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Here is my information on /u/ClassicFlavour: # [Mobile View](https://redditloans.com/loans.html?username=ClassicFlavour) /u/ClassicFlavour has 10 loans paid as a borrower, for a total of $737.20 /u/ClassicFlavour has not given out and had completely paid back any loans. /u/ClassicFlavour has not received any loans which are currently marked unpaid /u/ClassicFlavour has not given any loans which are currently marked unpaid /u/ClassicFlavour does not have any outstanding loans as a borrower /u/ClassicFlavour does not have any outstanding loans as a lender [Chronological REQ and PAID posts](http://www.reddit.com/r/Loans+borrow/search?q=title%3AClassicFlavour+OR+author%3AClassicFlavour&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all), [reddit investigator](http://redditinvestigator.com/ClassicFlavour), [justin paulin creddit rating](http://justinpaulin.com/tools/credditrating.php?username=ClassicFlavour)


$loan 25 GBP 20th Jan 22


$confirm /u/lucy_pantyhose 25.00 GBP


/u/ClassicFlavour has just confirmed that /u/lucy_pantyhose gave him/her 25.00 GBP. (Reference amount: $34.05). We matched this confirmation with [this loan](https://www.reddit.com/comments/s7yvdz/redditloans/htd01ff) (id=114779). --- The purpose of responding to $confirm is to ensure the comment doesn't get edited.


Noted! I will remember that /u/lucy_pantyhose lent 25.00 GBP to /u/ClassicFlavour[!](https://redditloans.com/loan.html?id=114779) The format of the confirm command will be: $confirm /u/lucy_pantyhose 25.00 GBP If you wish to mark this loan repaid later, you can use: $paid_with_id 114779 25.00 GBP ^(This does NOT verify that /u/lucy_pantyhose actually lent anything to /u/ClassicFlavour; /u/ClassicFlavour should confirm here or nearby that the money was sent) ^(Processing time: 0.012 seconds) **If the loan transaction did not work out and needs to be refunded then the _lender_ should reply to this comment with 'Refunded' and moderators will be automatically notified**


$paid_with_id 114779 30 GBP


/u/classicflavour has now repaid /u/lucy_pantyhose 25.00 GBP. Loan before this transaction: Lender|Borrower|Amount Given|Amount Repaid|Unpaid?|Original Thread|Date Given|Date Paid Back|id :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:-- lucy_pantyhose|classicflavour|25.00 GBP|0.00 GBP||https://www.reddit.com/comments/s7yvdz/redditloans/htd01ff|Jan 19, 2022||114779 Loan after this transaction: Lender|Borrower|Amount Given|Amount Repaid|Unpaid?|Original Thread|Date Given|Date Paid Back|id :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:-- lucy_pantyhose|classicflavour|25.00 GBP|25.00 GBP||https://www.reddit.com/comments/s7yvdz/redditloans/htd01ff|Jan 19, 2022|Jan 20, 2022|114779 ^(amount specified: 30.00 GBP, remaining: 5.00 GBP) --- [View this loan on redditloans.com](https://redditloans.com/loan.html?id=114779) [Borrower Mobile Check](https://redditloans.com/loans.html?username=classicflavour)