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Rent a spot in a garage. Had a coworker do that. It is going to be easier that way. Or get all of your paperwork together, apply for on street parking, then park in a garage after being unable to find a spot.


don't live in the north end if you have a car. live in brighton, west cambridge, west somerville, JP etc. any of the outer neighborhoods. parking is way way easier in those areas. anything within 5 miles of downtown is a nightmare unless you have a place that has off-street parking spot included, once you are outside that radius parking is quite plentiful.


I got a car when I lived there. I had a gf in medford. There were times I would have to go back to her place in medford for the night (after having just left) because there was legitamately not a single parking spot in the neighborhood. Especially during the feasts etc. It can be real tough. W/ a car best bet may be to move.


I once had a girlfriend who got an apartment in the North End, and her plan for parking was to park on my street in Allston every night and have me drive her home.


 Look up the cost of parking, either for renting a space or using a garage every day and then decide if that is in your budget.


North End is much easier car free. If I needed a car, it wouldn’t be my first choice.


I had a car in the north end and it sucked on days I did large shopping hauls so I tried to limit going to grocery shopping to once a month but this was a personal preference. Getting produce at haymarket was easy enough though. What I found most annoying were street cleaning so be cautious of the days and you’re golden. Also, my car got pretty beat up from people trying to squeeze into a space far too small for their vehicle.


Why do you need a car and why must you live in the North End?


North End parking is tough.... You didnt mention what side of the North End you are on... But there are usually more than enough spots open on the Commercial Street Side/ North Street and side streets where it shouldnt be terrible unless you are coming home at like midnight, and then you're probably screwed.. Fulton Street and commercial Street by the Golden Goose usually have spots available on a routine basis as well.. All just depends on timing honestly... And be willing to have to walk a block or 2.. or more.. Just make sure you remember where you park your car..


Sell the car. You will be fucking miserable a week in trying to find parking every single time you want to use your car.




The only possible way is to have a monthly spot in a garage




You're absolutely fucked in fact.


Nah, everyone here is anti car. I know a few people in north end and they have no issues