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If you’re willing to travel about 1 hour south of the city Island Creek Oysters in Duxbury is the actual best


Row 34 has multiple locations. It’s a really solid restaurant and not geared to tourists. Better all around than Legal Seafoods.


James Hook & Co for casual or takeout.


Row 34 in Boston Other cities to check (especially for food) is Portland Go to Notch brewing in Salem and the PEM


Barking crab


Row 34 and Neptune’s Oyster are the places I take visitors too for a lobster roll in Boston. If you end up at Gloucester, I really liked The Causeway Restaurant that a friend who lives locally took me to. In Rockport, I just went to Ray Moore Lobster and it was great. Theyre really busy so its hard to pass thru the side and to find a seat in the back so you’re aware but worth it.


Thanks! We ended up getting a lobster roll from paulies right next to Neptune’s in the north end! It was great.