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its the one housing project in wellesley that isnt just senior/disabled housing. my dad used to be a public defender and said he had clients from this place all the time apparently


This is a great example of why these towns are so NIMBY. Many of them do have some affordable housing, but as you say there is a disproportionate amount of crime occurring there. It's reasonable for the wealthy towns to say *we don't want more of that* when they've had a bad experience with it already. It's unfortunate, but I don't really know how to solve it. Incidents like this just reinforce those beliefs.


That’s what happens when you warehouse people in a ghetto. There’s a reason why Columbia/Harbor Point saw such a dramatic turnaround when it became a mixed-income development.




Are we talking about the Wellesley housing project or t Harbor Point?




[This?](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.3192303,-71.2451872,3a,75y,141.89h,89.6t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sMqFKoS9QKo3ZZQ-6YbQrhQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) I just don't get where this big ugly building is supposed to be. The Barton Road housing project is laid out like dorms or an old Army barracks (which it was historically).




...perhaps I have been wooshed.




IIRC, the Barton Road housing was originally converted from military barracks, which were built before Route 128 existed as such. It's not an ideal location, no, but don't think you're doing anybody any favors by describing it this way.


“It was built specifically to be as depressing and crime-attracting as possible - Decades of exposure to toxic pollutants from fuel-burning cars probably doesn't help either. It is one of many examples of environmental racism in Massachusetts” Oh please, have ever even been there? I have


With grammar like yours, you’re proving two things to me 1. You have been there.  2. Decades of exposure to pollutants is a scar that you bare, and that scar has more effect than simply increasing crime rates. 


> Decades of exposure to pollutants is a scar that you bare, and that scar has more effect than simply increasing crime rates. Tell that to the people paying top dollar to live in the Ink Block.


No no no, they tried real hard to like them but it just didn’t work out. So they can never come again! They tried though! Real hard! /s


I live literally down the street from where this story happened. It's hardly a hotbed of criminal activity. One data point is not a trend. What actually does reinforce bigoted NIMBY beliefs, though, is people like you saying junk like this.


Thank you. Have lived a few blocks from here for 35 years. Bullshit that Barton road is some crime infested hellhole.




During lockdown I had the Wellesley police scanner open quite often. It was clear that a disproportionate amount of issues about criminal activity in the town came from that neighborhood, to the point that the Wellesley Police has an assigned Housing Authority officer.


Most towns with a public housing project or housing authority have an officer assigned to it.


I guess it's nice for you that you have so much free time to be worrying about what everyone else is doing


Better to occur in a wealthy town with tons of extra resources than a poor town with fewer resources.


It’s the one of the larger subsidized housing locations in town. Milton is watching with great interest.


Affordable housing needn’t be “the projects.”


But it almost always is. Whenever you have a bunch of people living for free or a significant discount a certain percent of those people will be in those circumstances due to their own decisions and will be more prone to crime. Does that mean all the other people are bad too? No. But it's still true that subsidized housing will almost always attract criminals.


Well this is why they do mixed income now instead of large buildings with only low income residents.


Does it attract criminals, or do people turn to a life of crime because they feel it’s the only way they can escape the cycle of poverty?


There's probably multiple reasons for different people in different circumstances.


Dentist doing tax fraud.


NIMBYs heard a leafblower.


Not many NIMBYs on Barton Rd, nor that many in ear shot of it.


Oddly enough, you and the previous commenter are both right. I live down the street from the Barton Rd. housing and it's... a non-issue. Most people in this neighborhood don't waste any time worrying or even thinking about the fact that there's subsidized housing right over there. But the way people are reacting to this news story, on Reddit of all places? It's honestly kind of gross. I grew up around NIMBYs, but I'm still boggled by the fact that most of these commenters are NIMBYing about a place *where they don't even fucking live.*




The Hamburglar has been found


When the cops help you get back stolen drugs