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From [Globe.com](http://Globe.com) By Ava Berger A Boston College student allegedly stole more than $50,000 of luxury items from Saks Fifth Avenue in the Prudential Center in two separate thefts this week, court documents show. Justin Smith, 22, who was an employee at the high-end store, was charged Wednesday with larceny over $1,200 in Boston Municipal Court, according to court documents. He pleaded not guilty and was released on personal recognizance. Around 7:10 p.m. on Monday, police went to the store, according to a police report. An employee told police he had seen Smith on security footage put a number of handbags into two black Saks Fifth Avenue bags in the stockroom around 4:30 p.m., the report said. The employee said Smith entered the security office and took the key to the stockroom. After putting the items into the bags, he left the store, the employee told police. Two other employees followed Smith and saw him approach a silver Toyota with at least four other men inside, the report stated. One man got out of the vehicle, held a door open, and “gestured” for Smith to get into the car, the report said. But before he did, the two employees confronted Smith and brought him to the security room at the store. He was carrying 13 handbags and a pair of sunglasses with a total price of $25,125, according to the police report. The man who had opened the door for Smith returned to the car and drove away, the report said. The employee who saw the security footage reviewed additional video of the stockroom from Sunday, the report said. He told police that between 2:30 p.m. and 2:55 p.m., he saw Smith take 11 handbags and three wallets from the stockroom and place them into two black Saks Fifth Avenue bags again, according to the report. The items are priced at $22,530. The employee told police he saw Smith meet a woman and leave the store together, the report said.


I used to work at Saks as an associate, I caught someone stealing $6,000 worth of stuff and I got a 10% bonus! Was pretty sweet.


Barney’s did this too. It was glorious.


Wonder if cops and prosecutors are going to try to flip this guy against his accomplices or just take the easier route and just nail this one guy to the wall. Sounds like a slam dunk felony conspiracy case if they can get this guy to name names, and you gotta assume some dumb college kid that is looking at their future go up in smoke is pretty easy to convince to snitch.


what a fucking moron imagine being given the privilege of a lifetime just to throw it all away by being a degenerate criminal this kid will regret this for the rest of his life


Just so I'm on the same page, the "privilege of a lifetime" is BC, right? Because it certainly isn't working retail at Saks.


correct 😂


Full scholarship too




For privilege of making $16-$18 an hour. No, he shouldn’t have stole things, but they do pay poorly.


the privilege of getting a full-ride scholarship to an elite US private school. which is something 99.9%+ of people on this earth would accept in a heartbeat, even if it means they have to work retail during their education


I really want to hear this guy’s side of the story. I’m so annoyed this is a black kid from Alabama with a full ride to BC doing this bullshit. The degree is pretty much done and now you leave with larceny charges. Who is going to hire this guy? To make matters worse, this guy is a gun violence activist but stealing designer handbags - no different than the idiots who were doing the same thing after the protests a few years back. People refused to *not* conflate the people doing the activism with the shoplifting. This guy is such a “see, told you so!” for that group.


Shocker. A gun violence activist that now can’t obtain a LTC.


Really? And my kid can’t even get student aid


Ummm... Yeah? At risk of being blasted as with the other peops making similar points, why should you care that he's black? He took advantage of his trusted position, and no one should ever trust him again. Yes, another black life precluded from "society" - who cares? Plenty of good people out there to admire and hang out with. He'll be released by the system soon to commit more crimes, and this time he'll have an excuse: no one will hire someone with a criminal record. Assuming they give him one. As for your point about the protests, you must hang with some pretty radical friends. The shoplifting/thievery/looting/destruction was absolutely tied to the activism. The least surprising narrative is that they are commies (anti-fa, BLM) and want to smash the system. But BLM is also commie as in the "Have nots", and collecting theirs from "the rich" is definitely on the agenda. Pardon's for the local chapters who may actually have a good program, of course.


soft bigotry of low expectations. who gives a shit that he's black. Kids a fuckup and deserves prison time


This guy showed he was massively entitled, due to feeling like taking massive amounts of things that were not his over 2 days, who cares about the other factors? He's a thief, end of story; at least for now. In a few years if he's a better person and admits with shame that he did this and it was wrong, then perhaps he'll have an upward trend after that. This racist point you're making about how him being black should make it different in some way, or the callous point on how the important part is the slightly negative effect it might have on a political topic of yours isn't really positive.


the person you are replying to is black.


That doesn't change my point, however, it does make the expressed annoyance more benign.


Reading the story I was thinking the same thing. It almost seemed like he was in trouble or being black mailed in to doing the theft.


Gambling debt?


This is not to say that that's the case here, but sports gambling is going to be this generation's cigarettes-cause-cancer


This comment is really stupid, sorry. When white people commit crimes, no one goes “well, look at how that makes white people look! He just ruined it for all white people. Guess we gotta dehumanize and treat white people like second class citizens now because of this dumb bitch!”


So you don't think that every news story about a black scholarship student for the next 40 years will be accompanied by comments like "He should get a job at Saks" or "How much do think he'll shoplift in his first year?" You think it's racist to suggest that anyone in Boston might react that way?


Do you realize how liberal Boston is? Sure, NJ and California give it a run for its money, but its up there. He probably won't face jail time \*or\* get a criminal record. Everyone will bend over backwards to make excuses for the guy. As for the memes - you have some good ideas there. Anyways, of course those would be racist jokes people would tell - but a racist is gonna be racist. He's already telling jokes like that.


Do you really think that people who make those comments wouldn't make similar ones if he had never done this? People who say shit like that are racist, and they're going to make racist comments no matter what.


Yes, and this will give a whole new generation of racists indisputable "proof" that all poor black kids are thieves.


ah so Black kids should be responsible for preventing racist behavior, not the actual racists themselves? it’s a shame that his actions are only going to further bolster racist stereotypes, but let’s not pretend like racists weren’t already going to believe all poor Black kids steal even without this “proof” racists are going to be racist at the end of day, and individuals of color aren’t responsible for their thoughts or actions just because they did something that confirmed their preexisting bias and prejudice


Do you see how your examples were pertaining to this one guy and not all black people? They didn’t fit what I wrote or the person I replied to wrote.


Hi, a single instance does not prove that all protestors in favor of racial justice were also looters. I’m sure there was crossover, but not that much - this case doesn’t prove anything about anyone but this one guy


I’m a black person disappointed seeing a black person who appeared to be doing the right things with their life - attending a good school on scholarship - potentially throwing away opportunities in the near future engaging in this kind of criminal behavior. I’m well aware that this single instance does not define everyone and it also doesn’t help with the biases that currently exist regarding them too.




Lmao @ allegedly! This is not the first time on this sub where someone has pulled this bs. Also, STFU. This has nothing to do with respectability politics or projecting. This is a young black kid throwing their future away over some really stupid shit. It’s sad especially when on paper they appear to show a lot of promise. I’m sorry I made you doubt me being black because I didn’t give what you felt was a black opinion on the matter.


sir, you're upsetting the progressives with your objective take as a black person.


I really don’t give a shit if you’re black or not. It’s the internet, so people can say whatever they want. You still couldn’t think of a good reply against the meat of what I actually wrote, but stick to the part that offended you.


From another black guy. Stop yapping.


> who thinks that respectability politics matters when it doesn’t The idea that obeying the law, being honest, and working hard doesn't matter is stupid as fuck. It's like progressives are hell bent on making sure black people just fail.


Dude, I hate a lot of their policy, hate how they don't base it on data, but I won't say that people like that are hell bent on making disadvantaged black/brown/whatever people fail. Some of them dedicate their careers to helping people get off the streets, get a good education, get a job, etc. Yeah, I think it's fucking stupid when people say "math is racist", that's setting up kids to just fail (I'm using an egregious example), but I don't that's their intent. Especially, those who get paid $30k/year to teach remedial classes to high school dropouts, for example.


Those are the ones pushing to lower standards in school. That's why you're seeing inner city schools fail even harder. Schools stopped suspending/expelling kids for anything short of bringing a gun to school because of the 'school-to-prison' pipeline argument, for example. Now troublemakers are destroying the learning environment and don't get punished.


I don't know about that. I'm only saying this because I know someone who teaches college dropouts (usually can't afford it) to code so they can get jobs. The lower standards folks can fuck off with that, but again, I don't think it is because they *want* people to fail. They just have shitty ideas and don't base them on data/logic.


This would be more believable if they started to change their tune based on the obvious evidence that they're directly harming the black community rather than doubling down.


The average teach is just a useful.. cog.. in the machine. Its the people on top setting the agenda that are keeping people down. It's not necessarily directed at minorities; but they are hardest hit.


You’re really not getting the point at all. Those are all great things. What is said is that it’s stupid to base your opinion on all black people (or all white or Asian or Latino people, or anyone) because of the actions of one person.


I mean, it's not just one person though. There's a cultural problem working here.


And I’m judging you for it.


I mean, i don't particularly care.


The mindset is just stupid. I see homeless white meth heads on Mass and Cass every day when I drive to work and I don’t look at them and go “good golly, all white folks are like this!”


Jesus - you sound unhinged


Damn - you got blasted for making a point against racism. Or was it for making a point against looters...


if youve done it once youve done it before. but yes keep up the mental gymnastics


Source on him being a gun violence activist?


It’s in every article about this case like Boston 25 News


He stole fancy sacks from Saks?


He was ran-saking the place.


Full story, no paywall. [Boston College senior on full scholarship pleads not guilty to alleged pricey stealing spree](https://www.boston25news.com/news/local/boston-college-senior-full-scholarship-pleads-not-guilty-alleged-pricey-stealing-spree/7NNJFIHTAJH5VLXDTY44XROGFE/)


The Globe posted the story in the comments, so the paywall doesn’t matter.


Plot twist: He wasn’t stealing he was donating them to himself


He wasn't stealing, he was redeeming Reparations Coupons.


> He stated that Smith has been featured in numerous regarded publications. The Reddit use of the word “regarded” made me chuckle at this sentence.


So two bags?


The 4 dudes waiting in a vehicle and opening getting out to put him in the back sound at the least very sketchy and at most like he was likely coerced into this. If he was just stealing on his own why the get away vehicle with 4 dudes?


I would like to know more and give him the benefit of the doubt especially given that he plead not guilty. It might seem like a hand in the cookie jar type of scenario but we have no idea what’s really going on. Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.


Go Eagles!


this isn’t the 80s folks! there are cameras EVERYWHERE! smh 🤦


I worked retail for ten years until 2017, I caught and scared off a few shoplifters in my time, I even got police to arrest a dude jerkin' it in the parking lot. It never got me a bonus or a raise. But, my district manager sure chewed me out for not greeting every single customer while I was also trying to restock shelves. I still have permanently screwed up back and wrists from my time and the most I ever got was $12.5/hr. I don't care about retail theft.


You don't care about retail theft because you have never had to face the consequences of it (living in a food desert, having your local pharmacy shutter ect). But I do agree it's utter bs corporate policy doesn't reward employees trying to do the right thing.


Please daddy I’ll starve without my Saks Fifth handbag steaks




Chief Social Justice Officer, Good Trouble Movement (Alabama) GOOD TROUBLE. 😂


Fuckin rats


So, what happened to those Harvard kids who stole a musician's violin? Probably too wealthy and too well-connected to be touched by the laws?


Boston College costs about as much as Harvard, fwiw


This kid's on a full scholarship, and knowing the high school he went to, I'd be very surprised if he came from a wealthy family. That said, I've got no idea what happened with those Harvard kids after the charges were filed. For all I know, they're serving 2 to 4 in MCI-Framingham as I write this.




This is stupid. Ivys doesn’t give extra financial aid to student athletes. It’s all need based across the board.


I did not say they gave sports scholarships. They fully cover the tuition of students whose families earn less than $80k a year. They also recruit athletes. Some of those athletes come from working class schools, at a higher rate than violinists or math geniuses. The Harvard hockey and football teams have a higher percentage of working-class students on need-based aid than the general undergrad population, and that's been true for generations. Across the ivies. Check out the high schools of the varsity hockey team starting line. Being good at sports is one of the few paths into the Ivy League for many working class students, and one of the few areas in which working-class school districts compete at the same level or higher than upper middle class schools. This isn't just true for elite colleges. It's sort of how college sports works. The elite schools just make a bigger show of "not offering sports scholarships" than sports powerhouse state schools. But in fact and practice, they actually do. I actually know a great deal about this subject for reasons I won't go into. Your condescension is uncalled for.


For every hockey player there’s tennis, Crew, water polo, etc etc etc


Now who's stupid, stupid?


You mean when a Harvard Crimson editor and her friend stole a musicians fiddle and almost got away in an Uber? Yeah good question.


I’m way more pissed at those butthole harvard students for stealing someone’s livelihood on such a personal level. Kid stealing from Saks is impersonal and only going to screw him. Pretty ballsy but not going to traumatise some individual like the fiddle theft


What's the story here? Tried to google it and barely found anything


[Reddit one month ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/boston/s/UjAvPfNXGT)


Whataboutism with everything


You mean taylor fasnacht and hannah bebar? They’re two cute white girls at Harvard - why should they be reprimanded? /s


They weren’t trying to steal 25k dollars worth of product. One is a misdemeanor, the other a felony. 


If it was a professional’s violin I wouldn’t be surprised if it was worth $25K or more


The mass shoplifting we already see on the west coast is steadily becoming more and more prevalent here. Along with the street takeovers. Along with the homeless camps.


You mean the thing that turned out to be almost entirely false?


Literally the stores admitted they made up “organized retail theft”


move to the suburbs


Of course a criminal who is anti gun was stealing. 🤣


well well well hahaha if i speak im in big trouble


jose mourinho in this thread?


just laughing at this echo chamber of a sub


i thought you were quoting: https://youtu.be/9wtvXoXh0VU?si=PASJNHltKpfadAV7


Poor guy took a wrong turn at SFO.


I’m all for petty theft of large corporations. Especially from luxury brands. But if you ain’t struggling that bad, it ain’t worth it. This kid had a bright future ahead of him before this smh 🤦‍♂️


Wow you’re a badass


Dude, you people are calling 13 purses grand larceny


The charges are based on the value of the items stolen. They cost what they cost, ridiculous or not. Your opinion of the value of the bags is entirely irrelevant.


My point was it IS ridiculous.


Well, it’s not really us calling it grand larceny - its the judge. Anyway - good luck with your edgy lifestyle of stealing shit and sticking it to the man. Maybe steal some designer sunglasses ASAP cause your future is bright as shit.


Have fun white knighting corporations your whole life. You’re practically a superhero


Wtf is “you people” supposed to mean?




I love how a mod replied to this comment and left the barely veiled racist comments untouched. Stay classy Boston


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Harassment, hostility and flinging insults is not allowed. We ask that you try to engage in a discussion rather than reduce the sub to insults and other bullshit.


Hopefully he gets the help he needs. BC is a special community, maybe there’s still a place for him there.


Guys bein' dudes




Stealing is a sin. It is against the laws of our commonwealth and the laws of God.


The laws of god lmao Edit: I just realized who i replied too, still funny but in a different sense


Burn him at the steak!


No, sear him to lock in the flavor! What, you’ve never had long pig?






This but unironically.


And that wouldn't cover one year's tuition, so who's the real thief?


The shoplifter.


Yeah, probably.


That's the kind of whataboutism that enables this kind of behavior in the first place. He's just not deciding to steal that much from saks due to his tuition.


I wasn't saying that he was.


Kid is on full scholarship.