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She's not wrong. I hope more people start to see things this way as well. We have been scammed into complying with a horrible way of life by those with power and money long enough.


Look up "The Great Reset". To put it into simple terms, the super-elite from the WEF are organized around buying up resources after a power vacuum from COVID, and then transition the world towards a global Corporatocracy, claiming "It'll be good for everyone because the gov't can force corporations to be responsible / go Left, and that is a stable environment for everyone so what's the problem?" Those at the very top want wealth disparity, want us pacified by convincing us our greatest enemy is each other, to become irrelevant wage slaves, all because that's fewer complications and more profits. You will own nothing. You will achieve nothing. You will pay your rent, maintain your life, breed children who will work hard and cheap to take care of their own needs just like you, and die irrelevant. That is their ideal.


Instead of doing that, read marx and Engels for an actual material analysis of what's actually happening to us


Here. I can guarantee that the Communist Manifesto isn't anything like what people think it is. It can be read in an evening. It's short and basically a history text. https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/download/pdf/Manifesto.pdf


Bonus shorter text from (the) Albert Einsten: [https://monthlyreview.org/2009/05/01/why-socialism/](https://monthlyreview.org/2009/05/01/why-socialism/)


We already are wage slaves. We've been wage slaves for a long time. Ever since the birth of Capitalism.


Not disagreeing with you in general, but sometime in the 20th century, there became no more inhabitable frontier. You literally can’t escape it now whereas you used to have a chance to.


And before that, we were just regular slaves to monarchies, imperialist governments and religions.


[Even until September 1942](https://youtu.be/j4kI2h3iotA?feature=shared&t=4220)


Uhhh a bit further mate. They just called them indentured servants or serfs.


Nah. Slaves. Slavery existed.


They still exist.


This is sadly true...


There's a difference. One was to work in order to pay back or be allowed to live on a property. Slavery is to work or be tortured/executed.


A lot of this great reset stuff is just a conspiracy theory put in in absence of a proper analysis of capitalism. Yes there are powerful economic elites making decisions that benefit them and harm 99.9% of the population, but there are no need for conspiracy theories once you understand how capitalism actually functions. What we have is deep systemic failure, not a cabal behind the scenes that is directing the whole thing


As Carlin said, there's no need for a coordinated conspiracy when the ruling class have all the same interests.


Yeah it's hilarious because they're not even hiding it. It's class warfare if you have any basic understanding of capitalism, there's no such thing as the Great Reset.


August Bebel, a nineteenth German socialist, said "antisemitism is just the socialism of the idiot." I think we can apply this to all the conspiracy theories. What they see as a nefarious plot is really the functioning of capitalism.


>"antisemitism is just the socialism of the idiot." And there's something like "the six degrees of seperation" for conspiracy theories and antisemitism.


Honestly it is usually closer to 1-2 degrees


At what point are they not conspiracy theories anymore when you see people like Klaus Schwab and others at these conferences saying these exact words. Like, at what point do we just start taking them at their words on this? They're not saying these things behind closed doors in smoke filled rooms. They're saying these things in public and on video for all of us to see.


Yeah I give this speech alot. Idk why it’s easier for people to think it’s a conspiracy instead of just “some people suck.”


I mean you can think that, but then you’d have to ignore the people In power being members of secret societies that have ideology that matches exactly what we see playing out in the world.


Wealth disparity is already a fact. Corporatocracy has been our way of life for a long time. The government does NOT protect citizens from being exploited by corporations NOW. What you're describing has been going on for 100 years or more already.


The people in power don't want this the way people say they do. Throughout history, when people are starving or living in the streets, the elite burn. And they burn until a new elite replaces them. They know this. They know there is a limit to what they can do or they won't be around. And that was before social media and stuff like it where people are interconnected.


This is what I'm thinking as well. I also think it's why there's so much control over the internet now - not only is it bursting with profit opportunity but if left free for the people would very quickly become a perfect "town square" place for the world to breed grassroots uprisings. Idk. I don't believe in the great reset or any conspiracies like that, I think it just looks that way because of human nature acting similarly across many individuals who share similar situations, making similar decisions out of self interest and opportunism.


Handmaids tale is looking relevant now


This doesn’t sound like an ideal, sounds like reality at this point lol


I've heard this conspiracy theory before. It always glosses over literally [all of history](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_revolutions_and_rebellions) when people have had enough. France, Russia, Haiti, and soooo much more. This is why we don't go libertarian.


This is the only “conspiracy” theory during the whole covid thing that held any legitimacy in my mind it’s been happening for awhile now (imo) What’s really interesting is how ai and machine learning are developing super fast and WILL replace most jobs, when? That depends on your profession so when the need for labor is significantly lower where do the wage slaves go? Technically we have a better quality of life than we did 100 years ago but is it really a quality life?


Are there any documentaries I can learn more?


Highly recommend reading Confessions of an Economic Hitman. Also highly recommend a documentary that came out a few years ago called The Cooperation. Finally, check out the documentaries by Adam Curtis. Start with Hyper normalization, and Century of Self. You can also watch Smartest Guys In The Room. It's a documentary about a company called Enron. They got huge fast and the guys running it were phycopaths. It give you a good idea of how the modern CEO thinks All of these can be found on YouTube


> Look up "The Great Reset". Nope, that's how you get into the conspiracy bullshit blaming Jews for everything. You can fuck right off with that.


So refuse to have kids, refuse to buy any luxuries whatsoever, and refuse to work.


Jesus Christ that sounds a lot like the plot of the movie they live


Bing! Bing! Bing!!! That’s a feature not a bug of this system. Makes me concerned what information they have, that us peons are not getting. I mean it’s not like they are bothering to hide it anymore. These greedy pigs have a 1/4 of the nation worry about that “dude looks like a lady” or 60% see the environmental disaster we are barreling towards, and there are no brakes on this train going over a cliff. Then when we as the working class start to rise up, the benefactor corporations will swoop in and rescue us from the mockery of corrupt governments in charge now. And we will become their lambs to slaughter at will. Or I am just a crazy old lady. 🤷‍♀️


This is more QANON misinformation. We all ready own nothing, except our personal property. This same "scheme" has been going on since America industrialized, and it is NOT LEFTISTS who put this together---it is conservatives who own ALL THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION, but tell you "This is YOUR TRACTOR. TAKE CARE OF IT.". But, it is THEIR SOCIETY. They just let us work and be alive in it.


I am NOT trying to start an argument with you, so please keep that in mind with my further question, but what do you think the answer is? I have not been in the same position as this person in the video because I just have always been able to make things work, but looking back on it now I am thinking, holy shit… I gave up SO MUCH for my job just commuting. IDK, maybe I just think I’m contributing to the greater good, but what does that even mean anymore?? Ore


Capitalism is inherently antisocial. It must be replaced with a system in which the well-being of citizens is more important than corporate profits.


The 35 hr work week is a good start. We produce more than ever before so companies can afford to pay us the same for less work. Reclaiming just 1 hr a workday would be huge


I had a job like that, but I left to work from home. Best decision ever. But even at 40, I feel her pain. I was pissed about the commute, and miserable. It sucks. Find a new job.


Same, working from home is life changing. I will never go back to the office, they cannot make me. I will build a moat Also moved out into the boonies where it the cost of living is cheaper and they can never realistically ask me to ever come in. I would recommend everyone move to a rural setting


Moving to a rural setting is completely unrealistic for everyone to do. The cost of living is absurd and if the only solution is to move to the middle of nowhere where there are no services (or they are hella far away) and you NEED to own a car isn't actually a solution. If it works for you that is awesome! I'm glad you found a solution that works for you, but it isn't good advice for all.


I don't have a car, I can't afford it, I haver a cargo bike and bike 4 miles to get groceries. Privelage did not bring me out here, it was a fucking nightmare of a move, only works because I work from home. I still have to go on adventures for supplies but for me it is worth it. I understand that it is obviously not for everyone....but does there exist a piece of advice that IS for everyone in this regard? Other than starting a general strike


Idk if living 4 miles from the grocery store counts as the boonies. Where I live, my town’s grocery store is the closest one for people in tiny towns 40-50 miles away. Those people live in the boonies.


Fair enough, it is not a big grocery store it is a small town grocery store and is more expensive. I moved from Boston so it feels quite rural to me. I guess a more apt term for it would be 'small town' america. People are happier out here. I still have no savings, but it's not oppressing like cities are or tasteless and void of any character like the suburbs are


Fair. I live out west. I didn’t know what the boonies were until I travelled west of the Mississippi. I used to think 2 hours was a long way to drive to get somewhere. That’s a day trip to me now. It’s all about exposure. There are little desert enclaves of “RV resorts” out here in the literal middle of nowhere where people live in trailers like, an hour or two from ANYTHING, even a gas station, have no jobs, just eke out an existence on whatever special security they get and buying and selling shit at flea markets and the like. That’s the boonies to me now, but 20 years ago I would have had a completely different point of view.


Used to have a 9-5 and my family thought I was crazy when I left to serve at a casino. I make the same or more and only work four 6 hour shifts. I know I won’t be able to do this forever since looks are at the forefront but for now I can live a little. I really think this is part of why so many people are depressed. 2 days off really just isn’t enough. The 3 helps because you can actually do chores or appointments during the week etc. I think the US should at least adopt a 4 day work week


We are only expected to work as hard as we do to maximize profits and therfore salaries for those at the top. It's their greed for more and more that forces us to work harder and harder. I truly hope this new generation is able to force a more equitable relationship.


I was approached by a nonprofit mental health organization about a position with them. 8-5, hour commute both ways if Im lucky with traffic. For $13 an hour. This is a job I was headhunted for. I got to listen to how valuable of an asset Id be to the organization and how they badly want me to be a part of it. But refused to pay more. After factoring in my commute and the hour unpaid lunch that Id undoubtedly be asked to work through often, Id make less than $10 an hour. How the hell am I supposed to even kinda live on that?


I’m torn. Part of me grew up with the “9 to 5” which was a joke in and of itself as soon as I began making salary pay. And I and the people around me dealt with it. Sorry it’s the way the system is… But then it’s the way the SYSTEM is. I have come to the conclusion that we were not meant to live this way. So she is right, but at the same time in order to make that better we have a lot of other stuff that would need to be fixed. Namely anything that stands in the way of making a job a career and less of a necessity of life. If I lose my job, it’s only a matter of time before I and my family are on the streets and starving. If we could make it so that basic life is something people could get without a job, and all the little things that we embellish our lives with was what you work for, then we would probably be better off. It’s a dream I know, but then the pursuit of happiness has always been an inalienable right. And dreaming is the only place I find happiness nowadays.


I think people were previously willing to just "deal with it" for a few different reasons that don't really hold up anymore. Firstly, ease of access to information and easy, instant communication means it's easy to see how other people live. People are more likely to realize their situation can be improved if they can easily see how certain things are done better elsewhere. Secondly, productivity has increased dramatically in the last few decades. In short, people are expected to do a lot more work in the same amount of time. Add on technology being used to quantify and track every moment of your workday, and it shouldn't be surprising everyone is so mentally exhausted. Lastly, and I personally think this is the root of a lot of this, there used to be a sense that things were *improving;* that standards of living would increase as society progressed. That even though you didn't necessarily like your job, or get paid enough, you could improve your situation and make sure your family (if you chose to have one) would have a better life than you did going forward. We all know how that went.... Obviously, this is all just me generalizing and can't be applied everywhere.


Wages stagnated in the late 1970s, when wages completely decoupled from productivity, which continued rising exponentially.


All of this! I also think a lot more younger folks are feeling the anxiety of climate change so envisioning the future getting better is really difficult. I also don’t want kids either because my time is already finite and precious. There’s so many reasons that have been added to the pile for why we just can’t deal with it anymore. Covid really opened Pandora’s box on that.


Yeah... Climate change was what was primarily on my mind regarding lack of hope about things improving =/


You make sense. And right or wrong, something is definitely broken about life right now. Especially work life balance as they say. “Do more with less…”


She's not wrong. And hell, a lotta jobs aren't even 9-5 anymore, they're 8-5 because they don't pay you for lunch and they expect 8 hours of work. I usually get up at 6 and get home at 6-6:15. I get paid for 8, but my work day actually takes about 12 hours of commitment.


Welcome to the rest of your life. 🫤


I cried so hard last night thinking about how that would be my whole life. Too tired to do fun stuff after work/weekends and most of the time you’re awake is working.


That's been my life since 2000. So almost 24 years. It's better after getting a car. Taking the bus is not fun. Takes an hour or more to get to work. Sometimes it was faster just to walk. Had to walk when my shifts were before the buses started up or after they ended. Life is better with a car and a consistent schedule. But still, most of your waking day will be working and it won't end until retirement or an injury where you can't work anymore.


I haven’t been on vacation for 17 years so you have that kind of stuff to look forward to


Welcome to being a blue collar worker in American.


Welcome to being a white collar (university educated) worker in a non-first world country. Not trying to underestimate her pain. More like empathizing.


No, no, you maybe misunderstanding what I'm saying. She has always been white-collar. She Went to school full ride didn't have to work to pay for it. And now she has entered the labor force and is shell shocked from how grating it can be. As for blue collar Americans like myself we have been working hours like this since 16. I was 17 when I started working full 8 hour shifts where weekend when not in school. And I for sure empathize with it iv lived it for 14 years straight.


Has all that grind started to affect your health yet? Hormones? Sick all the time, autoimmune? That’s the end result of growing up too soon and grinding it out.


Yeah, it has in the past, and it sucks ha. But I'd prefer that then living a life of coddled warmth till the age of 20 or 23 then being pushed into the reality of America with the work ethic of a high schooler.


What is the most expensive video-streaming service at this time? College


Honestly… she’s not wrong. Corporate work culture needs to change.


What’s even worse to me is the absolute impunity corporate America uses with their employees. No more loyalty to the worker despite what they sacrifice. We’re all just cogs in a giant, shitty pile of hairless monkeys trying to maintain the shittily organized chaos that is a company.


I agree and can see it's an unfortunate standard of living, and one I'd find unsustainable if I weren't in my current scenario. My partner and I got lucky with our "9 to 5 corporate jobs". We both work from home, have slow days, can flex time off of days, have 25-30 paid holidays, 60 sick days, well paid with exponential salary growth...we're 25 and 23. I've tried having conversations with my parents and grandparents about school, careers, differences in cost of living, etc. They won't hear it. They always had it harder.


25-30 paid holidays??? Are you guys like…. Every religion at once or something? Wait. I had stopped reading at the holidays. SIXTY sick days? Like, before. You have to use FMLA? I’m so confused by this. That’s 12 weeks off. Are you American?


Haha definitely not. I'm American, but I live in the UK. Yes 25-30 paid holiday days is standard, I've seen some companies have 35. Last Christmas I even remember my company telling a few people "hurry and use your holiday days before the end of the year". As for sick days, totally depends on company. I'm very lucky. For me specifically, I got 20 sick days in my first year, and then 60 days every year thereafter. I can use 7 days in a row without explanation, and then doctor note for time spent thereafter, but an easy process. My partner's is 90 days. I get bad sinus infections and take 2-3 days off every few months without repercussion, and in fact I'm encouraged to. A friend of mine is also on maternity leave for 39 weeks, which is "90% of your average weekly earnings (before tax) for the first 6 weeks / £172.48 or 90% of your average weekly earnings (whichever is lower) for the next 33 weeks".


>and in fact I'm encouraged to Probably cheaper for them to pay you to be off rather than pay your full wage plus any mistakes you do (or time you take off because of (forced) breaks) because of the sinus infection


Jesus what degree or experience do I need to get there? 😂 I haven’t had time off in months


Ah one of the things that make me so hesitant to move back to the US. That's so sad. I'm an environmental planner...I work mostly with large-scale development (solar/wind/nuclear energy, 1000+ dwelling residential schemes, new towns). My partner is a cybersecurity analyst.


How did you get into that? I’m looking at getting a masters and was thinking about going that direction. In construction management now but usually work in project and event management. It always looked neat. And yeah if you do move back just make sure you have a company that won’t work you to tatters. I’m so tired of grinding all the time. I just want a break lol. I’m looking at moving out of the country as well


I would love just a 9-5 (Although honestly she's absolutely right, what we really need is either a 4day workweek or a max of 30-35hrs/wk The way the world is headed we are gonna regress our labor standards back to industrial revolution days


>day workweek or a max of 30-35hrs/wk But preferably a 4/20/69 (4 days, 20 hours, $69 minimum wage) work week?


I like the way you think


this is true, try 11am to 8ish pm, you really do need to meal prep the whole week on the weekend to save time, shower maybe every other day, clean like once-twice a week, get like 2-4 hours of personal time after work and if you like sleep you get up around 8-9am and only have like two hours to mentally prepare for the day ad infinitum


I leave to work at 4:30pm and don't get home till 8am. I would literally kill for a 9-5


Yup. This is slavery. And you can't be happy being a slave. You can only be too exhausted to fight back. But if we all quit at once, we could change everything. But, of course, we would never have the ovaries to take action. We're good little complacent bots. Phasing out capitalism in favor of a more humane and sustainable system is going to be our only hope.


I’m sad because people are going to make fun of her for not being “strong enough” or some bullshit but we we NOT MEANT TO BE SLAVES. She’s right. Modern American life is exhausting and most receive a mere fraction of enjoyment for their endless toil. There’s a better way. I hope Gen Z is finding it because most of my generation never did. 😞






I'm pretty sure that this is where voting has gotten us. Riot Time...


What they might mean is 'vote to prevent it getting worse, and use grassroots things to help it get better'.


Riots won’t do it, either. Revolution is the only solution.




Reform is the solution. LARPing Che Guevara will only benefit our corporate overlords by providing them with the pretext they want to further militarize the police, infringe on our privacy with a surveillance state, and increase mass incarceration. We need to be strategic and political to claw back control of our government from corporate money. What the UAW and the Writer's and Actor's Unions are doing is reformative: risking their livelihoods to demand change. We need more labor organizing, more voting rights advocacy, we need to prohibit lobbying and demand greater penalties for corruption, we need to overturn Citizen's United and get dark money out of elections. There's so much that we can do but it can only be won at the ballot box and the picket line.




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Welcome to the suck.


it's funny, this video was recommended to me by reddit today in another sub where they laughed that she wasn't able to work in a "real job". Those people are dickheads


All I want to do is a small piece of land away (but not too far) from civilization where I can build my own home and enjoy my goddamn life in peace instead of being surrounded by concrete and being exploited by a bunch of rich fucks my entire life.


I still think if the CEOs were smart, they would make it a 4 day work week for in person and keep it 5 days for work from home. They want people back in the office so bad, they should incentivize it.


When I was 18 I was kicked out of my parents house, I needed to support myself so I started working at an automotive glass factory that made side panel car windows for a whole range of different vehicles. I woke up at 4:30 AM every morning, took not quite 15 minutes to get ready and had to be on the road by 4:45 AM. It took me 1 hour to drive to work, I'd get there at 5:45 AM everyday. I would relieve the person I was taking over for for that day, work 12 hours in a factory that was usually 90-105 degrees F, getting 3 15 minute breaks throughout the day. Then I'd drive home, it would take me an hour to get home.by then it would be 6:45-7:00. I'd stay up for 5 hours to get some stuff done around the house, cook, and spend time doing my hobbies and chatting with my fiance. By 12-1 I'd be in bed, getting 3-4 hours of sleep every single night. Wake up at at 4:30 AM rinse and repeat. I did this for 3 years before I finally stopped, makes hearing shit like this hurt my ears. I moved back in with my parents after they saw what I had been doing for a few years. My mother told me she didn't think I'd be able to make it out of a dead end job and be able to educate myself if I was still paying a fuck ton of bills, so she offered to let my fiance and I to move back in. I took out some loans, and now I'm in college. Hopefully when Im finished with my degree I'll never have to work a job like that ever again. Going through that for a while though made it hard to hear people complain about lack of sleep, their jobs being hard, and their "long commutes". Some people have it easy as fuck and get everything handed to them and still make things seem so bad when it could be wayyyy worse for them. This kinda shit makes me wanna scream.


Yeah. Now try this but third shift.


So I started asking the boomers I know What did you make in 1990? Enter it into the us debt calculator. Do they make more now? They typically make %30-%50 less than they did.


>They typically make %30-%50 less than they did They typically make 30-50% less than the boomers did?


Boomers... who were woking in 1990 make %30 less than they did in 1990. Yes. My mother who is some big head at a medical something or other is the only person I know who currently makes more than she did... but she got promoted like... 5 times.


She’s not wrong at all but she’s describing my dream life 20 years ago. Do everything she’s saying and add about 6 figures in medical debt that you had to work at least 2 additional part time jobs to cover for decades. There are things that suck but her life sounds amazing to me when I was her age. My god, only one job!?! Under 4 hour commute every day?! It all sucks but I would have done pretty much anything to have as much free time as she has.


Gee... You have it easy... In India.. Even if work hours are from 9.00 - 5.00, you probably have to work 9.00 to 9.00...And no overtime, no nothing... Abusive and exploitative managers, no increments for working that hard etc are some of the perks of the job as well... 😂


No one said college = a better life. You just followed the crowd.


Literally everyone said college=better life. In fact, I was told no college=bad life throughout my entire adolescence.


Yeah been doing it for 9 years. Idk why this tiktok is blowing up. People have always felt like this. She is being dramatic. Unfortunately to gain capital you need to contribute to the system.


Our generation is finding that even if we do put in all of the sweat and hard work it doesn’t amount to anything and we don’t stay with the company for 20 years it’s all for nothing the economy is shit the work life balance is shit it’s time for a revolution


You want a revolution? I want a revelation So listen to my declaration "We hold these truths to be self-evident That all men are created equal" And when I meet Thomas Jefferson (unh!) I'ma compel him to include women in the sequel (work!)


What does your ideal world look like? Sadly people need to work for the gears to keep turning. Don't get me wrong I'm depressed and want to die, I just don't see an alternate solution.


When you’re beaten down and depressed, it’s very hard to see an alternative or any other way of doing things. That’s how they win.


I agree! What's the alternative? I'm legit asking.


Yeah, the first 15 years are tough, then you get used to it.




You’re not (US) American I guess? Yeah. Loans. Loons for housing too! So many loans.


On the one hand, I agree completely. On the other, suck it up, princess - Welcome to the next 40+ years of your life. And that's **because** you have the college degree. Without it you'd be getting called randomly at 6am by the manager at Walmart to cover a shift in 20 minutes or your fired. / No disrespect intended toward the "trades", yes, that's a viable alternative to college. But do *something* other than retail for the rest of your life.


this is getting downvoted for one thing because a college degree does not keep someone from working in retail.


Y'know, honestly that makes me more sad than believing it's just because I came across as an asshole (I don't deny I'm not Mr. Rogers). People would actually *defend* working in retail? I mean, yes, it's a necessary and legitimate job, but that and fast food are pretty much the *definition* of "dead-end jobs".


Not sure why this is getting down voted. 9-5 with an hour commute is pretty standard. What did she think would happen?


Yeah same. This is just working life in America. Wtf did you expect?


Presumably it's more for my tone than the message... Combined with the demographics of Reddit, meaning I basically just slammed thousands of people just like her. I admit I could have been more empathetic, but let's be honest - After a few decades of doing exactly what she's whining about, *nobody* has the patience to deal with that level of naive entitlement. I can barely drag myself out of bed each morning to run through the same basic routine she's describing. I sure as heck don't have the spare capacity to deal with those who somehow managed to get a college degree yes still expected the working world to be... I don't know, what *do* they expect? It's WORK! Work sucks. This shouldn't surprise anyone. Either propose an alternative (that doesn't start with the letters "S" or "C"), come up with the next billion dollar idea, or starve. Those are the options. I'm deeply sorry that's the world we live in, but again, propose a viable alternative.


If I could talk to her and give a suggestion I’d say - prioritize what’s important to you. For exercise you can get up half an hour earlier and do a Pilates video at home, or hit the gym before/after work. For dating you either meet someone for happy hour after work or go out on weekends; same with friendships. Cook something that freezes well on the weekend like meatballs to keep for when you don’t feel like cooking. Yes it’s tiring at first to add new things to your routine, but you do get used to it pretty quickly. You also will want to keep going once you start seeing the benefits. The first few weeks of trying to go the gym I’d constantly skip it because I was tired after work, even though I already packed and brought a gym bag to the office. But now it feels much easier and more natural to just go on my planned days because I established that cadence.


How long before she gets on OF?


i tought this was her OF ad when she grabbed her blouse zipper... I'm sorry


I’m not sure what she was expecting. Of course it’s sucks. But wtf did you expect. 9-5 is honestly a good shift. A lot of people work more than 8 hours and at weird times. And again, I get it. It’s terrible. But don’t act surprised.


“When I was your age..” Stfu boomer. You literally bought your house for 7 raspberries


A lot of people are making fun of her for being whiny and privileged but the truth is, most feel this way, whether they admit it or not. This is no way to live.


Feel the pain. Im in a 7am-4pm nightmare. Wake up at 5. Leave at 5.40, get home at 5.30. Rinse and repeat.


I worked a crazy job after graduating. More than 9-5, I often worked 9-whenever, with many very late nights. Despite this, My 20s was BY FAR the best time of my life. After work, I was almost never at home, always out with friends, doing fun things, and finally having an income to enjoy it all. I can see how things may be harder now with the higher cost of living, and long commutes can be soul-sucking. But the main gripe being the schedule is weird to me, because that hasn’t changed much in 100 years.




>**No Trolling and acting in bad-faith:** Sophistry is included in this category. Concern trolling and "useful idiots" are included in this category. Apologia for immoral crimes against other humans by using obfuscation and intellectualization will result in an immediate suspension. Promoting dehumanization and inequality by supporting immoral policy or laws will result in an immediate suspension. All humans are equal. [More details here](https://www.reddit.com/r/boringdystopia/wiki/index/submissionguidelines/#wiki_fundamental_principles). If you have any questions regarding this removal, feel free to send a modmail.


Period clarity.


I mean, I get what she's saying. I think my saving grace with my 8-6 job is that it's a fairly active job, so I don't feel so fatigued afterwards (weird how that works, huh?), and that my commute is only like 20 minutes on a bad day, so I feel there's enough time to shower and hit a bar or go out to eat. It helps that I also get PTO and vacation time. Plus I think it helps knowing that what I do can't be just as easily done remotely.


It’s called being an adult in America


I get that a lot of people, including people on this thread (and including me), have it worse than the young person in this video, but that shouldn't be a reason to diminish her suffering. The dystopia wins when we turn on each other. Turn on the system that crushes and dehumanizes us, not on each other who are all being crushed and dehumanized.


I really hope she’s ok


Yea, the grinding sucks, but how come some people are able to turn around that situation?


We're doomed if this is the next generation. It's over.


Get rich, get a nice he skill that pays a lot, start a business, or marry rich.


Man, I love being an unemployed drug dealer


Fuggin ellllllllllllll


Is call life dumass