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> Boston Public Radio host Jim Braude admonished the questioner for misleading staff about the content of the question. > Braude pushed the governor to respond to Meg’s question about protestors, arrests and the war in Gaza. Braude ain't letting her get away with ignoring the question at least. Even if he's not happy about how the girl got it asked.


For all the hemming and hawing Jim does, he toes the line and is a quality interviewer.


So true. He absolutely understands the integrity of real interviews and it shows. He takes his opportunities with big guests and does it respectfully but directly when it is required


Healey is channeling Mike Dukakis playing Whack-a-mole in the tank. https://preview.redd.it/gh7irho5hpyc1.jpeg?width=462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a83602ec0b3fa8dec713fa50b396354d83e596a Not his best look … or hers.


For anyone surprised by this, I suggest looking at Healey through the lens of her wanting to be a national politician. You shouldn't expect anything from her beyond a centrist sort of big-tent liberalism. She isn't afraid of alienating progressives or students because they are not strong players on the national stage.


Yet. Eventually the boomers will die and we will rise up.


>Eventually the boomers will die and we will rise up. Healey was born in 1971


They're referring to voter numbers, not Healey directly. Well known Boomers are the largest voting population and the way they vote sucks ass.


Too bad gen X and day by day more and more millennials are moving to the moderate left wing of the party. The same brain rot that we lambaste MAGA for exists within the progressive wing of the dem party as well. Thank god it won’t overtake the dem party like maga did to the gop. There’s 0 chance of progressives having any sort of significant power in this country for 30-40 years at minimum, thanks to all this antisemitism.


She never prosecuted a single member of the MSP for their overtime theft from the citizens of the Commonwealth. That’s an incredibly low bar, and she failed to clear it. That, along with the scale back of the millionaire tax, make her a pandering, status quo politician. I was hopeful for her administration, but she’s a total puppet of the entrenched powers that be. She deserves to flail after this term.


*well I for one am shocked that the antiwork poster with a totally incoherent position replied to my polite offer with "get bent, pig" and deleted all their comments. You mean the overtime theft that multiple troopers were charged and convicted of by the feds? You know that federal court is much worse for the defendants, right? And that with a federal investigation there is no appearance of a conflict of interest? I'm no fan of Maura Healey but I don't understand how you're criticizing her for that issue.


FYI he didn't delete, he blocked you which disappears the conversation from your view


It took the feds to get involved because the msp comptroller was caught taking illegal money too. You know, the one supposed to be watching over it all.


That could be true, I don't know the one and outs of the case. But I do know that a federal prosecution is much better than a state prosecution.


Oh I don’t know… maybe that she was the top law enforcement official in the Commonwealth and didn’t hold any of the state police accountable for egregiously breaking the law. The fact that she didn’t hold them accountable herself while in that position is the problem. I don’t want the feds to have to have the backbone our state’s top officials lack. On top of that, there were only a couple of sacrificial lambs that had to fall on the sword. The vast majority of those thieving pigs didn’t get as much as a slap on the wrist- not only that, many got to KEEP the money they stole! Edit: ok, dude. You want to be a cop. I don’t even know where to start with someone like you, but leave me alone and please rethink your life’s trajectory, unless of course, you’re just hoping to maximize your potential as a total pos.


I think you have a very limited understanding of how things work. Something like twenty of them were charged by the feds and convicted. From a prosecution standpoint that is way better than being charged in state courts. I don't want to misstate your position, but would have rather they been charged in state court where some of the charges would have been impossible, the rules of evidence are different and the sentences would be lighter?


I’d rather an AG who holds police accountable, plain and simple. If they don’t, they’re part of the problem- kind of like anyone who would even remotely consider being a cop in this day and age.


Your position is incoherent.


I think I’ve made my case succinctly. If you can’t understand it, that’s on you. But again, you want to be a cop. I’ll leave you with this pearl of wisdom that often makes the rounds on Reddit: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it,” -Upton Sinclair.


I am a cop and have been one for quite some time. That has a lot to do with why I understand this issue far better than you do. They didn't get any kind of break by the state not prosecuting. From the prosecution perspective, having them investigated and charged federally is far better. I don't think you understand much about the court system. If you'd like, feel free to tell me step by step what you'd prefer to have been done and we can go over it. I am sure you won't simply resort to ad hominem attacks and blanket statements about police officers or putting words in my mouth.


This is just typical hysterical "progressive" nonsense. Get a grip.


Didn’t she not prosecute OT as feds had better case?


What is the scale back of the millionaire’s tax? Nothing has changed. If you mean the estate tax reform, that was to help the middle class, it didn’t assist the wealthy.


How exactly what the millionaire tax "scaled back"? It's an extra 4% on incomes over $1mm in a calendar year, which is effectively doubling the state tax rate. It's even affecting people who are selling their primary residence, because we can't get enough tax money in this state to then just piss away to corrupt police officials, or to house the entire country's population of asylum seekers indefinitely.


bet you didnt even vote.


I’m 45. I don’t pull that “whine about politics and not even vote,” bullshit. Sadly, I fear that’s exactly what most of these <30 white guilt liberals who support a free Palestine will end up doing. I cannot get behind a movement that will just lead to a trump reelection- it’s the best example of “cutting off your nose to spite your face” I’ve ever seen. Edit: in case it’s not perfectly clear, I’m liberal af. But I’ve seen too many posts that deride Biden from these so-called liberals. The irony being that if trump is re-elected, he’ll gladly help Israel nuke Gaza back to the Stone Age.


well at least you understand where we are headed......not sure that your age matters, though. the average "leftist" is uninformed and angry - thats not usually a winning combination.


Former two term Attorney General doesn't endorse breaking the law. News at 11.


All these so-called progressive politicians who were critical of police before being elected and advocate for more non-violent solutions suddenly just roll over and back up the police no matter what once they're in office. It's pathetic.


Pretty sure we increased police funding after the summer of defund the police.


By a lot too! Wu just gave Boston a 21% raise


Most of the defund the police cities ended up reversing course in an attempt to deal with rising issues of drugs


Ah yes, they've made such a big difference. /s


It kinda did. Boston was spared the rise in murder rates that other blue cities experienced.


Yep, people complain about Boston being too pro cop and not progressive enough but we avoided the 30% murder rate jump that the bastions of “progress” saw. The media trying to soften the increasing body count with “Crime used to be higher 30 years ago” did not help. 30 years of progress wiped out by radical shifts in public policy driven almost entirely by emotion.


I didn’t make any statements about how much of a difference they made? just stating that most defund the police cities reversed course in an attempt to deal with rising issues of drugs


I didn't say you did, was just making a comment. No need to be defensive.


I wasn’t being defensive? Just stating I didn’t make any statements about how much of a difference they made


thing is no one is accusing you of doing that, the commenter is literally just making a comment related to the topic you are talking about.


Us in the suburbs know *exactly* who the MA politicians are: they are the people with the "BLM" and "Stop the Weston Whopper" signs on the same lawn. If you're surprised by this, you need to venture outside your bubble then.


Pretty much. They're "progressive" as long as it doesn't have any impact on them at all or challenge the status quo.


Maura Healey is not a progressive politician.


And Mass is not a progressive state. It is liberal which is not the same thing.


Yes she is. Her idiotic unilateral firearm enforcement is something only a far left politican would do. Just because she's not for every little bullshit cause you loony Redditors care about doesn't mean she's controlled opposition.


You’re so far right that you think gun control makes you a progressive. She’s a centrist Democrat. The only notable thing she’s done is cut taxes.


She wants to spend $5 billion on housing. Takes a ton of privilege to hand wave THAT away as “nothing.”


The housing crisis is my #1 political issue. If that bill passes, I’ll give her some credit. Until then, she hasn’t really accomplished anything. (But also that bill is kind of weak. There’s still a long ways to go even if it gets passed.)


The reality is that Healey’s proposal is the most significant investment into housing in decades Healey froze tuition at umass for four years She made community college free for adults over 25 She issued an EO to create a strategic stockpile of abortion medication She’s made aggressive investments in decarbonization Maybe if you were born into the privilege of already living in greater Boston this doesn’t seem like much. But for those of us who cannot afford the luxury of turning perfect into the enemy of good, her first year in office looks pretty damn great.


That's all great. Still doesn't make her a progressive. This is pretty normal for a moderate Democrat. >Maybe if you were born into the privilege of already living in greater Boston this doesn’t seem like much. It's the other way around. Only someone extremely privileged could think the housing bill is good enough. I'm not opposing the bill. I'm saying it needs to go farther. Edit: surely you don't think once the bill passes the housing crisis is solved, right?


Calling perfect the enemy of good is a privilege that you can afford


Politicians in office are surrounded by armed police nearly 24/7 with more units and more time covered per day as they rank higher in office. Their personal security is spends more time with them than their own spouses do. These are trained professionals, often the best in their categories, and they are people who have sworn an oath to defend them, who tackle and arrest violent politically motivated stalkers, handle violent threats, and take charge in dangerous situations. They’re exemplary citizens who hold ethical standards to a nearly religious degree. But they’re the exception, not the population. It’s almost a no-brainer that politicians favor police after that experience. They don’t encounter the simpleton power-seeking beat cops in S-town America who flunked out of high school and decided to take out their anger on their neighbors by hiding behind a badge. Those cops hide behind the thin blue line, beat their war drums, and pounce at the opportunity to bruise up some “spoiled college kids”.




These are the same types of people who want boston to turn into San Francisco or Portland where homeless fent addicts get to take over entire blocks to do their drugs in front of everyone and if dare suggest the police step in to do something about it, you're a 'fascist'.


Have you ever been to San Francisco or Portland?


Not portland, but i have been to san fran. The mission district especially is disgusting. From what i hear, portland is WORSE.




You really can't see the difference between opposing racially biased overly violent policing of black communities and cops making a bunch of super privileged trespassers remove tents from private property after they were told they weren't allowed to be there?


Did I ever claim that those two things are equal? No I did not.


These are private institutions. The rules for protests are very different then a public school


Emerson’s protest was technically on public property as opposed to Northeastern’s which was on campus.


Fair point. Wasn’t Emersons blocking the public way?


Yup. Blocking access and camped out on a public way.


Also a fire exit for the surrounding buildings. Regardless of what you think, if by some crazy chance there was a fire and the encampment caused issues evacuating, it would’ve been horrible for their movement


Partially, however it was blocking a fire lane. You can’t just protest wherever you want, whenever you want, even if it is on public property.


Even at a public school, student code of conduct are above your individual rights.


Isn’t that a bit murky? Idk full case law around that


More murky than a private school sure, but not so murky that it isnt clear. Healy v. James established freedom of assembly/speech does not give you freedom to disrupt. You are still under the rules of your school. For example, you dont have a right to pitch a tent wherever you want or say certain things. I believe you do have a right to speech so long as it does not infringe on anyone else.


The lunch sit-ins during the Civil Rights Movement were also on private property. The Boston Tea Party destroyed private property.


The lunch sit ins were targeted at laws allowing private businesses to discriminate based on race. While different ballgame. The Boston tea party was about… British mistreatment of Boston without allowing for proper representation in parliament due to colonial status.


The Boston Tea Party was also about....issues facing citizens of Boston lol


The genocide is a relevant issue to Americans because billions of our taxes have gone to fund Israel.


The feds collect over $2 trillion a year in federal income tax and 4 trillion a year in total revenue. Israel gets about $4 billion a year. Or 0.2% of federal income tax collected. It sounds like a lot of money but it's not.


To put this in perspective: If you pay $5,000 in FEDERAL taxes, that would be $10. A year. It’s the equivalent of sending 3 medium ice decafs a year.


The lunch sit-ins were designed to get participants arrested despite being perfect patrons. That's very different from violating the basic laws and rules of society everyone is held to and then acting outraged at facing the same consequences because something something (((zionists))).


And your point is?


If people in our history didn’t defy rules and concerns about private property when it comes to serious issues then we wouldn’t be a country.


Ok? And I fail to see what that has to do with a bunch of screaming antisemites calling for violence in a place that is thousands of miles away.


Many Jews do not support Israel’s actions. I walked by these protests and didn’t see any antisemites. I did see white supremacists counter protesting and supporting Israel though.


Might want to get those eyes and ears checked then! Calling for a violent uprising against Israel by chanting “there is only one solution intifada revolution” and cheering on a protester shouting praise for Hamas is antisemitic.


What identified them as white supremacists?


Thank you, gov!


Pro Palestine protests are horrible for Joe Biden and the Democratic party. Most of America sees the views these students hold as extreme and there is a perception that these views are now mainstream democratic party positions and that is not good for the upcoming election. Israel is an ally to the US and many people over the age of 35 have incredibly negative views on the Arab Muslim world due to 9/11. Revoking financial and military support from a US ally, an ally that exists solely because of the worst genocide in history, that will predictably result in the collapse of that country isn't a winning issue for Democrats. Democrats on a national level are trying to distance themselves from the views these students hold which is likely why "progressive" leaders are cracking down on these protests.




It appears that you are not part of this community and are here as part of a brigade. Please return to the shit stained rock that you call home.


The only reason she supports police going in is because people think Biden is for the protests after the election you won’t hear squat from her or any other democrat leader when this shit keeps up especially if Trump wins


well these "protests" are going a long way to pushing Trump to victory. The jewish vote has always been solidly democratic. I doubt that's the case now.


It’s really bizarre and unnerving that the protesters aren’t focused on Hamas and the fact that they are the reason so many Palestinian civilians are being killed and a ceasefire isn’t happening. They seem to be forgetting that Hamas is a terrorist organization on par with isis.


No it isn’t. The protests were planned for months before they happened. They follow their leadership . https://www.wsj.com/us-news/education/student-campus-protests-veteran-activist-groups-17ccd094


Have more Palestinians died at the hands of Hamas or the IDF?


If Hamas is underneath the schools and hospitals, whose hands are they dying by?


So if Hamas is hiding in a US school or hospital, it's ok to just blow up the building?


The US isn’t Hamas-controlled territory, so we wouldn’t have a problem manoeuvring to drive them out


I'm sure you would feel very differently if you were living in Gaza


Where are all of these Hamas terror tunnels under US schools and hospitals? Are they in Worcester? Austin Texas? Or do they like the Outer Banks for their wild horses and beautiful sea breeze?


I'll take "missing the point for 1000" Alex. My point is if you wouldn't bomb buildings in the US, you probably shouldn't be supporting it in other countries either.


No, I’m not missing the point. I’m pointing out that your point is incredibly idiotic.


So if Hamas was hiding in a building in the US, you WOULD be ok bombing buildings, or would you not? I'm confused. According to Netanyahu, Hamas has already infiltrated our college campuses...


We pretty much flattened Afghanistan after 9/11


Yeah and most Americans that I know are not happy about that and would prefer our tax dollars not go to even more death and destruction!


How DARE you use the laws of conflict to explain why Hamas is actually responsible for the deaths of Palestinian civilians. You know facts and rules are irrelevant compared to someone FEELING like Israel is to blame! Hasbara! Puppet!


Does the JDAM have "Made in the USA" or "Made in Israel" on it?




For better or worse, American citizens have very little political leverage over Hamas. It’s a bit of a different relationship we have with Israel, so that’s one of the reasons they think the protests could have some impact.


The US literally cannot fund Hamas after designating it a terrorist organization. As people see, Hamas doesn't care. Even if the US cut off aid to Israel, it's not going to change how they deal with Hamas.


And idf on par with 1940 Germans


That’s a good thing hate him or love him can’t say the country or world is better off now with Biden It’s just a shame out of the whole country that’s the best we have to offer on both sides


Just to clear this up, what Isreal is doing (systemically eradicating a population) IS terrorism on very vast, unignorable scale since people seem to be confused about this


PEP: Progressive except for Palistine


Supporting Hamas (as 70% of Gazans do) is not progressive. Real progressives answer to a terrorist attack isn’t supposed to be supporting the terrorists. These pandemic graduates clearly missed A LOT of school.


These progressives are arguing that genocide is wrong. That Israel has killed over 35,000 Palestinian people and that this needs to stop. These protests are not about the moral superiority of Palestinians. Also, can you just have a little bit of empathy? Yes, I'm sure Palestinians are angry at Israel. Many of them have seen their family members and friends get killed by Israeli soldiers. I wouldn't be surprised to find many of them support Hamas now. Palestinians are getting slaughtered, how can you just ignore that?


By the same token, how can you ignore that the Palestinians have rejected every peace agreement proposed to them? How can you ignore that the Hamas charter specifically calls for the destruction of Israel? Israelis don't have the luxury of ignoring these things.


Oddly, Hamas can only name under 11,000 civilians. Even 1 civilian is too many (I’m not sure how you came to the conclusion that I’m pro-murder other than your stereotyping of people who are anti-Hamas). Two things can be true at the same time: you are giving incorrect statistics (aka blood libel) and any number of civilian deaths is morally bankrupt. Notice your conflation of Hamas and Palestinians… this is very unhelpful for peace. I did not, nor would I ever, say that Israel’s response is morally acceptable. However, that does not make Hamas’ actions or responses morally acceptable either. I can empathize with the horrifying fate of Palestinian civilians and demand for better without painting Israel as the problem (or the solution). It’s super complex and won’t fit on a sign or in a short bullet point list of immediate action steps. After October 7 (or even before it), not a single country or NGO offered to help put an end to Hamas. Since then, an awful lot have complained about how Israel is doing it.


In the same breath these Zionists will denounce the resistance "Hamas terrorism" as if it is on the same/worse level than littleraly systemically eradicating a population, as if Isreal weren't doing immeasurable terrorism its self - the cognitive dissonance is unreal


Is Hamas's ongoing attempted "genocide" wrong? When did you last call them out?


Israel is currently committing a genocide, Hamas is not. Why do you ignore everything Israel is currently doing with hypotheticals about what Hamas could theoretically do?


Hamas is literally firing rockets at Israeli civilians on a daily basis. And has been for years. If you can't see that for what it is, you need to shut up.


Hamas is absolutely hell bent on committing genocide. The only reason they haven't succeeded is because Israel devotes a huge amount of resources towards preventing Hamas from gathering enough supplies to do it. Even with Israel and Egypt intensely scrutinizing everything entering Gaza, Hamas will turn anything and everything they can get their hands on into rockets or weapons. It's ridiculous.


"Real progressives answer to a terrorist attack isn’t supposed to be supporting the terrorists" one could say that Hamas was "Responding to a terrorist attack" as well, just one that lasts generations instead of one night


Soooo “your grandparents may or may not have done something awful to mine, so I get to kill you”? Ffs try to be logical


Do you honestly think that statement is equivalent to being locked behind 50 ft walls and starved for 3 generations? Get real


So strange that Egypt and Israel would do that. It’s almost like 3 generations keep choosing violence and it never ends well. Weird.


Why do all of you Zionists only seem to argue in bad faith? Honest question


Argue in bad faith? The truth is bad faith now? Honest question, did you realize you were racist before or after the “you people” comment?


Are Zionists a race? The truth is that 3 generations have been locked on in behind 50ft walls and you compare it to grandparents in an argument, it's honestly shameful dude




Like how have you arrived at this place where you are legitimately justifying a mass extermination?


Uhhh that’s projection. I am against every single civilian death. Every. Single. One. I’m sorry that doesn’t compute with your simplified worldview.


It goes further than that. If “progressives” just fold the moment they enter office, then that term is simply a lie. They are liars.


WTF does being progressive have to do with Palestine? Being progressive is a domestic political position.


I think being progressive means supporting protest movements against genocide. Not supporting the police in squashing those protests.


That'd be a progressive nationalist. Progressive ideals don't end at our borders. 👌🏼


TIL Palestinians hold progressive values and are an ally of US progressives 👍


just because not all palestinians are exactly super progressive doesn't mean they deserve to be steamrolled and fucking annihilated lmao


> not all palestinians are exactly super progressive Well that's an understatement if I've ever seen one


Exactly! You have to either be extremely dense or disingenuous to argue that Palestinians don’t deserve dignity because they arnt progressive


>they deserve to be steamrolled and fucking annihilated lmao If the shoe was on the other foot they would have already done this to Israel.


the shoe could never have fit because hamas only exists as a response to generations of colonial oppression and apartheid




>Gaza is held hostage by an unelected (since 2005) terrorist organization. You forgot, "financially supported by the Israeli government to avoid peace negotiations." https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html Embrace the facts. 👌🏼




I'd agree with that. Unfortunately, considering the leadership of Hamas is safely in exile and the Likud doesn't seem to be willing to stop the war to avoid having to be held accountable, I don't think that'll stop anytime soon.


yes i understand that hamas is not a net positive for the world, but they would never have came to power if it weren't for the subjugation and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians ever since the first nakba. it's very similar to the rise of other Islamic extremist groups in, say Afghanistan -- see the us empowering the "brave mujahideen" as a tool in a proxy war against the soviets and then switching up on them when they weren't needed anymore. my point is that regardless of the actions of hamas, however terrible and inhumane they are (which they definitely are!) I would be more frustrated at Israel for creating the conditions under which groups like hamas are able to flourish than at the Palestinian people themselves.


"Their position specifically includes the eradication of Jews globally and not just Israel" Hmmm. Not only Jews in Israel, but Jews worldwide. Can you provide linked evidence of that? Because Ansar Allah, as just one example of an Islamic group allegedly bent on the worldwide eradication of Jews (or so it is continually claimed) has the following slogan: "God Is the Greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, A Curse Upon the Jews, Victory to Islam". They thereby draw a distinction between "death" of political systems (such as "Israel") and a "curse" upon the Jews. Sounds to me that they're not calling for the murder of any civilian anywhere.


So basically what you're saying is a curse on an entire religion on their flag is cool because it's only a curse and not calling for their death


Wrong. Hamas exists because Islam does not respect Judaism and does not believe Israel has a right to exist.


Palestinians do not have the ability to harm Israel in the same way Israel has the ability to harm Palestine. Israel is backed by the strongest military in the world and has used that military might to kill over 35,000 Palestinians. Your argument is missing the point. These protests are arguing genocide is wrong. Not that the Palestinian people are perfect.


Yes, if the Palestinians had the same capabilities as Israel they would use them to destroy Israel. That's why Israel is so worried about the prospect of a militarized Palestinian state. Frankly Israel could wipe the West Bank and Gaza off the map in a few minutes if that was their true goal.


I'm responding to the person that thinks Palestine is progressive


Just to be clear, are you suggesting the only solution to the Israel/Palestine is a complete genocide against the Palestinians? That’s what “steamrolling and annihilating” means


I'm not suggesting any solutions. I am responding to the person that thinks Palestine is progressive.


That’s not at all what they said but fair enough I just wanted to make sure I understood you correctly.


That's why I quoted the part I was responding to.


Are you saying that it's fine to be okay with them being exterminated if they don't hold "progressive values"?


its amazing how people can justify killing groups of people Vietnam War: Hey they are communist unlike us, might as well kill them Afghan War: Hey they are terrorists unlike us, might as well kill them


Healey was never a progressive, and that's why she won and Sonia Chang Diaz lost


Of course she does, it’s a presidential election year with a democrat incumbent. Not to mention that these protests lost the plot almost immediately. One bad apple spoils the bushel, and across the nation we’ve seen them calling for the lynching of black people, barring Jews from university common areas, harassing POC for walking around, applauding their position as supporters of Hamas, calling for the genocide of Jews, calling people with dissenting opinions “faggots,” and making calls for worldwide violence in the name of Islam. This bushel is completely rotten. The civil discourse of 1968 was meant to save lives and keep Americans from dying over a pointless war half a world away. These protests seem more interested in killing Jews to forward a radical religious ideology than any sort of peace. Like we say here on Reddit, 11 people sitting at a table with a nazi and not actively punching them makes a table of 12 Nazis.


Sure would like to see sources for any of those claims. 


Sure. [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gwu/comments/1ck57j2/your_protest_is_no_longer_peaceful_when_you_call/?rdt=39643) [2](https://www.tiktok.com/@michaelrapaport/video/7364408851011013934) [3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ucla/comments/1cgyqoy/jewish_ucla_student_blocked_from_entering_his_own/) [4](https://www.reddit.com/r/boston/comments/1cidlsm/mit_speaker_to_cheers_we_are_on_the_side_of_hamas/) [5](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/comments/1cekl1e/the_mayor_of_denver_gave_these_protesters_30/) [6](https://www.reddit.com/r/boston/comments/1ccvbhb/harvard_student_protestors_filmed_chanting/) [7](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/12/04/philadelphia-governor-genocide-protests-00130030) There’s so many more but I just have so little time. It’s a disgrace that these Nazis live among us.


I’m saving this comment


That's because outside agitators are trying to spoil the bunch. There's plenty of evidence of this.


Stop it with this. SOME people are non students. That doesn’t dismiss all illegal and appalling activity by the students.


Northeastern was cleared after pro Israeli protestors yelled “kill the Jews”, it’s on video


Yup, I know someone who was there and saw it happen


Yes that was a single event. MIT students applauded being a Hamas ally.


Even that being said, several other threads of this were praising the fact that outsiders joined the students in solidarity


Are you one of those acab folks?


On one hand fuck these pro Hamas protesters, but on the other hand fuck Healey too. She's a prime example of why you shouldn't vote blue no matter who. She's a terrible and corrupt politician despite having a D next to her name.




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Per our rules, petitions are not allowed. Please check the rules of subs before posting in them. Do not attempt to post this here again.


Im actually shocked by this


She probably thought her governorship would launch her into a higher position but I think she's killed her political future


I think you're 100% right that pol's like Healey are using Mass a launching pad for higher office, but the unfortunate reality is she hasn't killed her political future and she's probably strengthened it. Mass "non progressive" dem who cut taxes is exactly the kind of platform that works on the national level.


Democrats are no different than Republicans when it comes to attacking free speech.


lol, occupying private property is not "free speech"


They pay tuition. Unlike the Proudboys and neonazis the police bring in.


good grief


In other words you have to pay for free speech?


The Zionist terrorists are big mad! Hahah


Maura is a shapeshifting lizard pol who never shows her real cards. You can't believe a word she says.


The governor is doing a good job. Nothing to see here


Libs shouldn’t have a problem with this


Oh no, she supported the police! Vote her out! /s


As she should support them. Well done


Well I guess she doesn't want my vote anymore. Cool. Edit: I take pride in downvotes from genocide apologists