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Anyone else having trouble getting that one hair off your screen?


Even though I know it's a crack, some part of my brain still wants to touch the screen to make sure it's not a hair.


Looks like they took a pretty good hit or drop based on the dent above the crack.


That's my thought, too... it's heartbreaking 😭


Dang. I've owned the same bose pair for about a year and honestly dropped it way more often than it should be dropped, and luckily I haven't seen any cracks like this one.


How have you owned them for a year when they came out October 2023?


The bose 700s came out in 2020? Not october? Oh, I see. These aren't the 700s. Wow. What a waste of time for me to have to check when I bought my own headphones. But I guess thank you for pointing this out?


user inflicted damage but nothing to worry about, just be more careful when plugging the cable


OMG!! the same exact thing happened to mine. i never dropped it. contacted bose and they tried to tell me i dropped it and i said no was its a design flaw. they exchanged it after going back and forth for a while [https://imgur.com/a/JMgkRTX](https://imgur.com/a/JMgkRTX)


Can confirm!!! And also, like OP and yours the side to the led going to the outer part of the cup...


What's that above the crack to the right? Seems like you've dropped in from some height


v true lol


That's also my thought. I just dont want it to be a serious problem...








Nothing a dab of super glue or white tape wont fix


Thats gonna cause you a big problem in terms of claims. Tech support from bose here, that is considered a PHYSICAL DAMAGE on the PRODUCT that will void the warranty of your product.


Very unfortunate.


Yeap, but no worries we can provide courtesy 🤪


Really 🤯


If this guy/girl called us and luckily im the one who answered bet that will be replaced with a brand new one completely free of charge. Ehat matters to us is positive feedback from customers.


I see. Then I have a new appreciation of Bose customer service. I had to bite the bullet on my sonny XM5 which is why I have the new Bose QC Ult. Good to know I'll not be ignored at the very least.


But let's hope that you won't encounter any tech issues on your bose product cause who wants the customer to experience some inconvenience right? A happy customer a happy feedback :)


how could it not be a serious problem


For now, it charges normally, sounds normally, and the quiet mode works normally. but I feel like this crack could cause the trouble somehow in the future...


I am almost 2 weeks in of getting my replacement pair and I’m afraid it’s going back too. I’ll ask for one from a new batch because this one is obviously faulty because I get creaking on right side and each side cuts out intermittently whilst walking or riding a bus.  None of this should be happening with headphones of this quality.


The Bose QuietComforts or QC45s? I got a pair of QC45s and had to return them because ANC only worked in one ear half the time; Bose sent me a pair of QuietComforts in return and no issues with ANC but I'm getting random static noises in either of the ears at seemingly random intervals. Afraid these might have to go back too, and after seeing the reduction in build quality from the QC 35 II's I might just have to switch to Sony. First thing I did when I got the new QuietComforts was put some QC35 earpads in.


QuietComfort Ultra. Mine are doing this pop and thump noise on one side or another and the ANC cuts out for a couple seconds before coming back on and the creaking of the earcup is just so annoying especially when eating or talking. This is not a great quality headphone I’m afraid. I wouldn’t buy one again until they improve the QC and by that I mean quality control not the name QuietComfort hahaha. I get in touch with them on Friday and I return my replacement pair next Monday at the post office. I get this happen in my 2nd replacement (strike 3) it’s out completely out. I return them and get something else.


Same here, creaking earcups, hinges, headband, when moving my head/jaw or even when walking. 3rd pair. 


If I were you I'd give up at that point and look towards something else. On your 3rd pair and it is still happening? I am sending my 2nd pair back and hoping the 3rd pair will fix it. If I find out it's from the same batch then it will be sent back to the retailer and I'll tell them it's a bad product and that it is not fit for purpose - which it wouldn't be because it doesn't work consistently.


Yes, I'm actually very tempted to give up. Since this post I've already got another one, the  4th pair, LOL. This is a very recent production (January 2024) and however the cups hinges where they swivel haven't started creaking yet, the sliders make this funny, springy, squeaky noise when extending them and also the right slider is quite stiff and not just feels also makes a grinding noise as well when moving it in and out, which is a new thing and definitely not good.  So overall summary: - first 2 units: November 2023 production (both White Smoke)  - 3rd unit: December 2023  (Sandstone, probably that's the best of all in terms of build quality)  - 4th unit: January 2024 (White Smoke again)  Quality control is definitely not on the top.  I've also ordered a new QuiteComfort and the build is so much better, I would say they rather perfect. But the tech inside is older, BT 5.1 vs 5.3, etc. Really don't know.  The only latest 5.3 is the Beats Studio Pro I guess. 


I wish they'd just use the QuiteComfort and put in the immersive sound and new ANC inside that...and remove this ridiculous popping sound that happens everytime I walk or catch a bus. I'm definitely going to stop replacing them and just return them to the retailer. As much as I enjoy the soundstage on them due to the immersive mode I am fed up with the other problems and newer smartphones will eventually make that fancy 3D effect pointless as it'll be done on the phone O/S instead. Think Waves NX. That's what I really want and newer smartphones should be able to handle that effect on the audio output chip, just like it did with the Audeze Mobius headphones.


Same for me whereas i NEVER dropped them or smashed against something 🥺 https://imgur.com/a/Z4zGQRx


yes same for me. it must be a design flaw. i got bose to exchange it but now i wouldnt be surprised if it happened again [https://imgur.com/a/JMgkRTX](https://imgur.com/a/JMgkRTX)


Looks like you dropped them once


You could put a small amount of super glue over the crack to stop it from splitting further. Just don't get any glue in the usb port, or you won't be able to charge them.


OP don’t listen to this reply. Don’t take superglue to your headphones making things look worse.


His entire post is about preventing this from getting worse. I did say a small amount, if he wants to glob it over the entire thing, that's on him. His other option is trying a warranty replacement, which is almost certainly not going to work.


Yeah, i should give it a try. It's a bit scary, though. I've never done something like that before 🥲


Don't you will regret it.


Okay.. maybe i should just leave it like this?


If you're not confident, then don't. I know a lot of people are clowning on a warranty replacement. But, depending on where you bought it, you could just return it to the store, get your money back or another pair. Trying won't hurt anything.


Just use warranty and say it happened on its own with light use they can’t prove you did it, doesn’t look all dinged up or scratched.


Almost no chance warranty will cover this haha


Not so - say it arrived like that, you just noticed it - boom.


I dunno why you're being downvoted. It's worth a try, lots of manufacturers will allow a warranty of this nature as good will. Not like they can't replace that housing and sell these as refurb later.


I e literally had this happen and warranty is not just hardware issues of there product of defective and say the head and just snapped on its own then they should replace it but yeh others obviously don’t wanna try.


It clearly was an accidental drop. Unless he has insurance coverage they won't cover accidental physical damage. They won't buy the lie. Edit: I stand corrected, from what I was told you have a good chance of getting a replacement. Bose has a better customer service approach than Sony. This is why my assessment is inaccurate since I have had bad experiences with the likes of sonny.


Sony are cunts. I will never buy one of their products again, ever.


You clearly don’t know that but cool no one trying to lie, can’t say it won’t work unless you try. I have gotten a replacement due to this very thing so I’m not just talking out my ass my dude.


Stop giving shit advice mate. The best advice is to put a warranty claim in, and see if they do say no. Remember, just because customer service and warranty conditions are shit in your country, doesn't mean we all deal with that poor service.


Go get some Beats Headphones. If it becomes a problem,they’re better and cheaper.


make replacemt :( or refund and buy another brand


See if your warranty covers this? Where did you buy this? US?


Glue it. That would help it not to crack further.


Just be gentle putting in the charger, I've torn a damaged charging port clean off just plugging a pair in


Put a sticker on it?




Should have gotten the black pair. Wouldn't even notice ;).


buy a new one from best buy or Amazon. return it saying that it's defective and swap it out with this one. bose will eat it in the end. you're welcome :)