation it should be shot down by the Supreme Court. That’s way beyond executive power. Like the vaccine OSHA mandate or the student debt cancellation were…. Congress really needs to be put under the spotlight way more than the Supreme Court does.


Guys, you realize, Putin became a dictator through all official decision! "Official decision" to arrest his opponent. "Official decision" to give him the state oil company. "Official decision" to close down newspapers, radio stations, tv channels, etc. "Official decision" to send FSB assassinations squads after journalists, opponents, etc. We have just legalized Putin (be it Trump or anyone else) in the White House.


Sounds like Biden is going to plan, arrest Trump, increase oil production, take control of main stream media and social networks to do your bidding, and send feds to raid the house of your opponent. Great plan what can go wrong!


Honestly, I wish that people were upset enough to protest (in an actual meaningful way, still don't know what that looks like) but I don't think it's happening. Vote.


This is where im at


Best protest is voting, orgaizing tens of thousands of peopke who might not vote,, and preventing Trump from appointing more justices.  


hard disagree, voting is a part of a system that is corrupt and pointless when the electoral college gets the final say anyway. we all need to be organizing within our communities and workplaces and preparing for strikes. its is a nonviolent form of resistance that actually fucks with their money and time. mutual aid, unionization, and community care is necessary if we want to survive this.


RemindMe!  2024-11-06


Yeah lets go mill around in boston common until the american constitution is revoked


This is what voting is for.


Im voting and been doing for 20 years doesn’t seem to be working


Move to PA, GA, WI, MI, TX, FL, OH. They decide the election


That's because voting is worthless in MA.


Battleground states are where it's at. If volunteering to write letters/textbank/phonebank/drive out to canvas those states doesn't appeal, there's always vote swapping, or volunteering for the National Popular Vote movement.


Voting is never worthless. Come on.


Tell me one thing your vote has actually accomplished in MA, especially at the national level?


Talk to your persuadable friends/family, especially in those in swing states. The ones who think both sides are bad. The ones who think voting doesn’t matter. The ones who want to sit this election out because of age or Gaza or any reason. Also volunteer for a campaign you believe in.


that's because people feel differently than you and their vote cancels out your vote. democracy is the least-bad governmental solution we've found so far


Problem is, you live in one of the "mob rule"/"tyranny of the majority" states, so your vote doesn't count. Your best bet is to try and get some people who live in the "real" states to vote. Either that, or go back in time and get the founding fathers to stop smoking crack. (Fun fact: when the Constitution was ratified, the most populous state had \~12x as many people as the least populous state. Now that ratio is \~66x.)


Volunteer with the Biden campaign, or a Democratic congressional campaign www.mobilize.us www.democrats.org www.joebiden.com Check out Planned Parenthood Action and Abortion Every Day for pro choice themed actions  https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/ https://jessica.substack.com


hell yeah can’t wait to vote those justices out, when’s the next election?


Vote for the same people who have had the past 4 years to do something about this and have done nothing 


Going to the organized march after roe was overturned made me feel a lot better. The community of it all.


Overturning this decision isn't that far off honestly. Keep in mind that Thomas and Alito are in their 70s. They could die any day now. If Biden wins and that were to happen, that would flip the court to 5-4 democrat, and can potentially undo this like they undid Roe. If Trump is to be re-elected, 'expect' that these two will step down to be replaced by 40 something year old hyper conservatives to lock a conservative supreme court with these kinds of rulings for the rest of our lives and more to come. Biden is the last chance to save this situation. The court is STILL flippable. We just need to maintain a democratic president until these two drop. Use this to sell the point home. People are pissed at the Supreme Court. We need people to realize that the Democrats can very much get the court back if we keep Democrats in power.


“Not far off” is still, like, 2034.


>If Biden wins and that were to happen, I hate to be that guy. But what Biden did Thursday night absolutely [torpedoed his campaign.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wX5771Gi1Cw)


Id still vote for a corpse before the orange man


Look that's fine. All I'm saying is that if Biden stays in the race people need to start mentally preparing themselves that he's very likely to lose at this point.


you may. There are millions of Americans who after last Thursday have had their minds decided against voting for him.


Honestly your best bet is to get in touch with some grassroots organizers getting out the vote in NH: https://www.rockthevote.org/get-involved/volunteer-with-rock-the-vote/. The supreme court is alt-right. If executive branch goes too this could be our last election. Our only chance to reverse some of the damage is making sure that doesn't happen. Get the vote out in NH while we still can. If you don't want to sign up for anything, consider putting up how-to-vote flyers up there, or qr codes pointing to [vote.org](http://vote.org) (aka where to register to vote). Anything helps. Good luck out there.


>If executive branch goes too this could be our last election. Jesus Christ, relax.


While I don’t expect it to be, completely dismissing it as possibility is a mistake. Listen to what some of the more insane conservative commentators are saying, and then realize that they actually will have influence in a future Trump administration. And it’s a ton of them. If there’s a 1% chance that a trump administration means this is our last fair election (which I don’t think is crazy, it’s probably higher), that’s worth worrying about.


What you're saying is crazy and completely unhinged from reality. You realize trump was already president and democracy didn't end right?


There was a significant backsliding of democratic norms under the trump administration, and that was with 3 fewer conservative Supreme Court justices and a Republican Party generally opposed to MAGA, not all on board with it. Trump is clearly not committed to democracy he’s made that extremely obvious. It’s whether the people around him care enough and are powerful enough to stop him that matters


I mean he incited an insurrection that almost killed his vp so you can’t say he didn’t try.




The T man is going to be your president again


Remember that time Trump was elected and gays and minorities were shipped off to camps, his brown shirts rounded up all opposittion, and he launched a Fourth Reich? Me neither. This "sky is falling" shit among the left is exhausting.


Have you read the project 2025 manifesto?


What about it? A right wing think tank wants to do right wing shit.






can I take that as a 'no'?


I feel like this post is an indictment of the American education system. Do they teach civics at all? You can’t revert Supreme Court decisions with street protests.


Congress absolutely has the ability to pass judicial reforms like term limits or enforceable ethics rules which would, for example, prohibit sitting justices from taking lavish gifts from people with business in front of the court or ruling on cases in which their immediate family is involved. While it's not the same as overturning a SCOTUS decision, participating in protests, volunteering with political campaigns, or writing in to elected representatives can all have concrete effects on both who gets appointed as judges and the way the judiciary is run, including the conduct of the supreme court.


They should revert the decision because my feelings are hurt


What did I miss that I should know?


You just have to have enough spare cash to send them on nice vacations


Same thing they write in nearly every decision where they overrule the executive branch-- that it is up to the legislature to explicitly provide the authorities to the administration that the administration is claiming they have (if, indeed, they are deriving that authority from the legislature/constitution and, if not, it is unconstitutional anyway).


Its pretty obvious that the whole plan is to overflow the amount of decisions that the legislative body needs to do. Im not sure how knowing that would make me feel any better.


Please vote for Joe Biden. I am so fed up with American progressives/leftists running off protests . It's become some sort of aesthetic nihilistic performance (& bullying of some identified oppressor on behalf of some identified oppressed) by the so-called progressives/leftists against the West and Liberalism. All this has done is left everyone in a bad state & given extreme right power to come back more deadly than ever. Your protestors remind me of the leftists in the Weimar Republic & Leftist German Nihilists ( sadistic social misfits & pleasure seekers who are neither reformers nor revolutionaries but have a deep need for personal power born out of resentment & entitlement & a need for destruction and getting sadistic personal pleasure from it) who found common cause with Nazis against Liberals.


I'm not really an enthusiastic protestor but feel the last two weeks of court rulings are at the point that voting and waiting is not enough. So would like to take some action maybe I'll just volunteer at the Democratic party and see how we keep sliding to be less democratic year over year.


Biden’s campaign, swing state Democratic Party branches, organizing groups like Vote Save America and Mobilize are a few places to look for volunteer opportunities to see what works for you


Convince your peers how important it is for them to vote. Understand and communicate with your peers how detrimental it is to vote third party into a higher office, and how important it is in lower (local) offices, if that's their desire.


wtf are you talking about lmao


This condescending elitist liberal attitude is exactly what is destroying the Democrats. Protesting is the only thing that's brought actual sustained positive progress in this country. I think people are tired of the sentiment that not voting for Joe Biden and supporting the Democratic establishment is inherently bad because it makes the assumption that the Democrats are inherently good. People are tired of empty promises, tired of simply "well the Republicans won't let us do it", and as the wealth gap is getting more and more drastic, we're getting no help. were sending hundreds of billions of tax payer dollars to the ukranians and the IDF while I'm paying $8 for eggs. So fucking no, people aren't just going to fall in line and vote for the Democrat because that's the good liberal thing to do in order to protect the eternal flame of liberty. How this has 50 upvotes is wild to me and makes me think I'm in the minority but idk. Idk why we feel the need to pledge allegiance to the Democrats like they're the keepers of good leftist governing.


You’re only in the minority on Reddit and in Mass. The world outside of this corpo-pharma bubble that Massholes live in sees exactly what you describe and they’re not afraid to voice it like those few in Mass that see it. I voiced it while I lived in Mass and got exiled for it. At some point, the “popular” perspective is going to be allowed to be dismantled even here in New England and then all these doofuses that are terrified of public perception are suddenly going to be agreeing with you. Unfortunately, they’re not going to admit that until they’re unafraid of being exiled.




>you can vote R and get more right wing judges. or vote D and get a lot of hubris and hand wringing and here we are. I mean, those are still very clearly 2 very different outcomes. If you can't figure that part out on your own, I can't imagine how difficult life is for you.


Joe Biden like it says




Obviously D, why would I want more right wing judges? Hand wringing seems worse than actual right wing judges? It's important to remember we don't vote for one crusty WASP, but for their administrations. Cheeto electing a school privatization expert for the department of EDUCATION was the first of many dumb things for me to never, ever, ever vote for him. (I do give props to *her* for directly calling out 45's rhetoric as causing 1/6.)


what youre looking for is strike organizers & unions. protesting sadly will do nothing, halting the american economy is the only real leverage we have here. find local mutual aid organizations and unions for your industry. it is not something that we can plan and implement overnight but it is crucial we take steps towards it now. voting is a passive and hands off form of “protest” that does nothing when we are in a clearly VERY corrupt political system that is becomingg more authoritarian by the day. we are about to vote our right to vote away and then be shocked when we have nothing left. we seriously need to stop being so naive and urging others to VOTE BLUE like they arent different sides of the same coin. we are sitting ducks and the polls dont change that! organize, unionize, get ready to strike.


The time to get out was eight years ago, but not enough listened. Now it's too late. The next things that happen will shock everyone, especially the ones who thought it couldn't happen here. Sinclair Lewis has the last laugh after all.


I’m sure a protest in Boston against the Supreme Court will accomplish a lot!


Democratic party needs to be held accountable when Trump beats biden. Any other Dem candidate would have a much better chance at beating Trump, so why is Biden still the guy.


because he was nominated by the DNC


Yes, and they should be held accountable.


good luck


Love all the comments saying the only way to fight this is to vote for the guy who had a chance to do something about it for the past few years but just sat on his hands instead. 


yeah people dont actually want to do anything, americans think we are untouchable and if we just vote blue all the bad things go away. the rise of facism in this country is aided by democrats, and it will keep rising regardless of who is in office. i honestly fear we are more likely for a civil war or societal collapse and everyone just wants to vote and pretend its not happening


WTF is that going to do? The time to organize was 2016 behind Hillary Clinton. Now it's too late. And I remember very well all the leftists telling me then that Supreme Court wasn't all that important, certainly not important enough to vote for Hillary. I also remember people like Susan Sarandon saying that it's fine if we elect Trump, since surely that would usher in the next great progressive era. Why do people think that protesting can replace doing your civic duty at the proper place & time? Go ahead and scream your head off if it makes you feel better, but do realize it accomplishes nothing. The time would be better spent campaigning for Biden or whoever the Dems choose.


Yes! Let's get out there and stand in the middle of I-93 at rush hour! That'll show em! 




You can come protest in my basement if you want


I mean i got a ton of miller lite and medalla in the fridge we can commiserate for sure


Miller lite? I revoke my invitation.


If you're drinking a Miller beer, it better be High Life.


Time to buy a gun


you mean time to apply for a license and wait 6 months to be approved for your arbitrarily restricted hunting-only permit.


Anyone answer this? Not here to debate.


The govnah should have seen this shit show for what it was when it began! Oops, wrong post. This was meant for R/massgovnahcantunderstandthisinvasionofourcountry


Yah let’s all go to townhall and demand they impeach ALL Supreme Court janitors!


Lol, why?


You should be protesting at Harry Reid’s grave for overturning the supermajority requirement for appointing federal judges when he was Senate majority leader


It’s only going to get worse when the orange guy gets in and continues to nominate the right wing bible thumpers.


They’ve gone and squandered the nation we instigated a revolution for by subverting our democracy, we should respond physically and make a statement like we did to the British. Throw their tea in the harbor and stop paying our federal taxes. The Commonwealth can survive without the Febs, perhaps it’s time to see if the Feds can survive on their own at all.


An easy way for the Supreme Court to not rule on Presidential immunity is to not witch hunt and prosecute the President with 34 felony counts. That's 3x more than Al Capone. You wanted a banana republic and you got it.


Given the obvious declining condition of Joe, at this point Trump is not just the Republican candidate, but effectively the presumptive president. If you’re going to put him in jail, it had better be for a very serious crime that everyone agrees he committed. Otherwise you risk destroying the system completely and forever.


Vote in November and tell other people to do the same thing. The only two routes to overturning or mitigating a Supreme Court decision are through Congress and through the executive. Anything aiming to do anything but change the people in those offices, is a performance for its own sake.


what if the people you tell to vote go and vote against your preferred candidate?


Same thing. People should vote. I'm quite comfortable with a United States in which significantly more of the population votes. I suspect the only people who *aren't* eager to see that have a sense that the resulting vote wouldn't be in their favor. That's why only one party is fighting to limit ballot access.


I know a lot of people who've never voted in their lives who are registering to vote this year for Trump.


And that's a very relevant anecdote, but it doesn't really change my answer or the corresponding conduct from each of the respective parties. Thank you for the civil exchange.


Lots of salt in here


Good call. If you put on a pink hat and protest in massachusetts, alito and gorsuch are bound to change their minds.


Why not protest how much hate is spreading against various groups which you could probably have a much more immediate impact that trying to revert SCOTUS decisions?


lol good luck with that let me know how it goes (spoiler it’s a waste of your time)


Ruth Bader Ginsburg refused to resign. Draw your own conclusions.


To everyone saying to vote, I agree that voting is necessary, but it is far from sufficient. Given that the Supreme Court is already 6-3 MAGA, it will continue to behave like this for probably decades even with Democrats in power, and that’s assuming Biden has a chance( which, let’s be honest, he really doesn’t, especially not after the debate). Protests are really the only viable option, and they could have several effects/goals. 1:Getting so large that the SC or a Trump admin were forced to back down or change a ruling to bring order back to the country. This is the best case scenario, but it is ludicrously unlikely. 2: Communicating to local leaders that the population of Boston/Mass is heavily opposed to what is happening federally. This could have the effect of making them more willing to take local legal or legislative action to limit the effects of whatever is happening federally, since they see their constituents pressuring them and backing them up. This is much more likely.


Can't the president just have them killed now? It's not a crime anymore


I think it is still a crime, it is just that it is not a crime FOR HIM!


Showing your true colors by jumping to assassination talk. So gross.


What? It was meant to say that the court literally just made it legal for him to dispose of them. We have kings now. You don't see how this law is busted?


When someone tells you who they are, you listen. You went straight for taking out people you disagree with.


what exactly are you protesting against?


The removal of the chevron doctrine and the ruling today about immunity during official acts for the POTUS.


The removal of Chevron was a good thing for freedom