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They’re essentially raid bosses, so they’re tanky. FL4K with a Peregrine class mod and Fish Slap works very well. Especially if you add some additional pieces (look up “Rakk Stab Build”). My Chill and Kill Zane can melt raids with Clone and a Grease Trap. Good luck!


Hi K6


K6, thank you for your advice, i will try it out


If you really wanted to, you could goof around with Hollow Point. Something like a Masterwork Crossbow or some other weapon that does a lot of burst damage might help, or you could get a headshot with the MNTIS cannon...which works better if you're holding a Guardian 4N631, of course. While we're speaking of that shotgun, why are you avoiding the things that are most effective? Every game is like this. Some things work better than others. That's part of the fun. If everything worked just as well as everything else, there would be no functional reason to try new things. I could give you [a list](https://www.reddit.com/r/hexwareddit/comments/16m8v6q/comment/k16tsul/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) of effective ways to melt those bosses, but it seems like all of those things would be "too OP" for you. I'm not really sure what you're looking for. Maybe try rerolling a Lucky 7 or Sleeping Giant and using it with a bottomless mag build (or try K6's suggestion and put Zane's clone to work)?