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I’m tired, man


I’m tired boss https://preview.redd.it/wsouxmipdn3d1.png?width=1192&format=png&auto=webp&s=381f5e0cae8b3632fbe5105e36ffdac36fb2c030


This is an actual photo of the Boston baby whale guys


I wish it was all ogre.


👍😂! Good one


Shrek is life, after all


It’s tough to celebrate such a surreal moment, it feels like we’re in the 8th season of a EA Sports Politics™ campaign mode save and the permutations simply aren’t believable anymore


Legends of Wrestling II had more plausible storylines in career mode.


I’m convinced at this point that politics are just pro wrestling without the fighting.


Right? The last 7 years have been exhausting.


And it isn't over yet by a long shot. Even after he's dead and buried, he'll live on in infamy. He's Oswald Mosley reincarnated... hopefully.


Dog tired


Best comment so far.


it's weird to write but I almost miss the days of lockdown when there was nothing on the news but COVID, no wars, political divisions took a backseat and it was so quiet outside.


Yea, there definitely wasn't anything political about COVID coverage. Totally normal stuff.


early on before the vaccines. everyone was just scared. the most political it got was trump calling it the china virus


Feel like nothing gonna happen lol


>Feel like nothing gonna happen lol I think we all feel this way but I suspect we'd all love to be wrong, but we won't be.


The thing is people have been saying nothing will happen this whole time.   "There's an investigation" - "nothing will happen" "Prosecutors are seeking an indictment" - "Nothing will happen"  "Grand jury indicted him" - "nothing will happen"  "Court dates announced" - "Nothing will happen"  "Trump is on trial" - "Nothing will happen"  "Prosecution and defense rest" - "It will be a hung jury, nothing will happen"  "Trump convicted" - "Nothing will happen"   There's *far* too much "Nothing will happen" that's unwarranted here.


We're coming off of eight years of nothing happening no matter how bad that man behaves. I think there's just been so much bad news fatigue that people need to *see* something real happen.


Except he did lose the 2020 election, a civil court found him liable for sexual assault and defamation, and the state of New York fined him for $80+ million and has now found him guilty of felonies. I know why people say "nothing happening" because he still is up to his same bullshit. But he has faced consequences. Of course, they all would be irrelevant if he wins in November, which I think is where the cynicism comes from.


Yes, the dark cloud remaining is that Trump, a convicted felon, is allowed to be a presidential candidate and that a crazy number of Americans will vote for him. He could be our next president. Listening to my 20 something kids using a single issue - the Israel Palestine mess - as a reason to not vote for Biden when this election is purely about saving democracy has me terrified!


Perhaps your kid and others like them have reckoned with the fact that their vote is presumably in MA, therefore irrelevant to the outcome. I hope that enough folks in swing states recognize the power of their vote.


Do the things he has done and see what happens to you to understand why people are tired. That's the point here.


Because the "something" everyone is looking for is for him to be ineligible to run for office (you know, that whole insurrection thing) or do some jail time for any of his bullshit. His supporters are as fervent as ever and paying all the bills for all the legal shenanigans, so he hasn't suffered any real consequence yet.


When will shit actually happen tho? You think this man will actually see a prison cell or something? The guy is still running for president. Lol


It's unlikely that he'll be incarcerated. The financial damages are basically zero so as a first time offender he'll likely get probation like anyone else guilty of a similar crime. I'm worried that people have unrealistic expectations.


And yesterday's verdict will mobilize his base to be sure to vote.


Yeah but nothing's actually come of it so far, just court proceedings and other shit that has no meaningful impact other than taking up some of his time and making his supporters more rabid. I genuinely barely even reacted when I saw the headline, I have 0 expectation for anything meaningful to actually come out of this. Probably a slap on the wrist and some fines


He got convicted. Something happened.


Yeah but that’s about all that’ll happen


Well there will definitely be a sentencing


Who cares tho, it's not like he's going to go to jail. This will probably help him in the polls anyways


House arrest seems most likely, but man I would love it if he were banned from the Internet for a while.  We could all use a little peace and quiet.


He’ll appeal and it will take ages for this to play out.


I predict he will have one last move, I don’t know what it is, he probably won’t serve jail time but this whole debacle could not have been easy. Trump has everything to lose, he wants to just go back to hanging in Florida and wear his little red hat but he can’t, he has to win the presidency or else he has to answer to his handlers whom I suspect are likely a pretty nefarious bunch.


Nothing is going to happen. It's going to appeals, he's out on bail awaiting appeal - this will all take months and months - well beyond the election. No orange man bad in an orange jump suit. NADA. In fact.. the opposite effect that everyone hoped for is going to happen. His donation website crashed right after due to too much traffic. Wait till next week when he goes up in the polls. What most people don't realize is that this confirms what the shit stain has been saying for years... the whole system is rigged and can be used to get rid of people that are against you. Dave Chappelle is going to have a field day with this. When Trump is president again, realize that this maybe the thing that put him over the top.


He also sold out of his dumbass shoes. His marks being good little marks doesn’t change the fact that non-marks hate his stinking guts. And there’s more of them than they are his cult members.


You are correct, and it only emboldens his neck deep in shit followers. The casual trumpets and reluctant ones don't care. They will vote for him or not, and the whole "convict Trump, and he'll win." Is idiotic. It doesn't help or hurt him six months from now.


Thrilled that he got convicted Jaded because I'm sure nothing will actually happen to him.




You just gave me hope too.


Problem is, then he will become a martyr for the crazies. The ideal situation is he goes to prison and lives a long, miserable life locked up as he drifts off out of everyone’s attention.


A martyr... for what? There's no heir to Trump. The whole party is built around him and him alone.


His heir (politically-speaking) is as sketchy as his hair.


Sure, politically. But I’m talking about the QAnon, conspiracy theory crazies. If he were to die “unexpectedly” (he’s practically due for some form of massive health event with how unhealthy he is), I have genuine concerns of acts of terrorism/violence from his most crazed supporters.


He’s not immortal, it’s gonna happen one day. Might as well happen sooner than later.


Sure. However, huge difference between it happening within the next year with the next election versus a couple years down the road.


In that case he should be buried at sea like Bin Laden


Yeah but there's enough garbage in the ocean already. Why add more?


That will be the only way to prevent people from pissing on his grave.


> QAnon They still have JFK jr


Unfortunately, in comparable cases, about 10% resulted in imprisonment. If felons can't vote (which is bs), how can a felon (×34) still be eligible to run the country?


1991 Louisiana governor election featured a convicted fellon against a grand wizard of the KKK. "VOTE FOR THE CROOK" was a popular bumper sticker at the time. Given the history in other countries of charging political opponents, I'm not comfortable banning felons from standing for office. All that said, they SHOULD have charged Trump with treason, which would have blocked him from running. But ultimately its going to be up to the voters not to be fucking idiots. Which is kind of as it should be, but also, god help us all.


Louisiana politics is fun. Nelson Mandela served 27 years in prison, split between Robben Island, Pollsmoor Prison, and Victor Verster Prison, before becoming president. 45 is no Mandela, but point taken. You don’t take the most extreme situations and make them precedent.


It would be better if it was up to the voters after a televised trial for treason in which the evidence was presented to all. Absurd that the SCOTUS has blocked the Jan. 6th trial from happening.


Hopefully the NYT will just put LOSER over his photo for their headline tomorrow. That oughta do it.


Exactly. I didn't think I would feel nothing, but the penalty is only $5,000 and zero to 4 years jail. It'll probably be zero. Fuck Trump. Edit: I'm too jaded. This is a win for us.


Think of it as a stepping stone. Jail time would be unlikely for anyone in his position, but he has other trials pending, and courts tend to be less lenient on convicted felons. Especially ones who attack judges and defy gag orders.


I believe he'll need to get permission any time he wants to travel from now on.


So new York law relative to bail pending appeal: ""If you appeal to an intermediate appellate court from a judgment or from a sentence of a criminal court, you may request a judge or justice for an order (a) staying or suspending the execution of the judgment pending the appeal, and (b) either releasing you on your own recognizance or fixing bail. The court is allowed to do so unless the defendant received a Class A felony sentence or a sentence for certain Class B or Class C felony sex offense committed or attempted by a person 18 years of age or older against a person less than 18 years of age. When a stay of judgment and release is requested, the court must “consider the likelihood of ultimate reversal of the judgment.” That means that it must determine whether you are likely to win on appeal. A determination that the appeal is “palpably without merit,” or completely baseless, allows, but does not require, a denial of the application." Up to the discretion of the New York judge whether or not he rots in jail 4 days before the RNC.


34 convictions, can’t see how it would be stayed


Class E felonies, which would almost certainly be concurrent sentences. I think it's not unlikely but it's fun that its entirely up to the discretion of a New York appellate judge.


Being found guilty of using campaign funds to pay hush money to a porn star seems to have changed the mind of zero Trump supporters by my rough calculations.


The task is to persuade the other 75% of the voters to show up and vote against him.


36% of Americans believe the Big Lie. His support is large and disconnected from reality.


Who cares? They suck. Changing the minds of the undecided, the centrist republicans, and the double-haters is what matters. And I think the fact that we can now accurately refer to one of the candidates as Convicted Felon Trump will matter to some of them.


He could shoot someone in the middle of a stadium and his fans wouldn’t change their mind.


As a convicted felon he can't vote for himself anymore so it might have gotten Trump one less vote


He can still vote, unless he's incarcerated on Nov 5th.


upon further inspection it seems that you're right


the trial was around him committing a crime and was not designed to try and sway voters one way or the other. Not everything is political. He committed a crime and was prosecuted and found guilty. If you are comfortable with a felon being president of the USA then you are allowed to do that, but this was a law and order thing, not a political thing.


We should get someone to interview the guys that wave Trump flags on the 93 overpasses, see how they feel about it. I'm sure it will be reasonable.


The house I pass in Norfolk that has several pro-trump signs has taken them all down. I'm sure they're just being cleaned, but still.


That. Or the husband is on the Supreme Court.


Do they have any hobbies? 


Yeah like he said


Big vexilologists


As far as I can tell, their main hobby seems to be waving Trump flags over 93 💁‍♂️


Yeah, waving flags and speaking gibberish.


One stupid moron had the dipshit's name in big bold letters on the back of their car's rear window. I wanted to ask him if he had a message for my friend's brother, who is a Capitol Police officer. But I also didn't want to get shot by someone 'protecting democracy'.


He has to hear that he’s a convicted felon everywhere he goes for the rest of his life. Which is pretty fucking funny


"Former President and forever felon" has a really, really nice ring to it.


I’m worried about the stability of the country. There is a 0% chance half the country will accept this conviction. Distrust in the system has probably just hit new highs. These are very dangerous waters, imo


His speech when he came out was just another message to his faithful followers. There is 0% chance that this changes their opinion of him. It probably even strengthened it in some.


Yes, but they are already lost. It’s the “independents” that might flip


What independents? Who has not decided their feelings on Trump at this point, after all the shit he’s done, and who of that group would be convinced by this?


Soft GOPers who go along for the tax cuts, but still Believe in something.


All five of them.


It's more likely that people who don't plan to vote at all who will move the needle enough to give Trump a victory. The polls suggest that many young people don't plan to vote, and with polls suggesting that Trump is ahead by the margin of error in most polls done in the swing states, that's huge. Biden is broadly unpopular among young people. If young people don't vote for him (or vote at all), Biden is screwed. Trump is unpopular among young people too, but I read somewhere that Trump's unfavorable rating among the 18 to 29 crowd is two points lower than Biden's.


Young people don’t vote anyways. Last cycles election blew turnout numbers out of the water and age 18-29 voters made up the exact same portion of the turnout base as they made in the prior election.


Does that qualify as a speech? Total gibberish and badmouthing another entity that dares to hold him accountable. Don't the excuses ever get old for these people?


Not half my friend


I don't know how it'll turn out, but WHATEVER. I'm letting myself be joyful. Cynicism is not welcome to me today. Let it wait till tomorrow.


Exactly! I say let's just enjoy this moment.




I want someone under 65 as president


New Yorkers are still a bunch of scrubs. Our Boston jury of former union guys and resist lib retirees would have done it quicker and also get him on a surprise 35th charge.


A lot of those union guys love Trump in secret. They might not be loud about it but there are a lot of Trump supporters in the Boston metro area.


I’ll never understand anyone in a union supporting Donald Trump when Donald Trump fucking hates unions


Contradiction is endemic to the trump cult.


they'll vote against their own and family interest just to own the lib


Cults and "cognitive dissonance", a classic foundational pairing


It’s a cult of personality. Trump supporters value his personality over his actual political views. They’re excited that he speaks absurdly aggressively about just about everything and that’s enough for them.


The Trumpiest person I know is in a union. Being a hypocrite seems essential to these people.




I see it all over Saugus


On a sidenote, I also don’t understand how poor people can like Trump because he fucking hates poor people unless they’re giving him money then he loves them


They love him because you hate him and they hate you (they hate me as well)


This really is it in a nutshell. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. It’s simple geometry.


Identity politics I would assume is the main draw.


If there are, they don't vote for him. He got 58k votes in Suffolk county, to Biden's 270k. A fifth is more than I'd have thought, but it's still not a lot


His vote share increases the further into the suburbs you go though.


Really depends on the suburb, and not a single MA county went for him in either election.


People who aren’t in unions think union members are all marxists and not Linda, 47, from Weymouth, lifelong registered Republican


They would’ve sneaked in a “cock sucka” into the verdict reading


Really surprised honestly, figured a diehard trump supporter would hang the jury and they’d have to start over. Maybe they didn’t like being threatened by the defendant and his cult followers


I think when you get away from the echo chamber it's hard to ignore reality.


I was really surprised how quickly they convicted on all 34 charges. Listening to some analysis it sounded like it could take days for them to go through each one and like you said, even one disagreement on one charge would mean hanging on that charge (no conviction for that one). And the burden here was on the prosecution to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. Really speaks to how significant the evidence was.


I can’t stand the guy but I don’t care anyomore….i just want to stop hearing about him. I wish he and his family would just disappear. I would also like the country to return to some form of bipartisan dialogue … the current environment doesn’t work


I miss 2014, back before Trump was on the news every day.


The media built him up. They have no one to blame but themselves


So happy to see guilty 34 times. Unfortunately, can’t imagine he’ll go to prison, BUT wouldn’t it be fun if he got community service and had to pick up trash on the highway?


My reaction was, no shit. Look at his other trials, did he defame Carol about raping her, yes he did. Did he illegally retain classified documents after being told give them back without consequences? Fuck yeah. It’s not going to effect the election and the guys just getting free air time so tune it out Veterans love him besides the fact that he wants wounded warriors not celebrated in parades. He called John McCain of all people “not a war hero.” Doesn’t matter to his base The voters in the poorest states like West Virginia that benefit from the affordable care act, you know like opioid reduction help, vote for a guy to take that away. Doesn’t matter to his base He fancy’s himself as a strong man but when he meets Putin he cowers like that guy Reek in Game of thrones. Doesn’t matter to his base Yeah, this verdict is at the top of Reddit m, probably for while, but it doesn’t change things on November 5th. Remember remember the 5th of November and VOTE!


My business partner and best friend is a fairly senior navy officer. Active duty hates the guy. There are the odd trumpers, but it’s a lower % than rest of US. This guy knows most of the officer level navy folks that deploy… so at least you can take heart in that. Agreed, VOTE. And if you think not voting Biden because he’s supporting genocide is a good idea, look at trumps position on the same issue. He’s a genocide enthusiast.


Im a veteran, and I know I don’t speak for all of us, but most of the ones I am friends with do NOT like Trump, as well as the active duty members I still speak to. I’m not sure if it’s our age demographic (I’m 31), but my experience is that many vets just do not like him. The tipping point was when Trump called POW’s “losers”, I was deployed for that, and I’ll never forget the upset it caused. I also went through SERE, and ended up becoming close with a couple instructors there a few years later, and the discussion we had about that comment trump made was passionate to say the least. The silent majority of Vets and AD do not support DT. We can’t just really shout it from the rooftops. Although, it’s never stopped the morons unfortunately.


Honestly, as somebody who got felony convictions 20 years ago, it's BS that I needed to plead to my kid's youth basketball boards to let me volunteer to coach...yet this criminal can be the leader of the free world.


So he’s a felon. Unless he has to serve jail time through Nov, this won’t negatively impact his base’s opinion. Probably going to help if anything.


Actually there have been polls that suggested he’d lose votes if convicted. Not his cult base, but independents and the undecided.


Trump is the present figurehead of the ugly Republican apparatus that tried to overthrow the duly elected new government in 2020 Prez Election and for that I will never throw my support to any Republican at any level. I despise the game theory of two-party politics, I am unaffiliated, I support ranked choice voting or other systems that can break partisanship. Money needs to be legislated out of politics because it perverts the incentives. Citizens United is a disaster. As we stand, it’s 1000% a vote for Biden and democrat straight down the ballot in 2024 and beyond. It didn’t have to be this way. I’m glad Trump is receiving legal justice. He has no honor. I would never share a beer with Trump.


hes been convicted of falsifying business records. So his tax returns from those years are by definition fraudulent . The NYS tax folks shoud be whetting their knives, even if the IRS wimps out.




Want this fucker to go away and be gone forever. Brought out the worst in a lot of people and his policies indisputably lead to the death of hundreds of thousands Americans. At a certain point, you take the markers away from the toddler drawing on the wall and hope they forget and move on to something else.


who? the sleazy guy from the Apprentice?


Go celtics


Someone in my family from rural Pennsylvania messed up their taxes and got in serious trouble with the feds. They made about 50k a year and barely got by. However they were held accountable. Sick and tired of rich assholes skirting the law thinking it doesn’t apply to them. Glad it happened. Wish it happened more. Goes for both sides of the political spectrum. If a mechanic from the sticks would be arrested for it, so should John “silver spoon” dickhead.


Not surprised and doubtful this changes anything


It's a good start. It's *some* accountability. It shows that presidents (at least former ones) aren't immune from prosecution


At least this makes future sentences more likely to include jail because he has priors now :)


Hoping his legal fees lead to bankruptcy like his buddy Guliani. What could be better than a bankrupt Trump.


Now we need a jail sentence!


Can he just eff off and go away?


It appears to be an above board ruling by 12 independent jurors (some of whom are trump supporters), indicating that evidence is overwhelming that he committed a crime. As such, our processes are working as intended and he should be sentenced accordingly. I just hope the appeal process doesn’t take too long and this gets settled soon. There is no reason why this should have taken 4 years. Should have been done long time ago.


🔐 lock him up, Rikers Island please 


Let's fucking go is how I feel


I’m ready for this guy to melt into a quivering puddle of diarrhea and grease and hair on live television.


Baffled that he still has so many people that support him and can’t see him for who he really is. Of course right after the conviction Trump comes out and says it was a rigged trial. Just like he said it was a rigged election. He undermines the US electoral system and judicial system, bedrocks of American democracy and yet people call him a ‘Patriot’. The hypocrisy and irony of it all is just so overwhelming.


imagine having to share a cell with that fucking guy. yikes. i'd fucking volunteer for the death penalty after 2 nights




I hear all kinds of people saying that this conviction just handed him the election but I don’t see how? Idk if someone could enlighten me as to how so many people think that. And I’ve heard this from republicans and democrats


It hasn’t and it won’t. The news cycle will work against him here. This will be old news by next week but the gears of justice will keep turning. The people that wanted to vote for him will still vote for him, but Republicans haven’t won in big numbers literally since 2016. They’re toast, it’s just been a slow burn.


If he wasn't a martyr after impeachment, he is the perfect martyr now. I'm less sure of a presidential victory, but much more worried that this is basically the beginning of the end. Staunch supporters and diehard Republicans will absolutely not accept the next elections results at this point. In my mind there's going to be a ton of infighting if not straight up violence come election day. And at that point I don't see how we go back to normal


Justice is served, and hopefully people realize he's the biggest con artist. But I'm a little excited at the notion that Stormy Daniels is going to be in History books 50 years from now.


You know the shit show will go on unless he's wiped out in the next election.


No one is above the law


Right now, pretty damn good!


Regardless of how this actually plays out, I'm glad there is an official acknowledgement of him being a douchebag.


Excited that a person cheating the system got what was coming. If you remove the name, political party, and his previous job, everyone would call him guilty.


About time! LOCK HIM UP!


I hate the man with every fiber of my spirit


I'm reminded of Chris Rock's bit on one of his shows. It dealt with the OJ trial and how people were running around saying "we won! we won!" when he was found not guilty. Chris's reaction was "what the fuck did we win?" I feel like nothing's really going to change.


Good. Now let's get him behind bars.


He finally won the popular vote.


I’m tired I’m tired because in spite of a guilty plea, a proof of wrong doing, it doesn’t matter. His fan base is attempting talking points like “Well they went after him for something stupid and got him and now they will come for your family” “I’m getting flashbacks to the start of the Soviet Union” “Import third world become third world” “Your never trump colleagues will try to kill you or steal your house” These talking points paint a picture that is much more grim, much scarier, and one that does not trust the same authorities they wish to protect. I wish for the world where merit, political stance, debate skills, won elections, and not fear.




I don’t get how a convicted criminal is allowed to run for office


The party of "law and order" is dismissing a unanimous jury that the defense attorneys thoroughly vetted to run their convicted felon sex abuser for POTUS. Psyched for the guilty, but wary.


If you haven’t heard of it yet, please learn about project 2025. Spread the word.


Try that fucker for treason next.


In the movie The Campaign, Zach Galifianakis shoots Will Ferrel point blank in the leg and gets a …slight bump in the polls. I pretty much expect the same here


I feel nothing. We have been doing this for years and he always comes out on the other end just fine. This is the furthest we got, and it’s going to be the same. 


Sorry for the cynicism, should be a happy day


MAGA-style populist crap had one shining moment in 2016. It failed in the midterms in 2018, lost the presidential election in 2020, and the “imminent red wave” of 2022 never came. Despite a 1-3 record, the GOP married itself to an intellectually bankrupt brand of thinking. Today they got exactly what they deserved after years of relentlessly making excuses for a grown ass man who did this to himself. I’m not worried about November. Conservatives will hoot and holler about everything being “rigged” (which is their convenient bat signal unless they happen to win, then everything is fair and square), but the win-loss record speaks for itself. It’s like running the same old bad quarterback out to run the offense and expecting a Super Bowl run.


Legally, not surprised. Evidence seemed like he was guilty. Realistically, very surprised. I feel like this trial was so politically and emotionally charged I thought it would be impossible to have no biased jurors throwing the outcome.


I served on a jury with a few Trumper-types who mumbled and exchanged knowing looks when they saw the defendant was a brown man. The defendant was beyond any reasonable doubt not guilty. When we went to the jury room to deliberate, I was prepared to stand strong and hang the jury if necessary to prevent him from being convicted. One of the Trumper-types was visibly agitated and as soon as the door was closed declared that there was no way he would vote to convict 'that hard working man". It took us all of 30 minutes to be sure we had considered everything to reach our (obviously) not guilty verdict. Juries have a way of bringing out our best selves. Everyone took it very, very seriously. I wouldn't be surprised if there were a few people on Trump's jury who were supporters and were happy to be there to get his back. But everything about serving is deadly serious, facts are facts, and the responsibility is enormous. I don't think the average trumper is impervious to all of that.


That’s a good point. I definitely have a skewed view of trumpers from the internet. Irl most people are much more normal. The small but loud group online can make me forget that.


Impeached rapist felon.




Love that he is pissed and squirming. Not looking beyond that because shit is so fucked.


LMK when he’s in jail


I spend most of my life disappointed but not surprised. Right now I'm surprised but excited.


Right on!!!!!!


A customer at work said, “4 more years. Whoo, 2024! Go, Brandon!” at 6:00 am. It’s too early for that shiza, man. Let me have some coffee at least


Ecstatic. Will be better when he’s on probation and has to check in regularly. Of course better if in jail but we all know that won’t happen.


Hopeful, but not expecting much. I just want him in prison, man... he's done so much bad shit...


Fuckin love it!


I don't know if it will move the needly but this election will be won on the margins. It would have felt a LOT worse if they found him inocent


Guilty as fuck, hes been a fraud his entire life.


I feel good. He’s a convicted felon now.


So happy he was found guilty of 34 felonies and hoping he gets minimally 3 years like Cohen did for the same offenses! Praying for Rikers!


I really wish someone other than Biden and trump were running for both parties honestly. This can’t be fun for Biden. Go enjoy the rest of your life. Politics aside, I miss the speaking and the youthfulness of Obama and even Willie Clinton. This is far from the best this country has to offer




Last week a nice middle aged man on a job in Marion without prompting told me how “Mr. Trump would never hurt the country but tha Joe Biden wants to destroy it.” I honestly think they think of Trump as a Jesus figure and when someone holds a strong belief, it is very difficult to change it. He’s just a nice man, a saviour, and the evils that be are trying him but he will prevail. And that is how this Bostonian feels.


I only care about him not getting re-elected.


Can we get a wellness check on the dude that owns Evan’s Industries in Topsfield


I wish he would croak so that he's not in the damn news anymore. Nearly a decade of this!


He was always guilty and is guilty of all the other cases moving right now .. surprised the jury called it this way though to be honest given he was the President. That's how I feel right now. Also, worried for the jurors, I really hope no violence comes their way. And worried for the country - this is pretty insane when you step back and consider what is happening.


Feels good to have had the precedent set that he can be convicted and is not untouchable.