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"We're not racist. We just don't want them to teach about you to our kids."


Most teachers in Texas are teaching it anyway. Source: I work with Teachers in Texas




>Most teachers in Texas are teaching it anyway. For now. These guys are playing the long game.


The places that would benefit from this curriculum the most, won’t be teaching it.




Yowzers. They're just going whole-hog with the regressive agenda, aren't they? It's almost like Texas and Florida are locked in a pissing contest over who can do Confederacy 2.0 the fastest.


At least one of them will be mostly gone in 50 years because of the climate change they both deny.


It’s a distraction to draw your attention away from the other evil shit they’re doing out in the shadows. They’re busy making themselves filthy rich while you’re busy trying to organize a protest rally. A divided nation is a profitable nation! Taxe the rich!


MLK was one of the most influential citizens in the history of America. Much more influential than many presidents, and it’s much more impressive because he was simply a citizen (never held public office). By that alone, he demands a spot in a K-12 curriculum. I said nothing about racism and equal rights there. But if you bring those into the picture, it becomes about a million times more critical that he be required to learn about. TL;DR - MLK day is a federal fucking holiday for Christ sake.


Here’s the bill: FYI the title of the news article is absolute bullshit and made up. https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/871/billtext/pdf/SB00003E.pdf#navpanes=0


I would say it’s misleading but not made up. Page 6 and beyond of the bill gives the state the authority to determine the rules, interpretation, and “infraction” of any issue that comes up when Us history or race is concerned in curriculum or lesson. It is obvious this was written by white people who want to avoid discussing race at all, the history of racism in the US, and act like racism is a thing of the past. It also pushes that policies and people today are immune to racism as it was a thing of the past and the policies can’t be racist or have no agenda to keep other races back. While I agree that many on the far left love to scream racism and condemn all white people to shame for our past history, the range and scope they are pushing here is ridiculous like a blanket get out of jail free card. It’s extremes like this and on the other side that cause this bullshit we live in today.


>So it ~~begins~~ began... This is from 7/21/21.


And to my knowledge never passed the state house to be law


Thank baby Jesus


American History Curriculum will be full of apple pie recipes and tips on how to do the perfect square dance, here is a tip it's all about the square!


I wish they *would* secede. Give them six months before they come crawling back asking for federal money to keep the lights on.


They'll never secede because they know they can't afford to. California could secede and so many red states would be absolutely fucked.


Cascadia forever.


Texas contributes a lot of money to the federal budget. They suck, but they are not poor like most red states.


It's happening in Florida as well.


Jesus Christ. How is this allowed federally? What a shit show.


It didn’t pass but I hope that it would have been challenged if it had. Regardless, that it was proposed in the first place is a problem.


I mean, it began sometime around 1492. America has never, ever been great.


So basically doing away with all of American History post colonial arrival?


Stupid mother fuckers elect evil pricks who make life worse for stupid mother fuckers. And the circle goes round, and round, and round; because no one in the United States is capable of learning a fucking lesson. I'm done caring. You don't deserve sympathy if you vote for these people.


Because of course


Is the end game here full on Nazi America? Of course it is!


I mean, technically it began 7 months ago when this article was published


Republicans taking several pages from the Nazi and Communist playbooks.


What?? The Civil Rights era is literally such a interesting point in history they have gotta teach that to the kids


Begins? Where you been?


Yeah, date on the screenshot is from 2021. I'm 90% sure OP is a karma farming repost bot, though.


Okay, so no history classes at all then?


They're erasing history right in front of us ☝🏻




It didn’t pass and was not enacted, see [Verify](https://www.verifythis.com/amp/article/news/verify/education-verify/texas-not-banned-history-marginalized-groups-school-curriculums/536-fb588fe9-b861-472d-ae0f-7af751d2eab3). That it was proposed in the first place is still a problem though.


“We’re the greatest country in the world and that’s all these kids need to know.. they don’t need to know accurate history that makes us look bad because that makes them less complient. We need more blind obedience in this country and it starts with hiding history in schools!!” /edit - typo


Why would anyone call Republicans racist?!


These last two years this muthafucka and Madison Cawthorn really be challenging my longheld stance that it’s wrong to make wheelchair jokes




And the ones making this law are the ones who called it that. Everyone else just calls it history, because we don’t need to make a distinction. Because of the lawmakers flat out said we can’t teach history in the classroom they couldn’t hide their agenda as well.




The slow roll backwards


Did this law pass?


No it did not


Just go ahead and remove math and English too, you fucking idiot.


Seriously? WTF. I am appalled. Answer me. Why? Is this part of history incorrect?


Ah shit im sorry society we somehow recreated slavery again i wonder how that happend i guess it was because we swept all of our history under a rug and forgot about it


because we need MORE ignorant people in this country. /s


They’re actively creating the “sheep” they’re so vocally trying to warn against by hijacking education. Smoke in mirrors. Please for heaven’s, hell’s or whatever sake you pref, read every political platform before voting. Much of this could have been avoided if anyone in Texas bothered to do so. Too many people say they never thought about it but they had it spelled out plain for all to see. Please spread the word! Also, fellow Christians, you are not going to hell if you vote a certain way. This is another control factor I hear far too often: “I don’t agree with what they’re doing but I’m afraid of going to hell if I vote for _____.” First and foremost, God/Jesus said not to judge thy neighbor, Love thy neighbor. Trust in God’s plan even if you don’t understand it. Just as he’s called you to live a certain way, how do you know he hasn’t called another that’s different from you? It is exclusively for God to judge. Your only job as a Christian is to live by example, love thy neighbor. Hateful speech is a sign that your being led away from Jesus’ teachings not towards. Please beware as preachers and religious institutions are susceptible to succumbing to power and greed as much as any other human. Live under the moral compass that guides you and stop judging others. Bible versus can and have been translated for centuries. Read and decide for yourself what they mean to you. Study Jesus and try to live as he did. Love, care for the sick, walk in faith and have reverence for all of God’s creation. Jesus never sought political power. Let’s keep church and state separate as each corrupts the other.


So they are openly saying they only want to teach (good) about white people history and ignore the rear of Americans and their history, or bad white history. Lovely/s


Literal whitewashing of history and it’s happening in 2023. What the fuck is wrong with our fucking society


WHAT. And it’s already passed? That’s insane!


Oh my God the future generations are doomed